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Articles with tag "Poll"
Russian Favorability Toward U.S. Nearly Doubles Since Trump’s Return, Survey Finds
A Levada Center survey conducted in February found that 30% of Russian adults now have a positive view of the U.S., up from 16% in September.
Invasion of Ukraine Has Made Life Worse, Russians Admit
Only 9% of Russian respondents to a new poll said the war had improved their lives.
2 Min read
67% of Russians Say Officials Did Everything to Save Beslan Hostages Despite Relatives' Criticisms
The share of Russians who believe that authorities did everything possible to save the hostages during the Beslan school siege is at its highest level...
3 Min read
More Russians Favor Peace Talks With Ukraine Than Ever – But It’s Complicated
The director of the Levada Center, Russia's last major independent pollster, explains how respondents can support both peace talks and the war itself.
5 Min read
Record Number of Russians Would Reverse Decision to Invade Ukraine – Poll
According to the poll, 37% of respondents would reverse Moscow's decision to invade Ukraine if they could go back in time.
1 Min read
50% of Russians Wish for End to Ukraine War in 2024 – Poll
February 2024 will mark two years since the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine.
1 Min read
1 in 3 Students Looking to Leave Russia – Survey
More than 500 universities, including 30 in occupied Ukrainian territories, were involved in the poll conducted on behalf of the Kremlin.
2 Min read
Russia’s Popularity With Americans Hits Three-Decade Low – Gallup
The pollster called the results “easily the worst ratings” held by Russia in at least 34 years.
2 Min read
Farida Rustamova
Maxim Tovkaylo
What Secret Russian State Polling Tells Us About Support for the War
Do Russians support the war in Ukraine? This question has been discussed intensely since the invasion in February. According to surveys from major Russian...
Putin’s Ratings Drop on Ukraine Draft
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s approval ratings saw their second-largest drop in his two decades in power as discontent brews over his call-up...
Putin’s Global Ratings Drop to 20-Year Low – Pew
Putin saw a drop in support among traditionally more favorable right-wing respondents.
Putin's Approval Surges After Launch of 'Military Operation' in Ukraine
Experts warned against taking the numbers at face value.
4 in 5 Russians Support Taking in East Ukraine Refugees – State Poll
The self-declared separatist republics ordered women, children and the elderly to cross into Russia, claiming Ukraine was planning an offensive.
Ukrainians’ Support for Joining NATO Hits Record High – Poll
Russia and the West are locked in a standoff over Moscow's demand to permanently block Kyiv from the U.S.-led military alliance.
Putin’s Approval Grows Amid Ukraine Tensions – Poll
Both his job approval and trust ratings are on an upward trajectory.
Russians Expect Political, Economic Decline in 2022 – Poll
Independent polling signals a pessimistic outlook among Russians toward the year ahead.
Russians View U.S. More Positively Despite Soaring Tensions – Poll
The survey marks the first time in three years that Russians reported an overall favorable attitude toward the U.S.
2 in 5 Russians Believe War With Ukraine Likely – Poll
Exactly half of those polled blamed the U.S. and other NATO countries for the current tensions in Ukraine.
Putin’s Approval Drops Amid Covid Surge, Partial Lockdown – Poll
Russians’ approval of the president’s job performance dropped to 63% in November from 67% in October.
Half of Russians Are Unafraid of Catching Covid Despite Record Deaths – Poll
The poll results also said Russians remain largely skeptical of their country’s domestically produced vaccines.
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