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Cinderella (Zolushka): Joel Pommerat's contemporary reimagining of the fairy tale as staged by Marfa Gorvits. Praktika. Praktika

Thursday The 2nd

NEW All Shades of Blue (Vse Ottenki Golubogo): Konstantin Raikin stages Vladimir Zaitsev's play about a young man whose parents struggle with the news that he is gay. Satirikon Theater. 7 p.m.

Berdichev: Nikita Kobelev stages Fridrikh Gorenshtein's play that tells the story of two sisters and their family living in the Ukrainian town of Berdichev. Mayakovsky Theater. 7 p.m.

Casting: German Grekov's play as staged by Igor Stam. Teatr.doc on Maly Kazyonny Pereulok. 8 p.m.

FESTIVAL Chekhov Theater Festival: GERMAN Doppelganger (Doubles, Dvoiniki): David Marton's musical staging on the themes of E.T.A. Hoffmann and Schumann's compositions. Schauspiel Stuttgart Theater production. Performed in German with Russian subtitles. Fomenko Workshop Theater. 7 p.m.

FESTIVAL Chekhov Theater Festival: JAPANESE Mahabharata — Nalacharitam: Satoshi Miyagi's multi-genre staging moves the story of love between King Nala and Princess Damayanti from ancient India to 10th-century Japan. Shizuoka Performing Arts Centre production. Performed in Japanese with Russian subtitles. Mossoviet Theater. 7 p.m.

Cinderella (Zolushka): Joel Pommerat's contemporary reimagining of the fairy tale as staged by Marfa Gorvits. Praktika. 8 p.m.

Eclipse (Zatmeniye): a fantasy on the themes of Ken Kesey's novel "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest." Lenkom Theater. 7 p.m.

NEW Flight (Beg): Yury Butusov's production of Mikhail Bulgakov's novel. Vakhtangov Theater. 7 p.m.

NEW Irons (Utyugi): Alexei Razmakhov's staging on the themes of Anna Yablonskaya's family drama. Yermolova Theater new stage. 8 p.m.

Red Cavalry (Konarmiya): Maxim Didenko's stage version of Isaak Babel's novel. Meyerhold Center. 7 p.m.

Shylock: Robert Sturua's staging of Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice" stars Alexander Kalyagin as Shylock. Et Cetera Theater. 7 p.m.

MT PICK Tararabumbiya: Dmitry Krymov stages a musical "procession" by Alexander Bakshi that brings together Chekhov's heroes and heroines in a contemporary collage. School of Dramatic Art. 7 p.m.

MT PICK The Black Monk (Chyorny Monakh): Kama Ginkas' brilliant staging of Chekhov's short story about a strange, ethereal figure who convinces a man that he is a genius. Theater Yunogo Zritelya. 7 p.m.

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time (Zagadochnoye Nochnoye Ubiistvo Sobaki): Yegor Peregudov stages Simon Stephens's play based on Mark Haddon's mystery novel. Sovremennik Theater Drugaya Stage. 7:30 p.m.

The Storm (Groza): scenes from Ostrovsky's tragedy about a young woman hounded to death by the ignorance and insensitivity of a backward Russian town. Stanislavsky Electrotheater. 9 p.m.

NEW Two for the Seesaw (Dvoye na Kachelyakh): William Gibson's love story about an iconoclastic young man and a would-be dancer in beatnik America. Galina Volchek renews her 1962 staging with Chulpan Khamatova in the lead. Sovremennik Theater. 7 p.m.

Friday The 3rd

August. Osage County (Avgust. Grafstvo Oseidzh): Mindaugas Karbauskis stages Tracy Letts' family drama. Mayakovsky Theater. 7 p.m.

Autumn Sonata (Osennyaya Sonata): Yekaterina Polovtseva stages Ingmar Bergman with Marina Neyolova and Alyona Babenko in the leads. A celebrated classical pianist is confronted by her neglected daughter. Sovremennik Theater. 7 p.m.

FESTIVAL Chekhov Theater Festival: GERMAN Doppelganger (see Thurs. listing). Fomenko Workshop Theater. 7 p.m.

FESTIVAL Chekhov Theater Festival: JAPANESE Mahabharata — Nalacharitam (see Thurs. listing). Mossoviet Theater. 7 p.m.

MT PICK Eugene Onegin: Rimas Tuminas stages a bold remake of, and commentary on, Pushkin's classic verse novel. Vakhtangov Theater. 7 p.m.

Faces (Litsa): Alexander Kalyagin directs and stars in a two-actor comic show based on Chekhov's short stories. Et Cetera Theater. 7 p.m.

NEW Forgiving Betrayal (Prostit Izmenu): Yelena Gremina's interactive piece about love, infidelity and revenge opens up still another new space for this theater. Teatr.doc on Maly Kazyonny Pereulok. 8 p.m.

Our Street Songs (Pesni Nashego Dvora): a nostalgic theatrical concert and picnic. Theater U Nikitskikh Vorot open stage. 8 p.m.

MT PICK Tararabumbiya (see Thurs. listing). School of Dramatic Art. 7 p.m.

The Cherry Orchard (Vishnyovy Sad): Anton Chekhov's play about a family being overtaken by social and historical change. Lenkom Theater. 7 p.m.

The Kitchen (Kukhnya): Konstantin Raikin stages Arnold Wesker's 1950's play. Satirikon Theater. 7 p.m.

Saturday The 4th

A Time of Women (Vremya Zhenshchin): Yegor Peregudov's staging based on Yelena Chizhova's novel about several generations of Russian women. Sovremennik Theater Drugaya Stage. 7:30 p.m.

FESTIVAL Chekhov Theater Festival: GERMAN Doppelganger (see Thurs. listing). Fomenko Workshop Theater. 7 p.m.

Divorce Masculine-Style (Razvod po Muzhski): Sergei Artsibashev and Sergei Poselsky stage a play by Neil Simon. Mayakovsky Theater. 6 p.m.

Fathers and Sons (Otsy i Synovya): Leonid Kheifets stages Brian Friel's play on the themes of Ivan Turgenev's novel. Mayakovsky Theater Stage Na Sretenke. 6 p.m.

Five Evenings (Pyat Vecherov): Alexander Ogaryov's production of Alexander Volodin's Thaw-era play about two former lovers who meet again. Sovremennik Theater. 7 p.m.

Lunacharsky Luna Park (Luna-Park Imeni Lunacharskogo): Alexander Ogaryov stages Ksenia Dragunskaya's play about life in Moscow and in a provincial town. School of Dramatic Art. 7 p.m.

Not for Me (Ne Dlya Menya): Vladimir Dantsiger stages Vladimir Gurkin's tragifarce set in a pre- and post-war Russian village. Yermolova Theater. 7 p.m.

The Heart Is No Stone (Serdtse Ne Kamen): Grigory Dityatkovsky directs Alexander Ostrovsky's comedy about the sufferings of a young wife and an old husband. Et Cetera Theater. 7 p.m.

The Human Voice (Chelovechesky Golos): Igor Yatsko's staging of Jean Cocteau's drama and Francis Poulenc's opera. School of Dramatic Art. 8 p.m.

Sunday The 5th

NEW A Midsummer Night's Dream (Son v Letnyuyu Noch): Ivan Popovski stages Shakespeare's comedy of love and magic in a wood near Athens. Fomenko Workshop Theater. 7 p.m.

Faces (see Fri listing). Et Cetera Theater. 7 p.m.

Juno and Avos (Yunona i Avos): a musical by Alexei Rybnikov. Lenkom Theater production. Estrada Theater. 7 p.m.

NEW Let's Dance (Potantsuyem): Lyudmila Ulitskaya's play about three Russian women meeting in New York in the 1990s. Sovremennik Theater Drugaya Stage. 7:30 p.m.

Lunacharsky Luna Park (see Sat. listing). School of Dramatic Art. 7 p.m.

Our Street Songs (see Fri. listing). Theater U Nikitskikh Vorot open stage. 8 p.m.

Poplars and Wind (Topolya i Veter): Konstantin Raikin directs Gerald Sibleyras' comedy about three war veterans planning their escape from hospital in 1959. Satirikon Theater. 7 p.m.

Pygmalion: George Bernard Shaw's classic play about Eliza Doolittle, the cockney flower girl whom the irascible Professor Henry Higgins "makes into a lady." Sovremennik Theater. 7 p.m.

The Fruits of Enlightenment (Plody Prosveshcheniya): Mindaugas Karbauskis' version of Leo Tolstoy's play about peasants outwitting their masters. Mayakovsky Theater. 6 p.m.

The Gamblers (Igroki): Oleg Menshikov's rendition of Gogol's comedy about card sharks cheating a cardsharp. Yermolova Theater. 7 p.m.

The Lioness of Aquitaine (Akvitanskaya Lvitsa): Gleb Panfilov stages James Goldman's screenplay, "The Lion in Winter," about the gamesmanship between Henry II of England (Dmitry Pevtsov) and his wife Eleanor of Aquitaine (Inna Churikova). Lenkom Theater. 7 p.m.

Monday The 6th

Come On In (Zakhodite-Zakhodite): Yury Butorin's adaptation of Meir Shalev's novel "As a Few Days," also called "The Four Meals" and "The Loves of Judith." Fomenko Workshop Theater small hall. 7 p.m.

Forget-Me-Nots (Nezabudki): Lyudmila Ulitskaya's play "My Grandson Veniamin." Theater U Nikitskikh Vorot old stage. 7 p.m.

Free Love (Svobodnaya Lyubov): a comedy based on Leonard Gershe's play "Butterflies Are Free." La Theater production. Mayakovsky Theater. 7 p.m.

Juno and Avos (see Sun. listing). Estrada Theater. 7 p.m.

MT PICK Light My Fire (Zazhgi Moi Ogon): Yury Muravitsky stages Sasha Denisova's play that is ostensibly about American musicians Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin, but actually explores rebels who could be from anywhere. Teatr.doc on Maly Kazyonny Pereulok. 8 p.m.

The Gin Game (Igra v Dzhin): Donald L. Coburn's play about a couple that meets in an old folks home, and spars over heated card games. Directed by Galina Volchek, stars Lia Akhedzhakova and Valentin Gaft. Sovremennik Theater. 7 p.m.

The Lioness of Aquitaine (see Sun. listing). Lenkom Theater. 7 p.m.

MT PICK The Overcoat (Shinel): This interpretation of Gogol's story by director Valery Fokin and composer Alexander Bakshi stars Marina Neyolova as Bashmachkin. Sovremennik Theater Drugaya Stage. 7:30 p.m.

Tuesday The 7th

1900: Oleg Menshikov's one-actor show based on Alessandro Baricco's monologue "Novecento" about an extraordinary pianist. Yermolova Theater. 7 p.m.

NEW A Behanding in Spokane (Odnoruky iz Spokana): Martin McDonagh's 2010 black comedy set in the United States. Directed by Konstantin Raikin. Satirikon Theater small stage. 7:30 p.m.

MT PICK Boris Godunov: Konstantin Bogomolov's staging of Pushkin's tragedy about Russia's Time of Troubles. Lenkom Theater. 7 p.m.

Dedicated to Yalta (Posvyashchayetsya Yalte): Boris Andrianov and Artur Smolyaninov's detective show based on Iosif Brodsky's poem and Schnittke's Sonata No. 1 for cello (Boris Andrianov) and piano (Katya Skanavi, Andrei Gugnin). Sovremennik Theater Drugaya Stage. 7:30 p.m.

MT PICK Konstantin Raikin: An Evening With Dostoevsky (Konstantin Raikin: Vecher s Dostoyevskim): Director Valery Fokin and composer Alexander Bakshi create a stage version of Fyodor Dostoevsky's existentialist novel "Notes From Underground" especially for Raikin. Satirikon Theater. 7 p.m.

MT PICK Light My Fire (see Mon. listing). Teatr.doc on Maly Kazyonny Pereulok. 8 p.m.

ENGLISH Olympia: Olga Mukhina's family saga follows changes in Russia from the 1970s to the present. Staged by Yevgeny Tsyganov. English subtitles available. Fomenko Workshop Theater. 7 p.m.

Our Street Songs (see Fri. listing). Theater U Nikitskikh Vorot open stage. 8 p.m.

The Open Couple (Svobodnaya Para): Boris Milgram's staging based on Dario Fo's comedy starring Maria Aronova and Boris Shcherbakov. Art-Partner XXI Agency production. Dom Muzyki Theater Hall. 7 p.m.

Three Comrades (Tri Tovarishcha): a dramatization of Erich Marie Remarque's novel about three friends struggling to find their place in society in the uneasy period after one war and before another. Sovremennik Theater. 7 p.m.

NEW Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf (Kto Boitsya Virdzhinii Vulf?): Vladimir Pankov stages a soundrama version of Edward Albee's play. Art-Partner XXI Agency production. Conomwealth of Taganka Actors. 7 p.m.

Wednesday The 8th

Embrace Me (Obnimi Menya): Konstantin Kozhevnikov tells how and why he failed to build proper relationships with a girl he loved. Teatr.doc on Maly Kazyonny Pereulok. 8 p.m.

Gorbunov and Gorchakov: Yevgeny Kamenkovich stages Iosif Brodsky's poem set in a Leningrad mental hospital. Sovremennik Theater Drugaya Stage. 7:30 p.m.

MT PICK London Show: Konstantin Raikin stages a comedy based on George Bernard Shaw's "Pygmalion." Satirikon Theater. 7 p.m.

The Cherry Orchard (Vishnyovy Sad): a traditional version of Chekhov's play. Sovremennik Theater. 7 p.m.

The Demon: Sergei Zemlyansky's movement version of Mikhail Lermontov's poem. Yermolova Theater. 7 p.m.

MT PICK The Demon. The View From Above (Demon. Vid Sverkhu): Dmitry Krymov's innovative production inspired by Mikhail Lermontov's poem. School of Dramatic Art. 7 p.m.

The Fisherman and His Soul (Rybak i Yego Dusha): Igor Yatsko's staging based on Oscar Wilde's metaphoric tale. School of Dramatic Art. 8 p.m.

ENGLISH FRENCH The Gift (Dar): Yevgeny Kamenkovich's adaptation of Vladimir Nabokov's final Russian novel. English and French subtitles available. Fomenko Workshop Theater. 7 p.m.

The Jester Balakirev (Shut Balakirev): Grigory Gorin's tragicomedy based on the real story of nobleman Sergei Frolov. Lenkom Theater. 7 p.m.

NEW Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf (see Tues. listing). Conomwealth of Taganka Actors. 7 p.m.

and Beyond…

NEW Actors (Aktyory): Igor Stam's new staging observes actors at a strange audition. Teatr.doc on Maly Kazyonny Pereulok. July 9, 8 p.m.

Electrocabaret. Vertinsky On Tverskaya: Sergei Mad Pierrot Vasilyev, Regina Shteinman, Yevgeny Kapustin, Darya Lovat and others in a cabaret show. Stanislavsky Electrotheater. July 9, 9 p.m.

He Was a Titular Counselor (On Byl Titulyarny Sovetnik): Anatoly Goryachev's one-actor show based on Gogol's story "The Diary of a Madman." Fomenko Workshop Theater small hall. July 9, 7 p.m.

Romeo and Juliet: Konstantin Raikin renews his grand, energetic version of Shakespeare's tragedy with a new, young cast. Satirikon Theater. July 9, 7 p.m.

MT PICK The Demon. The View From Above (see Wed. listing). School of Dramatic Art. July 9, 7 p.m.

The Fisherman and His Soul (see Wed. listing). School of Dramatic Art. July 9, 8 p.m.

The Picture of Dorian Gray (Portret Doriana Greya): Alexander Sozonov stages Oscar Wilde. Yermolova Theater. July 9 and 11, 7 p.m.

Three Sisters (Tri Sestry): Galina Volchek revives an older version of Chekhov's play. Sovremennik Theater. July 9, 7 p.m.

Tout Paye (Vsyo Oplacheno): A great cast delivers an entertaining story about a man who tries to buy happiness. Lenkom Theater. July 9, 7 p.m.

NEW All Shades of Blue (see Thurs. listing). Satirikon Theater. July 12, 16, 22 and 30, 7 p.m.

FESTIVAL Chekhov Theater Festival: FRENCH Les Fausses Confidances (The False Confessions, Lozhniye Priznaniya): Luc Bondy stages Marivaux's comedy. L'Odeon — Theatre de l'Europe production. Performed in French with Russian subtitles. Mossoviet Theater. July 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17, 7 p.m.

Woe From Wit (Gore Ot Uma): Alexander Yatsko directs the classic Griboyedov comedy about a witty young man receiving a cool reception from friends when he returns home from abroad. Mossoviet Theater Stage Pod Kryshei. July 16, 7 p.m.

Theater Addresses

Amadeus Musical Theater
Reservations 925-846-3377

ARTO Theater
6/1 Sretensky Bulvar, Bldg. 2. M. Turgenevskaya. 495-624-5990

Aquamarine Circus
7 Ulitsa Melnikova. M. Proletarskaya. 495-792-3072,

Bolshoi Theater
1 Teatralnaya Ploshchad. M. Teatralnaya. 495-455-5555

Bulgakov House
10 Bolshaya Sadovaya. M. Mayakovskaya. 495-970-0619

Bulgakov Theater
10 Bolshaya Sadovaya Ul. through the arch, Apt. 50. M. Mayakovskaya. 495-775-9461,

Chekhov Moscow Art Theater
3 Kamergersky Pereulok. M. Teatralnaya. 495-646-3646, 692-6748

Chekhov International Theater Festival

Circus Na Prospekte Vernadskogo
7 Prospekt Vernadskogo. M. Universitet. 495-930-0272/0300,

Cirque du Soleil at Luzhniki

Commonwealth of Taganka Actors
76/21 Zemlyanoi Val, Taganskaya Ploshchad. M. Taganskaya (circle line). 495-915-1148

Contemporary Play School
29/14 Neglinnaya Ulitsa. M. Tsvetnoi Bulvar. 694-0738

Co-Working Svobodnoye Plavaniye
28A Varshavskoye Shosse. M. Nagatinskaya. 499-426-0626,

65-66 km of MKAD, Crocus Exhibition Center, Pavillion 3. M. Myakinino. 499-550-0055

DK Imeni Alexandra Petlyury
28/2 Ulitsa Petrovka, Bldg. 1, entrance by way of Petrovsky Pereulok. M. Chekhovskaya.

DK Imeni Zuyeva
18 Lesnaya Ulitsa. M. Belorusskaya. 499-973-3461

Dom Aktyora
35 Ulitsa Arbat. M. Arbatskaya. 499-248-1805,

Drugoi Theater
at DK Imeni Zuyeva. 18 Lesnaya Ulitsa. M. Belorusskaya. 499-973-2141, 4095-777-9181,

Dzhigarkhanyan Theater
17 Lomonosovsky Prospekt. M. Universitet. 495-930-70

20/2 Bersenevskaya Naberezhnaya. M. Borovitskaya. 495-959-0456

Et Cetera Theater
2 Frolov Pereulok, Turgenevskaya Ploshchad. M. Turgenevskaya, Chistiye Prudy. 495-781-7811

10 Bolshaya Sadovaya Ulitsa. M. Mayakovskaya. 8-968-404-0505,

Fomenko Workshop Theater
30/32 Kutuzovsky Prospekt. M. Kutuzovskaya. 499-249-1921/1740

Fomenko Studio New Stage
29 Naberezhnaya Tarasa Shevchenko. M. Kutuzovskaya. 499-249-1921/1740

Gogol Theater
8A Ulitsa Kazakova. M. Kurskaya. 499-262-9214, 499-261-5528, (website currently being reconstructed)

Helikon Opera on Arbat
11 Novy Arbat, Bldg. 2. M. Arbatskaya. 495-695-6584, 690-6592,

Hermitage Theater
3 Karetny Ryad, Hermitage Garden. M. Pushkinskaya. 495-650-6742

Kuzminki House of Arts
121 Volgogradsky Prospekt. M. Kuzminki. 495-378-6575,

Lenkom Theater
6 Malaya Dmitrovka. M. Pushkinskaya. 495-699-9668/0708

Maly Theater
1/6 Teatralnaya Ploshchad. M. Teatralnaya. 495-624-4046

Maly Theater Affiliate
69 Ulitsa Bolshaya Ordynka. M. Dobryninskaya. 499-237-3181,

3 Teatralny Proyezd. M. Okhtny Ryad, Teatralnaya. 495-625-6836,

Mayakovsky Theater
19 Bolshaya Nikitskaya Ulitsa. M. Pushkinskaya, Arbatskaya. 495-290-4658/6241

Mayakovsky Theater Affiliate
21 Pushkaryov Pereulok. M. Sukharevskaya. 495-290-4658/6241

28 Komsomolsky Prospekt. M. Frunzenskaya. 499-248-6688,

Meyerhold Center
23 Novoslobodskaya Ulitsa. M. Mendeleyevskaya. 495-363-1048

Moskva Ballet
16 Novoryazanskaya Ulitsa. M. Komsomolskaya. 495-607-0129,

Mossoviet Theater
16 Bolshaya Sadovaya Ulitsa. M. Mayakovskaya. 495-699-2035

Moscow Musical Theater
27 Novozavodskaya Ulitsa. M. Bagrationovskaya. 495-797-6300

National Show of Russia

National Youth Theater
2 Teatralnaya Ploshchad. M. Teatralnaya. 495-692-0069/1879

Natalya Sats Children's Musical Theater
5 Prospekt Vernadskogo. M. Universitet. 495-930-5177,

NET Festival (New European Theater)
10 Strastnoi Bulvar, office 46. M. Chekhovskaya. Tickets 965-224-2466,,

Nikulin Circus Na Tsvetnom Bulvare
13 Tsvetnoi Bulvar. M. Tsvetnoi Bulvar. 495-625-8970,

Novaya Opera
3 Karetny Ryad. M. Mayakovskaya, Chekhovskaya. 495-694-0868

Okolo, the Theater Near the Stanislavsky House
9a Voznesensky Pereulok. M. Pushkinskaya. 495-690-2557

Operetta Theater
6/2 Bolshaya Dmitrovka. M. Chekhovskaya. 495-925-5050,

Pavel Slobodkin Center
48 Ulitsa Arbat. M. Smolenskaya. 499-241-6226/6588,

Platforma at Winzavod Center
14th Syromyatnichesky Pereulok, Bldg. 6. M. Chkalovskaya, Kurskaya., 495-917-1799, BigBilet.Ru,

Playwright and Director Center Na Begovoi
5 Begovaya Ulitsa. M. Begovaya, Dinamo. 495-945-3245,

Playwright and Director Center Na Sokole
71 Leningradsky Prospekt. M. Sokol. 499-390-6004,

3/4 Novaya Ploshchad, Entrance 9. M. Lubyanka. 495-730-5491, 544-5545,

30 Bolshoi Kozikhinsky Pereulok. M. Mayakovskaya. 495-544-5545,

Playwright and Director Center
35 Arbat. M. Arbatskaya, Smolenskaya. 499-795-9282, 495-945-3245

30 Bolshoi Kozikhinsky Pereulok. M. Mayakovskaya. 495-544-5545

Project Otkrytaya Stsena
(Formerly the School of Dramatic Art) 20 Povarskaya Ulitsa. M. Arbatskaya, Barrikadnaya. 495-691-4443

Pushkin Theater
23 Tverskoi Bulvar. M. Pushkinskaya. 495-694-1289

Pushkin Theater Affiliate
3/25 Sytinsky Pereulok, Bldg. 5. M. Pushkinskaya. 495-650-1896

Rossiya Theater
2 Pushkinskaya Ploshchad. M. Pushkinskaya, Chekhovskaya, Tverskaya. 495-788-4646

Russian Song Folk Theater
14 Olimpiisky Prospekt. M. Prospekt Mira. 495-681-3410,

Russian Army Theater
2 Suvorov Square. M. Novoslobodskaya. 495-681-5120,

S.A.D. Theater
26 Prospekt Mira at the Aptekarsky Ogorod Garden. M. Prospekt Mira. 8-903-249-6740,

Satire Theater
2 Triumfalnaya Ploshchad. M. Mayakovskaya. 495-699-3642

Satirikon Theater
8 Sheremetyevskaya Ulitsa. M. Marina Roshcha. 495-689-7844

School of Dramatic Art
19 Ulitsa Sretenka. Metro Sukharevskaya. 495-632-9344

Sfera Theater
3 Karetny Ryad, in the Hermitage Garden. M. Chekhovskaya. 495-699-9645/27,

Sobytiye Theater
38 Varshavskoye Shosse. M. Nagatinskaya. 499-408-6075,

Sovremennik Theater
19A Chistoprudny Bulvar. M. Chistiye Prudy. 621-6473

Summer Ballet Seasons

Stanislavsky Electrotheater
23 Tverskaya Ulitsa. M. Tverskaya. 495-699-7224,

Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Musical Theater
17 Bolshaya Dmitrovka. M. Tverskaya, Chekhovskaya. 495-723-7325

Stas Namin Theater
9 Krymsky Val, Bldg. 33, in the Gorky Park. M. Oktyabrskaya, Frunzenskaya, Shabolovskaya. 945-633-9924,

Stas Namin Theater
9 Krymsky Val, Bldg. 33, in the Gorky Park. M. Oktyabrskaya, Frunzenskaya, Shabolovskaya. 945-633-9924,

STD Boyar Chambers (Boyarskiye Palaty)
10 Strastnoi Bulvar. M. Chekhovskaya. Tickets 965-224-2466,,

Tabakov Theater
1A Ulitsa Chaplygina. M. Chistiye Prudy. 495-628-9685, reservations 495-628-779, 624-46472

Taganka Theater
76/21 Zemlyanoi Val. M. Taganskaya (circle line). 495-915-1217

Teatrium na Serpukhovke
6 Pavlovskaya Ulitsa. Metro Serpukhovskaya. 499-237-1689

11/13 Tryokhprudny Pereulok, Bldg. 1, entrance from the side. M. Pushkinskaya. 8-919-765-8402

Teatr.doc on Maly Kazyonny
19 Maly Kazyonny Pereulok. M. Kurskaya. 8-919-765-8402,

Ten Theater
5 Oktyabrskaya Ulitsa. M. Dostoevskaya, Maryina Roshcha. 495-681-1516/3590,

Theater Center Na Strastnom
8A Strastnoi Bulvar. M. Chekhovskaya. 495-694-4681

Theater Club Na Tishinke
5/7 Sredny Tishinsky Pereulok. M. Belorusskaya. 499-340-6653,

Theater Kinoaktyora
33 Ul. Povarskaya. M. Arbatskaya, Barrikadnaya. 495-690-2811, 691-1461

Theater Luny
31 Malaya Ordynka. M. Dobryninskaya. 495-953-1317

Theater Na Maloi Bronnoi
4 Malaya Bronnaya. M. Tverskaya. 495-690-6731, reservations 495-728-6649

Theater Na Yugo-Zapade
125 Prospekt Vernadskogo, M. Yugo-Zapadnaya. 495-433-1191

Theater of Nations
3 Petrovsky Pereulok. M. Chekhovskaya, Pushkinskaya. 495-629-3739

Theater U Nikitskikh Vorot
Ulitsa Bolshaya Nikitskaya (at the corner of Bolshaya Nikitskaya and Nikitsky Bulvar). M. Arbatskaya, Pushkinskaya. 495- 695-8219

Theater Yunogo Zritelya
10 Mamonovsky Pereulok. M. Pushkinskaya. 495-699-4995/5360

TsDKZh Dom Kultury Zheleznodorozhnikov
4 Komsomolskaya Ploshchad. M. Komsomolskaya. 495-266-29-38.

Tsentralny Dom Literatorov 53 Bolshaya Nikitskaya Ulitsa. M. Barrikadnaya. 495-691-6316,

UVS Gallery
1/13 Ul. Pokrovka, entrance by way of Armyansky Pereulok. 495-621-2828,

Vakhtangov Theater
26 Arbat. M. Arbatskaya. 499-241-1679

Vladimir Nazarov Musical Theater
Michurinsky Prospekt, 1 Olimpiiskaya Derevnya. M. Yugo-Zapadnaya. 495-430-0410, 437-8626,

Vysotsky Center
3 Nizhny Tagansky Tupik. M. Taganskaya. 495-915-4558

Yelena Kamburova Theater of Music and Poetry
53/55 Bolshaya Pirogovskaya Ulitsa. M. Sportivnaya. 499 246-8175

Yermolova Theater
5/6 Tverskaya Ulitsa. M. Okhotny Ryad, Ploshchad Revolyutsii. 495-629-0594/4587

ZIL Cultural Center
4 Vostochnaya Ulitsa, Bldg. 1. M. Avtozavoskaya. 495-675-7872,

Zverev Center of Contemporary Art
29 Novoryazanskaya Ul., Bldg. 4. M. Baumanskaya. 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. 499-265-6166,

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