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Articles with tag "NASA"
U.S., Russian, Belarus ISS Colleagues Return to Earth
The Soyuz spacecraft took off from the Baikonur space port in Kazakhstan on March 23 after a two-day delay following a hitch in pre-launch preparations...
Space Station Docking Mishap Could Have Knock-On Effects – AP
The Nauka laboratory module’s thrusters fired unexpectedly a few hours after docking last week, causing the ISS to spin.
2 Russian Cosmonauts, NASA Astronaut Return from ISS
"It is great to be on this side of things," said NASA astronaut Kate Rubins.
NASA Eyes Reducing Russia Presence – Reports
Sources linked the move to the U.S. discontinuing regular flights aboard Russian spacecraft.
Soyuz Crew Lands Back on Earth Transformed by Pandemic
Footage from the landing site showed recovery crews wearing face masks and rubber gloves.
Putin Gives Top State Honor to U.S. Astronaut Who Survived Russian Rocket Emergency
The award recognizes selfless acts of courage and valor.
Russia’s Norilsk Tops Global List of SO2 Emissions Hot Spots – NASA
Scientists say that excessive exposure to SO2 particles causes long-term respiratory difficulties.
Russia's Space Chief Wants NASA to Explain Withdrawal of Invitation
The head of Roscosmos said he wanted NASA to explain why it had abruptly canceled his planned visit to the United States.
Russian Space Chief Hits Back at Meme-Making Critics, Takes U.S. Snub in Stride
The head of Russia’s space administration wants critics to cut it out with their memes.
Russia Angered by NASA’s Revoked Invitation to U.S.
The U.S. decision to revoke an invitation for Russia’s space chief to visit the country has outraged Russian lawmakers.
'Russia Is No Place for Dreamers:' Meet the Rocket Entrepreneurs Battling Bureaucracy to Conquer Space
Russian rocket scientists with a bold vision of the future struggle against bureaucratic red-tape and a conservative investment climate to build Russia's...
Russia Retires Legendary Soviet-Designed Space Rocket
The Soyuz-U was the largest and oldest version of the Soyuz rocket. It flew 787 missions over 43 years.
Private Russian Airline Gets Green Light For Space Launch
The Russian government has given S7 airlines a license for space operations. The company plans its first launch by the year's end.
Russia's S7 Takes a Giant Leap Into Space
Russia's largest private airline is entering the space race.
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