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Articles by Mark H. Gay
Law Leaves Firms Less Room for Flexible Hiring
A new law will restrict the use of temporary labor just at the time when companies have the greatest need of flexibility in managing budgets and staff...
Labor Market Braced for More Losses as Economy Slows
Recruiters anticipate a second wave of redundancies this spring with as many as one in three employees in danger of losing their jobs or facing a cut...
Dual Passports: Implications for Businesspeople in Russia
The State Duma this summer adopted a bill on penalties for concealing dual citizenship. Although the legislation does not appear to affect the legality...
Manufacturers Set to Fare Better Amid Sanctions
Retailers are struggling as consumer spending declines, but government orders may be supporting the manufacturing sector.
Legal Firms Look for Russians With Experience Working Abroad
Legal firms are looking for lawyers with experience in more than one jurisdiction, and increasingly that means a Russian who has worked abroad, or...
Expert Says Many Russian Companies Sceptical About Focusing on Ethics
The attempt to teach ethics can be said to have failed spectacularly if it is measured by the behavior that led to the global financial crisis that...
Economic Dip Drives Change in Advisory Sector
Smaller companies account for a growing share of the legal and consulting business. It is part of the reshaping of the sector that began with the 2007...
A New Oil and Gas Generation
The modernization of the Russian refining and petrochemicals industry is putting unprecedented strain on the country's resources of individuals with...
Economic Clouds Buffet Jobs Market
Western sanctions have so far been aimed at individuals but the Crimean issue could still have an impact on the broader economy. The European Union...
Law To Counter Age Discrimination And Hiring By Appearances
The recruitment market is expected to become more transparent, with the introduction of laws to ban advertisers from specifying the gender or age...
HR Buzzwords Of 2014
Retention, engagement and alignment may not be new concepts, but they are the key issues for companies that want to raise performance, according to Andrei...
Today's Young Talent Get on the Brain Train
The number of Russian students studying abroad continues to rise despite the financial crisis. And a growing number are paying their own way — even...
Languages No Longer Enough
Olga Lukyanova graduated from the Russian State Agrarian University in Moscow and, through the Erasmus Mondus program, won a grant to study in one...
Hotel News
Owners Relieved at Sleepbox Success. Culture Hunters on the Trail of Historic Hotels. Sheremetyevo's First Walkway Hotel. Check Out Where Lenin Checked...
New Rail and Business Hubs Tear Up Old Maps
Moscow is dividing into business districts, and investors are following the pattern. The next 12 months will see the delivery of more economy hotels...
New Casual Trend in Dining
Hotels are adopting a casual, less stuffy image and even relocating their restaurants to compete with bars and dining venues. Long overlooked, some...
Frozen Luxury Hotel Projects Come Back to Life
Moscow's luxury hotels will see some long-delayed additions this year. The global banking crisis made financing elusive, but several projects are back...
Regions Pin Hopes on Sports Events
The development of airport hubs will spur the expansion of regional hotels but the government's slow progress on visa reform could act as a brake...
Havens Retain Allure For Firms Seeking Flexibility Offshore
Cyprus Is Likely To Remain A Hub For Russian Investment Abroad And Lawyers Say Most Businesses Are Unlikely To Move Domicile.
Lawyers Make Growing Use Of Social Media
Social media may have come of age as a means of communication but its role within legal circles is also growing.
Developments In The Law
The Federal Law, On Combating Corruption, places obligations on companies to develop rules and procedures along with an internal code of ethics...
Ban Hangs Over Temporary Staffing Agencies
Restrictions on the use of temporary staff threaten to close a growing source of business for recruitment companies.
Ban Hangs Over Temporary Staffing Agencies
Restrictions on the use of temporary staff threaten to close a growing source of business for recruitment companies.
Finance And Energy Sectors See Hiring Pause
Some professions are keeping the recruiters busy but they are not the industries that Russia is famous for.
Finance And Energy Sectors See Hiring Pause
Some professions are keeping the recruiters busy but they are not the industries that Russia is famous for.
Take Heed of Dynamic Legislative Environment
The proposed laws on the financial activities of government officials, such as prohibiting them from owning assets abroad, mark a general evolution...
Choosing a Law Firm Based on Specialization
When it comes to choosing a Russian or international law firm, the issue is much deeper than language. Industry insiders say a dozen Russian law firms...
Redress Abroad for Local Conflicts Could Be Limited
Russia's Supreme Arbitration Court has made a number of rulings that may limit the freedom of companies to regulate contracts under foreign law.
Hassle-Free Travel to Islands in the Sun After Jamaica Waives Visas for Russians
Jamaica is the latest country to waive visa requirements for Russians, making the country a more convenient destination for last minute holidays...
Seeking Health Abroad
Health tourism is a fast growing subsegment of the travel industry in Russia, with the number of people seeking treatment abroad rising 47 percent...
A Newspaper for Its Time
The Moscow Times has survived many nicks and scratches in its 20-year history: snipers firing at its editorial offices, staff rescued by helicopter...