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English Yoga Classes in Moscow


Now that the winter is almost over, many of us feel like being a bit more sporty again, but often we lack the drive and ideas where and how to start. We have discovered yoga a year ago and are now very enthusiastic about this sport! It offers the perfect combination of physical effort, stretching exercises and relaxation for your mind. Yoga is a great way to become stronger and tone your body in an elegant way. But the effectiveness all depends on the quality of the teacher. We happen to have a great yoga teacher, whom we would like to introduce and recommend to you today.
Sebastien Dupont
His name is Sebastien, he's originally from France and has been living in Moscow with his wife and little son for almost 8 years. Sebastien is practicing yoga since he was 16 years old and has been teaching yoga since 2007. He has acquired a wealth of knowledge about various yoga techniques through his many trips to India, his teaching experience in Switzerland & France and by attending many seminars. He combines these different forms of yoga, such as Iyengar Yoga, Desikachar techniques and the traditional Hatha Yoga and translates this into a modern and western oriented type of yoga, which makes his teaching style so special.
If you would like to join his classes and try yoga, you can find Sebastien in two ways: Either in the yoga studio named, "Yoga Class Studio" and join his class, which takes place every Thursday from 7pm to 8:30pm.
Or you can book a private class with him. Just write to him directly, agree on a time and the place, and he will come to you for the class.
A private lesson usually lasts 1 hour and costs 5000 rub. You can either take the lesson on your own or together with friends. We like to share the lesson in a small group of 5 people, so its more fun and you can share the cost.
We have a discount code for you, just mention the code "Moscowliving" to Sebastian when you are booking the class and you will save 20% on your first class.
Have fun trying it out!
Click here to see the contact details.  
For more tips to make your life in Moscow more easy & fun follow "Moscowliving" on Facebook or Instagram!

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