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Articles by Ivan Sukhov
Ivan Sukhov
Russians Are Blind to the Horror Around Them (Op-Ed)
Russian society's inability to respond in a timely manner to serious injustices, just like a pupil that does not respond to light, cannot mean anything...
Ivan Sukhov
Back to the Future: A Changing World (Op-Ed)
Social networks are brimming right now with nostalgic photo collages based on the second “Back to the Future” movie.
Ivan Sukhov
Will Syria Improve Russia's Image in the West? (Op-Ed)
It seems the West has already made its decision, casting Russia as the bogeyman and not as the leader of an international anti-terrorist coalition...
Ivan Sukhov
War Is Exposing Cracks in Russian Society (Op-Ed)
The Russian public's mood is strikingly reminiscent of that found in the papers and memoirs of World War I: both then and now, war is initially an anesthesia...
Ivan Sukhov
Russia Has No Wild Card to Play in Syria (Op-Ed)
The Islamic State is indeed a common enemy to both Russia and the West, and possibly far more than Putin realizes, writes columnist Ivan Sukhov.
Ivan Sukhov
Russia Is Behind the Times on Migrant Crisis (Op-Ed)
Many Russians clearly yearn for walls and closed gates and consider it pure madness to open the gates of Europe to those who need help, writes columnist...
Ivan Sukhov
Russian Opposition Must Stop Playing the Fool (Op-Ed)
Opposition leaders must do more than maintain their image as handsome, smart guys who would transform Russia if only the tyrannical powers would let them...
Ivan Sukhov
Russians Must Open Up and Think Long Term (Op-Ed)
Hundreds of thousands of Russian children started school on Sept. 1 and they will graduate in what will be a completely different national and international...
Ivan Sukhov
Russian Courts Make Mockery of Justice (Op-Ed)
Recent rulings in Russian courts show the Kremlin's utter contempt for the Russian people, writes columnist Ivan Sukhov.
Ivan Sukhov
Russia Is Drifting Into the Great Unknown (Op-Ed)
The Russian people have no idea toward which port the ship of state is sailing, much less whether it is a worthwhile destination, writes columnist...
Ivan Sukhov
Remembering Russia's Unlucky Augusts (Op-Ed)
If Russia and the rest of the world had done a better job analyzing the events of August 2008 and August 1991, the conflict in Ukraine could have...
Ivan Sukhov
Russians Must Forget the Past and Think Ahead (Op-Ed)
Many Russians are quick to point the finger at those to blame for the country's predicament, but nobody offers any solutions or ideas for the future...
Ivan Sukhov
Who Will Build a Better Future for Russia? (Op-Ed)
As more young and well-edcuated people start to leave Russia, columnist Ivan Sukhov asks who'll be left to build a better future for the country.
Ivan Sukhov
The High Price of Russian Patriotism (Op-Ed)
Being a patriot is not as simple as living in one's motherland, writes columnist Ivan Sukhov.
Ivan Sukhov
Why Russian Apathy Is Worrisome (Op-Ed)
The lack of protest over the closure of Dynasty Foundation and the Committee Against Torture is a worrying precedent.
Ivan Sukhov
Can Russia Learn Lessons From Greece? (Op-Ed)
Russians shouldn't gloat too much over what is happening in Greece as it offers Russians the chance to see what could happen to their own country if...
Ivan Sukhov
Russia's Disunity Makes It Vulnerable to IS (Op-Ed)
Russia finds itself in an unenviable position as the Islamic State lays claim to the North Caucasus, writes Ivan Sukhov.
Ivan Sukhov
Putin Has Trapped Russia in a Vicious Circle (Op-Ed)
Putin shares the opinion of most Russians that a second attempt at perestroika could finish the country off. If he remains president, the situation...
Ivan Sukhov
Inconvenient Truth Lies Behind Putin's War Talk (Op-Ed)
The more Russia lies now about its power and might, the greater will be its fall when its real weakness is exposed, writes columnist Ivan Sukhov.
Ivan Sukhov
Putin's Russia Is Not 'Back in the U.S.S.R.' (Op-Ed)
Modern Russia cannot be compared to the Soviet Union, writes columnist Ivan Sukhov.
Ivan Sukhov
Russian Youth Are Dancing to Kremlin's Tune
Ever since prehistoric times, humans living in large groups or communities have tended to imitate each other.
Ivan Sukhov
In Putin's Russia, Might Is Right (Op-Ed)
Russia's growing cult of ruffians and punks masks a gaping institutional void, writes columnist Ivan Sukhov.
Ivan Sukhov
What Russia Can Learn From Ukraine's Failure
It seems that the 70th-anniversary Victory Day celebrations have robbed Russian society and political leaders of all emotional strength — strength...
Ivan Sukhov
Crimea Has Awakened Russia's Sleeping Demons
The events of the past year have released demons in Russia that will not be easily controlled, writes columnist Ivan Sukhov.
Ivan Sukhov
Kremlin Is Clutching at Straws on Victory Day
The Russian authorities realize that remembering World War II unites the country like nothing else, and that's a problem, writes columnist Ivan Sukhov...
Ivan Sukhov
Russians Have Selective Memory on Victory Day
Victory Day is approaching, but very few Russians know much about Nazi Germany and how to avoid falling into the same trap of totalitarianism, writes...
Ivan Sukhov
Is Russia a Kamikaze Country?
Russia has not dealt with or come to terms with its past and this has led to a dangerous ideological vacuum, writes columnist Ivan Sukhov.
Ivan Sukhov
Nobody Wants to Live in the Mean New Russia
Russian society is becoming angrier, meaner and more dangerous, writes columnist Ivan Sukhov.
Ivan Sukhov
Why Russia Won Nothing in Chechnya
Russians need to wake up to the fact that there were no victories gained in Chechnya, and the lawlessness of the North Caucasus republic is now spreading...
Ivan Sukhov
Russia Is Slamming Door After Door on the West
Russia has burned another bridge with the West by leaving the CFE Treaty, but it has been burning bridges for some time already and will likely continue...
Ivan Sukhov
We Are All Victims of Nemtsov's Murder
Nemtsov's death will have serious consequences for all of us, including Putin, writes columnist Ivan Sukhov.
Ivan Sukhov
Kremlin Glorifies Military, Ignores Social Decay
The glitzy fanfare on state television for the Feb. 23 holiday can't hide the sad reality of life now for many who lived in the Soviet Union, writes...
Ivan Sukhov
A Very Modern Type of War Is Raging in Ukraine
The conflict in Ukraine is setting a dangerous precedent and could set off more violence within the post-Soviet space, writes columnist Ivan Sukhov...
Ivan Sukhov
After Minsk, Enormous Challenges Lie Ahead
Despite the good news from Minsk, serious problems between Russia and the West still exist just below the surface, writes columnist Ivan Sukhov.
Ivan Sukhov
Chechnya's Growing Image Problem
Neither the West nor Russia can afford to turn their backs on Chechnya, writes columnist Ivan Sukhov.
Ivan Sukhov
Nuclear Armageddon Threatens World Again
For the first time since the end of the Cold War, the world is once again plunged into uncertainty as war has returned to Europe and the nuclear...
Ivan Sukhov
Russia Is Left Out in the Cold by Its Neighbors
Russia's relations with the former Soviet republics have been in decline since the collapse of the Soviet Union and its attempted integration projects...
Ivan Sukhov
Russians Are Sleepwalking Into Chaos
As Russians get back to reality after the New Year holidays, they have to face facts that nothing is certain anymore and that dark clouds are gathering...
Ivan Sukhov
Russians Feel a Tempest Brewing
The declining health of Russian society is becoming increasingly obvious, and this could bring big changes in 2015, writes columnist Ivan Sukhov.
Ivan Sukhov
Russia Refuses to Remember Its Own History
Today marks the 20th anniversary of the First Chechen War and the lack of commemoration of this event shows that Russia has yet to come to terms...
Ivan Sukhov
Russia Is Repeating Old Mistakes
The annexation of Crimea shows that there are many in Russia who would like a restoration of the Soviet Union, but this will only end in failure...
Ivan Sukhov
Russia Is Playing With Fire in the CIS
Russia's foreign policy has focused more and more on the CIS 2, a group of unrecognized states in the former Soviet space, but this could backfire...
Ivan Sukhov
Russia Is Hurtling Toward Disaster
The increasing pressure on both Memorial and Ekho Moskvy shows just how unbearable the situation is becoming for Russians who disagree with where...
Ivan Sukhov
Putin and Gorbachev on Same Side of Berlin Wall
Gorbachev's recent speech in Germany shows that he has much in common with Putin — 25 years after its fall, both carry around the heavy burden of the...
Ivan Sukhov
Why Russia's Unity Day Has No Meaning
It seems that nobody knows anymore which set of values is capable of uniting multiethnic Russia — or even ethnic Russians for that matter, writes...
Ivan Sukhov
Putin Is Living in the Past
Putin's speech at Vladai illustrated that he is getting further and further out of touch with the rest of the world, writes columnist Ivan Sukhov...
Ivan Sukhov
Why Putin Is So Angry
Putin's frustration and anger are becoming more evident and stem from his belief that the West is ignoring what seem to him to be basic truths, writes...
Ivan Sukhov
Russia Should Be More Involved in Middle East
The situation in the Middle East is complicated, but one thing is clear: Russia and the U.S. face a common threat and must work together to fight...
Ivan Sukhov
Will Putin Become a New Stalin?
Putin has ensured his political survival by never fully committing to a single course, but this cannot continue, as his popularity will inevitably decline...
Ivan Sukhov
Russian Foreign Policy Is Based on Illusions
Russia's foreign policy is based on illusions of empire, writes columnist Ivan Sukhov.
Ivan Sukhov
A Protest March Headed for Russia's Borders
Russia's political environment has deteriorated to such a degree that for many it now makes more sense to leave the country than to try to improve...
Ivan Sukhov
Donbass Is Not Scotland
State media's comparisons of Donetsk to Scotland are utterly ridiculous, in large part because post-Soviet referendums are always messier than Great...
Ivan Sukhov
Putin's Nationalism and Expansion Strategy Is Doomed to Fail
Putin is exploiting both Russian nationalism and an innate desire for expansion in his Ukrainian strategy. Though this might distract Russians from domestic...
Ivan Sukhov
Russia's Extended Family Is Falling Apart
The Ukrainian crisis is a perfect example of how the extended Russian family is breaking up and that Russia is doing nothing to entice its family...
Ivan Sukhov
Russia Has Forgotten Beslan
Ten years since Beslan and the problems of the Caucasus are all but forgotten by Russians. The anniversary may serve as a sad reminder, writes columnist...
Ivan Sukhov
Russia's History Is Incomplete
Gaps in Russia's memory keep the nation from a true understanding of itself and the world, writes columnist Ivan Sukhov.
Ivan Sukhov
Russia's Nationalists Will Rue Their Scare Tactics
Russian conservatism is experiencing a revival, but its leaders risk becoming trapped in the illusion that they have a clear picture of their country...
Ivan Sukhov
Corruption Blights Russia's Natural Heritage
Russia's environmental degradation isn't for lack of laws, but lack of enforcement, writes columnist Ivan Sukhov.
Ivan Sukhov
Russia Needs the EU's Help, Not Its Sanctions
Like a teenager exhibiting aggressive behavior, Russia needs the help of a very patient and high-minded adult, writes columnist Ivan Sukhov.
Ivan Sukhov
Israel's War Reflects Paradoxes of Ukraine Crisis
The effect of the European "anti-war protest" has little bearing on the fears and anxieties of front line Gaza, just as EU policy has little effect...
Ivan Sukhov
Soviet Myth Lures Russia Into Danger
After the passage of 20 years, the Soviet Union has become an almost mythological entity akin to Atlantis, writes columnist Ivan Sukhov.
Ivan Sukhov
Russia's Corruption Stokes ISIS Terrorism
Russia's uneasy relationship with its Muslim population may grow even more unstable once fighters return home from Syria and Iraq, columnist Ivan Sukhov...
Ivan Sukhov
Ukraine's Refugees Are Now My Neighbors
The plight of refugees shifts from abstract drama to sober reality when your own relatives from eastern Ukraine move in with you, writes columnist...
Ivan Sukhov
Russia's Bad Manners Will Be Its Downfall
Only well-functioning public institutions – not hysterical TV commentators and miles of St. George ribbons – can produce the sense of inner well-being...
Ivan Sukhov
Kremlin May Become Separatists' Next Target
Russians' contradictory attitudes toward the Soviet Union mean that its imperial legacy has continued dangerously past its formal dissolution, inspiring...
Ivan Sukhov
Abkhazia's Crisis Sets a New Precedent
By calmly standing by as protestors unseated Abkhazia's president, the Kremlin effectively sanctioned the violent seizure of power by the citizens...