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Articles by Anatoly Medetsky
Q&A: Head of Boehringer Ingelheim Says Kiev Stint Prepared Him For Russia
The Carpathian Mountains and the Atlantic Ocean have excited admiration for nature in Ivan Blanarik.
Arctic Oil Rig Raided by Greenpeace Ships First Oil
Gazprom on Friday shipped the first oil from the country's only offshore Arctic field in operation to Europe, marking the latest step in the development...
Putin Frets About U.S. Meddling In Gas Trade
President Vladimir Putin has upbraided the U.S. for speaking out about Russia's gas trade with Ukraine and the rest of Europe.
State-Owned Giants Team Up to Set Up Drugmaker
A plant to produce vaccines is opening next week thanks to support from the state-owned giants of the domestic economy: the development bank VEB...
Yakunin Seethes Over Russian Railway Losses
Russian Railways' monopoly has suffered a loss in the first quarter because of the government's decision to freeze freight rates, company chief Vladimir...
First Russian Coal Heads to North Korean Port
Russian Railways has put to use the North Korean port it helped to upgrade recently.
Billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov Ditches Yo-Mobile Hybrid Car Idea
Billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov has pulled out of a plan to build a hybrid car, whose test model he showed off to President Vladimir Putin, as the weakening...
Coal Companies Pivot East in Struggle Against Cheap U.S. Exports
The nation's coal mining companies suffered major losses last year as cheap U.S coal exports drove down prices.
Rosneft Chief Trots the Globe Amid Sanctions
State-controlled oil giant Rosneft has launched a charm offensive amid the government's standoff with the West.
Minister Hatches Plan to Protect Economy
Economic Development Minister Alexei Ulyukayev has admitted that private investment in the country has stalled in the wake of Russia's absorption of Crimea...
Pfizer Touts Local Partnership
Pfizer’s collaboration with a local pharmaceutical company could help it win a lucrative government contract.
Kremlin Unfazed by Loss of G8 Membership
Russian authorities on Tuesday appeared unmoved by the announcement that leading industrial nations put Russia's membership in the Group of Eight on hold...
Cabinet Outlines Costs of Crimea
The costly consequences of expanding Russia's territory became clearer Monday when Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev revealed a Crimea to-do list for the...
U.S. Sanctions Spread Through Billionaires' Business Empires
The latest U.S. sanctions against Russia have even hurt companies that Washington did not formally blacklist. Although the sanctions officially target...
Putin Putting the Screws to Offshores
President Vladimir Putin on Thursday demanded that Russian business leaders register their companies onshore, rather than in foreign tax havens.
Putin, Showing Resolve, Signs Crimean Treaty
President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday signed a treaty to add Ukraine's breakaway region of Crimea to Russia, expanding the country for the first time...
Fourth Moscow Airport Taking Shape
A new airport backed by powerful state corporation Rostec is set to emerge near Moscow to relieve existing giants like Sheremetyevo and Domodedovo.
Pipe Baron Komarov Arrested for Bribery
Police and security officers have detained one of the country's wealthiest people, Andrei Komarov, the majority owner of ChelPipe, on suspicion of attempting...
Western Aid to Ukraine Could Wind Up in Russian Coffers
The $40 billion discount on Russian gas purchases the Yanukovych government agreed with Moscow is likely to vaporize if Crimea secedes from Ukraine...
Who Does Putin Want as Ukrainian President?
In May, Ukraine will elect a president, whose history with Russia and perception by the Kremlin could advance or delay the cooling of relations with...
Investors Unfazed by Ukraine Conflict
The country's ongoing standoff with the West over Ukraine appeared to raise few jitters among the attendants of a Tuesday meeting where the government...
Ukraine Crisis Nets Billions of Dollars for Kremlin
A cheaper ruble and more expensive oil could actually go a long way in improving Russia's economy, possibly offsetting other potential aftershocks...
Politics or Revenge? Billionaire Gleb Fetisov is Arrested
A Moscow court has arrested billionaire political leader Gleb Fetisov, weeks after he ramped up his political ambitions by partnering up with prominent...
Q&A: Farming Pioneer Babayev Milks at 520 Cows Per Hour
Naum Babayev remembers when canned meat was more sought after than money. During the financial convulsion of 1998, Babayev realized that food was a good...
Sochi Real Estate Boom Unlikely After Olympics
As the glow and attention of the Olympic Games begins to fade, will the revamped Black Sea resort be able to find buyers for its apartments?
Putin Takes Break From Olympics to Press Ministers Over Economy
President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday held another meeting with Cabinet ministers to discuss the faltering economy, the latest ritual that might further...
Winners and Losers in Russia's Shrinking Car Market (Video)
Renault Russia sales chief Sergei Kuteishchikov had to shave his head last month, having lost what seemed a sure bet. He gambled that in 2013's declining...
Q&A: Horses, History Bind AmCham Chief to Russia (Video)
A descendant of tsarist Russia's highest elected official, U.S.-born banker Alexis Rodzianko began speaking Russian before English. His mastery of Russian...
Some Government Agencies Could Move East
The Cabinet is mulling further tax breaks for the Far East and moving some government agencies to the remote region in another bid to inject more...
Chubais Unveils New-Look Rusnano
Anatoly Chubais, known in the West as the driver of post-Soviet privatization, is counting on his reputation and corporate savvy to attract external...
Billionaire Quits Business to Better Fight Kremlin
The only billionaire in the country at the head of a political party, Gleb Fetisov, has sold out of all his assets, showing his resolve to jostle...
AvtoVAZ Cutting Staff, Offering Severance Packages
AvtoVAZ, the country's largest carmaker, is about to lay off some of its workers, following a slump in sales last year and gloomy forecasts for the...
Business Unimpressed by Khodorkovsky Release
Some long-term investors even see the swift release of the former Yukos owner as a stark example of the over concentration of power.
Davos Highlights Success of Russian Regions
A report on Russian regions at the World Economic Forum in Davos on Wednesday will call on the country's policy makers to attempt four key improvements...
Ruble Expected to Stand its Ground, for Now
In a country like Russia, where a fair share of consumer goods come from abroad, the government's efforts to move to a more flexible exchange rate...
Q&A: Romanoff Descendant Getting to Know Russia
Grand Duke George Romanoff is likely the first member of the Romanov dynasty of Russian monarchs to work at a major Russian company.
Putin's Confidence Brings Freedom for Khodorkovsky
The opposition's lackluster performance in recent regional elections has likely contributed to President Vladimir Putin's stunning decision to pardon...
Putin to End Khodorkovsky's 'Infinite' Imprisonment
President Vladimir Putin's surprise announcement on Thursday that he was going to end jailed Yukos CEO Mikhail Khodorkovsky's time in prison with a pardon...
Gazprom 2014 Budget Down 22% to $24Bln
Gazprom, the country's largest company, has slashed its spending plan for next year by 22 percent in comparison to this year.
Construction of New Pipeline from North Siberia to China Kicks Off
Construction of a major pipeline kicked off Tuesday in an effort that will likely bring more oil from Siberia to China. Governor Lev Kuznetsov made...
Kremlin Preparing Substantial Welcome for Yanukovych on Tuesday
The Kremlin on Monday announced that it was offering a raft of substantial deals, including a loan, for Ukraine, whose President Viktor Yanukovych...
Putin Stays Firm on Fulfilling Promises
President Vladimir Putin on Thursday said the government would have to improve the country's economic performance in order to fulfill his campaign...
RDIF Prods Regions For Investment Opportunities
Sitting on a colossal pile of money, the country's key vehicle for bringing in foreign investment on Monday prodded regional authorities to come...
Economic Logic Pushed Ukraine to Russia
For Ukraine's Prime Minister Mykola Azarov, it was not pressure from Russia that provoked Ukraine's flip-flop on the association deal with the European...
Ukraine Offers New Deadline for EU Deal
Ukraine's Prime Minister Mykola Azarov on Tuesday raised the prospect of signing a free-trade deal with the European Union next spring.
Outcry Prompts Putin Compromise Offer on Tax Investigation Bill
President Vladimir Putin on Monday proposed a measure aimed at mollifying a business community alarmed by a recent Kremlin-sponsored tax crime bill...
Russia's First Private Satellite Maker Readies for Lift-Off
Dumping his stakes Russian retailers selling domestic appliances and DIY hardware, Mikhail Kokorich founded the first private satellite manufacturer...
Ukraine Dumps EU in Favor of Russia
Ukraine on Thursday suspended its course toward closer ties with the European Union in a major victory for Russia.
State Spending to Buoy Sales of Cheaper Drugs
Czech firm Zentiva's drug to treat high blood pressure took just three months on the Russian market to outsell rival medication made by U.S.-based...
Business Council Meeting Sees Two New Partnerships
Russian government officials, led by two deputy ministers, met with U.S. business representatives and lobbyists for a two-day conference in Houston...
Chechen Resort Becomes Special Economic Zone
Businessman Ruslan Baisarov's effort to build a ski resort in Chechnya, a region that is trying to bring life back to normal after two separatist wars...
Q&A: Billionaire Fetisov Believes Russia's Future Is Green
The fine chairs in billionaire Gleb Fetisov's office all feature green leather upholstery. It is no wonder: Fetisov is chairman of Green Alliance-People's...
Gazprom Completes First Solo Offshore Project
Gazprom has started to operate the first offshore field that it has developed on its own, in a test of its power to perform the challenging task without...
3M Joins Local R&D Club
U.S. industrial conglomerate 3M on Wednesday talked up its decision to join a small club of international firms that do research and development in the...
In China, Medvedev Seals Deals and Praises Weightlifting
Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on Tuesday called for greater direct investment between Russia and China, on a visit to Beijing that resulted mostly in...
World Economic Forum Gathers Leaders to Reignite Russia's Economy
Business and political leaders will sit down in a Moscow hotel this weekend to draft a report aimed at plotting a way forward for Russia's sputtering economy...
Siluanov Shrugs Off Possible U.S. Default
The U.S. Senate cut a temporary deal to raise the country's debt ceiling Wednesday, possibly sparing the global economic system the consequences of a government...
New Space Agency Head to Oversee Industry Reform
Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has appointed a former deputy defense minister to head the Federal Space Agency in a move that is part of a broader revamp...
Shuvalov Criticizes 'Low' State Salaries
First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov on Tuesday griped about proposed raises in government salaries, describing them as insufficient, adding to the...
Law to Open Floodgates to Foreign Oil Companies
A law just out of the Kremlin is raising the specter of a new era in the development of the country's offshore oil and gas riches by streamlining...
WEF Gives Russian Human Capital Mediocre Grade
The quality of education in the country received low scores from business executives, contributing to Russia's middling rank in the latest study of human...
Cabinet Reviews Detailed Plans on Supporting Small Entrepreneurs
The Cabinet has discussed moves to back small and medium-sized businesses with greater access to loans and state contracts as a way to spur the flagging...
Economic Zone for Aviation Takes Off
Despite an economic slowdown, the government is going ahead with spending on the construction of the only special economic zone in the country that...
Prokhovorov Sees Land Reform as Economic Engine
Billionaire turned political leader Mikhail Prokhorov has proposed to streamline the rules for land ownership, saying it could give momentum to the...
Medvedev Bets on Private Business in Hard Economic Times
Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev warned Friday that the economy had fallen on hard times and identified the private sector as the engine for future growth...
Q&A: Stefan Drr Rises From Pig Insemination to Big Farming Business
In part, it was thanks to Stefan Dürr that Russia trod so cautiously for so long on the issue of private ownership of its farmland.
U.S Truck Maker Looks to Expand Sales in Russia
U.S.-based company International Trucks is resuming sales of its brand new commercial vehicles in Russia despite a lull in demand on the Russian market...
Abu Dhabi Commits Record $5Bln to Russian Infrastructure
Another Arab investor on Thursday tentatively agreed to set foot in Russia, setting a record with its possible commitment of $5 billion.
New Far East Minister Named
President Vladimir Putin on Thursday appointed business lobbyist Alexander Galushka as Far East Development Minister, completing the staff changes meant...
Artemyev Mulls Tapping Gasoline Reserves
The government could tap its fuel reserves to tame the recent surge in wholesale gasoline prices, Federal Anti-Monopoly Service chief Igor Artemyev...
Novatek Pushed to Share State's Burden
Novatek is facing additional spending as an apparent return favor to the government, which is promising to allow the company access to lucrative foreign...
Q&A: Cold Water Builds Warm Relations for Nick Vince
It is probably safe to say that very few expat top executives subject their bodies to the bone-chilling custom of dipping in ice holes. Nick Vince...
Gazprom, CNPC Agree on Gas Supply Terms
Gazprom and China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) on Thursday agreed on some key terms of supplying gas to China along the so-called eastern...
Kia Ready to Take Advantage of Expected Demand
Kia Motors could invest in making more cars in Russia, where it is the third best selling brand, if the market rebounds and shoots past the 3-million...
Sechin Accuses Foreign Firms of Plotting Against Russia
The chief of the world's biggest oil producer, Rosneft, has floated a theory suggesting that foreign companies could conspire to outplay their Russian...
Ukraine to Seek Free Trade With EU Despite Russian Pressure
Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov on Wednesday signaled that his country would not back out of its push toward free trade with the European Union...
Government Plans $7Bln Port on Black Sea Coast
As officials scowl at the cargo that goes out through foreign harbors, the government is making headway on a plan to build a $7 billion port on the...
Airlines to Consider Evacuating Tourists from Egypt
The Federal Aviation Agency has ordered airlines to make contingency plans for evacuating Russian tourists from Egypt as violent clashes between the country's...
Q&A: Chrysler's New Russia Chief Puts Down Roots
MOSCOW RACEWAY, Moscow Region — Whenever Giorgio Gorelli gets a posting to another country, he takes advantage of advice that he received as a rookie...
Siemens Poised For Soccer Spending Floodgates to Open
Kaliningrad and Rostov-on-Don have spurted into the lead as the cities with the most advanced plans to prepare for the soccer World Cup in 2018...
Eurocement Builds Plant to Battle Iranian Imports
Eurocement, the country's largest producer of the building material, has set out on an offensive against competing supplies from Turkey and Iran.
Ford Switches Focus as Demand Falls
Ford is reducing output of compact cars and laying off staff at one of its Russian plants, but will produce more sport utility vehicles (SUVs) and minivans...
Megafon Strikes $1.2Bln Deal to Take Over Wireless
Mobile phone operator Megafon has decided to buy a high-speed Internet provider for $1.2 billion in a bid to cement its lead in the expanding wireless...
Gref Pledges to Rein in Exorbitant Loan Rates
State-owned Sberbank said Monday that it was looking to come to the rescue of customers that fell prey to exorbitant loan rates elsewhere, in a boon...
Q&A: Frenchman von Polier Betting on Russian Pride
An avid traveler who once took a wild trip to the civil war-ravaged Afghanistan talks about his life.
State Loan Subsidies to Soften the Fall of the Car Market
New state loan subsidies could help automakers sell at least 80,000 more cars this year, consultant PricewaterhouseCoopers said Tuesday in the first...
New Bill to Ease Rules for Foreign IT Pros
The government is mulling legislation that would open the door wider for foreign IT specialists that seek a job in the country.
U.S. Firm in Talks on Buying Kuznetsov Rockets
The U.S. company that relies on phased-out Soviet engines for its $1.9 billion contract with NASA is looking to use their updated version.
John Deere Seeks Policy Tweaks, but Keeps on Investing
Toeing the official line on the state's efforts to localize manufacturing has helped John Deere's agricultural equipment business improve logistics...
China to Make Cars in Belarus
Chinese automaker Geely agreed to set up a joint venture in Belarus to assemble its cars, with an eye to eventually export some of the output to Russia...
Putin Angered by Lack of Far East Progress
President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday again said the Cabinet was slacking off. He blamed ministers for getting behind schedule in executing measures...
GAZ Starts Local Mercedes Van Assembly
Billionaire Oleg Deripaska's automobile company Monday began assembling Mercedes-Benz vans, the latest arrival to the club of locally made foreign...
British Designer Set to 'Emotionalize' Lada Brand
AvtoVAZ's first resident foreign design director, Steve Mattin, said the car giant needed to follow the lead of Volvo and Kia in wrenching the Lada...
Priest and Cossacks Kick Off German Chemical Mixing in Lipetsk
Germany automotive supply-chain company Lanxess opened a plant here Thursday in another score for the government's efforts to develop special economic...
Singapore Professionals Prepare Sochi Airport
A squad of managers from Singapore is bringing about changes, like increasing the stock of luggage carts, at the airport that will handle throngs...
Proton-M Rocket Breaks up After 17 Seconds (Video)
A rocket fell apart and hit the ground seconds after lift-off on Tuesday in the latest setback for the Russian space industry.
Global Gas Exporters Find Common Language in the Kremlin
President Vladimir Putin on Monday urged gas-exporting countries to step up joint efforts to deal with challenges that originated in the United States...
A Rough Ride is Good Medicine for Recovering Veterans
On a plot of land just outside Moscow, her Majesty's Lance Corporal Scott Brown put himself in the driver's seat again.
Cabinet Scales Back Privatization Plan
The government on Thursday further rolled back its plans to sell state assets.
Fortov Seeks to Convert Discoveries Into Cash
A plasma physicist and a former minister, Fortov emphasizes a greater focus on commercial application for scientific research.
Putin Promises $13.6Bln in Infrastructure Spending
President Vladimir Putin has sought to rouse investors by pledging more than $13 billion of state money for new infrastructure projects and announcing...
Investors Follow Putin to St. Pete
St. Petersburg is drawing scores of business leaders to a forum where they are hoping to get the latest tips on the course that the government and major...
Despite Downturn, GM Investing $200M in Local Car Parts Plant
A 50-50 venture, GM-AvtoVAZ, is now sourcing components from the local partner, the biggest Russian automaker.
Turkish Airlines' Local Chief Brings Russians Closer to the Sun
Mefail Deribas runs a business that helps millions to escape to the sunny beaches of Russia's most popular tourist destination: Turkey.
Russia Invests in American Cows
The right species of foreign agent can get incentives to prosper and propagate in Russia, as shown by a deal announced Thursday.
Auto Test Center Revving Up on Market Growth
Thriving car sales have both local and foreign manufacturers expanding their safety testing with the local institute.
Sanofi Moves to Local Full Cycle Insulin Production
French drug maker Sanofi on Tuesday moved to a new stage of producing insulin here at a plant that has enough capacity to meet the full demand on the...
Q&A: Deere Executive Rejoices in Plethora of Paperwork
At least one foreign manager sees the country's stunning infatuation with paperwork as a quirk that actually helps him fulfill his sales quota.
Russian Grenade Launchers Roll off Jordanian Assembly Line
Jordan began producing Russian shoulder-fired grenade launchers using technology provided by Rostec, the company said Thursday.
Market Drives Volvo On Shore
A senior Volvo executive said foreign construction equipment producers had good reason to set up local production, even though Russia pledged to slash...
Bosch Bets on Russian Auto Market and Sports Events
German industrial group Bosch is betting on the auto market and large sporting events to expand its sales in Russia, its executives said Wednesday...
Moscow 'Terror Plot' Foiled by Special Forces
Special forces officers killed two men and detained one more outside Moscow on suspicion that they were plotting a terror attack in the city, the National...
The Bold Biker who Gives Arnie his Russian Voice
In providing the voice of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sergei Chikhachyov has etched his name into Russia's film lore.
Volvo Launches $52.5M Excavator Plant in Kaluga Region
Volvo on Tuesday opened a $52.5 million plant to make excavators near Kaluga. The company is transferring production closer to Russian customers following...
Auditors Pore Over Gazprom Books
The government's fiscal watchdog has started looking at Gazprom's books in an audit that is poised to produce exciting results, the agency's chief...
Putin Blasts Cabinet for Poor Performance
President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday berated the Cabinet for poor execution of his landmark decrees where he sought to make good on his campaign promises...
Auditors Lay Into Rusnano Following Criticism by Putin
The government's Audit Chamber on Friday accused state-owned Rusnano of multiple infractions in a blow to the high-tech corporation's chief, Anatoly...
Agricultural Exports Hit All-Time High
Farming exports reached an all-time high in value last year, Agriculture Minister Nikolai Fyodorov said Thursday.
U.S Investors Underline Importance of Trade Ties Over Political Rifts
ExxonMobil was a highlight of an investment conference in Moscow on Wednesday, attended by U.S. Ambassador Michael McFaul, where speakers discussed...
Putin Wants Economic Growth Proposals by Next Month
President Vladimir Putin has said he expects a list of proposals for spurring the economy to be ready by the middle of next month.
EBRD to Make Case for Russia in N.Y.
The head of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development will tout Russia as an investment destination in a major speech in New York on Monday...
Q&A: Skoda Chief Lubomir Najman Longs for Criticism
Lubomir Najman is suffering from a lack of criticism. He has been at the helm of the Russian division of Czech carmaker Skoda for more than a year...
John Deere Takes On Chinese Rivals With New Loader
U.S. manufacturer John Deere on Monday rolled out a new, low-cost loader for the Russian market, where the rule of similar Chinese models has been...
Putin Unveils Proposal to Create Space Ministry
President Vladimir Putin has said he might create a space ministry as part of streamlining the industry.
Orbital Menagerie Set to Yield Unique Research Results
A gang of various creatures is taking off for a space journey onboard a Bion-M satellite later this month, ending a 15-year hiatus in a high-profile...
GAZ Launches New Truck Model to Cement Market Lead
Billionaire Oleg Deripaska's automaker GAZ on Tuesday started making a new model of the country's ubiquitous light trucks in a bid to cement its lead...
Gazprom Pipe Purchases Criticized as Non-Competitive
The antitrust watchdog is swooping down on Gazprom and its well-connected pipe supplier with an investigation of their huge deals over past few years...
State Ploughs $8Bln Into Far East Railroads
Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on Tuesday said the government would inject more than $8 billion into the state railway monopoly in a bid to increase...
Baikonur Deal Foresees at Least 14 Commercial Launches
Kazakhstan relented and allowed Russia to make at least 14 commercial launches from the Baikonur Cosmodrome this year in a compromise that followed months...
Baikonur Launch Plan Finalized
Russia and Kazakhstan appear to have put to rest their differences over the number of launches to be allowed from Baikonur spaceport, following...
Cabinet Talks Far East and Car Taxes
The Cabinet on Thursday discussed a move to slash taxes for large new projects in the Far East in a bid to buoy the region's economy.
BRICS to Set UP Joint Business Council
Russia and four other major emerging economies on Wednesday agreed to set up a council that seeks to facilitate joint business projects.
Moscow Steakhouses Seek Workarounds for Ban on U.S. Beef
Some Moscow steakhouses are finding it hard to shop around the ban on American beef. Uilliam's Restaurant has struck ribeye steak off its menu altogether...
Far East Plan Approved by Cabinet, Despite Siluanov's Opposition
The Cabinet on Thursday backed a plan to invigorate the economy of the Far East, and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said the government would later...
Rival Ideas for Cyprus Aid Pop Up in Russia
The sudden prospect that billions of dollars of Russian money might never return to its owners, due to part of the Cyprus bailout plan, evoked a slate...
Moscow Region Seeks Estate Investors
Moscow region acting Governor Andrei Vorobyov has proposed that investors renovate abandoned centuries-old country estates in exchange for future cheap...
Market Watchers Contemplate a Gazprom Reshuffle
A new executive at the head of Gazprom could give a mighty boost to the stock price of the world's biggest gas producer, especially if the replacement...
Russia and Europe Seal Mars Deal
The Federal Space Agency and the European Space Agency on Thursday formally agreed to join forces to explore Mars in a project that will cost at least...
Rosneft Buys Into Exxon's U.S. Offshore Assets
Expanding its global reach, Rosneft signed a deal to buy a 30 percent interest in 20 deepwater exploration blocks held by ExxonMobil in the Gulf of Mexico...
Ukraine in Talks on Cooperating With Customs Union
Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych said Monday that his country was holding talks on cooperating with the Russia-led customs union.
Q&A: Developer Anton Viner Balancing Quality and Affordability
Anton Viner has a taste for things that one doesn’t encounter too often in Russia: reasonably priced modern architecture and Borjomi, the famous mineral...
Obama Urged to Take a Harder Line on Putin's Russia
U.S.-based pro-democracy watchdog Freedom House slammed Putin for the "worst deterioration in Russia's democracy and human rights situation" and urged...
Minister Seeks Extra $1.4Bln in Farm Subsidies
Agriculture Minister Nikolai Fyodorov on Tuesday asked for an additional $1.4 billion in farming subsidies this year, as grain prices are growing and WTO...
Military Research Agency Chief Appointed
The agency that will do breakthrough research for the defense industry is out of the starting gate with the appointment of retired Lieutenant General...
Medvedev Outlines Economic Program
Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev took the floor in the Kremlin on Thursday to outline a wide range of goals for his Cabinet, in a move seen as a show...
Homegrown Luxury Car Fails to Excite
The plan to mass-produce a Russian luxury car has elicited little, if any, enthusiasm from the companies that are supposed to be hard at work to make...
Gasoline Prices Soar as New Standards Kick In
Gasoline prices are climbing this month after a higher fuel tax came into effect and the ban on the dirtier Euro-2 fuel kicked in.
Study: Popular Discontent Might Affect Economic Development
How popular discontent will play out is one of the key uncertainties that the World Economic Forum identified for Russia's long-term economic development...
Q&A: Bo Andersson Joined GAZ to Flee Detroit Stardom
Bo Andersson had to cross an ocean to make a career change and flee his fame as the man in charge of an annual $105 billion purchasing budget at General...
BP Says U.S. to Outpace Russia for Oil Production
The United States could become the world's biggest crude producer this year, overtaking Russia, according to a BP report.
Plan for Far East Development Unveiled
Far East Development Minister Viktor Ishayev on Tuesday publicly reviewed the first draft of a program to pull the regional economy out of a slump...
Top 10 News Stories Over New Year's Holidays
The events that unfolded throughout the long holiday break — from a plane crash to attempts to find clarity for child adoptions by U.S. parents...
Putin Implores Cabinet to Act
President Vladimir Putin on Thursday commanded the Cabinet to make good on his costly campaign promises, in a sign that he may be unhappy about how...
Putin Signs Adoption Ban
President Vladimir Putin on Friday signed off on a controversial bill that bans U.S. citizens from adopting Russian orphans.
Farm Equipment Import Duties Soar
Russia has sharply raised the import duty on farm equipment to a level higher than it was before the country joined the WTO.
Kremlin, India Strike Weapons Deals
India on Monday agreed to buy $2.9 billion worth of Russian weapons, as President Vladimir Putin visited the longtime ally.
Far East Pipeline to Open
In a ceremony on Tuesday, Transneft plans to open the country's first oil pipeline to reach the Pacific coast, in a bid to widen Russia's supply...
State Mulls Attracting Foreign Investment to Special Zones
The government is considering making its special economic zones focus on attracting foreign investors.
3M Boosts Local Equipment Production
U.S.-based industrial conglomerate 3M has started to phase out its exports of some products to Russia on the heels of the company's growing local...
Multiple Incentives Mulled for Far East Investors
A recent flurry of proposals related to developing the Far East shows the government's resolve to make policy adjustments that will attract investment...
Avtotor, Magna Join Forces in a Plan to Build 21 Plants
The country's biggest maker of foreign-branded cars, Avtotor, on Thursday joined forces with Canada's Magna in an effort to provide more local components...
Russian Energy Giants Making African Inroads
Russian companies appear eager to gain new ground in Africa and plan to build two pipelines on the continent.
Ministry Lists Regions for Farm Aid
The Agriculture Ministry has identified regions that will have unlimited support from the government despite the country's entry into the WTO.
Banana King Goes Bankrupt
London's High Court Of Justice has ruled that Vladimir Kekhman, who once described himself as the banana emperor of Russia, is bankrupt.
New Rosneft Bank Could Have Broad Agenda
In another sign of its ambitions to grow, Rosneft has moved to raise the profile of its mid-sized bank, hiring former top guns from Morgan Stanley.
Report: Gazprom Won't Yield Soon on Ukraine
Gazprom may have agreed to cut prices for many of its European customers, but the chances of its biggest foreign market, Ukraine, getting a discount...
Russian Railways to Purchase Record Number of Locomotives
Russian Railways plans to buy a record number of locomotives next year to upgrade its aging fleet.
EBRD Touts Customs Union's Success
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development described the Russia-led customs union as the first successful post-Soviet attempt at economic integration...
Surgutneftegaz Nears Decision on Exiting Venezuela Oil Project
Privately owned oil producer Surgutneftegaz is on the verge of pulling out of Venezuela, another move that would pave the way for Rosneft to dominate Russia’s...
Medvedev Sends Innovation Spending Plan Back to the Drawing Board
Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on Thursday rejected a government plan to develop science and technology after describing its reliance on a surge in private...
Putin Sets Date for Shtokman Resumption
President Vladimir Putin has identified the year 2017 as the date to start the development of the Shtokman natural gas field, in the latest change...
Eastern Rail Cargo Route Gaining Popularity
Logistics companies are saying that imports of fashion goods and electronics from Asia by the Trans-Siberian Railroad are on the rise as the route...
State Seeks to Streamline Trade Offices
The government has published a proposal to improve the services of its trade offices around the world.
TNK-BP Deal a Boon for State, Welcome Sign for Foreigners
Rosneft’s deal to take over TNK-BP masterfully achieves the dual purpose of strengthening the state’s hand in the oil industry and showcasing its benevolence...
As Rosneft Privatization Looms, TNK-BP Fate Could Be Clear This Week
The board of directors of British oil company BP has approved a deal to swap its holding in TNK-BP for a big stake in Rosneft and cash, the Associated...
AAR Reportedly Signs With Rosneft to Sell TNK-BP Stake
BP's billionaire partners in a Russian joint venture tentatively agreed to sell their stake to state-controlled oil producer Rosneft for $28 billion...
Russia Abroad: Rosneft Nears African Pipeline Deal
Rosneft is looking to build a $700 million oil-products pipeline from Mozambique to Zimbabwe in an effort to expand its international reach.
Short-Haul Plane Policy Gaining Ground
The government is hammering out a policy to help local production of short-haul foreign passenger aircraft, as plans are afoot for the assembly of Czech...
McFaul Asks for New Business Ideas for Next Administration
U.S. Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul on Wednesday urged American businesses to propose ways of improving trade with Russia for the next Obama administration...
Gazprom Launches 2nd Phase of $9.6Bln Pipeline
The second phase of the mammoth Nord Stream pipeline went into operation Monday, increasing Gazprom's options for selling its natural gas to Europe...
New Cargo Plane Nears Market Entry
Russia has moved closer to commercial production of a military transport aircraft that will rival the Boeing C-17 Globemaster.
Kaluga Governor Eyes Business Jet Airport
The government will start building a business jet airport in Kaluga next year, which will help improve conditions for numerous investors in the area...
Mutko Doubles World Cup Costs to $19Bln
Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko said Sunday that preparations for the 2018 World Cup would cost 600 billion rubles ($19 billion), about double the estimate...
Q&A: Danone's Filip Kegels Promotes Ambition and Fun
Danone's dairy business in Russia surged on the back of a rivalry between the local office and the company's U.S. branch.
New $130M Baltic Port Gives Export Flexibility
An oil terminal went into operation at this Baltic Sea port on Thursday as part of an effort to ease Russia's reliance on transit countries.
BP Confirms Desire to Up Rosneft Stake
Rosneft chief Igor Sechin said BP had proposed to buy more Rosneft stock and further invest in Russia if it cashes out of its troubled existing partnership...
Medvedev Reacts to Putin's Barbs
Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on Thursday snapped back at President Vladimir Putin, who fired a broadside at next year's budget plan earlier this...
Kremlin Backs Idea of Far East Tax Rebate
The idea to bestow tax rebates on businesses across the Far East appears to be gaining momentum at the pinnacle of the government.
Bureaucrats Smile in Special Economic Zone
Even customs officers received praise Monday when foreign investors heaped accolades on the Alabuga special economic zone.
Putin Backs Recycling Fee on Farm Machinery
Yielding to protracted pressure, President Vladimir Putin on Friday backed an additional fee on imported farm equipment in a move that could further irk...
Shoigu Opens Regional Duma Session With Emphasis on Land
Moscow region Governor Sergei Shoigu asked the regional legislature at its fall opening session Thursday to push for a change in federal law in a bid to...
Blackout Hits Sheremetyevo Airport
An electric glitch severed power supply to Sheremetyevo Airport for almost four hours Wednesday, causing the delay of 30 flights.
Kremlin Aspires to Greater Role in Asia-Pacific
Top government figures and delegates at an Asia-Pacific forum in this formerly backwater naval outpost found "Spartan but commendable" conditions at an...
Putin Talks WTO, Agriculture at APEC
President Vladimir Putin on Friday said Russia would push for changes in WTO rules to allow member countries to protect their vulnerable industries...
Company Might Borrow Billions for Moscow's New Land
The government plans to set up a company that will have the potential to borrow billions of dollars for the project to relocate federal government...
What Awaits Investors in the Far East After APEC
The recently created Far East Development Ministry has been tight-lipped about its plans, but ideas have been popping up for making the vast but sparsely...
Rumblings of a Trade War With Kiev
Ukraine has warned it could retaliate for Russia's new recycling fee on the import of cars. The spat is the first disagreement between the two World...
Digging Deep to Power Moscow
Trucks will move almost as much earth for a project here as was excavated to build the Suez Canal.
After WTO, Carmakers Still Protected
The bevy of foreign carmakers whose vehicles are rolling off assembly lines in Russia may have wondered if they did right to invest in local production...
Russia Hopes APEC Forum Will Facilitate Trade Shift Toward Asia
The government expects the upcoming forum of Asia-Pacific businesspeople and country leaders in Vladivostok to help attract investment to Russia...