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Articles by Yulia Latynina
Yulia Latynina
The Kremlin’s Lack of Control Has Made Me Flee Russia (Op-ed)
After years of working as an independent journalist in Russia, Yulia Latynina has decided to leave.
Yulia Latynina
Are the Donbass Separatists Paid Stooges?
When former Yukos CEO Mikhail Khodorkovsky visited Donetsk a week ago, the masked men holding the regional administration building refused to let him...
Yulia Latynina
Russia's New War Technology in Ukraine
The dismemberment of Ukraine is practically complete. President Vladimir Putin has created his "New Russia" almost without firing a shot.
Yulia Latynina
Ayatollah Putin
Russia is now experiencing exactly the same thing that Iran went through with the Islamic Revolution of 1979. The only difference is that Russia's...
Yulia Latynina
The Rise and Fall of Right Sector
Even while Russia's state-controlled television has been alarming its viewers with stories about "fascists" in the Right Sector
Yulia Latynina
Soon, Buyers Will Use Gas as a Weapon
Three weeks ago, just as Russia was in the early stages of annexing Crimea, I wrote in this space that the most strategic move the West could take...
Yulia Latynina
War in Ukraine Looking More Likely
On the same day that Russia annexed Crimea, the U.S. imposed laughable sanctions against Moscow.
Yulia Latynina
The Ideology of Losers
All of the totalitarian leaders of the 20th century, including Stalin, believed they were superior to the West and would ultimately win out over Western...
Yulia Latynina
Send Heidi Tagliavini to Crimea
Western diplomats must be asking themselves: "How can we influence the Kremlin after Russia's seizure of Crimea? What should we do about President Vladimir...
Yulia Latynina
Why Russia Is Out of This World
German Chancellor Angela Merkel reportedly expressed doubt that President Vladimir Putin was in touch with reality after her recent phone conversation...
Yulia Latynina
The Truth Behind Ekho Moskvy's Troubles
The authorities have waged attacks against two major independent media outlets in recent weeks. First, they staged a 1930s-style public campaign against...
Yulia Latynina
Why Plushenko Called It Quits in Sochi
Yevgeny Plushenko, Russia's only representative in men's singles figure skating at the Olympics, withdrew from the competition due to a spinal injury...
Yulia Latynina
Rain, Rain, Go Away
The authorities have effectively prohibited the Dozhd television channel from broadcasting on cable television.
Yulia Latynina
Yanukovych's Unlimited Stupidity
Former German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer once said, "In view of the fact that God limited the intelligence of man, it seems unfair that He did not also...
Yulia Latynina
Selective Psychoses
Mikhail Kosenko, one of the demonstrators arrested by the authorities for his role in the May 6, 2012 rally protesting President Vladimir Putin's return...
Yulia Latynina
The False Gifts of the Magi
The line of people waiting to see the Gifts of the Magi at Moscow's main cathedral now stretches for kilometers. The faithful stand for hours...
Yulia Latynina
Thanks, Angela Merkel, for Freeing Khodorkovsky
Former Yukos CEO Mikhail Khodorkovsky has German Chancellor Angela Merkel to thank for his newfound freedom
Yulia Latynina
The New State Media Behemoth
President Vladimir Putin has dismantled RIA Novosti and replaced it with the Rossia Sevodnya news agency to improve Russia’s image in the world. The...
Yulia Latynina
Medvedev's Dumb Phone
Russian Technologies head Sergei Chemezov presented Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev with what he called "the first Russian smartphone."
Yulia Latynina
Yanukovych Is No Alpha Male
I find the differences between Ukraine and Russia fascinating
Yulia Latynina
Why Yanukovych Spat in the EU's Soup
President Vladimir Putin can now rejoice. Ukraine will not sign an association agreement with the European Union.
Yulia Latynina
Saving the Economy by Outlawing Dollars
State Duma deputy and Liberal Democratic Party member Mikhail Degtyarev has introduced a bill that would obligate the government to seize Russians'...
Yulia Latynina
The Treads of Russia's Gas Tank
A few days ago, Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych made the remarkable statement that, by mining its own shale gas deposits, Ukraine would end its...
Yulia Latynina
Why Russia's Olympic Flame Is a Flub
In a typical Russian scheme, a defense industry factory director owns a private business on site and pockets all of its profits, while the government...
Yulia Latynina
Georgian Voters Duped by Empty Promises
Georgian Dream party candidate Giorgi Margvelashvili won the country's presidential election Sunday.
Yulia Latynina
Of Moscow's 12 million residents, 2.5 million are migrants, and 18 percent of all births in the capital are the children of those migrants.
Yulia Latynina
A Grudge Against the World
Prominent patriot and State Duma Deputy Andrei Isayev and his aide were kicked off a plane last week for drunken shenanigans.
Yulia Latynina
Rutskoi's Avatar in the Kremlin
It is a commonly held belief that Aug. 21, 1991 and Oct. 4, 1993 — the dates on which the State Committee of the State of Emergency collapsed
Yulia Latynina
Parasitic Police State
The government has published its budget through 2016. It includes an increase in defense spending in 2014 from 15.7 percent of the budget to 17...
Yulia Latynina
Reforms Spell the End for Russian Sciences
No sooner had the Moscow mayoral election ended on Sept. 8 than the State Duma passed a law reforming the Russian Academy of Science, or RAS, in a...
Yulia Latynina
How Yevgeny Roizman Became Mayor
The story of how opposition figure and social activist Yevgeny Roizman beat the authoritarian system and won the mayoral race in Yekaterinburg,...
Yulia Latynina
Finally, a Clean Election
I spent all of Sunday monitoring elections at several polling stations. I was impressed. Fair elections have returned to Moscow. Not a single vote...
Yulia Latynina
Landmark Contest is a Symbol of Russia
The Rossia 10 contest organized by the Russian Geographic Society and created to promote Russia as "a unique country with a rich cultural and natural...
Yulia Latynina
Navalny Is First to Run a U.S.-Style Campaign
Russia is seeing its first real election campaign for a mayoral post in many years. Actually, it is more of a one-man campaign run by opposition leader...
Yulia Latynina
Why Kleptocracies Don't Get Along
The real reason for the trip was that it was apparently Putin's last attempt to convince Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych to join the Customs...
Yulia Latynina
Pedophilia in the Presidential Suite
Last week a jury found Vasily Midtsev, the leader of the children's club Young Eagles of the Navy, guilty of pedophilia.
Yulia Latynina
Why Putin Backers Love Bloodhound Gang
During a recent concert in Ukraine, Jared Hasselhoff, the bass guitarist of the U.S rock group Bloodhound Gang, shoved a Russian flag down his pants to...
Yulia Latynina
Putin's Magic Pike
While vacationing in Tuva — although we don't know exactly when he took the vacation — President Vladimir Putin caught a pike weighing 21 kilograms...
Yulia Latynina
Kremlin Sadists Are Torturing Navalny
Many are wondering why Navalny was convicted last Thursday, taken into custody and then released pending his appeal the very next day.
Yulia Latynina
The Snowden Paradox
Edward Snowden, the ideological warrior for freedom of information, is requesting that Russia grant him political asylum from the dictatorial U.S....
Yulia Latynina
Terrorists Without Borders
It is amusing to watch CNN and the BBC and hear all of the talk about “freedom” coming to Egypt, particularly when the Muslim Brotherhood — one of...
Yulia Latynina
The New Iron Curtain
The current upheavals in Egypt might signal the start of a new chapter in world history. A new Iron Curtain is rapidly descending over the Middle East...
Yulia Latynina
Stop Sweeping Terror Under The Carpet
Another suicide bomber blew himself up on Monday. This time, it happened in the arrivals hall of Domodedovo Airport.
Yulia Latynina
Raising Patriots Rather Than Physicists
United Russia is apparently planning to solve the problem of Russia’s “brain drain” once and for all. Thanks to its proposed school reforms, there...
Yulia Latynina
The World Is Liquid
If Russia were only sitting on the sidelines of the global economy while other countries develop, this would be bad in and of itself. But the real problem...
Yulia Latynina
Putin's Fascism Lite
There are two reasons for the outbreak of ultranationalist violence in Russia. The first is Caucasus fascism, which is a serious problem for Russia in...
Yulia Latynina
New Traces of Polonium-210
Two weeks after Alexander Litvinenko's poisoning death in London, Russian special presidential representative Anatoly Safonov dined in Paris with U.S....
Yulia Latynina
While leading publications like the Guardian, El Pais, Der Spiegel and The New York Times were publishing in-depth analytical articles based on documents...
Yulia Latynina
Promises, Promises
It must be nice to be president. Could you imagine if every half hour Ekho Moskvy radio announced instead of the news: “Tomorrow at this time you’ll...
Yulia Latynina
WikiLeaks Is Fighting the Wrong Enemy
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was motivated by one noble principle — that good should prevail over evil. But instead of being used to fight North...
Yulia Latynina
The Real Reason for Moscow’s Traffic Jams
On Sunday, at least 2,000 people turned out for a demonstration in defense of the Tsagovsky forest. This was in Zhukovsky, a city of roughly 100,000 people...
Yulia Latynina
Who Ordered Kashin’s Beating?
Perhaps the one positive aspect of the vicious beating of Kommersant journalist Oleg Kashin on Saturday is that the list of suspects is confined to a small...
Yulia Latynina
Census Doesn't Count
China is a census expert. What about Russia’s recent nationwide census? The main object is for the census takers to record as many taxpayers as possible...
Yulia Latynina
Fires? What Fires?
Any government that is accountable to the people dedicates a substantial amount of time to analyzing and reporting on its actions and mistakes. Visitors...
Yulia Latynina
Supporting Terrorist Values
In the 1930s, left-wingers in the West loved to criticize the “bourgeois, bloody regimes” of Western governments for their false facade of democracy...
Yulia Latynina
Guerilla Warfare Against Cops
A video titled “Primorye Partisan” has been making the rounds on the Internet. It was made by a gang of self-proclaimed guerrillas in the Primorye...
Yulia Latynina
Going From Populist to Puppet
Why did Yury Luzhkov put up such a strong fight? If public office is a politician’s only guarantor of his wealth and business holdings, he will do whatever...
Yulia Latynina
Putin Divides and Rules
It was no coincidence that President Dmitry Medvedev decided to fire Mayor Yury Luzhkov while he was on a state visit to China, a country where “losing...
Yulia Latynina
Turning Drivers Into Slaves
One of the strangest laws that President Dmitry Medvedev has passed since the start of the crisis was the one that dictates that a driver’s blood should...
Yulia Latynina
The Internet Ends TV’s Monopoly
Long before Vladimir Putin established a monopoly on natural resources, the economy and parliament, he established a monopoly on television in the early...
Yulia Latynina
The Coolest Leader in the World
After Prime Minister Vladimir Putin cruised around the Far East in a Lada Kalina for 11 days, political pundits claimed that it was the start of his presidential...
Yulia Latynina
Putin’s Ticking Time Bomb
Moscow’s horrendous daily traffic jams and this summer’s wildfires have something in common: The roots of both of these problems can be found in the...
Yulia Latynina
Bout, Sechin and a Political Firestorm
Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has expressed support for Viktor Bout, a Russian citizen and suspected arms dealer who is set to be extradited to the United...
Yulia Latynina
Putin’s Priorities
Disaster response can be evaluated by three measures: whether a system can predict the catastrophe; whether it can react quickly;
Yulia Latynina
Will the Real Caucasus Emir Please Stand Up
Chechen militant Doku Umarov's unexpected resignation and subsequent retraction suggests that he is no more the head of the Caucasus Emirate
Yulia Latynina
Putin Sang Songs While Russia Burned
Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has promised to severely punish bureaucrats who did not properly fight the fires
Yulia Latynina
The Mole Who Gave Away Russia’s Spies
The 10 “illegals” have returned home to official fanfare. But at least one important question remains: Who ratted them out?