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Organizer of New Year's Bombings in Russia Arrested in Kyrgyzstan

Vladimir Pirogov / Reuters

Security forces in Kyrgyzstan have reportedly detained a terrorist planning to organize an attack in Russia on New Year's. 

Earlier in December, Russia’s FSB said it had prevented Islamic State terrorist attacks planned for New Year’s celebrations and presidential election events in Moscow.

Read more: New Year’s Terror Plot Foiled in Moscow, Russia’s FSB Says

Kyrgyzstan's National Security Committee (GKNB) told the Interfax news agency on Friday that the suspect, a national of an unnamed post-Soviet republic, had been detained on Wednesday. 

“Having received an assignment from the leaders of a terrorist organization, he crossed the Syrian-Turkish border with the purpose of subsequent entry into Russia,” a GKNB spokesperson said. 

The security force did not specify which Russian city the suspected terrorist was planning to attack, the RBC business portal reported

Members of a “special subversive and terrorist group” were sent to post-Soviet countries to carry out attacks during the New Year holidays, the Kyrgyz security service added. 

The suspect — identified only by the initials D.U. — testified to having received training on operating explosives at a terrorist camp in Syria, the GKNB said in a statement on its website.

Islamic State is a terrorist organization banned in Russia.

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