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Articles by Felix Kugel
Employment: Restructure for Growth: Best Practice Change Management
The level of employee engagement positively impacts staff retention, attendance, safety and trust, as well as revenue and customer loyalty.
B2B: Best Practices for Building a Talent Strategy
Dynamic market conditions and changing business objectives can necessitate a reassessment of workforce needs.
Employment: Increase the Strength of Your Workforce
For the greatest success, companies need to institute a comprehensive effort involving both employer and employee.
Employment: The Evolving Role of Human Resources
Organizations need one-size-fits-one career paths that allow employees to advance business goals and develop their skills.
Employment: A Technology Roadmap for Smarter Sourcing
In today's environment, uncertainty is the only certainty. Market volatility makes it difficult to forecast hiring.
Employment: Recruit the Right Talent to Increase Sales Effectiveness
A strong sales team is essential to the survival of the business. That is why even during harder times, companies continue to recruit sales core representatives...
Assessment for Hiring, Promotion and Development
With a slowdown in the rate of workforce growth, the looming retirement of baby boomers, and the globalization of labor, companies are facing an unprecedented...
Employment: Rehiring Laid-Off Workers
Tapping former employees can be a win-win talent strategy, as long as the parting was on good terms and HR policies support the move.
Employment: Working Well
Wellness in the workplace is nice to have, but is it an absolute strategic essential? Can an organization's performance and success depend on it...
Employment: Key Considerations When Determining to Build Versus Buy
A blended approach that ties business strategy to resources, budget and need can help organizations to build strength and agility.
Employment: Effective Talent Acquisition Is the Key to a Competitive Future
Executives in virtually every industry are concerned about the lack of available talent. Globally, the working-age population is on the decline while...
Employment: The Importance of Coaching New Leaders
One of the hallmarks of career success inside organizations is the ability of a new or recently promoted employee to successfully transition into a...
Employment: Successful Leaders — They May Not Be Who You Think They Are
What factors contribute most to accelerated leadership performance? The answers to that question are of vital importance to a company's success —...
Employment: Outsourcing: Key Risk Areas
In today's business environment, outsourcing processes to a third party has become relatively commonplace. The practice gives organizations an opportunity...
Employment: A New World We Are Living In
The world is undergoing a rapid and complete transformation. The new macro-ecosystem in which we exist is more interconnected, complicated and sensitive...
Employment: A Lost Generation of Older Workers
What percentage of your workforce is planning to retire in the next five to 10 years and what impact will it have on your organization?
Employment: The Looming Talent Shortage
The talent shortage—the disparity between what employers need and what available employees have to offer—has a variety of causes. Some are interconnected...
Employment: HR Is the Key Driver of an Agile Organization
ManpowerGroup's eighth annual Talent Shortage Survey found that 35 percent of employers on average report having difficulty filling jobs due to a lack...
Employment: Manage Costs. Invest in Talent. How to Do Both and Succeed in Today's Environment
The previous economic crisis has changed the employment landscape. Nowadays, it is a major struggle to manage operating costs while investing in talent...
Employment: The High Cost of Failure
Delivering projects on time and on budget is a minimum requirement for most organizations, and it is also critical to long-term success.
Talentism Heightens the Significance of Outsourcing
Workers are boldly determining where and when they want to work rather than simply grabbing the first opportunity they find.
Architecting Workforce Strategy
Success in today's hyper-competitive global economy requires a clear vision of where a company wants to go, the strategy to take it there and the...
Investing in Leadership Development
To ensure growth and competitiveness, it is necessary for companies to make investments in leadership talent. The positive economic momentum currently...
Drive Organizational Effectiveness by Building Trust
A growing body of evidence is emerging to show that levels of employee engagement have reached crisis lows in many organizations.
The Impact of Change on Workforce Productivity and Engagement
Talk to your employees about their careers, present them with development opportunities and position them to succeed.
Enhancing Workforce Performance
Talk to your employees about their careers, present them with development opportunities and position them to succeed.
Leadership in the Human Age
A new era is upon us — the Human Age. It will be the human potential that will be the catalyst for change and the global driving force behind economic...
Recommendations for Approving Outsourcing Strategies
The last four years have underscored the need for companies to be more agile. The collapse of seemingly recession-proof industries ushered in a...
New Models for Unlocking Human Potential
Despite high unemployment, employers globally face an impending challenge to find the right talent. One in three employers globally struggle to find...
The Youth Employment Challenge
As a series of demographic and economic shifts intensely converge, creating what ManpowerGroup identified the "Human Age," a range of population...
Launching Successful Careers
The International Labor Organization (ILO) estimates that nearly 75 million young people are unemployed in the world today. This number has increased...
How to Get Ahead of the Global Talent Shortage
According to ManpowerGroup Talent Shortage Survey, employers have been suffering from a global talent crisis for the 7th year in a row, and one-third...
How to Advance the Capabilities of Today's Workforce
Human capital has become the most important factor in companies' success.
How to Win in the Human Age
We live in the most transformative era the world has ever seen. The familiar economic systems and structures that have evolved over time, and that...
Companies in the Next Decades
The pace of business change over the past decade has been breathtaking. Firms have embraced the Internet for both commerce and communication. Globalization...
Short-Term Solutions to the Skilled-Trades Shortage
Worldwide, skilled trades are the hardest positions to fill, according to Manpower's "Talent Shortage Survey." This category covers a broad range of job...
Talent as the Main Driver of Business
Major economic uncertainty and unpredictability have resulted in fundamental structural changes on many fronts.
Hire and Retain the Best
According to ManpowerGroup's 2011 Talent Shortage Survey, one in three respondents report difficulty filling vacant roles, while 28 percent of employers...
Leveraging Talent Mobility to Address the Talent Mismatch in the Human Age
The world has entered a "new normal" — a post-recession business environment in which organizations have to do more with less and are forced to compete...
How to Fill the Talent Gap
Despite high unemployment, employers worldwide report difficulties in filling key positions.
So the immediate problem is not the number of potential...
The Global Talent Crunch: Why Employer Branding Matters Now
Manpower's Talent Shortage Survey reveals that the global talent crunch remains a pressing and pervasive issue for employers worldwide. Despite the last...
Entering the Human Age
The world is on the verge of entering a new reality, in which human potential itself will become the major agent of economic growth. Unleashing...
Designing Workforce Strategy for Sustained Business Growth
Even as we emerge from the global recession with unemployment continuing at high levels, the talent that drives business success is still in high demand...