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Articles with tag "Education"
‘Together Forever’: Russian Schoolchildren Mark 11 Years Since Crimea Annexation With Patriotic Activities
Across Russia, schoolchildren of all ages are taking part in anniversary events that follow the Kremlin's version of the annexation.
For Indigenous Families in Russia, Keeping Language Alive Is an Impossible Task
In Russia's ethnic republics, erasure facilitated by Kremlin-dictated policy has many fearing for the future of their Indigenous languages.
5 Min read
‘Mr. Nobody Against Putin’: A Schoolteacher’s Stand Against Russia’s Child Indoctrination
A documentary filmed by a Russian school events coordinator gives a rare look at how schools have become tools of state propaganda.
8 Min read
Sergey Chernyshov
Russia’s Education System Is Capable of Resistance When They Want To Be
The story of a school in Barnaul shows that teachers can stand up against the state if they work together. But the problem is, they often don't.
5 Min read
‘The Real Truth’: Schools Across Russia Open Ukraine War Museums
Museums dedicated to the war are appearing in Russian schools as the state seeks to indoctrinate all generations with its wartime narrative.
5 Min read
Kremlin Revives Soviet-Style Youth Indoctrination as It Eyes ‘Forever War’ With Ukraine and the West
According to a source close to the Kremlin, the presidential administration is dusting off old Soviet practices and studying them closely.
3 Min read
Russia Develops ‘Spiritual' Psychology University Course
The psychology course is expected to train future mental health professionals how to instill traditional conservative values in their patients.
2 Min read
Wikimedia Russia Shuts Down Amid 'Foreign Agent' Threats
Russia’s communications regulator has accused Wikipedia of allowing the spread of “false” and “unreliable” information about the war in Ukraine...
2 Min read
Russia Tracks Academics With Foreign Contacts as Treason Cases Rise – Reports
“I’ve dealt with similar tasks in the past, but this is the first time I’ve come across lists of this scale,” an official told the Mozhem Obyasnit...
2 Min read
In Search of Sanctuary: The Charities Helping Ukrainian and Russian Academics to Escape
Hundreds of academics and researchers in science and the arts have fled Ukraine, Russia and Belarus since the start of the war.
7 Min read
Russian Mercenary Convicted for Murder Speaks at School – Reports
Alexander Raspravin was welcomed as a local hero with war stories from Russia’s nearly 20-month invasion of Ukraine.
2 Min read
Russia Bans Central European University as ‘Undesirable’ Org
The Vienna-based university is accused of working to shape an “anti-Russian agenda” in the global media.
1 Min read
Russia to Hike Spending on ‘Patriotic Education’ Fourfold – RBC
A total of $450 million will be allocated toward various youth movements, school officials engaged in “patriotic” education, state insignia, and monitoring...
2 Min read
Jade McGlynn
Russia Is Preparing the Next Generation to Die for Their Country
It’s hard to escape the impression that the clubs Russian children have to join are doing anything other than teaching them to kill or be killed.
5 Min read
'Advocating for War is Wrong': Russian Teachers Resign Over Refusal to Allow Ukraine Veterans in Class
The incident reflects the dilemma facing Russian teachers who wish to keep politics out of the classroom.
3 Min read
Russian University Fires Opposition Activist Galyamina Over 'Foreign Agent' Status
Yulia Galyamina was returned to her position at RANEPA following a court battle over a previous dismissal, but the university on Tuesday fired her again...
2 Min read
Russian Universities Admit 8.5K Ukraine War Veterans and Their Children
Putin in 2022 ordered a 10% university admission quota for war veterans and their children, granting them priority and clearing them of entrance exams...
1 Min read
Students in Russia, Ukraine and Occupied Territories Head Back to School
Children marked Knowledge Day for the second time since the start of the war.
1 Min read
Moscow’s Higher School of Economics to Fund War Veterans’ Education
Those who fight in Ukraine and their family members will qualify for an all-expenses-paid education.
2 Min read
1 in 3 Students Looking to Leave Russia – Survey
More than 500 universities, including 30 in occupied Ukrainian territories, were involved in the poll conducted on behalf of the Kremlin.
2 Min read
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