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Articles by Clare Taylor
Moscow Winter Driving; It's Snow Joke
If you live in Moscow, it won't have escaped your notice that we've had a lot of snow recently. Actual amounts are hotly debated; the BBC (based in the UK...
Why Creating Driving Rules Can Be Compared to Parenting
Hallelujah! Rejoice, brothers and sisters, for this morning what is nominally five marked lanes where I join the highway on the journey to drop my...
On Realizing That Living in Moscow Can Be Compared to Attending a Wedding Fair
How do you know when you are a fully fledged female Moscow expat resident?
Familiarity Breeds Contempt
One of the best things about returning to Moscow after a summer vacation is that you are reacquainted with some of the more interesting things about...
Life, Laundry
It's a wonderful thing, this expat lifestyle. It causes you to cross paths with people from so many different backgrounds and cultures in a way that...
Living With Ghosts
Nobody told me that when you sign on for this expat life, you need to be ready to live with ghosts.
It Isn't Easy Being Green
Ever heard the one about the expat woman who takes her own plastic bags to a Russian hypermarket that already provides free plastic bags for its customers...
Pleasing All of the People Some of the Time
Russians who are showing off their country are often very concerned with ensuring that visitors know there is more to their capital city than matryoshka...
The Kids Are All Right
The Muscovite "get out of my way" attitude can be overwhelming when you first arrive here, but if you come to Moscow with young children in tow, the situation...
"You Don't Bring Me Flowers Anymore..."
On my first International Women's Day in Russia, I made it clear to my husband that flowers were expected — no, mandatory — on this day of days...
A Life Less Ordinary
If you limit your exposure to the lows of Moscow living, you're unlikely to get the chance to feel the highs either.