1. Vladislav Novy et al. report "MegaFon Draws Up Yevroset" says that mobile phone operator MegaFon is buying Alexander Mamut's stake in mobile phone retailer Yevroset; pp 1, 9 (921 words).
2. Irina Nagornykh et al. report headlined "Protest Has No Place to Expand" says the Kremlin is sending signals to regions to liberalize the anti-protest law as some regional authorities have done their best to curb protest activity; pp 1, 3 (1,102 words).
3. Pyotr Kuznetsov article headlined "Nikolai Tolstykh Returned to First Place" says that Russian Olympic Committee executive director Nikolai Tolstykh has been appointed the new head of the Russian Football Union; pp 1, 12 (979 words).
4. Yury Barsukov article headlined "Oil to Get Unified Benefits" says the Energy Ministry has come to agreement with the Finance Ministry over beneficial duties for oil export; pp 1-2 (506 words).
5. Ivan Safronov article headlined "Vladimir Nesterov to Stay in Space" says that head of the Khrunichev Space Center Vladimir Nesterov has been dismissed but will continue working on the Angara project at the center; p 2 (487 words).
6. Maxim Ivanov article headlined "Gennady Gudkov Accused of Protecting Pantan" says the State Duma is collecting evidence to strip opposition Deputy Gennady Gudkov of his Duma seat. The Investigative Committee has accused Gudkov of lobbying the interests of the Pantan security company; p 2 (671 words).
7. Natalya Bashlykova and Taisia Bekbulatova article headlined "Ryazan and Bryansk Governors Get Unsatisfactory Marks" comments on the election index for regional heads calculated by pundits; p 3 (618 words).
8. Article in the column "Direct Speech" features comments of politicians on the Kremlin's signals to regions to liberalize the anti-protest law; p 3 (400 words).
9. Vladislav Trifonov et al. report headlined "Tougher Than Orekhovskiye [Gang]" says that police Colonel Alexander Trushkin has been appointed the new head of the Moscow police criminal investigations department; p 4 (531 words).
10. Musa Muradov and Georgy Dvali article headlined "Akhmed Zakayev's Rescuer Killed Like Terrorist" comments on the identity of militants killed by Georgian law enforcement on the border with Russia; p 4 (598 words).
11. Taisia Bekbulatova article headlined "Law on Foreign Agents Written Unclearly" says that rights activists have asked the Justice Ministry to clarify the law on nongovernmental organizations financed from abroad, as ambiguous wording in the law may result in its abuse by officials; p 5 (584 words).
12. Alexander Chernykh report "Right to Hunger" says that rights activist Alexander Brod has gone on hunger strike to protest the appointments procedure for new members of the Presidential Human Rights Council; p 5 (600 words).
13. Yelena Chernenko article headlined "Russia to Use Soft Power Against West" says that Rossotrudnichestvo, the Federal Agency for the Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Independent States, Compatriots Living Abroad and the International Humanitarian Cooperation will engage in improving Russia's image abroad. The decision was made at a meeting of the agency chaired by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev; p 6 (422 words).
14. Kirill Belyaninov article headlined "Barack Obama's Program Loses Entertainment Component" says the Democrats have decided not to invite Hollywood stars to their party convention to show their plans to save money during the economic crisis; p 6 (600 words).
15. Roman Yanushevsky and Alexander Reutov article headlined "Deal With Iran Attributed to America" says the U.S. has allegedly informed Israel that it will not support its attack on Iran; p 6 (469 words).
16. Pavel Tarasenko article headlined "Britain Fails to Impose Enough Sanctions on Egypt" says that U.K. and Arab journalists have found out that some assets belonging to former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's family have still not been seized despite sanctions imposed by U.K. authorities; p 6 (485 words).
17. Anna Zanina article headlined "Rules of the Game" looks at the legal battle between Boris Berezovsky and Roman Abramovich; p 7 (600 words).
Nezavisimaya Gazeta
1. Sergei Kulikov article headlined "World Does Not Need Russian Gas Too Much" says that as Russia plans to sign a contract with Japan on construction of an LNG plant in Primorye region, analysts warn that expensive Russian gas is not in demand on the Asian market; pp 1, 4 (704 words).
2. Alexandra Samarina article headlined "Mutiny on Boat of Rights Activists" comments on the hunger strike by rights activist Alexander Brod, who was not given a post in the Presidential Human Rights Council; pp 1, 3 (650 words).
3. Anastasia Bashkatova article headlined "Processing Sector on Decline" says the Russian economy is unstable, making manufacturers seriously worried about the new wave of crisis; pp 1, 4 (882 words).
4. Yury Roks article headlined "Official Tbilisi Recognizes Militants as Its Own People" says that a special operation carried out near the Russian-Georgian border has given rise to questions by the Georgian public about the nationality of militants killed near the village of Lapankuri; pp 1, 6 (951 words).
5. Darya Tsilyurik article headlined "Tehran Creates Alternative to S-300 Systems" says that the U.S. plans to carry out a large-scale exercise in the Persian Gulf to persuade Iran to wind down its nuclear program. Experts are afraid that the threats will only speed up Iranian nuclear research; pp 1, 7 (618 words).
6. Tatyana Dvoinova article headlined "Primorye Region Gets Used to Promises" gives an update on the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Vladivostok; pp 1, 5 (560 words).
7. Editorial article headlined "Law and Modern State" says that the absence of fair courts in Russia has resulted in capital outflow; p 2 (457 words).
8. Savely Vezhin interview with Deputy Culture Minister Ivan Demidov, who speaks about the work of the government's commission for religious affairs; p 3 (747 words).
9. Igor Naumov article headlined "Medvedev Links Russia's Image With Economy" comments on Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev taking part in a meeting of the Rossotrudnichestvo agency that discussed ways to attract foreign investment; p 4 (706 words).
10. Oxana Skripnikova report "Vaynakhs Do Not Want to Give Away Inch of Land" looks at the conflict between the Chechen and Ingush leaders over disputed territories; p 5 (600 words).
11. Vladimir Skosyrev article headlined "Beijing Moves Bishop in Game With Delhi" says China and India have agreed to carry out joint military exercises; p 7 (545 words).
12. Nikolai Surkov article headlined "They Will Try to Come to Agreement With Assad" says the new UN envoy for Syria is trying to persuade Bashar Assad to start talks with the opposition; p 7 (570 words).
13. Yury Paniyev article headlined "Afghan Law Enforcement Agencies to Be Tested for Ties With Militants" says the U.S. has suspended training of Afghan law enforcement agencies until their personnel is tested for ties with the Taliban; p 7 (631 words).
14. Roza Tsvetkova report "Hostage of People's Love" looks at the ratings of Putin and Medvedev; pp 9, 11 (1,000 words).
15. Roman Lunkin report "Imitation of War of Ideologies" looks at the current political situation in the country and at Russian society; pp 9, 11 (900 words).
1. Alexei Nikolsky et al. report headlined "Taxes Not Involved" says the Moscow police are investigating fewer tax crimes due to the reorganization of the police force and the Kremlin's instructions not to put business under pressure during the election; p 1 (583 words).
2. Olga Plotonova article headlined "Law Against Money-Lenders" says that State Duma deputies have suggested that the cost of consumer bank loans should be reduced; pp 1, 7 (507 words).
3. Vladimir Shtanov article headlined "Yo-Sufferings" says electric car project Yo-mobile is having problems with implementation. It was initially planned to start manufacturing the cars in 2012, but the plans have been delayed by two more years; p 1 (480 words).
4. Editorial headlined "Soft and Hard" analyses reasons for the unfavorable investment climate in Russia; pp 1, 4 (523 words).
5. Another editorial headlined "Replacing Satan" comments on the Defense Ministry's plans to replace Voyevoda ballistic missiles (Satan in NATO classification) with new upgraded ones; pp 4 (269 words).
6. Alexei Levinsov article headlined "Our We: Not About Rating" says that fluctuations in President Vladimir Putin's approval rating show that many Russians believe Putin to be responsible for the country's failures; p 4 (439 words).
7. Lilia Biryukova report "Gudkov's Time" says that the scandal surrounding State Duma Deputy Gennady Gudkov may become the key topic on the agenda of the State Duma's fall session; p 2 (550 words).
Rossiiskaya Gazeta
1. Vladislav Kulikov article headlined "At the Ready" says the Supreme Court has explained to judges how to identify police acts of provocation in order to save innocent people from imprisonment; pp 1, 9 (870 words).
2. Tamara Shkel report "Security Removed From Mandate" looks at the row over A Just Russia Deputy Gennady Gudkov, who may be stripped of his State Duma mandate; pp 1-2 (600 words).
3. Leonid Radzikhovsky article headlined "Immortal" analyses the authorities' approach to science and education; p 2 (905 words).
4. Semen Loskutov report "Partners Reach Arctic Shelf" says that Rosneft and Statoil will set up joint ventures; p 4 (600 words).
5. Tatyana Shadrina interview with head of the Rosavtodor road building company, who speaks about plans to build a new road linking Moscow with St. Petersburg; p 6 (1,817 words).
6. Sergei Prichkin article headlined "Soldier in Armor With TV Set" comments on new equipment being used by the Russian army; p 7 (797 words).
7. Comment from Alexei Malashenko of the Carnegie Moscow Center on Viktor Feshchenko's article headlined "Revolution Covered With Headscarf" looks at Egyptian TV; p 8 (500 words).
1. Olga Tropkina and Yegor Sazayev article headlined "Movement to Be Engaged in Legalization of Weapons" says an all-Russia organization called Right for Weapons will be set up in Russia to influence public opinion in favor of free arms sales; pp 1, 4 (725 words).
2. Svetlana Subbotina article headlined "State Duma to Reinstate Distribution of Students" says Russian State Duma deputies are drafting a bill obliging university graduates to work in the regions where their professions are in demand; pp 1, 4 (466 words).
3. Svetlana Subbotina article headlined "A Just Russia Members Prepare Strike and Hunger Strike" says that the Just Russia faction is preparing to take highly radical measures if party member Gennady Gudkov is ousted from the State Duma; p 2 (504 words).
4. Anastasia Kashevarova report "United Russia to Punish Deputies Who Support Gudkov" says the United Russia faction in the State Duma will hold a meeting to define a single approach before voting on A Just Russia member Gennady Gudkov's mandate on Sept. 12; p 2 (600 words).
5. Konstantin Volkov article headlined "Missiles in Exchange for Filling" says Iran and North Korea have signed a cooperation agreement in the nuclear sphere; p 5 (425 words).
6. Mikhail Vignansky report "Rebels Help Russian-Georgian Ties" says that Georgia has proposed anti-terrorist cooperation to Russia; p 5 (600 words).
7. Avigdor Eksin report "Military and Peaceful Options" says that a U.S. presidential representative has asked the Iranian president not to attack U.S. facilities in the Middle East if Iran is attacked by Israel; p 7 (600 words).
8. Dmitry Drobnitsky report "Stupidity or Betrayal: It Is No Longer Important" looks at a murder in Tatarstan where the murderer wrote the inscription "Free Pussy Riot" at the scene of the crime; p 7 (700 words).
9. Anna Akhmadiyeva interview headlined "There Will Be More Humor on Ren-TV" with Ren-TV general producer Andrei Praslov, who speaks about the channel's new program policy; p 8 (701 words).
10. Marina Davydova report "Activists Ask Roskomnadzor to Close Social Network Vkontakte" says that the Head Hunters movement has complained to the Federal Mass Media Inspection Service that the management of social network Vkontakte is not fulfilling the new law on protection of children from harmful information; p 9 (700 words).
Moskovsky Komsomolets
1. "Beslan School Diary" publishes memoirs of a girl who survived the Beslan school siege eight years ago; pp 1, 4 (600 words).
2. "Well-Fed Protest May Become Hungry One" looks ahead at the surge in protest activity expected this fall in Russia; pp 1, 4 (600 words).
3. Mikhail Rostovsky article headlined "Why There Is No Proper Opposition in Russia" analyses the nature of the Russian protest mood; pp 1, 3 (650 words).
4. Marina Ozerova report "Pekhtin Hit With Map" says that head of the State Duma ethics commission Vladimir Pekhtin of United Russia has been accused of illegal dealings with land plots; pp 1-2 (500 words).
5. Svetlana Pleshakova report "Songs for Children Under 18" features comments of radio stations on the new law protecting children from harmful information; p 2 (400 words).
Noviye Izvestia
1. Yekaterina Serebrennikova interview with Mikhail Kozyrev, producer at Dozhd television, speaking about the new bill that aims to protect minors from harmful information broadcast by the media; p 1, 4 (526 words).
2. Yevgenia Zubchenko article headlined "Always Not Ready" says that the authorities have started to prepare for a possible worsening of the economic situation, but pundits say major problems have not been resolved despite previous crises; p 1, 3 (850 words).
1. Sergei Frolov article headlined "And So On Down the List" speaks about the "pure politics" behind the Magnitsky list; p 2 (350 words).
Komsomolskaya Pravda
1. Evelina Azayeva article headlined "How Fyodor Dostoyevsky Would Judge Pussy Riot Story" looks at how the prominent Russian writer might have reacted to the Pussy Riot performance at Moscow's Christ the Savior Cathedral; p 1, 14 (800 words).
RBC Daily
1. Ivan Petrov article headlined "SKR [Russian Investigative Committee] Leads Investigation" says that, according to information received by the newspaper, the creation of a single investigative committee for Russia has already started; p 1-2 (450 words).
Moskovskiye Novosti
1. Alina Garbuznyak interview with two opponents of punk band Pussy Riot headlined "They Want to Make Father Frost Out of God"; p 4 (750 words).
Sept. 4, 2012/BBC Monitoring/©BBC
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