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Articles by Andrei Malgin
Andrei Malgin
Negotiations With Trump Are a Win-Win for the Kremlin
Putin will use any dialogue with the United States to show that Russia is a great power on the world stage.
4 Min read
Andrei Malgin
Alexievich Gets the Solzhenitsyn Treatment
Soviet dissident Alexander Solzhenitsyn won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1970 and his book "The Gulag Archipelago" was first published in the...
Andrei Malgin
Keeping Tabs on Moscow's Strategic Friendships
Despite the fact that Belarussian President Alexander Lukashenko on Tuesday denied plans to establish a major Russian air base in that country, demonstrators...
Andrei Malgin
Buying Russia's Risky Bonds
The Finance Ministry announced that it will soon reinstate the practice of issuing government bonds to the public.
Andrei Malgin
What Is Putin's Game Plan in Syria?
According to a number of sources, Russia has increased its military presence in Syria. The international community has been debating why on earth...
Andrei Malgin
Kremlin Doesn't Understand International Law
Whenever an appeal reaches President Vladimir Putin to spare someone getting crushed by Russia's repressive judicial machine, he always replies with...
Andrei Malgin
FSB Has Russia in a Choke Hold
Let's recall the events of these days 16 years ago. On Aug. 9, 1999, Yeltsin appointed Vladimir Putin acting head of the Russian government. On the...
Andrei Malgin
Russian Society Is Increasingly Paranoid
A paranoid person harbors unhealthy suspicions and sees in random events conspiracies and intrigues against him by his enemies.
Andrei Malgin
Putin Needs Another Victory in Ukraine
Ukrainian media raise the alarm every few days that the Russian army is about to attack and seize this or that town.
Andrei Malgin
Kremlin in a Tizzy Over West's 'Russophobia'
The propaganda campaign by President Vladimir Putin's regime has convinced Russians that the West, and especially the United States, devotes a lot...
Andrei Malgin
Kremlin Propaganda Leaves No Russian Behind
The Kremlin shelled out big money last week to host the so-called "World Congress of Russian Press" that brought together representatives of more...
Andrei Malgin
Russia Will Not Hand Over Its Children!
Last week President Vladimir Putin told participants in a business forum, "Today, as you know, they are already taking talented children to study abroad...
Andrei Malgin
It's Not the End for Russians and Ukrainians
I once took a hiatus from journalism to open a media-related business: a newspaper consisting entirely of classified ads.
Andrei Malgin
Peas In a Pod: Putin's Russia and Mussolini's Italy
I have a copy of the Polish magazine "Wprost" with a cover photo of President Vladimir Putin wearing a Hitler-style mustache. And underneath, in large...
Andrei Malgin
Russia Slips Back to Suffocating Stagnation
I spent the years of my youth in the latter part of former Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev's rule — a period now called "the years of stagnation...
Andrei Malgin
No More 'Extremist' Toys for Russian Children
Former Soviet leader Josef Stalin received an urgent message from the Soviet secret police, the NKVD, on March 15, 1935, reporting that the Balakirev...
Andrei Malgin
Putin's Love Affair With Europe's Far Right
It has long been customary for Kremlin spin doctors to claim that black is white and white is black — even when there is no apparent need to distort...
Andrei Malgin
Nemtsov Death Is Politkovskaya Part Two
Back in 2006, President Vladimir Putin learned of the murder of journalist Anna Politkovskaya while on a visit to Germany. He told German journalists...
Andrei Malgin
'MaiDOWN' Banners Show Inhumanity
A so-called "Anti-Maidan" march was held last weekend in the center of Moscow. It coincided with the anniversary of revolutionary events in Maidan...
Andrei Malgin
There Will Be No World War, Russia Is Alone
A recent report by the Atlantic Council think tank advocating the provision of lethal military assistance to Ukraine highlights the threat posed...
Andrei Malgin
Russia Is Denying the Obvious in Ukraine
Everybody knows that so-called Novorossia in eastern Ukraine is awash with modern Russian weapons. Social networks publish photos and videos daily showing...
Andrei Malgin
Kremlin Troll Army Shows Russia Isn't Charlie Hebdo
Their Internet nickname is "trolls" and their job is to promote a particular ideology on social networks. From several investigations into their...
Andrei Malgin
On Which Side Are You, Masters of Culture?
The phrase, "On which side are you, masters of culture?" is well known in Russia as the title of an article Maxim Gorky published during the rule...
Andrei Malgin
Russia's Propaganda Machine Goes Global
When I visited Italy six years ago, the country boasted six Russian-language newspapers. Now only one remains: La Nostra Gazzetta. In fact, that newspaper...
Andrei Malgin
The Slow Death of Russian Independent Media
Ominous storm clouds were gathering over the Ekho Moskvy radio station last week. That is serious because Russia only has one opposition-minded television...
Andrei Malgin
Russia's State Media Get Away With Murder
Russia's media watchdog, Roskomnadzor, issued an official warning to radio station Ekho Moskvy last week. According to Russian law, if the station...
Andrei Malgin
Can Ukraine Get Crimea and the Donbass Back?
The annexation of Crimea was clearly illegal and contrary to international standards.
Andrei Malgin
Russian Children Are Pawns in Kremlin's Game
When the U.S. passed its Magnitsky law in late 2012, barring entry to the U.S. for 60 Russian officials implicated in the prison death of Sergei...
Andrei Malgin
Corruption Is the Backbone of Putin's Power
The Rossiiskaya Gazeta newspaper ran a major interview with Kremlin chief of staff Sergei Ivanov a few days ago. When asked about the corruption plaguing...
Andrei Malgin
Ukrainian Refugees to Repopulate Siberia
Stalin loved to resettle entire populations, casually transporting huge numbers of people over great distances like cattle. For example, over just two...
Andrei Malgin
The KGB and Me
I was lucky as a young man. Unlike my fellow college-age friends who were stuck behind the Iron Curtain, in 1977 I was given the opportunity at age...
Andrei Malgin
Power in the Kremlin Comes With a Price
Putin's ability to play on Russians' fears has allowed him to consolidate immense power over his 15 years in office, writes columnist Andrei Malgin...
Andrei Malgin
Putin's Media Lives in an Alternate Reality
I earned my degree in journalism back in the 1970s from universities in both Moscow and Warsaw. Instructors at both institutions used the same archetypal...
Andrei Malgin
Putin's Policy Aims Unclear, But All Hurt Russia
Pro-Russian separatists and government troops are fighting bloody battles in the area that Ukrainians call southern and eastern Ukraine, but that Putin's...
Andrei Malgin
Church Cynically Sidesteps Soviet's Brutal Past
Not much in modern Russia surprises me anymore, but last week I got a real shock: Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill warmly congratulated Communist...
Andrei Malgin
Kiev Embassy Attack Exposes Russia's Double Standards
It is wrong to attack a foreign embassy. Nonetheless, an agitated crowd descended on the Russian Embassy in Kiev on June 14. The night before, pro-Russian...
Andrei Malgin
Public Apathy Plays Into Kremlin Propaganda
For the last several months, state-controlled television stations have been bombarding their viewers with the message that the radical right-wing political...
Andrei Malgin
Russia Beat Hitler and It Will Beat Obama
We can excuse Kremlin spin doctors for branding all Maidan protesters as "Banderites" and fascists, despite the fact that the protesters came from a...
Andrei Malgin
How Russia Protects Kids From 'Gay Plague'
In St. Petersburg late one evening a year ago, a man attacked two women in a half-empty metro car as it approached a station. He pushed one woman...
Andrei Malgin
The Black and Orange Ribbon of Putin's Army
On every recent television broadcast about Russia's annexation of Crimea or the eastern part of Ukraine, viewers have been bombarded with images of people...
Andrei Malgin
Putin Began Playing by Own Rules Last Fall
For some reason, the international community was shocked by Russia's annexation of Crimea and President Vladimir Putin's decision to openly ignore...
Andrei Malgin
Russia Is Following in Nazi Germany's Footsteps
Putin's state propaganda has successfully turned Russians into mindless zombies.
Andrei Malgin
Forget Kiev. The Real Fight Will Be for Crimea
As a result of the confusion, Russia gave Crimea to Ukraine but retained Sevastopol.
Andrei Malgin
Olympic Ceremony Without World War II
Those who had become accustomed to viewing Russia through the prism of state propaganda got a surprise from the opening ceremony of the Sochi Olympics...
Andrei Malgin
Medvedev's Winter Palace
Why is the media so quiet about Medvedev's winter dacha, which is officially listed as a structure that was built for the Olympic Games?
Andrei Malgin
Putin's Law
When Putin's regime wants to clamp down on the opposition, it likes to deploy creative provisions of the Criminal Code.