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Articles by Loretta Marie Perera
'A Brown Man in Russia: Lessons Learned on the Trans-Siberian'
From Moscow to Mongolia, Vijay Menon discovers more than he could have imagined.
Art Against Domestic Violence: Austrian YouAreNotAlone Show Opens in Moscow
The show is held in a private apartment to bring the subject home.
Young Russians Are Taking Care of Their Mental and Physical Health
Post-Soviet generations take cues from the West instead of their parents.
Tolstoy and Gandhi: From Non-Violence to Climate Change
Two exhibitions consider the legacy of these thinkers and their common themes of love and non-violence.
Russia’s Love Affair With India
Food and culture have forged strong ties between the countries over the past three decades.
Keeping the Khachaturyan Sisters’ Case Alive
Activists work to keep the case of the Khachaturyan sisters in the public eye amid a summer of political protests.
A Moscow Homeless Shelter Moved to Accommodate the World Cup – One Year Later It Has Not Returned
The support provided for those forced to live on the streets is sorely missed.
Protesters Support Teenage Sisters Charged With Murder for Killing Abusive Father
The Khachaturyan sisters had suffered years of physical and sexual abuse and now face up to 20 years in prison.
'Kinky Party' Is Starting a Russian Sexual Revolution
Information, consent and empowerment come together with fun at Moscow’s sex-positive parties.
Russians Stand Side by Side at LGBT Film Festival
The presence of anti-LGBT protestors and bomb threats tainted an otherwise peaceful event in the capital.
Dreams, Death and Beyond at Zverev Center of Modern Art
What you can see in Moscow if you like young artists who work off the beaten path.
In Russia, Roller Derby Is on a Track of Its Own
Roller derby has yet to pick up in Russia, where the idea of women in contact sports is still something to get used to.
Russian Audiences Welcome She is Us, Inspired by “Vagina Monologues”
"With the help of this performance, I think we can change Russian men’s minds to think of women another way.”
Combine Art and Activism This Week in Moscow
Check out some activist art and theater this week.
Loretta Marie Perera
Russian Enough, but for How Long?
Will Russia still be friendly to foreigners after the World Cup? I hope so.
The Dark Side of the ‘Street of Lights’
For women, the World Cup's unofficial football party has become a danger zone.
On Women’s Day, Russian Women Organize
How about an activist, feminist International Women's Day? We've got you covered!
Russia's Feminists Work to Smash the Taboo
More women are putting themselves forward, but Russia’s feminists still feel left out
Watching 'The Death of Stalin' in Moscow
At the Pioner Cinema Moscow’s first screening of “The Death of Stalin” was sold out and overbooked.