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Articles by Ilya Klishin
Ilya Klishin
Putin-Macron Talks Highlight Gap in Russia Expertise
Foreign media hysteria is making Russians lose trust in Western outlets.
Ilya Klishin
Russia’s Mass Protests 10 Years On — Finding Hope in Defeat
A decade after Russia's biggest Putin-era protests, it seems increasingly obvious that we never stood a chance to succeed in the first place
Ilya Klishin
The Kremlin Is Coming for Media One By One — and Society Is Helpless to Stop It
By labelling the independent Dozhd broadcaster a 'foreign agent,' the Kremlin once again showed it doesn't play by the rules.
Ilya Klishin
The Magic Mirror of Russian Public Opinion
Today’s Russia lacks many of the tools characteristics of societies where citizens live in a shared reality.
Ilya Klishin
The Hill to Die On: Russians Intent on Resisting Mandatory Vaccination
Those who had said nothing when the authorities rigged election results are now speaking out about their “impinging freedoms.”
Ilya Klishin
The Dilemma of the Great Terror: How to Report Roman Protasevich’s 'Confession'?
Roman Protasevich's "interview" — which bears resemblance to Stalin's infamous show trials — presents a challenge for journalists covering it.
Ilya Klishin
Let’s Wait Until After the Elections
Many believe the recent clampdown on the Russian opposition will ease up after the September Duma elections. I am not so sure.
Ilya Klishin
Luiza Rozova and the Helpless Intellectual
A Dj set by the alleged third daughter of Vladimir Putin caused anger amongst Russian progressives.
Ilya Klishin
Four Ways the Kremlin Could Block Western Social Networks in Russia
Russia has been making loud but empty threats for years that it would block such giants as Facebook and Twitter. What if this time is different?
Ilya Klishin
The Capitol Storming Gives Russians an Escape From Their Reality
The great majority of Russians have no say over the future of their cities or regions and so resort to events outside the country.
Ilya Klishin
Warning! An Army of Russian Trolls Has Invaded TikTok
The Kremlin is using its tested methods on the viral social media platform, but TikTok users have developed “anti-bodies” to bots and trolls.
Ilya Klishin
Why Russians Dislike 'Good Russians' in American Films No Less than 'Bad Russians'
Russians were simply unprepared to see themselves portrayed as the “good guys” in the new Netflix series "The Queen’s Gambit."
Ilya Klishin
Great Russian Literature Versus One Tweet by Stephen King
Why Russians still lose their heads over comments made by Western movie critics.
Ilya Klishin
Anonymous Telegram Channels Are Shaping Russia's Daily Life
Popular telegram channels said Moscow would re-impose quarantine on September 21. It never happened
Ilya Klishin
Why Do Russians Resent Western Media Over the Protests in Belarus?
Let’s be quite clear: the West is not ignoring the events in Belarus.
Ilya Klishin
Russian Authorities Are Targeting Journalists, Historians and Activists. The Rest of Us Could Be Next.
Every day, without interruption, brings more searches, detentions, arrests and criminal charges.
Ilya Klishin
Russians Watch the American Protests as Clouds Gather at Home
Russians are more fascinated by the images of the mass protests in response to George Floyd’s death.
Ilya Klishin
Putin and the 'Distinct Russian Civilization'
How the Kremlin tries to explain the coronavirus crisis to its people.
Ilya Klishin
Why Showcase the Prime Minister’s Illness on TV?
Russian citizens instinctively expect their leaders to lie to them during crises but the authorities now seem intent on proving that they are not hiding...
Ilya Klishin
Russia's Independent Media Is Under Attack Again as Apathy Reigns
Many find it hard to care that the authorities are strangling Vedomosti.
Ilya Klishin
Coronavirus Spoils Putin's 'Forever-in-Power' Public Vote
With tens of millions of Russians struggling financially, Putin shouldn't expect an enthusiastic turnout for his constitutional amendments
Ilya Klishin
As Russia Battles the Coronavirus Crisis, Why Is Putin so Absent?
Aside from the brief Russian-Georgian War in 2008, this is the first time in 20 years that Putin has not personally managed a major national crisis.
Ilya Klishin
Why Russian Pensioners Won’t Self-Isolate
Russian pensioners believe that they alone know how to survive through life's hardships.
Ilya Klishin
Buckwheat and the Coronavirus: How Russians Cope With the End of the World
Although Putin stressed that there was no need to stock up on food, throngs of anxious Muscovites snatched up astronomical quantities of buckwheat.
Ilya Klishin
Russians Have Little Say in Their Future
Putin’s revamp underlines the extent to which the status quo rules.
Почему и отставка Медведева, и поправки Путина к конституции не имеют ровным счетом никакого значения
Будущее не зависит ни от кого, кроме одного человека, чье имя вы прекрасно знаете.
Ilya Klishin
Surviving Against the Odds: How Russian Media Learned to Adapt in the 2010s
For a while, it looked like independent media would disappear in Russia. But that is not how things turned out.
Ilya Klishin
Why It Is Nearly Impossible for a Common Russian to Follow the Upcoming U.S. Elections
Russia's politics is a battle between those who are in favor of democratic procedures and capitalism and those who strive for authoritarianism.
Кому принадлежит русский язык? А кому английский?
Почему вообще проводятся заседания по русскому языку? И почему это происходит в Кремле...
Ilya Klishin
Putin Wants to Own the Russian Language
Why does the president want to create a Russian Wikipedia?
Экономический ГУЛАГ: зачем расстреливать оппозицию, если можно ее просто обанкротить
Илья Клишин о «Деле ФБК», новых экономических репрессиях против Навального и его сторонников...
Ilya Klishin
How Putin Is Bankrupting the Russian Opposition
Why throw hundreds of thousands of people into forced labor camps when you can easily force them into bankruptcy?
Как обсуждение смертной казни связано с «запретом» на негатив про Украину
Есть непреложное правило российских федеральных, кремлевских и прокремлевских, медиа:...
Ilya Klishin
What’s Behind Russian Media’s Obsession With the Death Penalty?
The recent debate in Russia on bringing back capital punishment has nothing to do with Ukraine — or does it?
Ilya Klishin
Putin Has Achieved Everything He Wanted. But It Will Never Be Enough For Young Russians.
Putin has led Russia into the bright future envisioned by his Brezhnev-era youth.
Ilya Klishin
How TikTok Is Bringing Russia’s Youth Closer to the West
School kids in Siberia now look just like school kids in New York and California.
Ilya Klishin
Russia’s New Heroes Are Those Who Simply Say Things as They Are
Government officials can turn into celebrities overnight simply by speaking the truth.
Ilya Klishin
Why Russian 'Opposition' Journalists Find Refuge in Propaganda Outlets
It makes little difference where you work in a media environment devoid of dreams and opportunities.
Ilya Klishin
The Kremlin's Trolls Go West
Russian authorities first set their sights on the Internet in the mid-2000s, but the selective approach to controlling it was not effective. The street...