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Denmark Arrests Suspected Russian Spy

Sergei Gapon / AFP

Danish authorities announced Tuesday that they arrested a Russian citizen for suspected espionage, with media reports saying it was a woman well-known in the Russian diaspora.

The Danish Security and Intelligence Service (PET) said the Russian national was arrested south of Copenhagen and suspected of "enabling a foreign intelligence service to operate in Denmark."

The agency said the person was expected to be released after questioning, but added that "the case is still under investigation and PET has no further comment."

PET stressed the case was not "related to the recent European Parliament elections," but instead concerned media reports about a Russian sovereign wealth fund.

Danish public broadcaster DR and other European media outlets recently published reports about the Russian fund Pravfond.

The fund, which was set up by the Russian authorities, is suspected of financing disinformation projects, according to leaked documents obtained by DR.

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