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Articles by Jennifer Eremeeva
Beet and Buckwheat Waffles for Maslenitsa
Jennifer Eremeeva always is on hand to help sustain us, body and soul.
Banish the Winter Blues with Red Cabbage Vitamin Salad
Packed with vitamins, this crunchy, punchy, bright and colorful winter salad will light up your table and cure the winter blues.
A Love Letter to Latvia’s Rye Bread
Everyone needs a strata recipe: a savory layered bread pudding, here with smoked fish. Delicious.
Estonian Frikadellisupp Climbs the Charts
A warming, fresh, light but filling soup from people who know cold weather and how to survive it deliciously.
Celebrate Lunar New Year with Mongolian Buuz
Buuz, vareniki, pelmeni... a dumpling by any other name would taste as incredibly delicious...
Indulge in Karlsson's Plyushki
Flash back to childhood or discover adult delights with these classic mid-century sweet pastry treats.
Ring in the Old New Year With a Jewel-Studded Dish
Our favorite chef is worried about our health, so she suggests starting the new year with beets, pomegranate and wild rice.
You Can't Hurry Kharcho
A Georgian soup for a cold, snowy day wherever you may be.
Welcome 2022 With the Incomparable Prague Torte
Start out the new year with a bit of aspirational baking!
The Secret to Holiday Cheer Revealed: Salmon Rillettes
Got lots of guests? Tired of cooking? Love fish? Salmon rillettes to the rescue.
Everyone Loves a Dumpling
These herby, tender dumplings ("lazy vareniki") made with tvorog and greens are perfect for winter.
Two Ways to Crack the Knotty Celery Root
Leningradsky market solved a puzzle: what on earth do you do with a celery root?
Samsa: The Silk Road Snack
What's better than a flakey pastry filled with spicy lamb? Maybe one filled with potatoes and onion?
Spice Things Up With Adjika
This refrigerator staple is not hard to make and comes in a variety of flavors and glorious colors.
Kapustniak: The Hangover Soup
Forget the pharmacy and head to the kitchen for your morning-after antidote.
Jiggle All the Way: Boozy Holiday Tomato and Seafood Zalivnoye
Aspics are In again. But in Russia they've never been Out.
Autumn Stroganoff for a Chilly Evening
You can Stroganoff anything, but should you? Find out in the weekend kitchen.
Lots of Winter Squash? Hasselback it!
In the weekend kitchen we're pulling out chopsticks and learning how to hasselback. Confused? Read on.
Piroshki 101
How to make three kinds of savory stuffed pastries that even a Russian husband will love.
Autumn's Mushroom Bounty: Forager's Fusilli
Oh, what to do with all the autumn mushrooms? Here's a delicious solution to a delightful problem.
Pumpkin With Sea Buckthorn on Top
Russians adore pumpkins. They just don't know what to do with them.
Welcome Autumn with Spicy Matsoni and Meatball Soup
Little islands of spiced meatballs in a spicy, tart, silky, yogurty Caucasian sea...
Chase Away the Autumn Blues with Cured Cod
Russian supermarkets have long aisles of salted and cured fish, but home curing is easy and much tastier.
The Exotic Glamor of Eggplant Caviar
Inspired by classic Soviet cinema, Jennifer Eremeeva fires up the grill and roasts the season's glut of eggplants and peppers.
Pack Your Pantry With Pickled Beets
Jennifer Eremeeva salutes Russia's love of homemade soup and shares a beets recipe that works as the foundation for a great borshch.
A Tomato and Tvorog Galette for Summer's Bounty
Like Russian imperial chefs, Jennifer Eremeeva joins east and west, sealed with cheese and tomatoes.
Back to School With Crispy Herbed Chicken Cutlets
Cutlets - minced meat, fish or vegetable patties - are Russia's unsung culinary heroes.
Triple Your August Holidays with Honey Apple Spice Cake
Get in the mood for autumn with this cake that celebrates summer's bounty.
Keep Cool With Herby Adjika Cucumber Salad
This week our resident chef - don't we wish! - marries Russia and the Caucasus deliciously!
On the Grill: Salmon and Corn Shashlik
Russia and corn have a bumpy history, but now this sunny veg is a national favorite. Grill it!
Dacha Delight: Garlicky Baby Hasselback Potatoes
August at the dacha! Down with boring boiled potatoes with shashlik! Long live hasselback spuds!
Blistered Beet Shashlik with Halloumi
Glorious charred beets and vegetables with creamy cheese will keep everyone happy at the grill.
Chicken From the Caucasus to a Grill Near You
Marinade, check. Spices, check. Chicken legs, check. Grill, check. Add crisp white wine and dinner's ready.
The Magic of Crab and Melon Okroshka
Okrosha is Russia's favorite cool summer soup, and this seaside version is a winner.
Celebrate Summer With Whipped Bryndza and Tomatoes
This easy-to-make tangy salty sweet spread is perfect for dachas, backyards and July 4 parties.
Of Vaccines and Varenye
Strawberries are in season, and that means: time to make varenye.
An Apricot Cake for All Seasons
Try this delicious mix of cake-baking traditions filled with the fruit of the season.
Spicy Soused Apricots for the Summer Table
Be a good Dachnik and preserve the summer's bounty of fruit in a spicy, tangy marinade.
'The Volga: A History of Russia's Greatest River'
Hartley tells the story of the river that both created and reflected Russia's complex history and culture.
The Svekolnik Smoothie
Our favorite chef starts the summer with a glorious Russian cold beet soup called svekolnik.
Bake Cardamom Vatrushki for a Happy Family
Fill these soft buns with spiced sweet farmer's cheese, jam, or anything your heart desires.
Celebrate Summer with Smoked Mackerel and Lovage Fish Cakes
Savory smoked mackerel and citrusy lovage come together deliciously in these quick fish cakes.
Spotlight on Smetana: Russia’s Sour Cream
What's the difference between smetana, crème fraîche, and sour cream?
Building the Perfect Fish Solyanka
Find the right balance of briny, tart, and spicy to unlock the secret to this canteen favorite.
Try Smetannik: Russia's Sour Cream Cake
Fresh seasonal berries elevate this dependable weekday snack into a special event dessert.
Celebrate Spring With Asparagus Mimosa
Salad Mimosa gets a springtime makeover with jammy eggs and the season's culinary superstar.
Let Pkhali Steal the Show
In spring everyone's fancy turns to Georgia and its bright, fresh flavors.
The Seductive Charms of Chopped Liver
Whether you call it pâté or паштет, keep a jar in the refrigerator for every - or no particular - occasion.
My Favorite Things: Chicken Schnitzel and Slaw
What is better than a crunchy-on-the-outside, tender-on-the-inside schnitzel?
Sink or Swim With Matzoh Ball Soup
You don't have to be Jewish to love matzoh ball soup.
Katherine Zubovich's Magnificent 'Moscow Monumental'
This is a riveting story of the transformation of a city and the lives of its inhabitants.
Start Lent with Miso Mushroom Farro Pilaf
A great dish for those observing Lent or for those who love a hearty, flavorful, rich pilaf.
Here Comes the Sun: Lemon Oladi for Maslenitsa
This weekend Russians are celebrating "Shirokaya Maslenitsa" before Great Lent begins.
Kinda Sorta Coulibiac for the International Woman
Men, man up! Here's a delicious, easy recipe to impress your beloved on March 8.
Medovik: Russia’s Favorite Cake
Our favorite chef takes us step-by-step through the creation of this honey-creamy-tart-sweet confection.
Huzzah for Hussar-Style Beef!
Take a page of culinary history to fete Defenders of the Homeland Day in style.
Vinegret: The Spicy Language of Love for Valentine's Day
Start off the romantic holiday season with a piquant, deep pink, heat-raising first course.
North Meets South in Mini Golubtsy
Sunny lemons from the south and hearty beet greens from the north make for delicious "little pigeons."
You Can’t Beat a (Savory) Babka
The perfect yeasty-eggy-savory bread filled with swirls of sauteed mushroom and cheese.
Copycat IKEA Meatballs
Jennifer Eremeeva gives us a recipe for the beloved meatballs found in every Russian freezer.
Russian Movie Night: History on Screen
Ready for a weekend of binge-watching? How about an entertaining refresher course in Russian history?
Photographic 'Journeys Through the Russian Empire'
Two great photographers a century apart capture what once was the Russian Empire.
Russian Movie Night: 7 Literary Works on Screen
At home for New Year's? Jennifer Eremeeva shares the best Russian literature-come-to-life movies.
Russia's National Treasure: Cabbage Soup
Jennifer Eremeeva has just the thing to cancel out holiday overeating. And it's delicious, too.
Russian Movie Night: 7 Great Features
Relax with these seven feature films or TV series chosen by Jennifer Eremeeva.
Russian Pryaniki: Ginger All the Way!
Fill your home with the glorious, spicy, gingery, lemony, sweet scent of the holiday season.
Explore the Wonders of 'Red Sands' With Caroline Eden
Author Caroline Eden takes us on roads less traveled, with many delicious stops along the way.
Welcome Russian Winter with Persimmon Spice Cake
Snowy winter day, hot tea, roaring fire, sweet nutty spicy persimmon cake...
Celebrate Thanksgiving with an Uzbek Chicken
Mix East and West for the kind of unconventional holiday this unconventional year needs.
A Persimmon Primer
What are those bright orange fruits at the fall market? And how do you eat them?
Insta-Plov: Modern Technology Meets Ancient Dish
All the warming, satisfying, complex flavors and textures of plov without a kazan (and 12 hours).
Launch Squash Boats Under the Blue Moon
Once in a blue moon Jennifer Eremeeva makes an autumnal deep orange squash feast.
The Enduring Glamour of Mushroom Julien
Jennifer Eremeeva brings this restaurant and theater buffet favorite to your home kitchen.
East and West Meet Over Borshch Deliciously
Move over pampushki! These crumbly, crunchy, sweet and salty triangles go great with borshch!
Pushkin House Shortlisted Books Tackle Authoritarianism
The judges seem to have found a thematic thread running through Russian letters (and life) this year.
Mushrooms and the Thrill of the Chase
It's that glorious time of year - mushroom season!
Not Your Babushka’s Sour Cabbage
Everything you wanted to know about fermentation but were too intimidated by that babushka to ask.
'The Girl From the Hermitage'
Follow Galina from the Leningrad siege to today's St. Petersburg.
A Tale of Two Charlottes
How did English Apple Charlotte find its way into the hearts, minds, and kitchens of Imperial Russia?
Draniki: Out of the Belarusian Frying Pan
Jennifer Eremeeva helps you expand your Slavic kitchen repertoire with Belarusian potato pancakes.
In the Tvorog Test Kitchen
Not cottage cheese, not ricotta, not quark... tvorog is similar to all but utterly, deliciously unique.
By the Book: 'The Soviet Diet Cookbook'
Learning to cook the (post-) Soviet way: with Babushka and The Book.
Cool Down with Slavic Ceviche
Jennifer Eremeeva proves that if Russians love cured salmon and adore sushi, they'll eat up ceviche, too.
Mustard & Horseradish: Russia’s Homegrown Condiments
Jennifer Eremeeva takes us into the pantry to make our very own, delicious native Russian condiments.
Kvas: Russia’s National Tipple
No kvas truck making deliveries in your neighborhood? No problem! Start brewing!
Taming Morkovcha — Russia’s Beloved Korean Carrot Salad
Jennifer Eremeeva cracks the code of everyone's favorite carrot salad.
Waste-Not-Want-Not Sour Cream Scallion Dip and Sukhariki
Jennifer Eremeeva shows us how thrift produces the perfect Russian beer snack.
Hansa Herring Salad for a Healthy Holiday Picnic
Herring - love it or leave it? Try Hansa salad and see if you invite this little pickled fish to stay.
Shashlyk in the City
As quarantine puts the kibosh on the dacha season, urbanites need to get their grilled meat fix.
Conquering the Heart of Borodinsky Bread
Jennifer Eremeeva has used the lock-down wisely. It involves home-made bread and a spongy friend.
'Carpathia: Food From the Heart of Romania'
With all semblance of regular meals eroding, “Carpathia” is a timely addition to the cookery book canon.
Grigory Kanovich's 'Devilspel' Wins EBRD Book Prize
A brilliant novel about the darkest of times that keeps the light of humanity burning throughout.
Pasta Perestroika: Remembering Things Past
Jennifer Eremeeva takes us down memory lane and straight to the pantry and liquor cabinet. Delicious.
Quarantine Easter Egg Salad
Easter and lock-down combine perfectly to introduce egg salad to the Russian culinary canon.
Bean Fritters for the Zoom Generation
Did you panic buy beans? Great! Modify meat, fish or vegetable patties for an easy and tasty dinner.
Lentil Soup Four Ways
Combine lentils, aromatics and spices for dinner and armchair travel. Chases away the self-isolation blues.
Got Grechka? Make a Grain Bowl!
Self-Isolating? Stress-eating? Cook up something delicious with those hoarded supplies instead.
Darra Goldstein Goes 'Beyond the North Wind'
Jennifer Eremeeva reviews and samples Darra Goldstein's latest delicious study of Russian cuisine.
The Beet Goes On
Jennifer Eremeeva explains, deliciously, why we should love the beet.
Savory Kutiya for Kolodia and Christmas
What's kutiya? And Kolodia? Can I eat them? Do I want to? Jennifer Eremeeva tells all deliciously.
'Russia's 20th Century: A Journey in 100 Histories'
100 vignettes of Russian life that together form a vivid history of a tumultuous, tragic, heroic century.
'Seasoned Socialism: Gender & Food in Late Soviet Everyday Life'
Fascinating and fun required reading for students of Russian and Soviet literature, history, and politics.
'Godless Utopia: The Anti-Religious Campaign In Russia'
A book as beautifully designed as it is fascinating and timely.
The Many Lives of the Tsar's Village
Autumn is a perfect time for a trip out of the northern capital and into the past.
Cooking Moscow Market Bounty: 'That Eggplant Thing'
Moscow's markets are overflowing with eggplant right now. Jennifer Eremeeva to the rescue.
Fabergé and the Link of Times
In St. Petersburg, be sure to stop in at this relatively new and truly fabulous museum.
'Vasily Grossman and the Soviet Century'
Popoff brings to life Grossman, his work, and the dark times he lived through.
The Quiet Epic Journey of 'Maybe Esther'
Our third Pushkin House Book Prize nominee is a unique exploration of the historical and familial past.
Okroshka: Summer's Simple Pleasure
Jennifer Eremeeva gives us the blueprint for Russia's best summer soup.
The Heroic Bitter Land of 'Chernobyl'
A television series about the U.S.S.R. written and produced in the West that has Russian viewers raving.
Into the Frying Pan: 9 Top Russian Cookbooks
What better way to spend the weekend than reading about, cooking and eating great Russian food?
Happy? Sad? Hungover? Feverish? Or just plain hungry? Grab a pot.
The Definitive Beef Stroganoff
What you've all been waiting for - the best recipe for Beef Stroganoff ever.
Lucky Lentils For a Prosperous New Year
Russians let you start the new year again this weekend. And here's the lucky dish to celebrate with.
Shock the Guests on New Year's Eve
Still cooking, chopping and fighting over the New Year's menu? Try something old with a new twist.
Holiday Dazzler
Looking for a Russian-inspired party dazzler that's easy to make? Look no further.
Feed the Fleet!
In honor of the armed forces around the world, our favorite cook has made boring into bright and tasty.
The Romanoffs: The Empire Strikes Back
We asked Jennifer Eremeeva to watch one more episode of Amazon's "The Romanoffs" and let us know how it's going. It's going strangely.
The Amazon Series Sets Romanoffs Adrift
Is it worth the hype? Jennifer Eremeeva, who knows her Russian history and Romanov lore, reviews the first two episodes.
Tolstoy, Plums and a Chicken
How to make use of the sweet harvest and get a quick dinner on the table, via Georgia and Jennifer Eremeeva, with honorable mention to Leo Tolstoy.
The Dacha Diaries: Rock Star Chicken Shashlik
The last weekend before school begins is sacred. Heat up the grill, pull a few bottles out of your refrigerator and prepare for shashlik bliss.
Russia and Vodka: A History Primer
Before you pour your ritual Friday evening shot of cold vodka, read this. There's more to Russia's favorite spirit than you think!
The Dacha Diaries: At the Grill
What do Russians do at the dacha all weekend? They make a feast. Here's a primer on shashlik, aka kabobs, Russian style.
A Taste of St. Petersburg: Herring and New Potato Salad Recipe
This classic recipe includes northern Russia's premier players: sour cream, herring, and new potatoes, the jewels of the short northern growing season...
Spring Borshch: Cooks, Shoots, and Leaves
Expand your borshch vocabulary and repertory with pink or green spring borshch. P.S. Cheat sheet attached.
A Russian Easter Feast
The traditional Russian calendar's most famous feast, explained, updated, and made even more delicious.
An #Instafab International Women’s Day
A meal fit for your favorite great women. Don your aprons and get started!
Celebrating Men’s Day in the #MeToo Era
It's Defender of the Homeland Day! Let's get cooking!
A Dutiful Daughter-in-Law’s Maslenitsa Party
Break out your crepe pan! It’s Maslenitsa, Russia’s raucous and riotous Shrovetide!
Russian Vodka Day
Almost every day is a holiday in Russia. Today is Vodka Day. Best. Holiday. Ever
The Russian New Year’s Eve Menu, Reimagined
Can an American wife and a Russian husband find culinary happiness on New Year's Eve in Moscow? Yes, they can. And you can, too.
Moscow's Culinary Renaissance
Moscow food scene has expanded dramatically over the past decade
Jennifer Eremeeva
Sanctions Put Moscow's Foodies in a Tight Spot
I find President Vladimir Putin annoying at the best of times, but this month my distaste has blossomed into unbridled loathing.