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Articles by Mark Adomanis
Mark Adomanis
Russian State Assets for Sale: The Privatization Delusion (Op-Ed)
You know that Russia is in real trouble when liberal economic policies start getting batted around.
Mark Adomanis
With Russia's Economy, Talk Is Cheap (Op-Ed)
Information about Russia's state finances, the health of its population, or the output of its economy is readily available to anyone who wants to find...
Mark Adomanis
Putin's Syria Campaign Is Far From a Triumph
Over the past two weeks any number of experts on military affairs, Russia, and the Middle East have appeared on television and written in print...
Mark Adomanis
Russia Should Heed Its Own Advice on Syria (Op-Ed)
All of the evidence suggests that military intervention in Syria will accomplish nothing, and all of the arguments about the likely failure of Western...
Mark Adomanis
Russia Must Face Up to Economic Reality (Op-Ed)
Sergei Glazyev's economic policy suggestions would ruin Russia's economy if adopted, writes columnist Mark Adomanis.
Mark Adomanis
Russians Are Facing a Stark Choice (Op-Ed)
Russia faces a stark choice between economic reality and imperial fantasy writes columnist Mark Adomanis.
Mark Adomanis
Stagnation Rearing Its Ugly Head in Russia (Op-Ed)
In Russia, 'stagnation' is easily identifiable in public health statistics and these have been steadily getting worse, writes columnist Mark Adomanis.
Mark Adomanis
Russians Can Learn From Polish Dissatisfaction (Op-Ed)
Poland's election is a handy reminder that the public's outlook on the economy is usually very different from the business press, writes columnist...
Mark Adomanis
The U.S. Must Keep Talking to Russia
Though John Kerry's Sochi visit may have provided few concrete results, it is important that Russia and the U.S. keep the lines of communication open...
Mark Adomanis
Ukraine Doesn't Need Sympathy, It Needs Cash
U.S. Vice President Joe Biden's recent video address to a Ukrainian donor conference was a handy illustration of the huge disconnect between Western...
Mark Adomanis
Russia's Economy Pulls Back From the Brink
Nothing burst and everything is working." Thus spoke President Vladimir Putin during his annual call-in program last week.
Mark Adomanis
U.S. Should Think Twice Before Criticizing Russia
The 'whataboutism' phenomenon is by no means exclusively Russian, writes columnist Mark Adomanis.
Mark Adomanis
Crisis Is Killing Russia's Demographic Recovery
Through the first two months of the year, Russian demographic trends have taken a noticeable turn for the worse. In the January-February period, the latest...
Mark Adomanis
U.S. Needs to Get Real, Sanctions Don't Work
In reality, sanctions have most seriously impacted private enterprise in Russia.
Mark Adomanis
Moody's Russia Downgrade Is Not Political
Moody's recent downgrade of Russia has been interpreted by the Russian government as a political move, but it was a fair and reasonable decision,...
Mark Adomanis
Russia Is Exploiting European Weakness
As long as Europe is racked by economic chaos, Russia will continue to build relationships with fringe political parties which may eventually come to power...
Mark Adomanis
Russian Officials Are Dangerously Out of Touch
A regional official's suggestion that Russians "eat less" could be a political turning point in Russia, writes columnist Mark Adomanis.
Mark Adomanis
Russia's Foreign Policy Is Full of Contradictions
Russia's attempts to form an alliance with the West to fight Islamic extremism is completely at odds with its current foreign policy, writes Mark...
Mark Adomanis
Russia Doesn't Need Luck, Just Better Policy
Russia's problems exist primarily because it began to implement different — and much worse — government policies, writes columnist Mark Adomanis...
Mark Adomanis
Europe's Russia Policy Pleases Nobody
European conservatives face an increasingly stark choice between fiscal austerity and a robust anti-Russia policy, writes columnist Mark Adomanis.
Mark Adomanis
Masha Gessen's Facebook Rant Shows Core Problem of Russian Journalism
A recent spat between two Russian journalists shows that in today's information war, facts take second place to what side a journalist is on, writes...
Mark Adomanis
Ukraine's Poverty Jeopardizes Its Democracy
Unless Ukraine is able to get a handle on its economy, the ebullient public mood will sour.
Mark Adomanis
West Needs to Put Up or Shut Up About Ukraine
The West has talked the talk and now it needs to walk the walk in Ukraine and give the country the financial assistance it needs to get back...
Mark Adomanis
Ukraine Crisis Has Strengthened Kremlin
Though many predict that Russia's campaign in Ukraine will spell political death for Putin, that's far from certain, writes columnist Mark Adomanis...
Mark Adomanis
Russia’s Short-Term Thinking Imperils Its Future
Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov raised quite of lot of eyebrows last week when he stated that the government would withhold $8.2 billion worth...
Mark Adomanis
The West Needs to Start Facing Facts in Ukraine
If the West is going to aid Ukraine, we should have a clear idea of who it is we are helping.
Mark Adomanis
An American 'RT' Wouldn't Sway Russians
Russia's much vaunted "information war" doesn't merit an analogous Western respond, writes columnist Mark Adomanis.
Mark Adomanis
Russia's Food Ban Is High-Risk, Low-Reward
Russians will be particularly affected by their self-imposed food ban because they already spend an unusually large portion of their budget on groceries...
Mark Adomanis
Without EU Cash, Russian Business Is Sunk
Don't expect the latest round of sanctions to help jumpstart Russian industrialization, writes columnist Mark Adomanis.
Mark Adomanis
For Better or Worse, Russia Is Not Isolated
A U.S. policy on Russia constructed on the assumption that Russia has been kicked out of the "international community" simply will not work, writes...
Mark Adomanis
Today's EU Doesn't Have Room for Ukraine
If Ukrainians want to be in Europe that is entirely their choice to make, but no one should underestimate the difficulty of the path that the country...
Mark Adomanis
A Way Forward for Ukraine
Assurances from Ukrainian leaders that EU integration will bring prosperity will lead to anger when reality fails to match rhetoric.