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Articles by Des Brown
From Cold War to Cool War: A Talk With Die Zeit's Josef Joffe
The 21st century narrative may not be too different from the one Josef Joffe encountered when he began his career as a political writer for the German...
'Lenin on the Train:' Recreating the Most Monumental Train Journey in History
2016 marks 99 years since “the most momentous train journey in history” according to Catherine Merridale, historian, author and former history professor...
Niall Ferguson on Brexit, Russia, and the Age of Unpredictability
Scottish-born U.S. resident Niall Ferguson is an illustrious and compelling historian for the media age. Currently Professor of History at Harvard...
Andrew Davies' New 'War and Peace' Takes the Small Screen by Storm
British screenwriter Andrew Davies is television's best English literature lecturer. He introduced homicidal British Prime Minister Francis Urquhart to BBC...
When Margaret Thatcher and Mikhail Gorbachev Changed the World
Just published in Britain is Charles Moore's second volume of his three-part authorized biography of Margaret Thatcher subtitled "Everything She Wants...
Michael Palin on Russia, A Place Where the Rules Don't Apply
Today Michael Palin may be known first of all as one of the comic group Monty Python, but he may go down in history for his writing. He is now touring...
Marber and Turgenev Take London Stage by Storm
It has been 20 years since British writer Patrick Marber's first play, "Dealer's Choice," was staged at London's Royal National Theatre. 1995 was also...
Rifkind Tells Story of Gorbachev's First Meeting With Margaret Thatcher
Just over 30 years ago, Mikhail Gorbachev became general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. The next day, The Times of London ran...
Lebedev Discusses Gorbachev, Russia-West Ties
Evgeny Lebedev, owner of London's Evening Standard and national paper The Independent, is the most accessible of Britain's media owners and the most...
Sanctions Haven't Killed Russians' Love for London
Britain has been one of the most aggressive lobbyists for sanctions against Moscow over its actions in Ukraine. But as that crisis has unwound into tit-for-tat...
Hollywood Hopefuls To Debut in Moscow
Fall is the time when Hollywood starts to release its big guns, the films they hope will eventually do well in the awards season.
Paxman on Russia, World War I and 'Hot Money'
“A scourge of obfuscating politicians, Mr. Paxman is renowned for his refusal to accept waffling or platitudes from lawmakers” is how The New York...
Snowden Book and Upcoming Film Chronicle Exile
“To me, Edward Snowden is a hero,” Oliver Stone said last July. U.S. Vice President John Kerry recently described him as “a coward and a traitor...
James Bond Comes To Moscow's MAMM
“The name’s Bond, James Bond” are the most exciting words in the movies and were first spoken on-screen by Sean Connery on the evening of Friday...
New Revelations on KGB Spy Philby Recall Cold War Tensions
On April 25, Trinity College, Cambridge University, held a symposium at which the only known recording of Harold 'Kim' Philby addressing the KGB...
Scotland's First Minister in Controversy Over Vladimir Putin Remarks
As Scotland manages this year's Homecoming celebration and prepares for upcoming sporting events like the Commonwealth Games and the Ryder Cup, Scottish...
Battle of Words Over Russian Money in London
"London is Russia's tawdry b-[expletive]," tweeted Simon Schama, a professor at Columbia University and BBC documentary film maker, on March 8.
Unusual Coverage of Crimea in British Media
For much of last week, the events in Crimea and Ukraine were at the foreground of the British media. However, amongst the acres of newsprint and online...
Tourism Boom Brings Russians to Britain
Before the collapse of communism, Russian tourism to Britain usually meant Communist Party officials making a pilgrimage to the tomb of Karl Marx...
Russian Remake of 'Luther' Planned
The BBC series "Luther," written and created by Neil Cross, consists of just 14 episodes that aired in Britain between 2010 and 2013. It featured...
Cockney Russians on English-Language TV Shows
Nowadays, Russian characters in British and American drama often fall into stereotype images of classical literary characters, Cold War warriors, revolutionaries...
Separatist Games for U.K. and Russia
The Economist's Feb. 1 issue led with President Putin and the Winter Olympics as its cover story, saying that "the message of the Games is simple: Russia...
Jack Ryan Thriller Recreates Russia in the U.K.
"Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit," an espionage thriller by Paramount Pictures is currently sitting on top of the Russian box office with an opening weekend...
Centenary of WWI Largely Ignored in Russia
British historian and journalist Sir Max Hastings has penned volumes chronicling World War II, the Korean War and the Falklands War. His latest work,...
Britain Remembers Kim Philby
That quintessential Cold War year of 1963 has been featuring prominently in the Britain recently. Andrew Lloyd Webber's new musical "Stephen Ward" revisits...
Program Announced for Russia-U.K. Year of Culture
Currently running on the BBC is a three-part documentary, "Strange Days: Cold War Britain" in which historian Dominic Sandbrook evokes the social and cultural...
Moscow Olympics Relived in New British Film
The Sebastian Coe-Steve Ovett clash at the Moscow Olympic Games was one of those quintessentially British sporting stories that are legendary at home...
New Book Chronicles the Heart of Russia's History
Recently published in Britain is "Red Fortress: The Secret Heart of Russia's History" by historian Catherine Merridale of Queen Mary's University in London...
Russia's Soccer Relationship With England
Hard as it is to believe, on a Wednesday evening in November a soccer stadium in northwest England will literally be the centre of the world for tens...
Wealthy Russians Hear London Calling and Answer
"Meet the Russians," a reality entertainment show produced by Fox TV, will start broadcasting in Britain on Sept. 25. It estimates there are 300,000...
Des Brown
Special Relationship Tested
British leaders are often criticized for being too closely tied to the United States, but the relationship is an essential one.
Russians Flocking to Britain's Boarding Schools
Come September, more than 2000 schoolchildren across Russia will be packing their luggage and decamping to the houses of the most traditional of British...
London to Be Summer Center of Russian Ballet
Never in its history will the Bolshoi arrive for a London season under such a heavy cloud of controversy.
How the Beatles Rocked the Kremlin
"How The Beatles Rocked the Kremlin: The Untold Story of a Noisy Revolution," rockets the reader back to the stagnant times of the Brezhnev era...
BBC Takes Another Stab at Filming 'War and Peace'
Andrew Davies is British television's undisputed master of the literary adaptation. The next project he will undertake, however, could easily baffle...