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Articles by Vladimir Goryachev
Supreme Court Finds Violations in Pussy Riot Prison Sentences
The Supreme Court has found violations in the sentence handed down to members of the feminist punk collective Pussy Riot and ordered a review of their...
Transportation Ministry Against Limiting Aircraft Service Life
The Transportation Ministry is against limiting the service life of planes, going against an idea proposed by State Duma deputies in the wake of a...
Moscow State University Rector Denies Massive Staff Cuts
The head of Moscow State University on Thursday vigorously denied an allegation by a group of academics that Russia's leading institution of higher education...
Sports Ministry to Oversee Stadium Construction for World Cup 2018
The sports ministry may gain oversight responsibility for the construction of football stadiums for the World Cup in 2018, with the right to commission...
Russia Softens Charge in Greenpeace Case
The Investigative Committee said it had dropped the piracy charges against 30 people who were on board Greenpeace’s Arctic Sunrise ship, replacing them...
Navalny Backs Economic Amnesty, Windfall Tax on Privatized Assets
Mayoral candidate Alexei Navalny has voiced support for an economic amnesty and a windfall tax on some privatized assets at a high-profile meeting...
A Quarter of Private Pension Funds Post Losses in the First Half of 2013
Of 59 local pension fund portfolios managed by 48 private companies, 15 posted a loss in the first half of the year, according to Russian Pension...
Gazprom Split Mulled as a Response to Shale Gas Revolution
The Kremlin may respond to the "shale gas revolution" by splitting Gazprom into two companies in charge of gas production and transportation, a news...
Antitrust Suspects Samsung, Nokia, Dell of Violating Copyright Law
The Federal Anti-Monopoly Service has revealed a list of 23 importers whom the watchdog suspects of failing to pay copyright fees to the Russian...
Alfa Sets Up Venture With Irish Company
Alfa Group will help IBRC recover assets previously owned by Quinn Group.
U.S. 'Tried to Use' Deceased Russian Kids as Organ Donors
The Foreign Ministry said organs from adopted Russian children who died in the U.S. may have been used in transplants, a news report said Monday.
Bolivia Approves Gazprom's Buy of Gas Project Stake
The lower house of Bolivia's legislative assembly passed a bill allowing GP Exploracion SL, a Gazprom subsidiary, to acquire a 20 percent stake in the...
Shuvalov Dampens Regions' Expectations for World Cup Financing
First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov said that the 540 billion rubles ($18 billion) the regions have asked for preparation for the football World...