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Articles by Dmitry Trenin
Dmitry Trenin
What a Week of Talks Between Russia and the West Revealed
If Russia cannot achieve its strategic goals by diplomatic means, it will resort to other methods.
Dmitry Trenin
Russia Takes a Gamble in Kazakhstan
If Russia succeeds in propping up the regime in Kazakhstan and making it more pro-Russian, the Central Asian nation could, become a more reliable ally...
Dmitry Trenin
Russia-India: From Rethink to Adjust to Upgrade
Russia needs to decide what it wants from the Indian connection.
Dmitry Trenin
Russian Foreign Policy: Shifting Gears
Is Ukraine that “unfinished business” that he will seek to complete before the end of his reign? Or is Putin just bluffing?
Dmitry Trenin
How the Arms Control Approach Could Help Russia Tackle Climate Change
Russia's climate change challenge is likely to become one of the most important processes shaping Russia’s future for years and decades to come.
Dmitry Trenin
Merkel’s Legacy, as Seen From Russia
Angela Merkel’s long tenure was a period of relative, if not always palatable, predictability in German-Russian relations.
Dmitry Trenin
Interpreting the Biden Doctrine: The View From Moscow
It is the success or failure of remaking America, not Afghanistan, that will determine the Biden administration's legacy.
Dmitry Trenin
Afghanistan After the U.S. Pullout: Challenges to Russia and Central Asia
The U.S. military withdrawal from Afghanistan leaves the country in a state of growing turmoil. Russia will need to do all it can to prevent extremist...
Dmitry Trenin
Sailing Into Troubled Waters. Russia Counters Britain in the Black Sea
No one in Moscow expects the West to accept Russia’s sovereignty over Crimea in the foreseeable future. However, dismissing the reality carries a price...
Dmitry Trenin
What Is Putin’s Mindset Ahead of His Meeting With Biden?
There are no illusions in Moscow: adversarial relations with Washington are here to stay.
Dmitry Trenin
Dealing With Biden's America
The Kremlin sees the Democratic administration as more predictable and more professional on foreign and security policy than its predecessor.
Dmitry Trenin
An 'Act of War?' Avoiding a Dangerous Crisis in Cyberspace
Unlike in the nuclear sphere, there are no rules governing the increasingly intense rivalry between the U.S. and Russia in the cyber sphere.
Dmitry Trenin
Joe Biden’s Foreign Policy and Russia
While Biden recognizes China as America’s top competitor, he calls Russia the biggest threat to the United States.
Dmitry Trenin
Game Over for Lukashenko: the Kremlin's Next Move
The Kremlin has had enough of Lukashenko, but it cannot allow Belarus to follow the path of Ukraine.
Dmitry Trenin
How Russians Are Reading Bolton and Trump
John Bolton suggests that Putin can play Trump like a fiddle. The truth is that the bilateral relationship with Russia is now as bad as at any time since...
Dmitry Trenin
U.S. Withdrawal From Open Skies Bolsters Case for New Strategic Regime
The 50-year-old arms control regime that helped keep the Cold War cold is beyond repair. It's time to start discussing ways of moving toward a new global...
Dmitry Trenin
Russia–U.S.: No Reset, Just Guardrails
Russia’s top priority should be to carefully maintain equilibrium— though not equidistance — between the United States and China.
Dmitry Trenin
What Does Russia Want From the United States?
The coronavirus pandemic is another opportunity that Moscow is using to engage Washington to try to break through the logjams in their relationship.
Dmitry Trenin
Russia Sees Its Worldview Vindicated in the Age of Coronavirus
As the Kremlin prepares to manage the health emergency, it’s coming to view the global disarray as affirmation of its ideology.
Dmitry Trenin
How Cozy Is Russia and China’s Military Relationship?
Russia and China’s strategic military cooperation is becoming ever closer.
Russia Facing Europe: A Provisional Road Map
Russia would do well to review its recent practical steps with a view to refocusing and energizing its policies toward the European Union.
Dmitry Trenin
20 Years of Vladimir Putin: How Russian Foreign Policy Has Changed
Dmitry Trenin on Russia's successes abroad and why resisting NATO expansion to the east was a fundamental mistake.
Dmitry Trenin
Russia Must Show Caution Now That It Has Publicly Sided With Trump (Op-ed)
Having publicly entered internal U.S. politics, Russia must be prepared for unpleasant surprises.
Dmitry Trenin
Why Russia Needs to Update Its South Caucasus Policy (Op-ed)
The country's national security is at stake.
Dmitry Trenin
Russia Has Grand Designs For the International Order (Op-ed)
Creating a new regional order with China, India, Iran, Turkey and others will not be easy
Dmitry Trenin
Here's a Breakdown of Russia's Foreign Policy Goals (Op-ed)
Beyond presidential elections next year, Russia will aim to solidify its status outside the former Soviet Union
Dmitry Trenin
Russia Must Sit Up and Take Notice of India
If this opportunity is missed, the drift in the Russian-Indian relationship will continue.
Dmitry Trenin
The Only Winner in Ukraine Is China
For a generation, relations between the U.S. and Russia were essentially about history.
Dmitry Trenin
Russia's Diplomatic Flourish in the Middle East
Crucially, Moscow and Washington are leading the peace process on an equal basis.
Dmitry Trenin
Obama's Chance to Earn His Nobel Prize
Western foreign policy initiatives that are designed to influence internal changes in Russia will likely backfire.
Dmitry Trenin
Tehran Is Neither Friend Nor Foe of Moscow
When Russians look at Iran, they see a country that has been their neighbor and rival forever. As the Russian empire advanced, it wrestled the North...
Dmitry Trenin
The West's Cold War Victory 20 Years On
Those who were so proud of winning the Cold War have done only a mediocre job organizing the peace that followed. U.S. and European leaders should detect...
Dmitry Trenin
Putin's Vision to Become a Post-Imperial Leader
Russia's 2012 presidential election is already effectively over since Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has decided to reclaim his old Kremlin office. By all...
Dmitry Trenin
Building a Republic 20 Years After the Putsch
Chinese leader Zhou Enlai may have been correct when he told U.S. President Richard Nixon in 1972 that it was too early to determine the impact of the...
Dmitry Trenin
Ambassador 'Mike' McFaul Could Help Reset
If Michael McFaul becomes the next U.S. ambassador to Russia, it will be another case of a scholar becoming a top diplomat, which is not uncommon in U...
Dmitry Trenin
Bin Laden, Basayev and Terrorism's Scourge
Osama bin Laden's passing, as Shamil Basayev's before him, will not end the fight against terrorism. Yet, the war on terrorism has long ceased to be...
Dmitry Trenin
Resetting on the Libyan Front
Russia's vote Thursday in the United Nations Security Council on Libya Resolution 1973 is more evidence of the changing nature of Moscow's foreign...
Dmitry Trenin
Turning a Happy Hour Into a Happy Alliance
President Dmitry Medvedev has called the NATO summit in Lisbon a historic event, and the weekend's statements offer a way to continue transforming Russian-Western...
Dmitry Trenin
How to Make Peace With Georgia
Relations between Georgia and Russia have been chilled since the "little war" of August 2008, and Russian policy so far has been to let ordinary Georgians...