If Only Clowns Ruled the World

At a reception for clowns, Ukrainian and Russian vodka living side by side in peace.
For the 22nd time, Patch Adams and a gaggle of 40 clowns from 12 countries came to Russia for their annual tour. Most of their time was spent in homes for veterans and the elderly, in hospitals and orphanages, and in homeless shelters in Moscow and St. Petersburg.
Along the way they met with the director of Maria's Children and pretended that they were attending a fancy-dress ball. But they also found time to stroll along the Old Arbat and gather for a portrait in front of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. No international incident was reported.
Read the full story: Got a Diplomatic Dilemma? Send in the Clowns
For the 22nd time, Patch Adams and a gaggle of 40 clowns from 12 countries came to Russia for their annual tour. Most of their time was spent in homes for veterans and the elderly, in hospitals and orphanages, and in homeless shelters in Moscow and St. Petersburg.
Along the way they met with the director of Maria's Children and pretended that they were attending a fancy-dress ball. But they also found time to stroll along the Old Arbat and gather for a portrait in front of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. No international incident was reported.
Read the full story: Got a Diplomatic Dilemma? Send in the Clowns
Ralph Robbins / For MT

Cees and other clowns trading stories with a WWII veteran.
Ralph Robbins / For MT

Cheering up hospital patients.
Ralph Robbins / For MT

Clowns contemplating the Foreign Ministry in Moscow.
Asya Segalovich / For MT

Asya Segalovich / For MT

Clowns invading the Arbat.
Asya Segalovich / For MT

Jilly Bean shares her glasses.
Ralph Robbins / For MT

Maria Yeliseyeva and Patch Adams dressed for St. Petersburg.
Ralph Robbins / For MT

Patch and Maria clowning with locals at Catherine the Great palace in St. Petersburg.
Marina Shusterman / For MT

Patch clowning with a child in a hospital in St. Petersburg.
Marina Shusterman / For MT

Patch hugging a child.
Ralph Robbins / For MT

Zhorik the clown making use of a free prop.
Ralph Robbins / For MT