The Mischief and Mayhem of Russian Paratroopers' Day
Each year on Aug. 2, current and former members of Russia's Airborne Troops meet up to raise a drink (or, more likely, many drinks) to each other's achievements and remember fallen comrades.
The holiday falls on the anniversary of the Soviet military's first parachute flight, which was held during exercises near the southern Russian city of Voronezh in 1930.
Over the years, the sight of bawdy, striped shirt-clad men romping in public fountains and generally causing chaos all over town has become a familiar staple of this summertime holiday.
Here's a look at this year's Paratroopers' Day festivities:
The holiday falls on the anniversary of the Soviet military's first parachute flight, which was held during exercises near the southern Russian city of Voronezh in 1930.
Over the years, the sight of bawdy, striped shirt-clad men romping in public fountains and generally causing chaos all over town has become a familiar staple of this summertime holiday.
Here's a look at this year's Paratroopers' Day festivities:

Paratroopers demonstrate their physical prowess.
Moskva News Agency

Drop and give me 50.
Moskva News Agency

The festivities got a bit out of hand in Moscow this year, with four people detained after a brawl broke out between former paratroopers and riot police officers in Gorky Park.
Sergei Fadeichev / TASS

Just men supporting men.
Sergei Bobylev / TASS

Some paratroopers choose to deck out their fluffy comrades in their signature blue-and-white striped shirts and blue berets.
Moskva News Agency

On this day, it's tradition to use the toast "Za VDV!" ("To the VDV!") — the acronym refers to the Airborne Troops.
Sergei Bobylev / TASS

As the ancient proverb goes: I get knocked down, but I get up again. You're never gonna keep me down.
Moskva News Agency