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Articles by Héloïse Bargain
Young People Take Back Soviet 'Kommunalkas'
Soviet Kommunalka apartments — each one housing several families — are still very much a thing in Russia's big cities.
Russia’s Arctic: The New Hot Spot for Chinese Couples?
In Chinese tradition, conceiving a baby under the Northern Lights is believed to bring good luck to the baby.
How Do Russians Celebrate the New Year?
Welcome to a St. Petersburg family for a traditional New Year gathering.
Russian Poachers Are Going After Musk, the 'Gold of Siberia'
Deer musk can sell for an average of $200 per gram.
Russian Youth Fights for Climate in Siberia
We spoke with Siberia’s eco-activists about their choices, their concerns and the challenges they face.
Russian Tuberculosis Survivors Fight Stigma
According to World Health Organization statistics, 79,000 people in Russia contracted tuberculosis, or TB, in 2018.
A Russian ‘Freegan’ Challenges Capitalism and Consumerism
As more Russians become aware of food waste, they’re putting on their gloves and heading to the dumpster.
What Can You Find in Moscow’s Trash?
While dumpster-diving is a well-known phenomenon throughout Western countries, in Russia this unusual activity has its own unique challenges.
One Day in a Wheelchair in Moscow
An estimated 8% of Russians have disabilities, but they are rarely seen on Moscow’s streets. Activists say it’s because the city lacks accessibility...
Russian Veterans Join Anglican Church Remembrance Day Service
Despite the many diplomatic tensions, all stood in silence and then raised their glasses in toasts.
Why Do France’s Yellow Vests Love RT?
We went to an old textile workers town in southern France to find out.
First 'Boylesque' Dancer in Russia Fights Gender Stereotypes
Elisha Fox is the first burlesque male dancer in Russia.
Russians Read Names of Soviet Political Victims in Moscow
Despite the rain and the cold, the event brings together hundreds of people—young and old.
Russians and Alcohol: When Beer Replaced Vodka
Russians are drinking 43% less alcohol than they were in 2003, according to newly released World Health Organization data.
Russian Prison Tattoos Are a New Sign of Political Protest
Oleg Navalny, the brother of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, is now exhibiting the tattoo sketches that he made in prison.
Surviving Moscow as a Refugee DJ From Zimbabwe
Meet Simba, a DJ from Zimbabwe, as he shares the difficulties and hopes of life in Russia’s capital.
Downshifting in Russia: Who’s Fed Up With the Big City?
While rural flight increases in Russia, some young families are moving in the opposite direction.
Moscow Street Protests Are About More Than Elections
Meet Zhenya, a 25-year-old protester who has vowed to keep taking to the streets until things change.
Curvy Russian Models Aim to Conquer the World
Russian beauty pageants are dominated by skinny girls, but now some models are calling for a chance to show their curves on stage.
20K Demand Free Moscow Elections in Largest Russian Protest in Years
More than 22,000 protesters gathered in Moscow against the exclusion of opposition candidates from the ballot for city elections in September.
Welcome to the Russian Dacha
Spend one evening with three generations of women at a traditional Russian dacha north of Moscow. Their main occupation? Doing nothing!
How Did the World Cup Change Russia, One Year On?
One year after, what’s the legacy of the tournament… and how did Russia change?
Young Russians Fight Against Drinking in Public
Every Friday night, dozens of young men patrol public places and report people who drink to the police.
Over 500 Protesters Detained in Moscow at March for Press Freedom
The protesters called for the punishment of police officers who were involved in the detention of investigative journalist Ivan Golunov.
A Russian Doctor Struggles for a Fair Salary
Doctors and medical professionals across Russia are organizing to demand fair pay and better working conditions. Since fall 2018, three demonstrations...
Moscow's Muslims Celebrate the End of Ramadan
An estimated 200,000 to 320,000 people participated in the celebrations in Moscow.
Ramadan Where the Sun Never Sleeps: Fasting in St. Petersburg
Follow one Muslim in St. Petersburg who fasts for over 20 hours a day during Ramadan.
Bike Riding in Moscow: Not For the Faint-Hearted
We took a ride with a bike activist to see how safe it is to ride around Moscow's city center.
Russian History Enthusiasts Re-Enact Battle of Borodino
History buffs traveled back to 1812 to re-enact the epic battle.
The Mixed Feelings of Moscow's Venezuela Community About Life Abroad
We decided to ask the Venezuelan community in Moscow what they think about what's happening in their country.
Celebrating Rock Star Zemfira, 20 Years After Her Explosive Debut Album
Legendary Russian rock singer Zemfira released her debut album in May 1999.
Russians Commemorate Relatives Who Fought During World War II
Maria, a 19-year-old girl in Moscow, marched to celebrate her great-grandmother who fought during the war.
A Day in the Life of a Yandex Food Courier
The food delivery service has been criticized for the treatment of its couriers.
Muscovites React to Multi-Million Dollar Fountain Restoration
Do Moscow's residents know how much the renovation of the Stone Flower Fountain cost?
Moscow Residents Celebrating the Easter Vigil at Sretensky Monastery
Easter celebrations culminated in a grand midnight procession with crosses and icons.
Meet Moscow's Lone #ClimateStrike Protester
Makichyan, a 24-year-old student, protests alone in Moscow every Friday against climate change.