Thursday The 20th
Alexander Vertinsky. Yellow Tango: a chamber musical staging dedicated to this Russian chansonnier. Bulgakov Theater. 7 p.m.
Cancun: Alexei Frolenkov directs Jordi Galceran's comedy about two married couples on vacation. Theater Na Maloi Bronnoi. 7 p.m.
Cynics (Tsiniki): Sergei Aronin's dramatization of Alexander Mariengof's novel. Mossoviet Theater Stage Pod Kryshei. 7 p.m.
Educating Rita (Vospitaniye Rity): Fyodor Dobronravov and Irina Medvedeva in Willy Russell's comedy as staged by Krzysztof Zanussi. Comedia Group production. Theater Kinoaktyora. 7 p.m.
Embrace Me (Obnimi Menya): Konstantin Kozhevnikov tells how and why he failed to build proper relationships with a girl he loved. Teatr.doc on Maly Kazyonny. 8 p.m.
Enchanted City (Zacharovanny Gorod): a circus show. Aquamarine Circus. 7 p.m.
Krechinsky's Wedding (Svadba Krechinskogo): Viesturs Meiksans' staging of Alexander Sukhovo-Kobylin's satire. Mossoviet Theater. 7 p.m.
The Magician (Fokusnik): Andrei Tupikov's staging based on Alexander Volodin's script for Pyotr Todorovsky's 1967 film. Hermitage Theater production. Fomenko Workshop Theater. 7 p.m.
The Phantom of the Opera (Prizrak Opery): the Russian version of Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical. MDM. 7 p.m.
Friday The 21st
Aesthetes (Estety): Sergei Aronin stages a comedy about contemporary art based on works by Yasmina Reza and Andrei Bitov. Mossoviet Theater Stage Pod Kryshei. 8 p.m.
Enchanted City (Zacharovanny Gorod): a circus show. Aquamarine Circus. 7 p.m.
Lear — Kleshch: former convict Marina Kleshchyova tells her life story, recites Shakespeare, her songs and verses. Teatr.doc on Maly Kazyonny. 8 p.m.
My Shadow (Moya Ten): Mikhail Levitin stages Yevgeny Shvarts' allegorical fairy tale. Hermitage Theater production. Fomenko Workshop Theater. 7 p.m.
Perfect Wedding (Shikarnaya Svadba): Robin Hawdon's comedy as staged by Yelena Maryasina and Maria Makarskaya. Sobytiye Theater. 5 and 8 p.m.
Retro: Alexander Galin's comedy directed by Yury Ioffe. Theater Na Maloi Bronnoi. 7 p.m.
NEW Sea Voyage 1933 (Morskoye Puteshestviye 1933 Goda): Yury Yeryomin's staging inspired by Stanley Kramer's 1965 film "Ship of Fools." Mossoviet Theater. 7 p.m.
The Phantom of the Opera (see Thurs. listing). MDM. 7 p.m.
Saturday The 22nd
Enchanted City (Zacharovanny Gorod): a circus show. Aquamarine Circus. Noon and 7 p.m.
Mashenka: Ivan Orlov's adaptation of Vladimir Nabokov's story. Mossoviet Theater Stage Pod Kryshei. 7 p.m.
My Shadow (see Fri. listing). Fomenko Workshop Theater. 7 p.m.
New Russians or One-Hour Men (Noviye Russkiye ili Muzhchiny na Chas): Viktor Merezhko's comedy directed by Andrei Krasko. Novoye Iskusstvo Theater Center production. Theater Kinoaktyora. 7 p.m.
Slavic Madness (Slavyanskiye Bezumstva): Roman Samgin directs Bronislaw Nusic's play "The Doctor of Philosophy." Theater Na Maloi Bronnoi. 7 p.m.
The Bathhouse Dressing Room (Predbannik): Sergei Yursky directs his own play written under the pseudonym of Igor Vatsetis. Mossoviet Theater. 7 p.m.
The Phantom of the Opera (see Thurs. listing). MDM. 2 and 7 p.m.
Sunday The 23rd
About Fedot (Pro Fedota): Leonid Filatov's verse comedy. Sobytiye Theater. 7 p.m.
Absurd Evening. Polonaise (Vecher Absurda. Polonez): Sergei Yursky directs his own play written under the pseudonym of Igor Vatsetis. Mossoviet Theater Stage Pod Kryshei. 7 p.m.
Actors (Aktyory): Igor Stam's new staging observes actors at a strange audition. Teatr.doc on Maly Kazyonny. 8 p.m.
Arcadia: Sergei Golomazov directs Tom Stoppard's intellectual puzzle on themes of literature and history. Theater Na Maloi Bronnoi. 7 p.m.
Enchanted City (Zacharovanny Gorod): a circus show. Aquamarine Circus. Noon and 7 p.m.
Leonid Utyosov. Thank You, My Heart: a chamber musical staging dedicated to this Russian jazz singer, conductor and actor. Bulgakov Theater. 7 p.m.
Perfect Wedding (see Fri. listing). Sobytiye Theater. 4 p.m.
NEW The Bird of Happiness (Ptitsa Schastya): Russian national show on ice starring Nadezhda Babkina, Natalya Bestemyanova, Andrei Bukin and Igor Bobrin. Theater of Russian Song. 7 p.m.
The Phantom of the Opera (see Thurs. listing). MDM. 2 p.m.
Uncle Vanya (Dyadya Vanya): Andrei Konchalovsky's staging of Anton Chekhov's play. Mossoviet Theater. 7 p.m.
Zoika's Apartment (Zoikina Kvartira): Mikhail Bulgakov's play about a wild crew of petty thieves, crooks and shysters in the 1920s NEP-era in Moscow. Hermitage Theater production. Fomenko Workshop Theater. 7 p.m.
Monday The 24th
All About Men (Vsyo o Muzhchinakh): Yakov Lomkin stages a play by Croatian writer Miro Gavran. Svobodnaya Stsena Company production. Theater Kinoaktyora. 7 p.m.
Courage: Bertolt Brecht's classic "Mother Courage," as staged by Mikhail Levitin. Hermitage Theater production. Fomenko Workshop Theater. 7 p.m.
Embrace Me (see Thurs. listing). Teatr.doc on Maly Kazyonny. 8 p.m.
NEW The Bird of Happiness (see Sun. listing). Theater of Russian Song. 7 p.m.
The Lonesome West (Sirotlivy Zapad): Pyotr Zhikharev directs Martin McDonagh's dark comedy about the rivalry between two unbalanced brothers. Sobytiye Theater. 4 p.m.
Three Sisters (Tri Sestry): Andrei Konchalovsky's production of Chekhov's story about three sisters who live with the faint hope of escaping the deadly atmosphere of their provincial town. Mossoviet Theater. 7 p.m.
Tuesday The 25th
Enchanted City (Zacharovanny Gorod): a circus show. Aquamarine Circus. 7 p.m.
Forgiving Betrayal (Prostit Izmenu): Yelena Gremina's interactive piece about love, infidelity and revenge opens up still another new space for this theater. Teatr.doc on Maly Kazyonny. 8 p.m.
God's Photo (Snimok Boga): Mikhail Levitin's Latin American story of love and passion. Hermitage Theater production. Fomenko Workshop Theater. 7 p.m.
He and She (On i Ona): Natalya Kovalyova's stages four love stories. Bulgakov Theater. 7 p.m.
Russian Jam (Russkoye Varenye): Iosif Raikhelgauz directs Lyudmila Ulitskaya's play on the themes of Chekhov. Contemporary Play School production. Theater Club Na Tishinke. 7 p.m.
NEW The Bird of Happiness (see Sun. listing). Theater of Russian Song. 7 p.m.
The Duenna: Roman Samgin stages a musical based on Sheridan's comedy. Masquerade Theater Company production. Commonwealth of Taganka Actors. 7 p.m.
The Inspector General (Revizor): Sergei Golomazov's updated version of Gogol's play about a provincial town bamboozled by a traveling shyster. Theater Na Maloi Bronnoi. 7 p.m.
The Phantom of the Opera (see Thurs. listing). MDM. 7 p.m.
Viy: Vasily Sigarev stages his play on the themes of Gogol's mystical folk story. Tabakov Theater. 7 p.m.
Wednesday The 26th
About Fedot (Pro Fedota): Leonid Filatov's verse comedy. Sobytiye Theater. 8 p.m.
Divorce Masculine-Style (Razvod po Muzhski): Sergei Artsibashev and Sergei Poselsky stage a play by Neil Simon. Mayakovsky Theater. 7 p.m.
Late Love (Pozdnyaya Lyubov): a tragicomedy by Valery Mukharyamov. Theater Na Maloi Bronnoi. 7 p.m.
Our Street Songs (Pesni Nashego Dvora): a nostalgic theatrical concert and picnic. Theater U Nikitskikh Vorot open stage. 7 p.m.
The Bench (Skameika): Gosha Kutsenko and Irina Apeksimova in Nikita Grinshpun's ataging of Alexander Gelman's play set in the 1980s. Theatrium Na Serpukhovke. 7 p.m.
The Bermudas (Bermudy): Vadim Dantsiger directs Yury Yurchenko's play about a couple isolated in a mystic place. Mayakovsky Theater small stage. 8 p.m.
NEW The Bird of Happiness (see Sun. listing). Theater of Russian Song. 7 p.m.
The Henpecked (Podkabluchniki): Nikita Grinshpun's staging of a comedy by contemporary Croatian writer Miro Gavran. Art-Partner XXI Agency production. Commonwealth of Taganka Actors. 7 p.m.
The Phantom of the Opera (see Thurs. listing). MDM. 7 p.m.
The Storm (Groza): Ostrovsky's tragedy about a young woman hounded to death by the ignorance and insensitivity of a backward Russian town. Bulgakov Theater. 7 p.m.
Viy (see Tues. listing). Tabakov Theater. 7 p.m.
Who Wrote This Nonsense? (Kto Avtor Etogo Bezobraziya?): Mikhail Levitin's staging based on interludes, sketches, fables and letters by Nikolai Erdman. Hermitage Theater production. Fomenko Workshop Theater. 7 p.m.
and Beyond…
Adventurers (Avantyuristy): Vladimir Glazkov stages a French vaudeville. Mayakovsky Theater small stage. Aug. 27, 7 p.m.
NEW Beyond Theater. And What if I Don't... (Vne Teatra. A Chto Yesli Ya ne Budu...): the stories of seven actors. Teatr.doc on Maly Kazyonny. Aug. 27, 8 p.m.
NEW BMW — A Marriage Comedy (BMW — Brachnaya Komediya): Yury Golubtsov stages Vladimir Voinovich's contemporary satire. Theater U Nikitskikh Vorot new stage. Aug. 27, 7 p.m.
Cyrano de Bergerac: Pavel Safonov stages Rostand's comedy about the romantic poet with the long nose and a heartful of unrequited love. Theater Na Maloi Bronnoi. Aug. 27, 7 p.m.
Enchanted City (Zacharovanny Gorod): a circus show. Aquamarine Circus. Aug. 27 and 28, 7 p.m.
Madonna With a Flower (Madonna s Tsvetkom): Alexander Marin's stage version of Maria Glushko's autobiographical novel about war. Tabakov Theater. Aug. 27 and 28, 7 p.m.
Night With a Stranger (Noch s Neznakomtsem): Plamen Panev's romantic staging based on Natalia Savitskaya's play "Wife." Contemporary Play School production. Theater Club Na Tishinke. Aug. 27, 7 p.m.
NEW The Bird of Happiness (see Sun. listing). Theater of Russian Song. Aug. 27, 28 and 31 at 7 p.m., Aug. 29 and 30 at noon and 7 p.m.
The Lonesome West (see Mon. listing). Sobytiye Theater. Aug. 27, 4 and 8 p.m.
The Phantom of the Opera (see Thurs. listing). MDM. Aug. 27 and 28 at 7 p.m., Aug. 29 at 2 and 7 p.m., Aug. 30 at 2 p.m.
The Storm (see Wed. listing). Bulgakov Theater. Aug. 27 and 31, 7 p.m.
Without a Dowry (Bespridannitsa): Lev Erenburg stages Ostrovsky's play about a young woman's struggle for happiness in 19th-century Russia. Mayakovsky Theater. Aug. 27, 7 p.m.
Zoika's Apartment (see Sun. listing). Fomenko Workshop Theater. Aug. 27, 7 p.m.
Striptease: a staging of Slawomir Mrozek's play. Sobytiye Theater. Aug. 29, 7 p.m.
NEW Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf (Kto Boitsya Virdzhinii Vulf?): Vladimir Pankov stages a soundrama version of Edward Albee's play. Stars Yelena Yakovleva. Art-Partner XXI Agency production. Commonwealth of Taganka Actors. Aug. 29, 7 p.m.
Paper Marriage (Bumazhny Brak): Valery Garkalin, Yelena Yakovleva and Daniil Spivakovsky in Sergei Bodrov's comic drama directed by Alexander Ogaryov. Art-Partner XXI Agency production. Commonwealth of Taganka Actors. Aug. 30, 7 p.m.
NEW Spanish Night (Ispansky Vecher): Mikhail Rachlin stages two contemporary Spanish plays. Chekhov Moscow Art Theater Novaya Stage. Sept. 1 and 2, 7 p.m.
Amadeus Musical Theater
Reservations 925-846-3377
ARTO Theater
6/1 Sretensky Bulvar, Bldg. 2. M. Turgenevskaya. 495-624-5990
Aquamarine Circus
7 Ulitsa Melnikova. M. Proletarskaya. 495-792-3072,
Bolshoi Theater
1 Teatralnaya Ploshchad. M. Teatralnaya. 495-455-5555
Bulgakov House
10 Bolshaya Sadovaya. M. Mayakovskaya. 495-970-0619
Bulgakov Theater
10 Bolshaya Sadovaya Ul. through the arch, Apt. 50. M. Mayakovskaya. 495-775-9461,
Chekhov Moscow Art Theater
3 Kamergersky Pereulok. M. Teatralnaya. 495-646-3646, 692-6748
Chekhov International Theater Festival
Circus Na Prospekte Vernadskogo
7 Prospekt Vernadskogo. M. Universitet. 495-930-0272/0300,
Commonwealth of Taganka Actors
76/21 Zemlyanoi Val, Taganskaya Ploshchad. M. Taganskaya (circle line). 495-915-1148
Contemporary Play School
29/14 Neglinnaya Ulitsa. M. Tsvetnoi Bulvar. 694-0738
Co-Working Svobodnoye Plavaniye
28A Varshavskoye Shosse. M. Nagatinskaya. 499-426-0626,
DK Imeni Alexandra Petlyury
28/2 Ulitsa Petrovka, Bldg. 1, entrance by way of Petrovsky Pereulok. M. Chekhovskaya.
DK Imeni Zuyeva
18 Lesnaya Ulitsa. M. Belorusskaya. 499-973-3461
Dom Aktyora
35 Ulitsa Arbat. M. Arbatskaya. 499-248-1805,
Dom Muzyki Theater Hall
52 Kosmodamianskaya Naberezhnaya, Bldg. 8. M. Paveletskaya. 495-730-1011,
Drugoi Theater
at DK Imeni Zuyeva. 18 Lesnaya Ulitsa. M. Belorusskaya. 499-973-2141, 4095-777-9181,
Dzhigarkhanyan Theater
17 Lomonosovsky Prospekt. M. Universitet. 495-930-70
Et Cetera Theater
2 Frolov Pereulok, Turgenevskaya Ploshchad. M. Turgenevskaya, Chistiye Prudy. 495-781-7811
10 Bolshaya Sadovaya Ulitsa. M. Mayakovskaya. 8-968-404-0505,
Fomenko Workshop Theater
30/32 Kutuzovsky Prospekt. M. Kutuzovskaya. 499-249-1921/1740
Fomenko Studio New Stage
29 Naberezhnaya Tarasa Shevchenko. M. Kutuzovskaya. 499-249-1921/1740
Gogol Theater
8A Ulitsa Kazakova. M. Kurskaya. 499-262-9214, 499-261-5528, (website currently being reconstructed)
The Golden Mask Theater Festival
Gubernsky Theater
121 Volgogradsky Prospekt. M. Kuzminki. 495-378-6575,
Helikon Opera on Arbat
11 Novy Arbat, Bldg. 2. M. Arbatskaya. 495-695-6584, 690-6592,
Hermitage Theater
3 Karetny Ryad, Hermitage Garden. M. Pushkinskaya. 495-650-6742
Kuzminki House of Arts
121 Volgogradsky Prospekt. M. Kuzminki. 495-378-6575,
Lenkom Theater
6 Malaya Dmitrovka. M. Pushkinskaya. 495-699-9668/0708
Maly Theater
1/6 Teatralnaya Ploshchad. M. Teatralnaya. 495-624-4046
Maly Theater Affiliate
69 Ulitsa Bolshaya Ordynka. M. Dobryninskaya. 499-237-3181,
3 Teatralny Proyezd. M. Okhtny Ryad, Teatralnaya. 495-625-6836,
Mayakovsky Theater
19 Bolshaya Nikitskaya Ulitsa. M. Pushkinskaya, Arbatskaya. 495-290-4658/6241
Mayakovsky Theater Affiliate
21 Pushkaryov Pereulok. M. Sukharevskaya. 495-290-4658/6241
28 Komsomolsky Prospekt. M. Frunzenskaya. 499-248-6688,
Meyerhold Center
23 Novoslobodskaya Ulitsa. M. Mendeleyevskaya. 495-363-1048
Moskva Ballet
16 Novoryazanskaya Ulitsa. M. Komsomolskaya. 495-607-0129,
Mossoviet Theater
16 Bolshaya Sadovaya Ulitsa. M. Mayakovskaya. 495-699-2035
Moscow Musical Theater
27 Novozavodskaya Ulitsa. M. Bagrationovskaya. 495-797-6300
National Show of Russia
National Youth Theater
2 Teatralnaya Ploshchad. M. Teatralnaya. 495-692-0069/1879
Natalya Sats Children's Musical Theater
5 Prospekt Vernadskogo. M. Universitet. 495-930-5177,
NET Festival (New European Theater)
10 Strastnoi Bulvar, office 46. M. Chekhovskaya. Tickets 965-224-2466,,
Nikulin Circus Na Tsvetnom Bulvare
13 Tsvetnoi Bulvar. M. Tsvetnoi Bulvar. 495-625-8970,
Novaya Opera
3 Karetny Ryad. M. Mayakovskaya, Chekhovskaya. 495-694-0868
Okolo, the Theater Near the Stanislavsky House
9a Voznesensky Pereulok. M. Pushkinskaya. 495-690-2557
Operetta Theater
6/2 Bolshaya Dmitrovka. M. Chekhovskaya. 495-925-5050,
Pavel Slobodkin Center
48 Ulitsa Arbat. M. Smolenskaya. 499-241-6226/6588,
Platforma at Winzavod Center
14th Syromyatnichesky Pereulok, Bldg. 6. M. Chkalovskaya, Kurskaya., 495-917-1799,,
Playwright and Director Center Na Begovoi
5 Begovaya Ulitsa. M. Begovaya, Dinamo. 495-945-3245,
Playwright and Director Center Na Sokole
71 Leningradsky Prospekt. M. Sokol. 499-390-6004,
3/4 Novaya Ploshchad, Entrance 9. M. Lubyanka. 495-730-5491, 544-5545,
30 Bolshoi Kozikhinsky Pereulok. M. Mayakovskaya. 495-544-5545,
Playwright and Director Center
35 Arbat. M. Arbatskaya, Smolenskaya. 499-795-9282, 495-945-3245
Project Otkrytaya Stsena
(Formerly the School of Dramatic Art) 20 Povarskaya Ulitsa. M. Arbatskaya, Barrikadnaya. 495-691-4443
Pushkin Theater
23 Tverskoi Bulvar. M. Pushkinskaya. 495-694-1289
Pushkin Theater Affiliate
3/25 Sytinsky Pereulok, Bldg. 5. M. Pushkinskaya. 495-650-1896
Rossiya Theater
2 Pushkinskaya Ploshchad. M. Pushkinskaya, Chekhovskaya, Tverskaya. 495-788-4646
Russian Song Folk Theater
14 Olimpiisky Prospekt. M. Prospekt Mira. 495-681-3410,
Russian Army Theater
2 Suvorov Square. M. Novoslobodskaya. 495-681-5120,
S.A.D. Theater
26 Prospekt Mira at the Aptekarsky Ogorod Garden. M. Prospekt Mira. 8-903-249-6740,
Satire Theater
2 Triumfalnaya Ploshchad. M. Mayakovskaya. 495-699-3642
Satirikon Theater
8 Sheremetyevskaya Ulitsa. M. Marina Roshcha. 495-689-7844
School of Dramatic Art
19 Ulitsa Sretenka. Metro Sukharevskaya. 495-632-9344
Sfera Theater
3 Karetny Ryad, in the Hermitage Garden. M. Chekhovskaya. 495-699-9645/27,
Sobytiye Theater
11A Seleznyovskaya Ulitsa, Bldg. 2. M. Novoslobodskaya. 499-408-6075,
Sovremennik Theater
19A Chistoprudny Bulvar. M. Chistiye Prudy. 621-6473
Summer Ballet Seasons
Stanislavsky Electrotheater
23 Tverskaya Ulitsa. M. Tverskaya. 495-699-7224,
Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Musical Theater
17 Bolshaya Dmitrovka. M. Tverskaya, Chekhovskaya. 495-723-7325
Stas Namin Theater
9 Krymsky Val, Bldg. 33, in the Gorky Park. M. Oktyabrskaya, Frunzenskaya, Shabolovskaya. 945-633-9924,
STD Boyar Chambers (Boyarskiye Palaty)
10 Strastnoi Bulvar. M. Chekhovskaya. Tickets 965-224-2466,,
Tabakov Theater
1A Ulitsa Chaplygina. M. Chistiye Prudy. 495-628-9685, reservations 495-628-779, 624-46472
Taganka Theater
76/21 Zemlyanoi Val. M. Taganskaya (circle line). 495-915-1217
Theater Millenium at TsDKZh
Theater na Perovskoi
75 Perovskaya Ulitsa. M. Novogireyevo. 8-916-789-3657,
Theater of Russian Song
14 Olimpiisky Prospekt. M. Prospekt Mira. 495-681-3410,
Teatrium na Serpukhovke
6 Pavlovskaya Ulitsa. Metro Serpukhovskaya. 499-237-1689
Teatr.doc on Maly Kazyonny
19 Maly Kazyonny Pereulok. M. Kurskaya. 8-919-765-8402,
Ten Theater
5 Oktyabrskaya Ulitsa. M. Dostoevskaya, Maryina Roshcha. 495-681-1516/3590,
Theater Center Na Strastnom
8A Strastnoi Bulvar. M. Chekhovskaya. 495-694-4681
Theater Club Na Tishinke
5/7 Sredny Tishinsky Pereulok. M. Belorusskaya. 499-340-6653,
Theater Kinoaktyora
33 Ul. Povarskaya. M. Arbatskaya, Barrikadnaya. 495-690-2811, 691-1461
Theater Luny
31 Malaya Ordynka. M. Dobryninskaya. 495-953-1317
Theater Na Maloi Bronnoi
4 Malaya Bronnaya. M. Tverskaya. 495-690-6731, reservations 495-728-6649
Theater Na Yugo-Zapade
125 Prospekt Vernadskogo, M. Yugo-Zapadnaya. 495-433-1191
Theater of Nations
3 Petrovsky Pereulok. M. Chekhovskaya, Pushkinskaya. 495-629-3739
Theater U Nikitskikh Vorot
Ulitsa Bolshaya Nikitskaya (at the corner of Bolshaya Nikitskaya and Nikitsky Bulvar). M. Arbatskaya, Pushkinskaya. 495- 695-8219
Theater Yunogo Zritelya
10 Mamonovsky Pereulok. M. Pushkinskaya. 495-699-4995/5360
TsDKZh Dom Kultury Zheleznodorozhnikov
4 Komsomolskaya Ploshchad. M. Komsomolskaya. 495-266-29-38.
Tsentralny Dom Literatorov 53 Bolshaya Nikitskaya Ulitsa. M. Barrikadnaya. 495-691-6316,
UVS Gallery
1/13 Ul. Pokrovka, entrance by way of Armyansky Pereulok. 495-621-2828,
Vakhtangov Theater
26 Arbat. M. Arbatskaya. 499-241-1679
Vladimir Nazarov Musical Theater
Michurinsky Prospekt, 1 Olimpiiskaya Derevnya. M. Yugo-Zapadnaya. 495-430-0410, 437-8626,
Vysotsky Center
3 Nizhny Tagansky Tupik. M. Taganskaya. 495-915-4558
Yelena Kamburova Theater of Music and Poetry
53/55 Bolshaya Pirogovskaya Ulitsa. M. Sportivnaya. 499 246-8175
Yermolova Theater
5/6 Tverskaya Ulitsa. M. Okhotny Ryad, Ploshchad Revolyutsii. 495-629-0594/4587
ZIL Cultural Center
4 Vostochnaya Ulitsa, Bldg. 1. M. Avtozavoskaya. 495-675-7872,
Zverev Center of Contemporary Art
29 Novoryazanskaya Ul., Bldg. 4. M. Baumanskaya. 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. 499-265-6166,
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