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Russia Says Destroyed Ukrainian Drones, Missiles Near Crimea

General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Russia's Defense Ministry said Thursday that it downed 13 Ukrainian drones in the southern Krasnodar region and areas close to the annexed Crimean peninsula.

On Thursday morning, "five Ukrainian aerial drones were shot down by anti-aircraft defense systems in the Krasnodar region," the ministry said in a statement.

Another eight drones were intercepted during the night "over the Black Sea, close to the Crimean coast," the statement added.

The Defense Ministry said it also destroyed two Ukrainian naval drones in the Black Sea that were "heading for Crimea."

Likewise, it said that eight U.S.-supplied ATACMS missiles were shot down by air defense systems over the Sea of Azov, near the annexed peninsula.

Faced with more than two years of Russian bombardments, Ukraine has increasingly taken the fight to Russian soil, often targeting energy infrastructure across the border.

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