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Articles with tag "Art"
In Photos: Russians Burn Fortress Effigy to Mark Maslenitsa Holiday
At the Nikola-Lenivets art park, festival-goers celebrated the end of winter by watching a massive wooden fortress burn while wearing traditional costumes...
Chronicling Change: Boris and Vita Mikhailov on Art, War and Memory
The renowned Ukrainian photographer and his wife and creative partner speak about his new exhibition, their artistic process and the evolving themes in...
6 Min read
The Best of Russian Diaspora Art 2024
Russian artists in exile are finding their footing in their new reality, however temporary or permanent.
4 Min read
Repin Painting Returns to Moscow’s Tretyakov Gallery Nearly 7 Years After Vandal Attack
“Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan” was ripped in three places when an intoxicated museum visitor attacked it with a metal pole in May 2018.
1 Min read
Artist Nadya Raplya: ‘If Putin Is Gone, I’ll Be in Moscow Tomorrow’
The dissident artist spoke to MT about using art for political expression during wartime, artistic repression inside Russia and rediscovering her creativity...
6 Min read
Artist Anastasia Samoylova on 'Floridas,' Life in the U.S., and the Road to The Met
Samoylova's “Floridas” marks the first exhibition at an institution of The Met's stature for a Russian-born artist of her generation.
7 Min read
Irina Mak
How Anti-Kremlin Artists Are Diagnosing a Sick Regime
Two and a half years after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, this art is seen less as a protest than as a testimony — or, rather, as a diagnosis.
6 Min read
Exiled Russian Artist Philippenzo: ‘I Turned My Cell into a Creative Studio’
The contemporary artist discusses creating art in jail, visiting Ukraine after the Russian invasion, his first solo exhibition and more.
12 Min read
Artist Artiom Loskutov: ‘The Totalitarian Game Became Reality’
The exiled artist discusses the challenges of addressing war in one’s art, commenting on other countries' conflicts as a Russian and more.
7 Min read
Artist and Writer Linor Goralik: ‘Less Talk, More Work’
The Ukrainian-born artist, who lives in Israel, speaks to The Moscow Times about her tireless work in art, media, literature and jewelry since 2022.
11 Min read
From Soviet Past to Russia's Present: Artist Otdelnov Faces Down His Native City's Ghosts in New Exhibition
"I look back to the history of my hometown to discover the origins of the catastrophe unfolding before our eyes today," the award-winning artist says.
3 Min read
Police Search Moscow’s Garage Museum – Reports
It was unclear why police may have been performing searches at Garage.
1 Min read
The Year of Art Deco Artist Tamara de Lempicka
The painter known for her stylized portraits has a Broadway musical and a huge retrospective this year.
5 Min read
Art Critic Nina Moleva Dies at 98, Leaving Estimated $2Bln Collection to Putin
Moleva was said to own a collection of more than 1,000 pieces of art, including works by masters like da Vinci, Rembrandt and Michelangelo.
2 Min read
Russia Issues Arrest Warrant for Anti-War Street Artist Philippenzo
In September, police detained Filipp Kozlov for “politically motivated vandalism,” after which he fled the country.
1 Min read
Russian Street Artist Faces Prison Term for Anti-War Graffiti – Polygon Media
The news outlet said Filipp Kozlov was "preliminarily" charged with “politically motivated vandalism,” an offense punishable by up to three years...
2 Min read
Revered Russian Icon Handed Over to Church Despite Protests From Art Experts
President Vladimir Putin's order to transfer Andrei Rublev's “Trinity” to the Russian Orthodox Church drew concern that the painting could be damaged...
1 Min read
Amsterdam's Hermitage Museum Renamed Over Russia Link
The museum had severed ties with the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg weeks after Moscow's invasion of Ukraine.
1 Min read
In Photos: Renowned Orthodox Icon Displayed at Moscow Cathedral
Andrei Rublev's "Trinity," one of the most important Russian icons, was moved despite its extremely fragile state.
1 Min read
Tretyakov Gallery Defies Putin’s Orders to Hand Historic Icon to Church
The gallery concluded that Andrei Rublev’s “Trinity” cannot be taken out of the art museum due to its “complicated and unstable condition.”
2 Min read
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