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Articles by Alexandra Tyan
Adoption in Russia: Families Helping Families
It would be hard to find a better advocate for adoption in Russia than Ulyana Khashem. With her pink curls, big eyes and handmade jewelry, it's easy...
Migration from Russia Increasingly Problematic (infographic)
In the past few years, the problem of migration from Russia has returned to the national agenda, a survey, conducted by VTsIOM, shows.
One in Three Russians Knows Someone With a Disability (infographic)
The outcry provoked by an incident last week involving supermodel Natalia Vodianova's sister, who has autism and cerebral palsy, has prompted a broader...
Support for Food Sanctions Still High Among Russians (infographic)
Although most Russians think that there are probably better ways to handle confiscated sanctioned food products than destroying them, support for the...
Organizations Host Special Sporting Events for Kids with Special Needs
On Saturday, the organization Sports Dream and Gorky Park hosted a special table-tennis training session for kids with Down syndrome and their families...
Russia and Putin Viewed Negatively Around the World (infographic)
A recently released survey by the Pew Research Center showed that most people around the world take a negative view of both Russia and President...
Most Russians Hold Positive Attitude Towards Soviet Symbols
Most Russians maintain a positive attitude towards symbols connected to the country's Soviet past
Biggest Problems for Moscow Residents (infographics)
A recent poll by the analytical Levada center and news agency Interfax compared the major concerns of Muscovites today with their biggest challenges...
Russian Market for Fitness Wearables Growing, but Jawbone Dominates
Moscow residents are embracing the trend for wearable fitness trackers, but there are only a handful of gadgets that Russian consumers trust.
What Russians Think about ISIS (Infographic)
The Public Opinion Foundation asked Russians across the country what they knew about the Islamic State and how big a threat they thought the organization...
What Russians Like About TV (Infographic)
A recent poll by the Public Opinion Foundation has found that Russians like to watch TV and think there is too much advertising. The ...
Price Changes for Basic Food Items in Russia (Infographic)
The figures, which are an average of prices of the goods in 276 Russian cities, show some interesting trends.
Which Russian Regions are Most Affected by the Economic Crisis? (Infographic)
While overall income is down and cost of living is up, some parts of the country are faring better than others.
How Do Russians Feel About Religion? (Infographic)
A recent poll by the All-Russia Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM) asked respondents how religion affected their lives.
Russian Lawmaker Wants Quota on Foreign Food in Moscow Restaurants
State Duma Deputy Vadim Solovyev is writing a bill that would require all restaurants in Russia to make Russian dishes at least half of their menu
Russians Still Want Economic Integration with the West (Infographic)
A recent Levada Center survey shows that Russians consider the current state of the economy as average.
Classes Aimed at Raising a New Generation of Russian Businessmen
Starting on Aug. 6, children between the ages of 8-14 can learn about the career of investment banking through master classes.
Most Russians Support Tribunal for MH17
A new poll shows that most Russians support the idea of an international tribunal, even though they consider Ukraine responsible for the tragedy.
Where are Russians Heading on Holiday This Year? (Infographic)
More Russians are staying home for their summer vacations this year.
Sharapova, Leps Top List of Highest-Paid Russian Celebrities (Infographic)
Forbes Russia released its annual ranking of highest-paid Russian celebrities and sports figures. Who made the list? We'll show you.
6 Vacation Rentals for a Russian Trip to Remember
Want to make your Russian holiday even more memorable? Avoid the hotels and try one of these unusual rooms for rent.
7 Things to Do in Moscow Before the End of the Summer
The Moscow Times selects 7 of the best activities and events taking place in the capital in July and August