1. Irina Nagornykh et al. article headlined "Equally close" says that the presidential administration has begun regular meetings with representatives of the political parties which will stand in the 8 September regional elections. Today, a delegation from the A Just Russia party will be received; pp 1-2 (1,142 words).
2. Maksim Yusin article headlined "Air strike labor" reports on the course of the French military operation in Mali; pp 1, 8 (2,068 words).
3. Yelena Kiseleva article headlined "Alrosa to receive multi-entry US visa" says that the Russian diamonds manufacturer Alrosa is about to sign a memorandum on cooperation with Sotheby's, which will sell its premium-class diamonds and will deal with Alrosa's marketing on the US market; pp 1, 9 (858 words).
4. Anatoly Dzhumaylo et al. article headlined "Tyva puts coal question" says that Russia's environmental protection watchdog Rosprirodnadzor is checking whether the terms of licence agreements are observed by Evraz Group, Severstal and En+ Group at coal deposits in Tyva; pp 1, 11 (680 words).
5. Natalya Gorodetskaya article headlined "Valentina Matviyenko to share local experience with Europe" says that the Federation Council speaker Valentina Matviyenko will take part in a session of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg; p 2 (501 words).
6. Ivan Safronov article headlined "Military need more combat trainer aircraft" says that the Defence Ministry has begun to draft a state armament programme for 2016-25. It is already known that the ministry will buy 50 combat trainer aircraft Yak-130; p 2 (478 words).
7. Anna Pushkarskaya report "Duma election results to be looked at from two sides" says that the Russian Constitutional Court and the European Court of Human Rights will look at the results of the 2011 State Duma election; p 2 (600 words).
8. Natalya Bashlykova and Mariya-Luiza Tirmaste article headlined "Human rights activists unite for self-defence" says that Moscow Helsinki Group and the public organization For People's Rights have decided to set up a new Russian human rights movement Civil Federation; p 3 (473 words).
9. Sofya Samokhina and Maksim Ivanov article headlined "Exception made for father and son" says that State Duma deputy Dmitriy Gudkov and his father Gennadiy Gudkov, who was stripped of a deputy seat in autumn 2012, have been expelled from the A Just Russia party for their refusal to quit the opposition Coordination Council; p 3 (579 words).
10. Anastasiya Mitkovskaya and Konstantin Voronov article headlined "Estonia to hand over millionaire to Russia" says that an Estonian court has found legal the extradition to Russia of businessman Aleksandr Dmitriyev, who has been put on the international wanted list for large-scale embezzlement; p 4 (583 words).
11. Andrey Kolesnikov report headlined "Vladimir Putin parries child's hold" gives an account of President Vladimir Putin's visit to a sports school in Moscow, where he chaired a meeting on children's sports; p 5 (812 words).
12. Yuriy Barsukov article headlined "Minsk receives oil ration" says that Belarus has managed to agree with Russia on continuing oil supplies of the previous volume of 5.75m tonnes per quarter, but only for the next three months; p 6 (484 words).
13. Kirill Belyaninov article headlined "Russia recognized as difficult, but not most terrible" says that the US special services have submitted to the Senate a report on global threats, the bulk of which is dedicated to Russia; p 7 (516 words).
14. Olga Mordyushenko article headlined "Israel does not let gas out" says that the gas deal between Russia's Gazprom and Israel's Levant LNG may fail; p 11 (513 words).
15. Yelena Kiseleva interview with Petr Fradkov, the general director of the Russian Export Insurance Agency, headlined "'Less than 1 per cent of exporters use state support'", who speaks about the Russian export policy; p 14 (3,013 words).
16. Brief unattributed report says that Vladimir Pekhtin, a One Russia member and former chairman of the State Duma's ethics committee, plans to quit his job at the State Duma to work at the Regional Development Ministry; p 3 (100 words).
Nezavisimaya Gazeta
1. Tatyana Ivzhenko article headlined "Confrontation in Crimea set for May" says that a conflict between the leaders of the Crimean parliament and the Crimean government is aggravating; pp 1, 6 (1,100 words).
2. Anastasiya Bashkatova article headlined "New head without new functions" features experts' comments on the appointment of former Economic Development Minister Elvira Nabiullina as the head of the Central Bank; pp 1, 4 (850 words).
3. Igor Naumov article headlined "Finance Ministry to secure old age not higher than nominal value" looks at yet another pension initiative by the Finance Ministry; pp 1, 4 (850 words).
4. Ivan Rodin article headlined "Yet another struggle for zero pro mille" says that the State Duma has approved in the first reading a bill toughening punishment for drunk driving. The opposition has demanded giving up the zero pro mille; pp 1, 3 (600 words).
5. Aleksandra Samarina article headlined "Investigators have questions to customs along with Oboronservis" says that the 2011 deal between the infamous company Oboronservis and the Italian company IVECO on the delivery of 358 assembly sets of armored cars for the Russian army will be investigated for fraud and tax evasion; pp 1, 3 (900 words).
6. Andrey Melnikov article headlined "Archpriest Dimitry Smirnov finishes fighting" says that archpriest Dimitry Smirnov, who has been in charge of the Russian Orthodox Church's contacts with the military and law enforcers, has been dismissed; pp 1-2 (850 words).
7. Editorial headlined "There is superior court: constitutional" says that Russia seems to have already passed the border between a secular state and a clerical state; p 2 (600 words).
8. Aleksey Gorbachev article headlined "Canvassing mixed with information" says that the Central Electoral Commission has detailed a new law on elections. Experts warn about a great number of loopholes in the law; p 3 (700 words).
9. Sergey Kulikov article headlined "Russia degrades over 'raw material curse'" says that the Development Center at the Higher School of Economics has concluded that the Russian authorities have failed to make the economy less dependent on raw materials over the last decade; p 4 (850 words).
10. Artur Blinov article headlined "Washington builds offensive cyber defence" says that the US special services believe that cyber attacks are a greater threat to the USA than international terrorism; p 7 (700 words).
11. Yuriy Paniyev article headlined "Moscow and London begin strategic dialogue" says that the Russian foreign and defense ministers have met their British counterparts in London to discuss the international situation and bilateral cooperation; p 7 (900 words).
1. Dmitry Kazmin article headlined "Cyprus gives up offshore companies" says that Cyprus is likely to increase the rate of profit tax to receive a international loan from the IMF and the European Central Bank; pp 1, 4 (991 words).
2. Yelizaveta Sergina et al. article headlined "Skype tapped" says that the Russian special services are said to have mastered tapping Skype conversations and determining the location of Skype users; pp 1, 17 (416 words).
3. Editorial headlined "How to employ youth" looks at measures being taken by European countries and Russia to decrease unemployment among young people; pp 1, 6 (468 words).
4. Irina Novikova and Anastasiya Kornya article headlined "Opposition only in Duma" says that MPs Gennadiy and Dmitriy Gudkovs have been expelled from the A Just Russia party; p 2 (537 words).
5. Olga Proskurina et al. article headlined "'She said quietly: 'Yes"" looks at Elvira Nabiullina, the presidential nominee for the Central Bank head; pp 8-9 (2,077 words).
6. Aleksandr Lebedev article headlined "Industrial policy: Buy foreign products" says that despite state support for the domestic civil aircraft building sector, foreign-made civil aircraft account for the bulk of air transportation in Russia; p 6 (700 words).
7. Mariya Zheleznova and Anastasiya Kornya article headlined "Checks in regions" says that the authorities in Perm Territory and Penza Region are checking foreign sources of financing Russian NGOs and organizations' political activities; p 2 (497 words).
1. German Petelin report "Governor Zhilkin testifies against Serdyukov" says that evidence against former Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov has appeared in the case of Serdyukov's son-in-law's cottage in Astrakhan; pp 1, 4 (1,300 words).
2. Viktor Loginov report "Dmitry Strashnov may head Russian Post" says that Aleksandr Kiselev, head of Russian Post, may step down and be replaced by the former general director of the mobile phone company Tele2, Dmitriy Strashnov; pp 1, 4 (1,100 words).
3. Yuliya Tsoy report "Finance Ministry rejects Pavel Astakhov's program" says that the Finance Ministry does not believe that children's ombudsman Pavel Astakhov's program Russia without Orphans should be approved; pp 1, 3 (700 words).
4. Mariya Gorkovskaya report "Argentinean cardinal becomes new Pope" looks at the election of the new Pope; p 1 (300 words).
5. Aleksandr Yunashev report "Putin's Cup sambo competition to be held in England" looks at a meeting that Putin has carried out to discuss development of children's sports; p 2 (400 words).
6. Anastasiya Kashevarova report "Kremlin begins consultations with regions on elections" says that as from end of March, the Kremlin begins political consultations with governors to discuss whether heads of regions should be elected or appointed; p 2 (600 words).
7. Vladimir Gusev report "Opposition Coordination Council to be expanded due to members' absence from meetings" says that the opposition Coordination Council will discuss an increase in the number of its members at the meeting on 16 March; p 2 (650 words).
8. Mariya Kunle report "Anatoliy Chubays transfers his Moscow Region land plots to Switzerland" says that Anatoliy Chubays has renamed his investment company Development Company as Strategiya and it has become property of the Swiss company SFO Consept AG; p 3 (1,100 words).
9. Sergey Podosenov report "Gudkovs expelled from A Just Russia" says that Gennadiy and Dmitriy Gudkovs have been expelled from the A Just Russia party for their opposition activities; p 3 (1,400 words).
10. Konstantin Volkov report "EU introduces sanctions against cyber police of Iran" says that the EU has approved new sanctions against Iran; p 7 (800 words).
11. Mariya Gorkovskaya report "London threatens to begin to supply weapons to Syria" says that David Cameron has said that the UK will veto the prolongation of the EU embargo on arms supplies to Syria; p 7 (550 words).
Rossiiskaya Gazeta
1. Marina Gritsyuk interview with Labor and Social Protection Minister Maksim Topilin, headlined "Pension passions", who speaks about the pension reform; pp 1, 5 (583 words).
2. Tatyana Zykova and Roman Markelov article headlined "Order to survive" features experts' comments on the tasks that the new leadership of the Russian Central Bank will be faced with; pp 1, 3 (600 words).
3. Aleksandr Aronov interview, headlined "Banishing from Heaven", with a professor from the Russian Academy of Sciences, speaking about the fight against offshore companies; pp 1, 4 (754 words).
4. Tamara Shkel article headlined "Environment surrounds" looks at the 13 March meeting of the State Duma to discuss environmental issues; p 3 (643 words).
5. Niva Mirakyan article headlined "Cardinal choice" says that the conclave has elected a new Pope in Rome; p 8 (416 words).
6. Vladimir Snegirev and Viktor Feshchenko article headlined "Door in wall" looks at how Venezuela's foreign policy will develop after the 14 April presidential election, focusing on the Moscow-Caracas ties; p 8 (1,683 words).
7. Yevgeniy Shestakov article headlined "D mark again" looks at the "two plus two" talks in London between the Russian and UK foreign and defence ministers; p 8 (430 words).
8. Irina Muravyeva interview with Bolshoi Theatre general director Anatoliy Iksanov who speaks about recent scandals and a criminal case involving the theatre's actors; p 9 (1,300 words).
Moskovsky Komsomolets
1. Aleksandr Minkin article headlined "Divine plaintiffs" speaks ironically about the Federatsiya charity fund, which has initiated a defamation case against Moskovskiy Komsomolets; pp 1, 3 (1,000 words).
2. Ignat Kalinin article headlined "Time for Serdyukov to go to prison" comments on former Defence Minister Anatoliy Serdyukov's new evidence in the criminal case over the construction of a road to the Zhitnoye base in Astrakhan Region and says that he must be jailed if Putin wants to remain the master of Russia; pp 1, 2 (400 words).
3. Natalya Rozhkova article headlined "Iceberg for One Russia's Titanic" says that the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF) believes that a report by the Governance and Problem Analysis Centre, which says that the CPRF has won the 2011 parliamentary election, is the first step by the One Russia leadership to discredit the ruling party and promote the All-Russia People's Front or hold an early State Duma election according to new rules; p 2 (550 words).
4. Tatyana Zamakhina interview with Yuriy Gorlin, deputy director of the Social Analysis Institute, headlined "'If oil prices fall, no formula will help pensioners'", who speaks about his draft of the pension reform in Russia; p 2 (500 words).
5. Viktoriya Prikhodko and Mikhail Zubov article headlined "Dmitriy Gudkov ready to sell his flat in Bulgaria" says that the opposition parliamentary parties are not in a hurry to follow One Russia MPs' example and sell their foreign property; p 3 (400 words).
6. Nikolay Vardul and Yevgeniy Krasnikov article headlined "Woman's hand of mega-regulator" looks at possible changes in the Central Bank's policy under new head Elvira Nabiullina and features an expert's comment on the issue; p 3 (800 words).
7. Matvey Ganapolskiy article headlined "There is such profession to mop up motherland" comments on a campaign launched against MP Dmitriy Gudkov for his trip to the USA; p 3 (1,000 words).
8. Marina Ozerova interview with Yelena Panfilova, director of the Centre for Anticorruption Studies and Transparency International Russia, headlined "Nightmare of Kopeyko's heirs", who speaks about an anti-corruption campaign against Russian officials; p 4 (1,900 words).
9. Oleg Bazak article headlined "Did turncoat policemen defend Putin?" says that criminal proceedings have been initiated against Ukrainian investigators who dealt with Chechen national Adam Osmayev, suspected of plotting an assassination attempt on Putin, over his complaints about being tortured and beaten during questioning; p 4 (350 words).
Novyye Izvestia
1. Margarita Alekhina article headlined "Volunteer army" says that many Russian ministries and agencies are looking for volunteers to set up their own volunteer groups. Thus proving that the authorities are not capable of settling burning issues, experts say; pp 1, 5 (1,351 words).
2. Sergey Putilov article headlined "Housing utilities populism" says that the Federal Tariff Service has published a report, which says that the rise in housing utilities bills in Russian regions does not exceed 4.5 per cent on average, whereas earlier the Regional Development Ministry reported a significant rise in the bills; pp 1, 3 (635 words).
3. Vera Moslakova article headlined "Recognize illegal" says that the Governance and Problem Analysis Centre has concluded that it was the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and not the ruling One Russia party that won the 2011 parliamentary election. Experts do not rule out that the State Duma may be dissolved as a result; p 2 (789 words).
4. Vladimir Solntsev article headlined "Champions of integration" says that the Russian oil company Rosneft may close the deal to buy TNK-BP this week; p 2 (808 words).
5. Diana Yevdokimova brief interview with Federation Council senator Vladimir Fedorov, headlined "'There will be innocently convicted people as there are innocently disqualified from driving now due to 0 per mile'", who advocates the return of the minimum permissible alcohol limit for drivers; pp 1, 5 (837 words).
RBK Daily
1. Yekaterina Belkina and Anastasiya Litvinova article headlined "Nabiullina's mission" says that the Federation Council has suggested entrusting the Central Bank with tasks to support the economic growth and people's employment; pp 1, 7 (300 words).
2. Svetlana Makunina and Yuliya Yakovleva article headlined "Swan whistle" zooms in at a conflict between the A Just Russia party and its, now expelled, members, Dmitriy and Gennadiy Gudkov; p 2 (500 words).
3. Galina Starinskaya article headlined "Government to decide" says that the government will have to settle the Rosneft-Gazprom row over the development of offshore areas; p 6 (400 words).
Krasnaya Zvezda
1. Yelizaveta Orlova article headlined "'Two plus two' format" comments on the first session of the Russian-UK Strategic Dialogue in London attended by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoygu; pp 1, 3 (800 words).
Mar. 14, 2013/BBC Monitoring/©BBC
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