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Articles by Andrei Soldatov
Andrei Soldatov
Irina Borogan
How Does Russia Treat Its Modernizers? By Locking Them Up
Alexei Soldatov, the “father of the Russian internet,” has been jailed for his independence and integrity while the Kremlin tightened its grip.
4 Min read
Andrei Soldatov
Evan Gershkovich's Arrest Means No Journalist Can Feel Safe in Russia Today
All foreign journalists, and by default all foreign nationals, are now potentially fair game for Putin and the Russian security services.
3 Min read
Andrei Soldatov
Irina Borogan
How Russia's FSB Embraced Religion in the Face of a Baffling War
The higher-ups in the security forces have long recognized the use of the Russian Orthodox Church as an unofficial arm of the state.
4 Min read
Andrei Soldatov
Irina Borogan
How the Kremlin Is Taking Aim at its Russian Critics in Exile
The Kremlin is busy developing a new strategy to deal with the unprecedented recent wave of emigration that has seen hundreds of thousands of people decide...
Andrei Soldatov
Irina Borogan
How the Kremlin Quietly Built Russia's Surveillance State
While Russia's mobilization of reservists to bolster its manpower on the frontline of the war with Ukraine has dominated news coverage of Russia in recent...
Andrei Soldatov
Irina Borogan
FSB Seizes a Greater Role in Russia’s Shadow War
From the Ukrainian standpoint, there are plentiful reasons to conduct dark operations against the Russian aggressor. Recent work by the Ukrainian secret...
Andrei Soldatov
Irina Borogan
Prison Swaps, Putin Style
More Westerners may be arrested as Putin forms a “bank” of people for future prisoner exchanges.
Andrei Soldatov
Irina Borogan
The Good Engineer Zima
The Russian regime rewards engineers who keep the regime afloat, but it is a Faustian bargain.
Andrei Soldatov
Bad News for Me Is Good News for Russia
An investigative journalist investigates the legal case against him.
Andrei Soldatov
Irina Borogan
Putin Pulls Russian Spy Agency Out of Ukraine
All signs point to continued infighting among the Russian security organizations, the siloviki.
Andrei Soldatov
Irina Borogan
Vicious Blame Game Erupts Among Putin’s Security Forces
Russian security institutions have begun to point fingers at one another over failures in the war on Ukraine.
Andrei Soldatov
Why is a Russian Intelligence General in Moscow Lefortovo Prison?
The head of the Fifth Service of the FSB was brought to Lefortovo Prison under an false name.
Andrei Soldatov
Russia Faces Loss of Digital Sovereignty
Russia will have two ways to cope: spies and Chinese technology.
Andrei Soldatov
Why the Kremlin Blocking TOR Is a Big Deal
The encryption software allows users to access websites and pages blocked by the authorities, but TOR has been political since its inception in the 1960s...
Andrei Soldatov
We Can No Longer Expect Google and Apple to Fight for Internet Freedom
Since the backlash over Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election, global tech giants have become replaceable parts of national infrastructure.
Andrei Soldatov
Russia’s Drive to Replace Foreign Technology Is Slowly Working
Using primitive methods, the Kremlin has made steady progress towards a goal that once seemed impossible — weaning Russians off foreign-made technology...
Andrei Soldatov
Why Is Russia Not Using Pegasus Spyware?
Pegasus spyware leak appears to vindicate FSB's paranoia concerning foreign-made surveillance technology.
Andrei Soldatov
Russia’s Endless Registers Are a Back Door to Preliminary Censorship
Listing everything means new things cannot pop up and become available spontaneously.
Andrei Soldatov
Can the U.S. Still Cooperate With Russia's Security Agencies?
How to work together when you can't tell the cops from the robbers.
Andrei Soldatov
What Has Become of the GRU, Russia’s Military Intelligence Agency?
To understand the Czech arms depot explosion, you have to delve into the history books.
Andrei Soldatov
Russia’s Pursuit of Internet Sovereignty Backfires, Again
A Kremlin attempt to slow Twitter caused government websites to crash and raised new questions about its ambitious plans to regulate the internet.
Andrei Soldatov
Irina Borogan
Russia’s Secret Organizations Are Not Secret Anymore. It Seems They Don’t Care
What has become clear is that to expect the Kremlin or its secret services to be embarrassed when they are unmasked is to miscalculate greatly.
Andrei Soldatov
Safronov’s Arrest Is a New Low for Freedom of Speech in Russia
Putin has now entrusted the “journalist question” to his security services. We should be very worried.
Andrei Soldatov
How the ‘1984’ Scenario Failed in Moscow
The authorities’ sheer incompetence coupled with bureaucratic arrogance ruined any chance for public acceptance of increased control.
Andrei Soldatov
Coronavirus Will Pass, But Moscow's Mass Surveillance Is Here to Stay
Laws that, on the face of it, keep people safe can change the fabric of society.
Andrei Soldatov
The Kremlin’s Ticking Tech Bomb (Op-ed)
On the eve of the election, protests are feeding the Kremlin’s already high level of internet paranoia
Andrei Soldatov
The Kremlin’s VPN Ban Has KGB Roots (Op-ed)
The Kremlin’s ban on VPNs is less about national security than self preservation
Andrei Soldatov
Security First, Technology Second — Why It’s Back to the Future For Russian IT
In the Bavarian Alps there is a small mountain resort town, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, famous for its spectacular views and its hosting of the Nazi Olympics...
Andrei Soldatov
RuNet 2016: Pressure Shifts From Companies to Citizens (Op-Ed)
The stakes are getting higher in the battle between the state and the Internet giants.
Andrei Soldatov
FSB Will Welcome Russia's Internet Server Law
A little more than two years ago, in March 2012, Sergei Smirnov, first deputy director of the Federal Security Service, presented a policy paper...
Andrei Soldatov
In Front of Putin, Internet Titans Lose Their Nerve
Even the recent and onerous restrictions on blogs were only mentioned once at the forum.
Andrei Soldatov
Putin, the Internet, and Popular Conspiracies
President Vladimir Putin, who had previously shown complete indifference to the Internet, has suddenly given an exhaustive explanation of his position...
Andrei Soldatov
The True Role of the FSB in the Ukrainian Crisis
The intrigue is growing over the Federal Security Service's involvement in Ukraine. On April 11, Ukraine's Deputy Prosecutor General said there was...
Andrei Soldatov
FSB Makes Eavesdropping an Olympic Event
The Kremlin not only did not deny allegations of illegal spying. They seemed to be proud of it.
Andrei Soldatov
FSB's Olympic Spying
Russian intelligence agencies are violating the law when they gather metadata on citizens without a court order.
Andrei Soldatov
Russia's Spying Craze
After the FSB announced its plans to gain direct access to phone calls and e-mails without a court warrant, other Russian agencies said they want in on...
Andrei Soldatov
Snowden Comes Out of His Capsule At Last
After the Snowden news conference, the real question everybody is asking is: Does the FSB control Snowden's every action?
Andrei Soldatov
NSA Is No Match for the FSB
While the U.S. has checks and balances that regulate how the state eavesdrops on its citizens, Russia has none.
Andrei Soldatov
Both Sides Dropped the Ball on Tsarnaev
The failures of both the FBI and FSB show the lack of coordination that has hindered the joint battle on terrorism.
Andrei Soldatov
The FSB Opens a New Foreign Front
The Federal Security Service will be given a detachment of agents to be assigned to permanent duty in foreign states.
Andrei Soldatov
FSB's Cyber Silver Bullet
Russia can strengthen its defense against cyberattacks on state websites and the country's entire cyberspace by creating a CERT.
Andrei Soldatov
Now, Almost Anyone Is a Traitor
Journalists, NGOs and even bureaucrats fear that any contact with foreigners may qualify as treason under the new law.
Andrei Soldatov
Treating Smugglers as Spies
The illegal export of U.S. dual-use technology to Russia has always been a criminal offense, but it was never considered true espionage.
Andrei Soldatov
Why a Young American Wants to Be a Russian Spy
If you are lucky enough to be a Russian sleeper agent in the United States, you can earn a lot of money and do absolutely nothing.
Andrei Soldatov
Police Using Sledgehammers to Crack Nuts
The March 5 protest rally on Pushkin Square revealed how government security forces were unprepared to respond properly to what should have been a very...
Andrei Soldatov
Why Putin Will Inherit an Unhappy FSB in 2012
However much funding has grown for the Federal Security Service during the 2000s, this fall they are facing their most serious internal crisis in years...
Andrei Soldatov
Kremlin's Plan to Prevent a Facebook Revolution
Recent events in the Arab world have sparked renewed optimism with online social networks. Many in the West are now convinced that Internet technology...
Andrei Soldatov
Imitation Anti-Terror
Two top officials who were conspicuously absent from President Dmitry Medvedev’s meeting with top security officials — Interior Minister Rashid Nurgaliyev...
Andrei Soldatov
Turning Misfit Spies Into Heroes
In Russia, the spy fiasco was flipped on its head and spun as a huge success: the agents “penetrated” U.S. society and duped the naive Americans for...
Andrei Soldatov
The Country’s New Nobility
In December 2000, then-director of the Federal Security Service proudly described the FSB’s rank and file: “Our best colleagues, the honor and pride...