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Articles by Pavel and Olga Syutkin
Sacred Slavic Sausage Through the Ages
The happy-sad-happy-sad history of sausage production in Russia and the USSR.
6 Min read
The Curious History of Green Peas and Russia
Who remembers that pre-Revolutionary Russia was the top exporter of sugar snap peas to France?
6 Min read
The Triumph of Crimean Champagne
In 1900 French judges awarded the blue ribbon to champagne made in Crimea.
5 Min read
Bears, Borsht, Floating Pies and Other Wonders of Imperial Russian Cuisine
Note to self: If invited to try some "marvelous borsht" by the Russian leader, say no.
6 Min read
Eat Like an Ancient Boyar - Healthfully
Meals in ancient Russia were in many ways quite healthy.
5 Min read
Mac 'n' Meat Made for Marines
The World War II version of this classic Soviet dish was made with two foreign imports.
6 Min read
How to Ward Off Vampires and Foreigners: Garlic
Here's a garlicky, herby summer dish that won't scare away guests or vampires.
5 Min read
A Porridge So Rich It Held Diamonds
Try the richest, creamiest, sweetest, fruitiest- nuttiest porridge that ever was.
8 Min read
In Between Russia and Finland Fish Are King
This creamy soup is a snap to make. Perfect for a cold spring.
4 Min read
Celebrate Spring With Kitchen Kebabs
No backyard, no grill - no problem. You can make shashlyk (aka kebabs) in your kitchen oven. Really.
5 Min read
Samovars, Tea and Something Sweet
Samovars have been essential to the tea drinking rituals in Russia for centuries.
6 Min read
Carpe Diem: A Spicy Carp for Fish Friday
Spices are a way of adding flavor and nutrients to Lenten dishes.
5 Min read
Bake a Cake That is Out of This World
In honor of the first flight into space on April 12, 1961, here's an airy "Flight Cake" that is as delicious as it is light.
6 Min read
Russian Cheese is More Than Cheese
Production of hard cheeses began late in Russia, but caught up to Europe quickly.
5 Min read
Russia's Culinary Grains of Truth
Millet, buckwheat and pearl barley make delicious porridges that are good for your health and wallet.
5 Min read
Cracking the Myth of the Russian Monastery Kitchen
Meals served in monasteries may be good, but they aren't divine.
5 Min read
Three-Layer Pancakes From the Mari People
The Mari people in the Volga region of Russia make a towering pancake that is rich with flavor.
5 Min read
Free Women From Kitchen Slavery With Mimosas!
The Mimosa Salad was a Soviet-era triumph: simple ingredients and artful presentation,.
6 Min read
Goulash, Ragu, Stew and the Problem of Soviet Meat
There was a good reason why Soviet citizens loved goulash.
5 Min read
The Food of War and Isolation
What's wrong with borrowing dishes from other cuisines? Everyone does it!
6 Min read
Vatrushka: The Ancient Russian Pastry That Wasn't
Everyone Russian knows what a vatrushka is. Why can't you find the word in old cookbooks?
6 Min read
Celebrate St. Valentine's Day the Traditional Russian Way, With Gingerbread
This holiday is nothing new in Russia. It was celebrated long before the 1917 Revolution.
4 Min read
When Russians Dream, They Dream of Spinach
Russians have been mysteriously obsessed with spinach and its substitutes for more than a century.
5 Min read
Chicken and the Theory of Evolution
A simple recipe that has been a favorite of harried cooks for decades.
5 Min read
Celebrate Tatyana's Day With a Russian Student Recipe
Braised veal kidneys in Madeira wine is cheap, filling and delicious.
4 Min read
Quinoa: A New Grain That Russians Have Been Eating for Centuries
A variety of quinoa was used as a replacement for flour in lean years.
5 Min read
A Fairy Tale Soup Fit for a King and Queen
Fairy tales may not be true, but they are a great source of culinary information.
7 Min read
This Year Invite Caesar to Your New Year's Feast
A delicious but simple recipe for a festive royal bird.
5 Min read
Cures for the Morning After the Night Before
Best to prepare beforehand.
5 Min read
Sour Cabbage Soup Gets Its Jam On
An ancient Russian sweet called pastila makes a surprising guest appearance in sour cabbage soup. Delicious.
6 Min read
The Cuisine of Russian Emigration
What did first wave Russian emigres eat in France? Russian style sweet cheese pastries and... ratatouille.
5 Min read
The Strange Russian History of Beet Make-Up
When ancient Rus' "pivoted to the East" women painted their faces white and used beet juice as rouge.
5 Min read
The Indescribable Deliciousness of a Wine-Poached Pear
We have no idea what ancient dishes — even from the 19th century — tasted like. But we can dream.
5 Min read
The Tale of a Baker, a Singer, and a Blueberry Pie
In days of old, Moscow oligarchs were no less extravagant than today's.
6 Min read
Pozharsky Chicken Cutlets Put Torzhok on the Map
How minced meat patties went from a country inn in Torzhok to the emperor's table in St. Petersburg.
5 Min read
Mikhail Bulgakov and the Mystery of 'Julienne'
Foreigners to Russia have always been puzzled when offered a pot of "julienne" - julienned what? Read on.
5 Min read
The Great Russian War Against Halloween
While the authorities fight a losing battle against Halloween parties, cooks are celebrating pumpkins.
4 Min read
Russia, the Land That Never Knew the Earl of Sandwich
Russia's "sandwich" is a throw-back to the time of Peter the Great. But it is not without its own charms.
6 Min read
Russian Fast Food, Circa 1382
Kalach was the original grab-and-go fast food.
5 Min read
A Short History of Russian Salads
Salads came to Russian cuisine late but are now the stars of the table.
6 Min read
Shchi Made Simple: 10 Questions About Cabbage Soup
Straight talk about a Russian soup that everyone thinks they know... but don't!
6 Min read
The Sweet Heart of a Black Radish
"Bishop's Salad" was a Soviet-era invention - but that doesn't mean it isn't delicious.
5 Min read
How Tatar Pastries Became a Favorite Russian Street Food
Belyashi and chebureki are sold on the street in cold Russian cities, but they come from the warm south.
4 Min read
Lecho: Autumn's Bounty for Winter's Table
This dish of peppers and tomatoes is simple to make and simply delicious.
4 Min read
Sarasin Grain and Turkish Chicken
What's in a name? In the kitchen -- often nothing and everything.
6 Min read
Make Merry With Sweet Cherries
Here is a simple recipe for a sweet-sour garnish made with late summer's cherry bounty.
4 Min read
An Apple Pie to Celebrate August
In the weekend kitchen, apple season begins with an apple-almond pie.
5 Min read
Jam With Tea, Jam on Bread, Jam With Everything
You will want to put this jam on the table with tea, but it won't last long.
6 Min read
Get a Buzz On With a Barrel of Mead
Is it easy to turn honey into a delicious, sparkling alcoholic drink? Actually, yes.
5 Min read
Watermelon With Bread? It's Better With Cheese!
A sweet-salty piquant salad to cool down on the hottest days deliciously.
5 Min read
Black, Red and... Squash Caviar
"Caviars" made of squash, eggplant and other vegetables are not just poor-man's spreads.
4 Min read
Russia’s ‘Doomsday’ Grain Goes Fishing
Carp stuffed with buckwheat groats is an old recipe that is as delicious today as it was 200 years ago.
5 Min read
Enchanting Chanterelles
An easy, delicious recipe for a mushroom dish fit for an empress.
6 Min read
Russian Donuts by any Name are Delicious
Be they pyshki (St. Petersburg) or ponchiki (Moscow), Russian doughnuts (donuts) are delicious.
5 Min read
Dolma: Pride of the Summer Table
In the Caucasus these are called dolma; in Russia - stuffed vegetables. Everywhere - delicious.
5 Min read
Celebrate Summer with a Georgian Cherry Plum Stew
Chakapuli is made with lamb, cherry plums, and plenty of herbs and spices.
5 Min read
Feed the Lion: Leo Tolstoy's Favorite Almond Cake
Leo Tolstoy loved this simple almond cake.
5 Min read
Okroshka for all Seasons and Tastes
Get ready for the hot weather with a classic cooling, soothing soup.
7 Min read
Meat Pockets Filled With Mushrooms
A culinary tale of Bulgarians, Uzbeks, military history, a hero and a spectacular new dish.
6 Min read
The Trick With Trout? Hold the Sauce
A delicious way to prepare the delicious Gatchina trout.
6 Min read
Spring for Green Borshch
Nettle or sorrel soup? Try these refreshing soups that announce spring is truly here.
5 Min read
Borodinsky Steak: Meat and Bread in One
Borodinsky has been one of the most popular types of bread in Russia for many decades. When foreigners visit they are given a taste of Borodinsky to show...
6 Min read
Russian Rhubarb? Mais Oui!
Rhubarb has been eaten in Russia in many forms for centuries.
5 Min read
What Did Poet Joseph Brodsky Have in Common With Cookies?
The weird history of tsarist Jubilees during Soviet times and "lazy" cookies and poets.
5 Min read
Colored Easter Eggs: Life After the Party
A history of Easter eggs in Russia... and what to do with them after the holiday.
5 Min read
Kulich: The Glory of the Easter Table
The kulich has long been baked for Easter but it didn't always look the way it does today.
7 Min read
Dinner is Served Under the Spreading Cranberry Tree
On April Fool's Day we celebrate the jokes and hoaxes of Russian cuisine.
7 Min read
Ice-Cold Sushi From Russia's North
The nations of the far north knew what to do with fish: freeze it, skin it, and slice it into thin strips.
6 Min read
The Art of Vinaigrette
In French vinaigrette is a dressing; in Russian, it's a salad... dressed with vinaigrette.
6 Min read
Revenge is Sweet With Russian Eclairs
A Swiss family's confectionary shops once delighted Russians with a sweet tooth.
5 Min read
Porridge Fit For a Tsar
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so try this dish fit for the royal family.
5 Min read
A Blini Bash for the Last Day of Maslenitsa
Before the 1917 Revolution, the week before Lent was the biggest and best holiday of the year.
6 Min read
The Long Lost History of Russian Blinis
If you ask anyone to describe Russian cuisine, one of the first dishes that will come to mind will certainly be blinis. They are a truly iconic dish that...
6 Min read
When Rabbits Were Golden
"The rabbit is Stalin's bull." This ridiculous slogan of the early 1930s is almost forgotten today. But at the time it was emblazoned on the front pages...
How Ukrainian Borshch Conquered the Baltic Fleet
Today if you want to really outrage the Russian Foreign Ministry, just tell them that borshch is Ukrainian. Even soccer fans' notorious and obscene chant...
Pumpkin Surprise for a Bride, Groom or Guest
Pumpkin is a special case in Russian cuisine. On the one hand, it is not very common. On the other hand, Russian cuisine seems incomplete without it. Of...
Celebrate Old New Year’s Day With Buzhenina
Buzhenina is one of the most delicious and ubiquitous main courses at holiday feasts. You might find it on a royal table or in a traveler's backpack. It...
The Pie that Destroyed the Soviet Union
Where there's Christmas, there's Christmas Eve. Twelve days "from star to water," that is, from the appearance of the first star on Christmas Eve to baptism...
Chocolate Sausage and the End of the Rat King
Creamy, chocolatey logs made from cookies, cocoa, and butter were on the table in almost every Soviet family. Despite their foreign origins, they became...
Play With Fire for a Spectacular Holiday Drink
Zhzhyonka (жжёнка) may look like a series of typos and be hard for non-Russian speakers to pronounce. But zhzhyonka is a legend of pre-Revolutionary...
How the Goose Defeated the Swan: A Christmas Tale
There isn’t a single depiction of a holiday by a Russian artist without swans, ducks, and geese on the table. They are baked under a golden crust...
The Russian Salad That Never Goes Out of Fashion
This salad is known around the world, but its origins remain hidden in the culinary mists of time.
The History and Mystery of Beef Stroganoff
Did a Stroganov or his chef invent this dish? Which one? And does it matter?
The Art of Pâté
The Russian word “pashtet” (паштет) may not be Russian originally, but now it is firmly part of the language. But few people today...
In Russia Thursday is Fish Day
Thursday was a special day in the Soviet Union— Fish Day. All the cafeterias in the country only sold fish dishes that day. Until Friday dawned,...
Russian Ushnoye: Soup or Stew?
Ushnoye is yet another mysterious Russian dish that culinary experts are still arguing about. We decided to be detectives and investigate it through the...
The Curious Russian History of Lobsters and Crab Sticks
Lobsters, crabs, crawfish… what could be further from Russian cuisine? Actually, that’s not right, if only because all kinds of European seafood...
Who Doesn't Love Cabbage Rolls?
A joke in Russian goes like this: some people eat meat, some people eat cabbage, but on average people eat cabbage rolls. Today everyone in Russia knows...
Chocolate Potatoes for Dessert
One of the rites of culinary passage for foreigners in Russia is the first time they are introduced to a “chocolate potato,” one of the iconic...
The Paradox of Pelmeni
Pelmeni are a paradoxical dish. Although Siberian pelmeni most likely came from China originally — from famous New Year's dumplings called jiaozi...
Kurnik: A Wedding Dish for One Hen of a Bride
Today if you said a woman looked like chicken, she’d be deeply offended. But in the olden days in central Russia, a chicken was good omen at a wedding...
Where's the Cheese in Russian Cheese Pancakes?
Syrniki are thick curd cheese “pancakes” that everyone knows and loves. But where does the word "synik" come from? Most people think it comes...
How Russian Solyanka Was Born From Polish Bigos
Solyanka is one of Russian dishes that has a very convoluted and confusing history. Is it a soup or a main course of stewed cabbage? Is it spelled  ...
Apple Aspic: Down With Stereotypes!
Foreigners generally don't like Russian meat jellies and aspics. So try an apple aspic first!
Forshmak: A Russian-Jewish-German Dish
Here's a dish that is simple to make and delicious on dense dark bread.
From Kyiv With Dry Jam
One of the most delectable ways to preserve summer's bounty comes from Kyiv.
The Mysterious and Misunderstood Russian Telnoye
Here is an ancient dish made of minced fish that has evolved over the centuries but remains delicious.
Russian Revolutionary Rassolnik
How the 1917 Revolution changed a traditional Russian dish.
Karl Nesselrode: Foreign Minister and Pudding
Karl Nesselrode was Russia's longest serving foreign minister and a recipe developer. Who knew?
Which Came First: Vareniki or Pelmeni?
Vareniki are Ukrainian dumplings, and cherry-filled vareniki are summer's bliss.
Stepanida's Rasstegai
How a Roma singer with the voice of a nightingale inspired a pastry.
Medovik: Russia’s Famous and Mysterious Honey Cake
Medovik is made as many ways as there are home cooks. Here is the Syutkin family recipe.
The Taste of Russia: Pickles with Honey
Salted, soused, pickled and marinated vegetables and fruits are the essence of Russian cuisine.
Ukha: Not Your Average Fish Soup
If you ask for the "authentic" recipe for ukha, you'll get dozens of them.
Pavel and Olga Syutkin
As Prices Rise in Supermarkets, Russian Families Suffer
The state caps the price of essential goods and stores compensate by raising the price on everything else.