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Articles by Victor Davidoff
Victor Davidoff
Are Western Brands as Serious About Withdrawing From Russia as They Appear?
Last week, Mercedes-Benz became the latest Western company to announce that it had sold off its assets in Russia – including its factory outside...
Victor Davidoff
Reading the Tea Leaves of Russia’s Pro-War ‘Z-Universe’
One of the by-products of the Ukraine war has been the emergence of the online “Z-Universe," an enormous network of websites and social media accounts...
Victor Davidoff
The Long, Brutal History of Russian Prisoners of War
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Saturday signed off on amendments to the Criminal Code that include a new article on “Voluntary Surrender.&rdquo...
Victor Davidoff
Who Killed Daria Dugina? Untruths and Consequences
The big question is not so much who killed Dugina, but what actions will her death justify?
Victor Davidoff
The Russian Revolution Failed. Long Live the Revolution!
A Soviet dissident who paid the price once and once again, looks back at the last 31 years.
Victor Davidoff
Sergei Kovalev: The White Crow of Russian Government
Kovalev proved that you can fight for your principles over decades — and sometimes win.
Victor Davidoff
Vladimir Voinovich and his Moral Compass
The writer Vladimir Voinovich died on Friday night in Moscow at the age of 85.
Victor Davidoff
Atheism on Trial in Russia's Stavropol
In a courtroom in Stavropol, Viktor Krasnov, a physician's assistant, is accused of the same crime as Giordano Bruno, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and Salman...
Victor Davidoff
Open Society and Its Enemies in Putin's Russia (Op-Ed)
What's going on in Russia? It's simple to understand if you remember history.
Victor Davidoff
Russia Has Political Prisoner Deja Vu (Op-Ed)
The number of political prisoners per capita in Russia today is much higher than the number back in the Soviet Union, writes columnist Victor Davidoff...
Victor Davidoff
A New Iron Curtain Is Descending Over Russia
On July 28, the office of the Russian prosecutor general declared the U.S. National Endowment for Democracy (NED) an "undesirable organization."
Victor Davidoff
Russians Will Suffer in Putin's New Cold War
The destruction of Flight MH17 was the last nail in the coffin of the reassuring theory that a repeat of the Cold War was impossible, writes columnist...
Victor Davidoff
Duma Masks Internet Crackdown By Citing 'iPhone Pedophiles'
How can you spot a pedophile? Just ask Russian Duma Deputy Yelena Mizulina. She knows: a pedophile always has an iPhone.
Victor Davidoff
Kremlin Wary of a Second Afghanistan in Ukraine
The situation in eastern Ukraine may be unusual for modern Europe, filled as it is with warring factions fighting for unclear objectives, but it is not...
Victor Davidoff
Russia Moves Ever Closer to the Soviet Union
In early June, the Dutch organization Human Rights Initiative for the Former U.S.S.R. published its most recent list of political prisoners in Russia...
Victor Davidoff
High Casualties in Kremlin's Information War
Russia's independent media is being punished for providing an alternative to state-controlled news on Ukraine, writes columnist Victor Davidoff.
Victor Davidoff
A Real Patriot Loves His Country, Not the State
Putin once famously said, "After Mahatma Gandhi died, there was nobody left to talk with." But Putin has no problem chatting with Assad and Iranian leaders...
Victor Davidoff
An Internet Censorship Law Right Out of '1984'
A new bill will require Intenet and social network providers to give the FSB full access to users' posts and e-mails.
Victor Davidoff
Putin's Fabricated Anti-Semitism in Ukraine
The rise in anti-Semitic attacks in Ukraine are beneficial to the Kremlin to help it demonize the Maidan revolution as a bunch of violent "fascists...
Victor Davidoff
Why Russians Long for the Soviet Union
For many Russians, particularly for those who were born after the Soviet collapse, the Soviet Union is just a mythical golden age of a great power that...
Victor Davidoff
Putin's Brave New Russia
When a number of Internet sites were blocked on Thursday, it was like a bolt out of the blue.
Victor Davidoff
Putin's Crimean Anschluss
Like Hitler, who justified his aggression as "concern for the lives of our German compatriots," Putin also justified the occupation of Crimea by concern...
Victor Davidoff
The Return of State Ideology
Viktor Shenderovich is well known as a writer, playwright and acerbic but witty critic of the current political regime. Shenderovich is also a big...
Victor Davidoff
Lenin's Law Applied to Dozhd TV
Authorities admitted that Dozhd TV did not break any laws by running a controversial poll on the Leningrad blockade. But at the same time, they argue...
Victor Davidoff
David Satter, the Kremlin's Bete Noire
Considering that Satter has been an outspoken critic of the Kremlin since the 1970s, it was amazing that it took so long for Russian authorities to declare...
Victor Davidoff
Putin's Amnesties Show His Concern for Economy
Putin understands that improving Russia's human rights record and easing confrontation with the West is a prerequisite for foreign investment.
Victor Davidoff
Internet Censorship Is Getting Worse
You can find just about anything on the Internet ban list, from "Mein Kampf" to unregistered political parties and opposition blogs.
Victor Davidoff
Putin Uses Writers to Send Message to Opposition
Putin spoke last week at a congress of Russian writers. Was this a revival of a Soviet tradition, or was it an attempt to start a dialog between...
Victor Davidoff
The Kremlin Storm Troopers
With the increase of violence against gays and migrants, Russia is becoming more like Germany in the 1930s, when storm troopers ruled the streets...
Victor Davidoff
How Khodorkovsky's Arrest Ruined Russia
Putin's autocratic system was formed to a large extent as a result of Khodorkovsky's arrest and trial.
Victor Davidoff
Soviet Psychiatry Returns
On Oct. 8, a verdict was announced in the case of Mikhail Kosenko, one of the demonstrators in the May 6, 2012 protest march at Moscow's Bolotnaya...
Victor Davidoff
Tolokonnikova Protest Takes on Russian Prisons
In 1849, a little known writer named Fyodor Dostoevsky was sentenced to hard labor in Siberia for being a member of an underground club of socialist...
Victor Davidoff
Bad News From the Sept. 8 Election
Let's hope the Kremlin will heed the words of the opposition leaders who insist that Russia in the 21st century can't be ruled by the same methods...
Victor Davidoff
When Eating an Ice-Cream Cone Is a Crime
The homophobic law banning the dissemination of LGBT propaganda is written so vaguely that it has been interpreted as a ban on spreading information...
Victor Davidoff
The Many Myths About Navalny
The first myth is that Navalny - far from being an independent, opposition politician - is just another "Kremlin project." Another myth is that he is a...
Victor Davidoff
Dangerous Alliance Between Church and State
The Russian Orthodox Church openly declared a crusade against multiculturalism, tolerance and other Western values.
Victor Davidoff
Navalny, the New Sakharov
On Saturday, the cheering crowds in Moscow greeted Navalny with the same joy that a previous generation met human rights activist Andrei Sakharov...
Victor Davidoff
The Latest Victim of Putin's Purges
Not long ago, comparisons between Putin's regime and Stalinism were an exaggeration. Not anymore.
Victor Davidoff
Gays Are New Enemy No. 1
The State Duma unanimously passed a law prohibiting adoption of Russian children by foreign single-sex couples on Friday. In practice, the measure...
Victor Davidoff
There may be a new first lady before the opening of the 2014 Winter Olympics in February. After all, some believe, Putin would love to appear in the spotlight...
Victor Davidoff
The New Russian Anti-Semitism
Journalist Ulyana Skoibeda, with the aid of the popular newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda, has helped take the centuries-old phenomenon of anti-Semitism mainstream...
Victor Davidoff
Why Stalin Would Be Proud of Putin
Putin can count on staying in power as long as he wants, just like Soviet leaders Leonid Brezhnev or Josef Stalin before him.
Victor Davidoff
Kremlin's 'Political' NGOs
During President Vladimir Putinэs annual national televised call-in show on Thursday, he dropped a bombshell with the statement that two "active CIA...
Victor Davidoff
Blogosphere Sees CIA Plot in Boston Bombings
One blogger wrote, "Washington used the services of al-Qaida and Chechens to put an end to negotiations for visa-free travel and harm Russia's...
The Hunt for Foreign Agents Has Begun
Since early March, 94 Russian NGOs in 28 regions have been inspected in a state campaign of harassment and intimidation.
Victor Davidoff
Russia's Fertile Grounds for Homophobia
St. Petersburg lawmaker Vitaly Milonov, who has emerged as Russia's top homophobe, believes gays should be "isolated from society."
Victor Davidoff
Astakhov Is a Better Showman Than Ombudsman
The Russian political arena has never been short on clowns. First, there was Zhirinovsky. Now, there's a new performer in the ring: Pavel Astakhov...
Victor Davidoff
Why Russia's Patriots Love to Buy U.S. Real Estate
Several Duma deputies must be in dire financial straits. Their property taxes that they pay on their luxury U.S. properties alone make up virtually all...
Victor Davidoff
The Witch Hunt Against Gays Has Begun
The Duma bill prohibiting "homosexual propaganda" will likely spark a nationwide witch hunt against public figures, journalists and teachers.
Victor Davidoff
Another Day, Another Dismembered Body
A murder cheered by Putin supporters, but the Kabanov case is less about the opposition and more about state-denied opportunities for the creative and...
Victor Davidoff
An Adoption Law Only King Herod Would Sign
After the State Duma passed a bill banning adoptions by Americans, journalist Valery Panyushkin wrote on Facebook, "I know of only two organizations...
Victor Davidoff
Why the Magnitsky Act Is Pro-Russian
Opposition leader Boris Nemtsov perhaps put it best regarding the Magnitsky Act passed by the U.S. Senate on Thursday: "This is the most pro-Russian...
Victor Davidoff
Russian Censors Are Dim-Witted and Dull
In just eight years, more than 1,500 works have been put on the official list of banned materials. But censorship isn't just insulting. It can...
Victor Davidoff
Why It's So Hard to Get Off Putin's Back
What seems like a stable political system is actually incredibly unstable for the simple reason that it is based on one man who is as susceptible to illness...
Victor Davidoff
Kidnapping Dissenters Is an Old KGB Tradition
And so it seems that today's Federal Security Service is using the practices of the Soviet political police.
Victor Davidoff
Witch Hunt Against Gays
In the 21st century, gays are the new Jews. They are visible, disliked by many in society and a very convenient target for fascists of all stripes.
Victor Davidoff
Gay Milk and Sacrilegious Knees
Pussy Riot deserves a place in the Guinness Book of World Records. No other group has inspired lawmakers to write so many new laws. The Beatles would...
Victor Davidoff
How Satan Is Destroying Russia
Society has become split between the liberals and the Orthodox fundamentalists, who are locked in a Cold Religious War. There are no fatalities in this...
Victor Davidoff
With Kazan Murders, Church Shames Itself Again
Russia has the distinction of being Europe's record-holder for the number of murders per 100,000 people, and its murder rate is more consistent with...
Victor Davidoff
Putin's Brave New World in a Medieval Russia
For many years, the Darwin Awards have been given to people who self-select out of the gene pool by voluntarily and unnecessarily placing themselves...
Victor Davidoff
Why the Kremlin Should Read Navalny's Blog
When President Vladimir Putin's press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, was asked whether he reads anti-corruption activist Alexei Navalny's blog, Peskov replied...
Victor Davidoff
Putin's Recipe for Disaster
There have been more natural and man-made catastrophes in Russia under President Vladimir Putin than at any time since the Chernobyl nuclear accident...
Victor Davidoff
Andropov Would Be Proud of Putin
The NGO bill has not yet been signed into effect, but there is already a booming business in denunciations of possible "foreign agents."
Victor Davidoff
The Witch Hunt Against Pussy Riot
The indictment states that Pussy Riot members "put themselves in opposition to the Christian world … [and] tried to discredit church traditions and dogmas...
Victor Davidoff
Hello, 1937
In dealing with the opposition, President Putin seems to be guided by the same principle he used with the terrorists during the Dubrovka theater and Beslan...
Victor Davidoff
There's Just One Nationality — Mathematician
Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind."
Victor Davidoff
Moscow Looking More Like Cairo
Historians have long noted a characteristic feature of Russian history: Sometimes development seems to freeze for many years and almost comes to a...
Victor Davidoff
Putin Pregnant With Gossip
On Thursday,, an obscure news portal, published a report that would ordinarily make headlines all over the world. "Lyudmila Putin Is Pregnant...
Victor Davidoff
Watching Patriarch Kirill Discredit Himself
Since being enthroned as head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill has never gotten much attention from the world press — until last week...
Victor Davidoff
U.S. Protects Russians With Jackson-Vanik
Is the Cold War over? Textbooks say yes and even cite the date that hostilities ended: Dec. 3, 1989, during the Malta Summit of Mikhail Gorbachev...
Victor Davidoff
Putin Faces Only 3 Scenarios Going Forward
Billionaire Alexander Lebedev encapsulated the difference between Russia's sovereign democracy and the plain old democracy put into practice since the days...
Victor Davidoff
The Kremlin's Swingers Club
The latest joke about the presidential election campaign in Russia comes from comic Mikhail Zadornov. "The recent electoral debates remind me of a...
Victor Davidoff
Kremlin's Youth Agency Resembles Cosa Nostra
In the Internet age, the famous aphorism of the 19th-century military theorist Karl von Clausewitz, "War is the continuation of policy by other means...
Victor Davidoff
British Spy Story Tailor-Made for an Election Year
In 2006, an exposé about British "spy stones" in a film by pro-Kremlin television journalist Arkady Mamontov set off a media storm. The story was...
Victor Davidoff
Between Change and Status Quo
Although presidential campaigns in Russia are peculiar — the winner is known long before election day — they do have some normal features, like billboards...
Victor Davidoff
Not Impressed by Putin's Condoms and Promises
Prime Minister Vladimir Putin held his 10th annual live televised call-in show on Thursday. This one broke his previous record for length and lasted...
Victor Davidoff
Shooting the Messenger
For 10 years, Golos has been educating voters, analyzing electoral legislation, and monitoring elections at various levels, but only a few experts...
Victor Davidoff
United Russia's Ratings Bubble
The Novgorod region has beautiful churches, but otherwise it's nothing to write home about. It's a very typical Russian region, and that's why Novgorod...
Victor Davidoff
The NavalnyLeaks Smear Campaign
Alexei Navalny is one of the most popular writers on the Russian Internet. His blog is regularly among the top 10 most-read sites. Last year in a virtual...
Victor Davidoff
MGU Is No Place for Discussion
On Thursday, President Dmitry Medvedev met with students and representatives of youth organization at the journalism department of Moscow State University...
Victor Davidoff
The Last Autumn in Putin's Russia
For Russia's liberals, 2011 has become the Year of Dashed Hopes. These mostly young professionals grew up after the dissolution of the Soviet Union...
Victor Davidoff
Medvedev in Electoral Pickle
United Russia's pre-election convention finally put an end to the main political intrigue of the year. Russia's next president will be Vladimir Putin....
Victor Davidoff
Lackluster Yaroslavl Speech May Serve as Omen
Based on Dmitry Medvedev's previous speeches, few people expected any cogent policy statements from the president during his address on Thursday to the...
Victor Davidoff
Prokhorov's Odd Manifesto
Russian tabloid journalists adore scandal-prone billionaire-turned-politician Mikhail Prokhorov. Once he began to head the Right Cause party, it was...
Victor Davidoff
Putin's Dive for IKEA Jugs
With four months to go before Russians cast their votes in parliamentary elections, the first signs of an emerging electoral campaign have finally...
Victor Davidoff
Web Will Win in Cyber War
Last week from Monday through Friday, the Russian-language segment of the popular blog server LiveJournal once again was subject to a series of DDoS...
Victor Davidoff
A Sinking Ship
There may not be a scientific explanation for it, but every Russian knows that August is a month of catastrophe. The sinking of the submarine Kursk...
Victor Davidoff
A Front of Blondes, Farmers
What do Russia's Union of Pensioners, the Association of Music Producers, the Union of Georgians in Russia and the Cheerleaders' Union all have...
Victor Davidoff
How Putin Pads Numbers
Prime Minister Vladimir Putin first floated the idea of creating the All-Russia People's Front on May 6. A week later, the front's founding document...
Victor Davidoff
The Kremlin's New Yo-Party
Mikhail Prokhorov recently made headlines again, but this time in the politics sections of newspapers: He announced that he wanted to lead the Right...
Victor Davidoff
Medvedev Is a Talk Show Host and Diplomat
Ultimately, the real highlight of Medvedev's news conference was a joke that began to circulate on the Internet while he was still speaking: "It's...
Victor Davidoff
A Stalin Slip and Putin Trick
Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's May 6 speech in Volgograd finally put an end to the questions that have been asked for the last three years: Who is...
Victor Davidoff
Bulldog Fight Under the Rug
Presidential races are like wrestling matches. They begin when each wrestler enters the ring and shows off his muscles. Then the fight starts as everyone...
Victor Davidoff
State Finds New Way to Jam
The Soviet Union is now history, and radio has long been supplanted by the Internet. But history repeats itself from time to time. Since March, the Russian...
Victor Davidoff
Clarity on Who Rules Russia
On March 21, Ekho Moskvy radio polled its audience with a rather provocative question: "How would you react if Russia got the same treatment that Libya...
Victor Davidoff
A Bone to Pick With Biden
In Russia, every high-level U.S.-Russian summit is controversial. Even though Vice President Joe Biden had a modest agenda for last week's visit to Moscow...
Victor Davidoff
Missiles Can Help Stop Riots
The Kremlin reacted to events in Libya much more vocally than it reacted to the revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt. Perhaps the difference is that...
Victor Davidoff
Egypt's Lessons for Russia
Ultimately, it is unlikely that events in Egypt will have a direct influence on Russia. But the scenario in Cairo could work equally well in Yemen...
Victor Davidoff
No Sun Without Medvedev
The bombing at Domodedovo Airport was another link in the mysterious chain of terrorist attacks in Russia — mysterious because the terrorists rarely...
Victor Davidoff
Anna Chapman's Patriotism
Although the exposure of the spy ring seemed to mark the end of Anna Chapman's career, it turned out to be the spark that let her career take off...
Victor Davidoff
Medvedev's Silent Majority
As the year closes, it's customary to look back on the successes and failures of the past 12 months and make resolutions for the year to come....
Victor Davidoff
Wiki Drives a Wedge Into the Tandem
Russia's blogosphere has always been a treasure chest for people who love conspiracy theories. On Runet, Holocaust and 9/11 denial are moderate views...
Victor Davidoff
Parfyonov Raps State of TV
Today few people recall that perestroika and the grand events that followed began with one little word: glasnost. In 1985, it didn’t yet mean freedom...
Victor Davidoff
Goebbels' Guide for Russia
After the brutal attack on journalist Oleg Kashin on Nov. 6, the public response included daily one-person pickets in front of the Interior Ministry...
Victor Davidoff
Mikhalkov's View on Order
In 1998, film director Nikita Mikhalkov produced and directed the epic saga "The Barber of Siberia" in which he played the role of Tsar Alexander...
Victor Davidoff
Putin's Nobody for Mayor
Although the appointment of Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Sobyanin to the post of Moscow mayor was widely expected, the news set off a barrage of emotional...
Victor Davidoff
LOL at Luzhkov's Ouster
Tragedy and comedy are definitely in the eye of the beholder. Yury Luzhkov had barely vacated his office at City Hall when the Russian blogosphere...
Victor Davidoff
Russia Needs New People
The mass media campaign against Mayor Yury Luzhkov has given bloggers lots of fun as they try to guess what will happen to him. A poll carried out...
Victor Davidoff
The New Cyber Watchdog
The blogosphere is having a big impact on the way Russians think: They are starting to give up the flawed belief that the government should solve...
Victor Davidoff
Russian Blogs Are Harmful to Your Health
In Russia, Web 2.0 services like LiveJournal are virtually the only way to keep informed and definitely the best way to get a sense of people's...
Victor Davidoff
Why '31' Matters
Compared with his three-year jail term in the Soviet period, his Aug. 31 detention in a police precinct wasn't so bad. Yet a former political prisoner...