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Articles by Michael Bohm
Michael Bohm
How Russia's Journalists Serve the Fatherland
In the West, journalists are given awards for fighting the government. In Russia, they are awarded for serving it.
Michael Bohm
Top 5 Myths About U.S. Meddling in Ukraine
The Kremlin blames the U.S. for Ukrainians' embrace of Western values and institutions. But this is an attempt to shift the argument away from the...
Michael Bohm
6 More Russian Myths About Crimea
The U.S. annexed Hawaii and Texas, so why can't Russia annex Crimea? Russia is living in the 19th century, pursuing its own manifest destiny.
Michael Bohm
4 Reasons Why Putin's Crimea Grab Will Backfire (Video)
Amid the "great Crimean conquest," Russians view Putin as a hero who rectified a historical injustice, stood up to the West and saved Russians from...
Michael Bohm
Putin's Own Historical Injustice
Once agreements that have established the territorial integrity of countries are revoked in the name of “rectifying a historical injustice,” as Russia...
Michael Bohm
Putin's Imperial Ambitions
Putin, who always admired the conquests of Peter and Catherine the Great — and even George W. Bush – has finally received the golden opportunity...
Michael Bohm
Top 5 Myths About Russia's Invasion of Crimea
It is well-known that the first victim of nearly every military conflict is the truth. But Russia seems to have broken all records in this category...
Michael Bohm
Farewell, Ambassador McFaul
McFaul used his charm and "Twitter diplomacy" to win over tens of thousands of Russians. This led the Kremlin to carry out a smear and harassment...
Michael Bohm
Arab Spring in Russia's Backyard
In any autocracy, at some point, when things get bad enough, the people will say "Enough!" and start fighting for their basic rights and dignity...
Michael Bohm
Why Russia Is No. 1 in Anti-Americanism
According to state-controlled television programs, the CIA supports Russian fascists and terrorists from the North Caucasus, and U.S. military cargo planes...
Michael Bohm
How Homophobia Can Boost Your Career
If actor Ivan Okhlobystin had made his homophobic comments in the U.S., his career would be over. But in Russia, his career got a nice boost from it...
Michael Bohm
The 5 Biggest Events That Shaped Putin's 2013
Looking back at the main events that shaped Russia over the past 12 months, it becomes clear that 2013 will go down in history as President Vladimir...
Michael Bohm
Ukraine Is Putin's Favorite Vassal
Soviet leaders used brute force to keep Ukraine as a subservient vassal state. But Putin must use a more subtle method of carrots and sticks to achieve...
Michael Bohm
Yanukovych the Swindler
Yanukovych has been linked to electoral, academic and financial swindling. He also swindled Ukrainians by reneging on his promise to take the country...
Michael Bohm
My Clash With Homophobes on Russian TV
After I said that the Kremlin's understanding of homosexuality is "primitive," the audience became enraged, screaming at me and demanding an apology...
Michael Bohm
How the U.S. Defames Russian Pop Stars
After singer Grigory Leps was put on a U.S. government black list for his alleged role in a top organized crime syndicate, many Russians cried "Russophobia...
Michael Bohm
Stop the Absurd Witch Hunt Against Halloween
Russian lawmakers believe Halloween is "extremist," causes psychological harm and is an evil U.S. plot to morally corrupt Russians.
Michael Bohm
Putin Shearing Wool From the Snowden Pig
Russia is enjoying a nice windfall from Snowden's cyber-vigilantism and the resulting crisis in U.S.-European relations. The Kremlin still believes...
Michael Bohm
A Nobel Prize Tailor-Made for Putin
Putin deserves a global con-artist award for having tricked so many into believing he is a peacemaker with his Syria plan.
Michael Bohm
Putin Revives Russian Exceptionalism
Putin's brand of Russian exceptionalism is defined by his anti-Americanism and his single-handed mission to restore Russia's imperial greatness.
Michael Bohm
Putin's Spectacular Syrian Smoke Screen
Putin has managed to shift the world's attention away from Assad's war crimes. Now it is focused exclusively on Russia's "peaceful" plan to destroy...
Michael Bohm
Obama Falls Right Into Putin's Trap
Putin is a master of political intrigue and provocation. By obstructing the U.S. in the Security Council, Putin makes two big propaganda scores: He automatically...
Michael Bohm
The Roots of Russia's Homophobia
The new anti-gay law punishes those who "propagandize" LGBT lifestyles. But the real propagandizers are the Orthodox church and state, which are pushing...
Michael Bohm
Spying Is a Sovereign Right
Russia's fervent objections to the NSA's foreign espionage activities show a clear double standard — just like the old Russian quip that when U.S...
Michael Bohm
Snowden Doomed to Dreadful Life in a Capsule
If Snowden felt bored, claustrophobic and depressed in the capsule hotel, he's got a lot more of that coming. Living on the FSB's strict terms as...
Michael Bohm
Why Putin Is Glad That Obama Isn't Coming
While Obama has pivoted away from the reset with Russia, Putin has pivoted toward the Soviet Union, writes opinion page editor Michael Bohm.
Michael Bohm
Carelessness as a Russian National Trait
Carelessness in the Russian workplace, some say, is as Russian as the long, cold winters. It has gotten so bad that Medvedev has classified it as a national...
Michael Bohm
Putin Uses His Favorite Ax to Grind Navalny
First, the Kremlin launched a crude propaganda campaign against Navalny. Then, it cooked up a sham criminal case to eliminate him as a potential political...
Michael Bohm
Why Putin Despises Snowden
Putin has a strong dislike for human rights activists as a class — and even more disdain for traitors, whom he recently called "swine."
Michael Bohm
Snowden, Russia's Favorite U.S. Dissident
If Snowden receives asylum in Russia, he will face a serious moral dilemma: His will be living in a country with a far worse record than the U.S....
Michael Bohm
Guriev's Exile Is a Huge Loss for Russia
Guriev's forced exile is a disturbing wake-up call for all Russians who want a modern, democratic society.
Michael Bohm
Why We Should All Work Like Putin
Russian's poor work ethic has more to do with the country's distorted political and economic environment and less to do with a distorted "Russian...
Michael Bohm
Why Putin Wants U.S. Bases in Afghanistan
Only when Putin senses a direct security threat from the Taliban is he able to refrain from his trademark anti-U.S. rhetoric.
Michael Bohm
Kremlin Is Hiding Behind a Blacklist
The Kremlin is trying to deflect attention away from its apparent cover-up of the Magnitsky affair by shifting blame onto the U.S.
Michael Bohm
Putin Has More Free Speech Than All Media
A group of Russian lawmakers would like to fine media outlets up to $1.4 million if they "offend" politicians and bureaucrats. This is a cowardly attempt...
Q&A: Pozner Is the Venerable Visage of Russia in the West
For many Americans over 40, legendary television journalist Vladimir Pozner was the face of the Soviet Union.
Michael Bohm
25 Similarities Between Chavez and Putin
Although all autocrats fit the same basic profile, the similarities between Vladimir Putin and Hugo Chavez are particularly striking.
Michael Bohm
5 Myths About Max Shatto's Death
Pavel Astakhov hinted that the Texas prosecutor and other law enforcement officials, driven by "big politics"and Russophobia, had covered up the parents'...
Michael Bohm
10 Russian Myths About U.S. Adoptions
The Kremlin says Russia's orphans are safer in Russian orphanages than in U.S. families. It also says U.S. judges and juries are anti-Russian when...
Michael Bohm
Let Those Orthodox Jewish Books Go
The Kremlin says the Schneerson library is "part of Russia's cultural heritage and belongs to the Russian people." Yet this sounds odd, given the minuscule...
Michael Bohm
Expect More Anti-Americanism in 2013
The Kremlin could crack down on U.S. journalists when they "defame" Russia. It could also ban U.S. university scholarships so Russia doesn't lose its...
Michael Bohm
Why Good News Is Bad News in Russia
It would be easy to dismiss Duma deputy Mikheyev's bill to limit to 30 percent the amount of "negative information" in Russia's media as a cheap PR stunt...
Michael Bohm
Putin's Fear of Appearing Spineless
Putin needs to strengthen his power vertical to remain in control, and a strong vertical power structure requires strong vertebrae.
Michael Bohm
Russia's Misery Loves U.S. Company
Russia’s excitement in believing that the U.S. will soon collapse exposes a deeper problem in the national psyche.
Michael Bohm
Why Russia Got It Wrong on U.S. Elections
When Russian officials tried to bash the U.S. electoral system, they showed that they are 200 years behind on U.S. history.
Michael Bohm
Why the Foreign Ministry Should Keep Quiet
Those nostalgic about the Soviet Union got a nice treat when the Foreign Ministry released its report on U.S. human rights violations. The report tries...
Michael Bohm
Putin's Pride Has No Price Tag
Over the past 20 years, the U.S. has given hundreds of millions of dollars to assist Russia's most neglected citizens. The Kremlin announced it will now...
Michael Bohm
Lots of Barking in the Kremlin
Putin is continuing the campaign of demonizing the opposition, but he is fooling himself if he thinks the movement will go away.
Michael Bohm
The Innocence of Censorship
Russian courts often define extremism subjectively and arbitrarily. As with pornography, they know it when they see it.
Michael Bohm
Russia Is Turning Into Iran
The Duma introduced a bill that would carry a three-year prison sentence for "insulting the religious feelings of others.” This would take Russia another...
Michael Bohm
Islamic Fundamentalists in the Kremlin
Anti-Americanism in Russia and the Muslim world shares the same roots: envy of the West and a frustration with their own decline. Both the Kremlin...
Michael Bohm
Why the Pussy Riot Judge Hid Her Face
The majority of Russians oppose this type of medieval, religious-based jurisprudence, which is more characteristic of the Taliban than Europe’s largest...
Michael Bohm
The Laughingstock of the World
Putin's clumsy and crude attempt to discredit Pussy Riot ended up only discrediting the Kremlin and its loyalist court. The trial was so full of absurdities...
Michael Bohm
Patriots Are Destroying Russia
Russians need to see the true faces of these "patriots" — public officials who hold their assets outside the country while crying the loudest against...
Michael Bohm
Curing Russia's Xenophobia
Amid the Kremlin's propaganda against foreign-funded NGOs, a crucial principle is lost on many Russians: By helping victims of human rights abuses...
Michael Bohm
United Russia's Spy Mania
Many hoped the battle against "foreign agents" would end after the Duma approved the bill on NGOs last week and adjourned for its summer recess....
Michael Bohm
Looking for Foreign Agents in All the Wrong Places
Many in the Kremlin and United Russia believe that U.S.-funded NGOs are part of a plot to destabilize Russia and overthrow the Putin regime. Perhaps only...
Michael Bohm
Kremlin's Omerta Blocks Justice for Magnitsky
The real reason the Kremlin opposes the Magnitsky bill is that it has no interest in fighting corruption against its own major crime syndicates. The problem...
Michael Bohm
Russia Can Benefit From Political Correctness
In the politically correct United States, Russians tell me, there is no freedom of speech, while in politically incorrect Russia you can say whatever...
Michael Bohm
Putin Has a Responsibility to Protect Syrians
Russia needs to join the post-World War II era by rejecting its primitive, cynical notion of "sovereign democracy" — not only within its borders but...
Michael Bohm
Russia's New Propaganda Minister
After Monday's announcement that historian Vladimir Medinsky was appointed the culture minister, critics quickly labeled him the new propaganda minister...
Michael Bohm
Why Putin Skipped Out of the G8
If Putin was seen as getting too close to Obama at Camp David, it would have been a blow to his tough-guy image as someone who stands up to the United...
Michael Bohm
Putin's Pseudo-Patriotism
The true patriotism of Russians has been cheapened and disfigured by the Kremlin and its loyal court journalists and political analysts. They have tried...
Michael Bohm
Obama's Useless Bout Trophy
For the Bush administration, Bout was the personification of evil, but there were no direct legal grounds to extradite and try him in the U.S. That is...
Michael Bohm
Giving Russia the Bout
It looks like the Kremlin will not let go of the Bout affair and will try to make the issue a priority in U.S.-Russian relations. But Obama is unlikely...
Michael Bohm
A Friendlier Reset
Thank goodness Russia's presidential campaign and election are over. The past six months were a rough ride for U.S.-Russian relations. But now with the...
Michael Bohm
Putin's Pyrrhic Victory
In reality, Putin did not win in last Sunday's vote. Winners in honest, open presidential elections don't send thousands of OMON riot police and Interior...
Michael Bohm
Putin Under Siege
The closer we get to this weekend's presidential election, the worse Putin's siege mentality has become. Putin's erratic outburst at Luzhniki shows...
Michael Bohm
Putin Chasing Imaginary American Ghosts
Here we go again — another round of anti-Americanism from the Kremlin and state-controlled media. Blaming outside forces for Russia's woes has a long...
Michael Bohm
Why Putin Is So Scared of Debates
Putin has always been the ultimate "Teflon president" — but certainly not in the Ronald Reagan sense of the word. Putin's brand of Teflon is clearly...
Michael Bohm
Why Putin Will Never, Ever Give Up Power
If Putin gave up power at any age, he and dozens of his friends and colleagues who have become millionaires and billionaires over the past 10 years...
Michael Bohm
Putin's Halcyon Days Are Over
In the good old days, Putin got away with the idea that "the tsar is good, the boyars are bad." Now, an increasing number of people believe that "the fish...
Michael Bohm
Putin's Berlusconi Moment
What lessons, if any, will Putin learn from the Berlusconi era and its demise? Putin’s “Berlusconi moment” could very well come at his 18-year mark...
Michael Bohm
Why Some Russians Need the West's Help
The Kremlin cannot hide behind the bankrupt argument that human rights abuses are "internal matters." Despite Putin's opposition to Western "interference...
Michael Bohm
Leave Nationality Out of the Passport
Yeltsin understood that the line on Russian passports identifying a citizen's nationality or ethnic group was a crude, discriminatory leftover from the...
Michael Bohm
Putin's Moment of Truth
Putin revealed his dirty little secret during his speech at the United Russia convention. The most distasteful aspect was that Putin wasn't even bashful...
Michael Bohm
Putin Playing With Fire by Courting Rogozin
By reincarnating Dmitry Rogozin and fanning the flames of anti-Caucasus sentiment, Putin’s political move will only lead to an increase in violence against...
Michael Bohm
Exxon, Don't Pop Open the Champagne Yet
Hardened Russia critics in U.S. Congress could try to use "economic security" as a pretext to kill the Exxon-Rosneft deal and undermine Obama's reset...
Michael Bohm
Putin's Potemkin Democracy
Putin's stance on elective government is clear — the less, the better. Given St. Petersburg Governor Valentina Matviyenko's unpopularity and fearing...
Michael Bohm
Our Answer to Magnitsky
False patriotism and a simulated deep concern for “abused Russians” located abroad cut to the core of Russia's new bill to blacklist foreign officials...
Michael Bohm
A Case of False Missile Defense Panic
Pseudocyesis, or false pregnancy, is the psychological syndrome when a woman is convinced she is pregnant after experiencing several similar symptoms...
Michael Bohm
Why Russians Don't Smile
It is a primitive stereotype and myth that Russians are doomed to be gloomy and morose. The problem has little to do with Dostoevsky, the cold climate...
Michael Bohm
Limiting Russia's Sovereign Democracy
According to Russia's doctrine of "sovereign democracy," the West shouldn't meddle in Russia's internal affairs. But the post-World War II paradigm...
Michael Bohm
The Khodorkovsky Omen
Prime Minister Vladimir Putin sent a clear and chilling signal on Dec. 16 that the "soft autocracy" of his first decade in power will become more oppressive...
Michael Bohm
5 Reasons Why Russia Will Never Join NATO
Membership would mean the end of Russia’s dream of restoring its former superpower status. Russia would become just another Germany, Britain or France...
Michael Bohm
Thieves Should Go to Jail!
By filing charges against Luzhkov, Putin would set a high-profile example — something that is badly needed given that Medvedev’s two-year anti-corruption...
Michael Bohm
Operation Luzhkov
The biggest winners in Luzhkov’s sacking are Putin and his vertical power structure. “Operation Luzhkov” will have the same chilling effect on politicians...
Michael Bohm
Fake Diplomas = Fake Modernization
Russia has done little to reduce its high number of fake diplomas ― but at the same time it requires foreigners to prove that their degrees are valid...