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Articles with tag "Expats"
Money Transfers From Russia Fall in Wartime First
Remittances from Russia to Kazakhstan, Georgia, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan totaled $625.9 million, a 33% drop compared to the same time last year.
Russia to Build ‘Migrant Village’ for Conservative American Expats
A Moscow immigration lawyer claimed that “around 200 families” wish to emigrate to Russia for “ideological reasons.”
2 Min read
Westerners Face Lengthy Interrogations at Russian Border Amid Ukraine War
"There were lots of... FSB, and different people coming in over the course of the five hours,” said a U.K. national.
Westerners Who Stayed in Russia Find Home Transformed By War
Some Europeans and U.S. citizens living in Russia refused to leave despite an exodus following the invasion of Ukraine.
Russian Diaspora Aims to Inform and Influence Ahead of Duma Vote
The Vote Abroad initiative is a decentralized, grassroots movement organized online across more than 40 countries.
Russia Ranked Among Worst Destinations for Expat Living
Russia outperformed only South Africa, Italy and Kuwait across a range of categories including quality of life and ease of settling in.
Artemy Troitsky
Why Russians in New York and Amsterdam Voted for Putin (Op-ed)
Consciously or not, Russian expats long for the protective arms of the motherland.
Justin Lifflander
There’s a Glimmer of Hope in U.S.-Russia Relations (Op-ed)
The world is looking to Russia and America for a new kind of INF Treaty
Natalia Antonova
Don't Romanticize Russia's 'Wild' Years (Op-ed)
No one has accused Matt Taibbi or Mark Ames of sexual harassment. But their writing left a loathsome mark on some Moscow expats
Russia Plummets on Ranking of top Destinations for Expats
Singapore landed the top spot in the survey as the best destination for expats overall for the third consecutive year.
Popular Expat Haunt Starlite Diner Catches Fire in Central Moscow
Moscow expats took to Twitter to lament the “end of an era.”
'What Keeps Me in Moscow Is the Pace of Life'
Tom Blackwell is the CEO of the EM (Emerging Markets) corporate/strategic communications (PR) firm, which is working to expand Moscow’s business networks...
Phoenix From the Flames: The Story of Moscow Through Foreigners’ Eyes
A cartographic adventure through time and space awaits visitors at the Museum of Moscow. See how the city has changed since the 18th century through the...
Tunnel Vision: Exploring Moscow's Secret Underworld
A tour of the Neglinnaya River takes you into a labyrinth deep under the city and (almost) all the way to the Kremlin.
Butler: Sicilian at Your Service
This new Ginza Project establishment focuses on seafood classics from southern Italy.
Say Cheese
There’s one thing arts guru Ruth Addison can’t get enough of
Sleepless in St. Petersburg: Make the Most of White Nights
Midsummer is the perfect time to head north to Russia’s former imperial capital and experience its famed "White Nights." Here are our tips on how to...
Creatures Great and Small: 7 Places For City Kids to Meet Animals
For many children, even ordinary domestic pets are magical creatures. Here are our top places for kids to interact with animals in safe, sanitary, and...
Come Together
For Rabbi Yaakov Klein, Moscow is about building community.
Quiet City
For Tommy Yang, Moscow is a far cry from Beijing.
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