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Articles by Mikhail Fishman
Russia’s Unstoppable Desire For Change
In Russia, the regime only grows heavier. It steadily increases its presence in the social space. But simultaneously, the regime erodes. It provokes repudiation...
How Russian Tycoon Vladimir Yevtushenkov Is Set to Lose More of His Wealth
In a sequel to the original Bashneft saga, Igor Sechin, Putin’s powerful ally, is once again proving he is among the strongest players in Russia’s...
Mikhail Fishman
Putin, Depersonalized: What Does Oliver Stone’s Film Reveal About Russia’s Leader?
During all Putin’s time in power, hardly a single image of him having fun with others comes to mind. We have never seen him enjoying something or sharing...
Mikhail Fishman
In Russia, Mass Protests Again Become a Political Reality
In the last few months, Navalny has taken a quantum leap, establishing himself as the only true and energetic opponent of Putin in Russian politics.
Stalin's Shadow: How a Gulag Historian Fell Victim to Russia's Dark Past
20 years ago Karelian activist Yuri Dmitriev discovered the mass grave of the victims of Stalin's terror. And now, the executioner's shadow hangs over...
Mikhail Fishman
Usmanov vs. Navalny: How an Oligarch Reignited Political Debate in Russia
A powerful Russian mogul confronted Alexei Navalny, the opposition leader, online. It was the first conversation between ruling elite and opposition in...
Cheaper Than Ever Before: In Moscow, Fierce Competition Between App Providers Is Driving Taxi Fares Down
Within the last three months, the price war escalated between Moscow’s three major app providers — Yandex-Taxi, Gett and Uber, — making the city's...
For Russia, Oil Pact Extension Falls Short of a Home Run
Russia wants to extend oil production restrictions to drive up prices. In reality, it has few other choices.
U.S.-Russia Photo Scandal Highlights Mutually Assured Ineptitude
Russia's desire to brag about improving relations actually damaged those same ties.
The Economic Plan for Putin's Next Term Is Already Set
Where will the money needed for Alexei Kudrin's reforms come from?
Who Is Terrorizing Russia's Opposition and Why Is No One Being Held Responsible?
The harassment of opposition figures has taken a violent turn. The Kremlin insists it isn’t behind the latest attacks, but even if it isn’t: can it...
Why Putin is Getting Nervous About His Chechen Proxy
Putin's latest meeting with Chechnya's Ramzan Kadyrov will be interpreted as a show of support. But many believe Moscow’s patience for its Chechen proxy...
Accustomed to Terror: the Attack on St. Petersburg Will Hardly Mobilize Russia
In 2004, right after Beslan hostage tragedy, a massive wave of anti-terror rallies was organized across Russia. Thirteen years later, the approach remains...
Medvedev Is Out: Anti-Corruption Protests Cost Russia's Prime Minister his Future
For millions of Russians, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev is now the face of state corruption. He is unlikely to keep his post after Putin’s re-election...
Mikhail Fishman
Russia’s Kids Are Alright (Op-Ed)
Russia’s political history centers around Moscow. Anything meaningful happens in the capital, or it scarcely happens at all.
Why a Russian Defector Was Gunned Down in Ukraine
A former Russian parliamentarian who fled to Ukraine, then harshly criticized the Russian authorities, has been shot dead in Kiev.
Mikhail Fishman
Shadow of the Past: How the Annexation of Crimea Guides Russian Policy
It was 2014, and Vladimir Putin was in poor form. His approval rating had fallen by 20 percent three years earlier, when he announced his return to the...
No Drama. Vladimir Putin's Re-Election Dilemma
The forthcoming election will represent a limited — very limited — liberalization. It’s like you’re getting what you want from Putin’s leaving...
The Suspense Is Now Over For Russia’s Political Elite: Putin Is Running
The framework for Russia's next presidential election is finally set: all continuity and no change.
Russia Set to Send 'Bull Terrier’ Ambassador to Washington
Russia appears to be falling back on Soviet-era policy of disarmament as the focal point for relations with the U.S.
An American Cover Story for Russia's Undercover Hackers
According to two sources, the treason and espionage charges against these hackers are likely part of a cover story. Ultimately, the loss of Shaltai Boltai...
Putin and Trump Want to Team Up, but That's Not Going to Be Easy
Now that Donald Trump is in office, he will find lifting sanctions imposed on Russia is harder than it looked during the campaign.
A Perfect Trap, And A President Re-Invented
Over the course of his presidency, Vladimir Putin has been constantly redefining himself: from Yeltsin's successor through postmodernist "managed democracy"...
Putin: Should He Stay or Should He Go?
Putin surprises all by talking life after the Kremlin. But what's the plan?
Can Russia's Profound Anti-Americanism Be Overcome?
Judging by the euphoria that gripped Russia in the wake of Donald Trump's unexpected victory, one might be forgiven for thinking it had somehow played...
The Loyalty of Fear
In court, Economic Development Minister Alexei Ulyukayev described himself as the “victim of a provocation.” Though he’s not imminently prison bound...
Mikhail Fishman
Why Trump’s Victory Has Closed Russia’s Road to Change
Trump’s victory delivers clarity to Russia’s own political future. Putin is now heaving a sigh of relief; help came, deus ex machina, at a precious...
Former Prime Minister to Become Putin’s Right-Hand Man
Kiriyenko has abruptly emerged as top choice for a coveted Kremlin job — as the man to replace President Vladimir Putin’s first deputy chief of staff...
The Next Man Putin Wants to Manage Domestic Politics Could Be Russia's Unluckiest Former Prime Minister
According to reports, Sergey Kirienko is Vladimir Putin's top choice to replace Vyacheslav Volodin, who until recently served as the Kremlin's first deputy...
Winner Takes All: United Russia Secures a Duma Super-Majority
The final result was overwhelming: United Russia took 343 out of the State Duma’s 450 seats, gaining a constitutional super-majority. Russia’s friendly...
Elections 2016: An Overwelming Victory for the Kremlin
With over 40 percent of the ballots counted, the outcome of Russia's 2016 Parliamentary elections is completely clear: President Vladimir Putin came out...
No Target Too Big as Law Enforcement Moves on Renova
Mikhail Slobodin was the progressive face of Russian business. As CEO of Vimpelcom, he controlled Beeline, one of the country’s top-two mobile providers...
Russia's Ministry of Economic Development Pins Hopes on Rising Oil Prices
Russia’s Ministry of Economic Development has announced a new “baseline plus” plan for the Russian economy, despite concerns that the country's original...
The Battle Behind Bashneft's Delayed Privatization
Russia’s privatization process is like a scratched record: the same endless story, the same screeching sounds. Since it was launched under then President...
Mikhail Fishman
Yes We Can Fight: How the Army Has Replaced Hope in Russia
Vladimir Putin’s public image is transforming into that of a warlord. That’s his major political asset at home, the new pillar of his popularity, and...
The Kremlin's Final Warning: Why Yaroslavl's Ex-Mayor Is Serving 12.5 Years in Jail
Yevgeny Urlashov, the one-time mayor of Yaroslavl, yelled as he was pulled from the court room. “This is a political set-up,” he shouted. “All revolutionaries...
Putin and Erdogan: The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship
Just a few months ago, the situation between Russia and Turkey looked frightening enough. Now the two countries have gone from almost declaring war on...
Governor Belykh's Arrest Has Russian Elite on Edge
For the last decade, regional governors in Russia are usually appointed apparatchiks, with faces unrecognizable outside their home territory.
Mikhail Fishman
Russia Day in Moscow: Long-Stripped of Its Original Meaning (Op-Ed)
It was no coincidence that President Vladimir Putin was evasive while delivering his official Russia Day speech on June 12, the national holiday commemorating...
Putin Closes Russia's Drugs Agency, Casts Aside Longtime Supporter Ivanov
On May 10, an unusual post appeared on Facebook, apparently signed by Viktor Ivanov, the head of Russia's Federal Drug Control Service (FSKN). "Comrades...
Victory Day in Moscow: 'Yes, We Can Do It Again'
Thousands of soldiers marched through Red Square on May 9 to commemorate the 71st anniversary of victory over Nazi Germany.
Former Prime Minister Kasyanov Stifled by Both Kremlin and Allies
Sitting on a deep leather sofa in his office, Mikhail Kasyanov looks much like he always has. There's the same no-nonsense demeanor, the expensive...
A Bigger Bludgeon: Putin's Man Put in Charge of New National Guard
When it comes to President Vladimir Putin's personal trust, Viktor Zolotov has no peers.
Business Under Pressure: Putin Meets With Entrepreneurs, Law Enforcement
When it comes to elections and politics, Russian businessmen usually remain tight-lipped.
Munich Security Conference: Talking Peace, Russian Style
When Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev took to the stage at the Munich security conference, he left no doubt as to who had sent him.