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Articles by Vladislav Inozemtsev
Vladislav Inozemtsev
What Will Shake Russians' Apathy Toward the War?
In an atomized society, individuals are almost exclusively concerned with their personal interests. It is only once those interests are threatened that...
4 Min read
Vladislav Inozemtsev
Russia's Eurasian Alliances Are Unraveling. We Must Use That To Our Advantage
Undermining the Eurasian project is a task that can bring maximum benefits to the free world at a minimal cost.
4 Min read
Vladislav Inozemtsev
Dmitry Gudkov
Dmitry Nekrasov
Let 3 Million Russians Come to Europe – And Take 500 Billion Euros Out of Putin's Pockets
The West should view the treatment of Russian diasporas in the context of economic rather than political struggle against Putin’s dictatorship.
4 Min read
Vladislav Inozemtsev
Sanction the Right People in Russia
The people who proclaim themselves to be the authors of the "Putin Doctrine" remain untouched by Western sanctions.
Vladislav Inozemtsev
Russia's Third Cold War
We cannot separate what is happening now from the previous “cold wars” or the obvious lessons to be learned from them.
Vladislav Inozemtsev
Russia’s Quarantine Is Over, But the Pandemic Isn’t
Public health indicators all point to it being far too early for the end of lockdown, but politics prevailed.
Vladislav Inozemtsev
Russia's Confused Coronavirus Response
The authorities pretend that they are leading, while the people try to pretend that they are following orders.
Vladislav Inozemtsev
Pessimism Sweeps Russia
The situation is somewhat more complicated than the ruled losing faith in their rulers. Russia’s rulers also seem to be losing faith in themselves.
Vladislav Inozemtsev
Russia’s Mysterious Pension Reform (Op-ed)
Pension reform is unpopular and politically dangerous, so why is the Kremlin suddenly determined to implement it?
Vladislav Inozemtsev
No Quick Fix for Russian Economy (Op-Ed)
This year got off to a bad start. Oil prices fell to below $30 per barrel and a budget deficit of at least 5 percent seemed inevitable. But now Russia's...
Vladislav Inozemtsev
A Struggling Ukraine Is Bad News for Russians
As a Muscovite, it seemed to me in 2004 that the events unfolding in Ukraine would determine the future of Russia.
Vladislav Inozemtsev
Putin at the UN: Sorting Optimism From Reality (Op-Ed)
President Vladimir Putin's speech before the UN General Assembly this coming Monday has every chance of becoming the main Russian foreign policy event...
Vladislav Inozemtsev
Putin Is Waking Up From Chinese Pipe Dream
Russia's President Vladimir Putin is currently in Beijing to attend a celebration of the 70th anniversary of Allied Powers' victory over Japan in World...
Vladislav Inozemtsev
Russia Is Following the Belarussian Example
Belarus has taken many dubious and even strange steps in recent years that Russia has dutifully emulated like a devoted pupil.
Vladislav Inozemtsev
EU Can Win the Battle for Its Eastern Neighbors
The Eastern Partnership summit began in Riga yesterday. It brings together six former Soviet republics that are striving, in various degrees, to cooperate...
Vladislav Inozemtsev
Russia Should Rethink Victory Day
Russia needs to rethink how it celebrates Victory Day, writes columnist Vladislav Inozemtsev.
Vladislav Inozemtsev
Russians Must Say No to Isolation, Yes to Europe
Last spring, after Russia annexed Crimea and began intervening in eastern Ukraine, the United States and the European Union introduced sanctions against...
Vladislav Inozemtsev
Russia Must Stop Glorifying War in Ukraine
The ruble's rapid collapse at the end of 2014 — and the resulting rush to buy foreign currency, the mobs of shoppers snatching up consumer goods...
Vladislav Inozemtsev
Putin's Speech Fails to Inspire
The American people can have faith that the system works and that these words will lead to the promised actions. Not so in Russia.
Vladislav Inozemtsev
How Europeans Can Punish Putin for MH17
Putin should know that Western civil society will mobilize its resources against his course.
Vladislav Inozemtsev
The Ruble's Senseless and Harmful Devaluation
This time will not be another 1998, when the sharp drop in the ruble's value led to growth.
Vladislav Inozemtsev
Russia Is on a Road to Nowhere
Russia's reversal away from the West, which started in 2012, is a dead-end manuever because Russia cannot survive without the outside world, writes...
Vladislav Inozemtsev
Putin's Ukraine Gambit Isn't Unprecedented
In both instances, the fears of a small group decided the foreign policy of a world power.
Vladislav Inozemtsev
Why Economic Growth Doesn't Matter in Russia
Russia is unique among developed countries in that the rate of economic growth changes neither the behavior of elites nor the population's loyalty...
Vladislav Inozemtsev
Russia Pivoted East Centuries Ago
President Vladimir Putin's recent visit to China, made amid worsening relations with the West, has been perceived in the broader context of the search...
Vladislav Inozemtsev
A Subtle Similarity Between Hitler and Putin
Although Putin's domestic policies seem tame compared to Hitler's, his foreign policy could be just as disruptive.
Vladislav Inozemtsev
Sanction Crimea, Not the Kremlin
The conflict between Russia and the Western world has created a complicated dilemma.
Vladislav Inozemtsev
Yanukovych Is Resisting the Irresistible
Authorities must now prove their legitimacy on a daily basis. Money and force cannot control the political movements of this global era.
Vladislav Inozemtsev
The Kremlin's Mega-Bridges to Nowhere
Huge, state-financed infrastructure projects do little to boost the economy. For every ruble the state spends, only 40 kopeks remain in the economy...
Vladislav Inozemtsev
Russia Declares New 'Cold War' in Its Far North
If Russia initiates a full-scale drive to develop its far north, it will likely break the economy.
Vladislav Inozemtsev
A Smarter Way to Fight Corruption
Instead of the Magnitsky Act, the U.S. should help the Kremlin engage Russian civil society in the battle against corruption.
Vladislav Inozemtsev
More Respect for Russia Would Go a Long Way
The measure of wisdom for a great power like the U.S. is its ability to treat large, influential partners like Russia as equals.
Vladislav Inozemtsev
How to Improve Special Economic Zones
Special economic zones are a standard method of incorporating the economy of a newly industrialized country into the global economy. But Russia does not...
Vladislav Inozemtsev
Creating a Two-Party System
The presidential election on March 4 was crucial for Russia, a country that many observers believed was on the brink of a "color revolution." There...
Vladislav Inozemtsev
In Favor of Simple Solutions To Solve the Euro Crisis
The world is rapidly entering a period of economic turbulence. Governments all over the world that poured billions of dollars, pounds and euros into failing...
Vladislav Inozemtsev
Revisiting Island of Stability
It might seem that the current economic downturn will be a repeat of 2008. As that crisis was quickly spreading around the world in early 2008, Russian...
Vladislav Inozemtsev
Manufacturing Your Way to Modernization
The past 20 years have seen a rethinking of many assumptions that were considered indisputable in the early 1990s. Francis Fukuyama's "end of history"...
Vladislav Inozemtsev
Shortest Route From China to Russia Is Via EU
Russia's economic development has faced many challenges over the past two decades, but upgrading the country's infrastructure remains one of the most...
Vladislav Inozemtsev
No Ride Up the Career Ladder
It is telling that the Agency for Strategic Initiatives that Prime Minister Vladimir Putin plans to create was unveiled during the same Volgograd speech...
Vladislav Inozemtsev
Why Investors Are Shivering
President Dmitry Medvedev publicly acknowledged last week what everyone has known for two decades: The investment climate in Russia is bad. While the measures...
Vladislav Inozemtsev
Standing Up to Dictators
Today, when the abuse of power is becoming more prevalent, Russia, the United States, the European Union and other global leaders should unite forces...
Vladislav Inozemtsev
Modernization Is Not Perestroika
We are now at the two-year mark of President Dmitry Medvedev’s modernization program, and if you look at where perestroika was two years after it was...
Vladislav Inozemtsev
European Standard for Russia’s Modernization
Amid all of the talk of modernization, the Russian economy is gradually changing, but it is doing so despite government modernization policies and programs...