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What the Papers Say, Dec. 5, 2013


1. Alexander Chernykh article headlined "Audit Chamber conducts pseudoscientific inquiry" says that the Audit Chamber has revealed mass violations by the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences; pp 1, 5 (681 words).

2. Andrei Kolesnikov article headlined "Vladimir Putin entirely pardons" says that President Vladimir Putin has met human rights ombudsman Vladimir Lukin, the head of the president's human rights council Mikhail Fedotov and the head of the state legal directorate at the presidential administration Larisa Brycheva in his residence in Novo-Ogarevo to discuss amnesty to be granted on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Constitution; pp 1-2 (1, 647 words).

3. Viktor Khamrayev and Sofia Samokhina article headlined "Two sides of single text" says that at a meeting with human rights activists Putin has agreed to grant amnesty on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Constitution. However, he will decide on his own who will be subject to amnesty, the article says; p 2 (519 words).

4. Grigory Tumanov article headlined "Vladimir Putin to receive human rights activists on occasion of holiday" says that for the first time in recent years, Putin will meet human rights activists on Dec. 10, when the International Human Rights Day is celebrated; p 2 (557 words).

5. Unattributed article headlined "Is everyone forgiven?" features experts' comments on people who should be granted amnesty on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Constitution; p 2 (459 words).

6. Sofya Samokhina and Irina Nagornykh article headlined "President to dwell on unachieved things" looks at politicians' expectations for the agenda of Putin's annual state-of-the-nation address on Dec. 12; p 3 (486 words).

7. Irina Nagornykh article headlined "United Russia strengthens for elections" says that deputy secretary of the United Russia general council Viktor Kidyayev has replaced Dmitry Travkin as the head of the party's executive committee. Travkin has voluntarily resigned. Kidyayev will hold both posts; p 3 (433 words).

8. Sergei Mashkin article headlined "Yury Budanov's murder confirmed" says that the judicial board of the Supreme Court has rejected a complaint seeking the revision of the verdict, filed by the lawyer of Yusup Temerkhanov, convicted of killing Colonel Yury Budanov in 2011. Earlier, Temerkhanov got a 15 year sentence; p 4 (567 words).

9. Taisia Bekbulatova and Sergei Goryashko article headlined "Presidential grant spread among NGOs" says that the Civil Dignity movement has summed up the results of a tender to give presidential grants to noncommercial organizations (NGOs). Not only well-known human rights organizations, like Memorial, Agora and Golos, but also small regional NGOs will receive state financing, the article says; p 5 (616 words).

10. Sergei Strokan article headlined "Divide 21st century in two" looks at U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden's visit to China; p 7 (480 words).

11. Olga Kuznetsova article headlined "Turkey makes connection to Kurdish oil" looks at the effect that the agreement on oil exports signed by Turkey and the Iraqi Kurdistan have had; p 7 (560 words).

12. Yelena Chernenko article headlined "Russia and NATO reach Kiev" focuses on the NATO-Russia Council's meeting at the level of foreign ministers held in Brussels. The situation in Ukraine was discussed at the meeting, among other things, the article says; p 8 (726 words).

13. Ilya Barabanov article headlined "Ukrainian opposition stiffens in cordoning off" says that having failed to overthrow the Ukrainian government, the opposition has decided to blockade governmental buildings to compel the president to dissolve the cabinet of ministers and set early parliamentary and presidential elections; p 8 (474 words).

Nezavisimaya Gazeta

1. Ivan Rodin article headlined "Deputies scare each other with rotation" says that a number of sources in the State Duma have said that the annual rotation of lawmakers may be introduced in the lower chamber of the parliament shortly; pp 1, 3 (615 words).

2. Alexandra Samarina and Ivan Rodin article headlined "Alexei Kudrin gets under Dozhd" says that former Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin has publicly denied his involvement in the allocation of funds for the Russian niche liberal television channel Dozhd. Given the weakening government, Kudrin looks like the most probable candidate for the post of the prime minister if the cabinet of ministers is dismissed, the article says; pp 1, 3 (624 words).

3. Tatyana Ivzhenko article headlined "Ukrainian authorities in no hurry to overcome political crisis" previews the two-day conference of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) at the level of foreign ministers expected to open today in Kiev. Measures to be taken by the Ukrainian authorities to overcome the political crisis are expected to top the agenda of the conference, the article says; pp 1, 6 (1,381 words).

4. Yevgenia Novikova article headlined "Putin compels Riyadh to peace in Syria" says that Putin has met Saudi Prince Bandar Bin-Sultan in Moscow to discuss the situation around Syria and the preparations for the Geneva-2 international conference. Saudi Arabia does not want to take part in the conference. Damascus also opposes Riyadh's participation in the conference, the article adds; pp 1, 7 (791 words).

5. Yury Panyev article headlined "NATO gets stuck on Kiev's Maidan [square]" says that Russia and NATO have divided in assessing the developments in Ukraine. At the Russia-NATO Council's meeting in Brussels, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov described NATO's statement on Ukraine as "misrepresenting", the article adds; pp 1, 7 (699 words).

6. Editorial headlined "Club of academicians or research organization" contemplates the performance of the Council for Science and Education under the president; p 2 (512 words).

7. Alexei Gorbachev article headlined "Deputies' scuffle to be soft-pedalled" says that State Duma speaker Sergei Naryshkin has announced that the Duma commission on ethical issues will not discuss the fight between United Russia lawmakers Adam Delimkhanov and Alexei Zhuravlev, although the men are not worthy of their status of lawmakers. Meanwhile, sources in the State Duma told Nezavisimaya Gazeta that the scuffle was a sign of increased tension inside the ruling party; p 2 (569 words).

8. Viktor Litovkin article published in the regular Carte Blanche column headlined "Greece coming out of NATO" looks at the results of Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu's visit to Greece and contemplates Russian-Greek military cooperation; p 3 (897 words).

9. Yekaterina Trifonova article headlined "People's Front becomes concerned about national issue" says that the All-Russia Public Movement People's Front for Russia (All-Russia People's Front, ONF) has held a forum in Moscow with ministers and representatives from the regional authorities participating. Some ONF members were displeased with the forum because the select few, but not ordinary ONF activists, were permitted to express their views, the article says; p 3 (686 words).

10. Vladimir Skosyrev article headlined "Beijing issues serious warning for Biden" focuses on U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden's visit to China; p 7 (529 words).


1. Editorial headlined "Factory checkpoint" looks at the problems and current state of the Russian metallurgy industry; pp 1, 6 (400 words).

2. Yulia Gribtsova and Natalya Ishchenko headlined "$1.5Bln for delivery" Japan Tobacco Inc (JTI) and Philip Morris International are buying a 40-percent stake in Russia's major tobacco distributor Megapolis; pp 1, 18 (700 words).

3. Maria Zheleznova et al. article headlined "Amnesty of single people" says that convicts of minor crimes that have not used force against law-enforcers will be granted amnesty on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Constitution. Only few defendants in the so-called Bolotnaya case on the May 6, 2012 riots on Moscow's Bolotnaya square will be freed, the article says; p 2 (684 words).

4. Lilia Biryukova article headlined "Ideas for president" says that Putin is expected to attend a forum being held by the All-Russia Public Movement People's Front for Russia (ONF) in Moscow today; p 3 (269 words).

5. Polina Khimshiashvili article headlined "Maidan is not cause for boycott" says that several high-ranking officials, including the U.S. secretary of state and the British and French foreign ministers, will not attend a meeting of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in Kiev on 5-6 December; p 3 (318 words).

6. Alexei Nikolsky article headlined "Unmanned aircraft in assortment" says that the Defense Ministry will get an unmanned aircraft, produced by the UAE's company ADCOM Systems, for testing in February 2014; p 3 (518 words).

7. Ksenia Boletskaya article headlined "Company of Week: Profmedia" says that the holding company Gazprom-media has bought the Profmedia holding company from businessman Vladimir Potanin; p 7 (430 words).

8. Anton Oleynik article headlined "Protests in Ukraine: D mark for history once again" says that judging by the ongoing anti-government protests in Ukraine, the Ukrainian authorities have not learned lessons of the 2004 Orange Revolution; p 7 (1,008 words).

9. Vasily Kashin article headlined "Second world: Russia to achieve its goals in Ukraine" looks at aspects of Russia's foreign policy on post-Soviet space and Eastern Europe; p 6 (923 words).


1. Petr Kozlov interview with Minister for Relations with Open Government Mikhail Abyzov, headlined "'Society's interest in bills is zero'", speaking about measures being taken to make Russian bodies of power more transparent; pp 1, 4 (1,549 words).

2. Anastasia Kashevarova and Alena Sivkova article headlined "Members of public councils to have code of ethics" says that the ONF has prepared a report on the performance of public councils under executive bodies, which lists factors impeding the effective work of these structures. The report will be handed over to Putin at the ONF forum in Moscow today, the article says; pp 1, 3 (735 words).

3. Yegor Sozayev-Guryev article headlined "Those who committed non-violent crimes to be freed on amnesty" says that Putin has preliminarily approved the amnesty project drafted by human rights activists; p 2 (623 words).

4. Dmitry Runkevich and Yelena Malay article headlined "Gennady Gudkov to lead party activists away from A Just Russia" says that former A Just Russia lawmaker Gennady Gudkov has decided to set up a new party — Social Democrats of Russia; p 2 (341 words).

5. Dmitry Runkevich and Anastasia Kashevarova article headlined "Kremlin gives up ideology in favor of national idea" says that the presidential administration is not concerned about amending the Constitution. It is working on a strategy for the development of patriotism and is looking for the main national idea of Russia, which can unite Russian people, the article says; p 2 (605 words).

6. Alena Sivkova article headlined "Head of Chamber of Lawyers gets confused about Alexei Navalny's status" says that opposition activist Alexei Navalny has been deprived of the status of lawyer; p 3 (787 words).

7. Pavel Chernyshov article headlined "People's Alliance to become brand" says that the limited liability company Political Class has asked the Rospatent federal body to protect copyright to register a trademark and a logo People's Alliance, which looks like an aircraft made in an origami technique. People's Alliance is known to public as opposition politician Alexei Navalny's unregistered party; p 3 (650 words).

8. Konstantin Volkov article headlined "Kim Jong-un strips his uncle of power" says that North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has dismissed his uncle Jang Song-thaek as the deputy chairman of the National Defense Commission. The article also features a Russian expert's comment on the issue; p 7 (567 words).

9. Maria Gorkovskaya and Alexander Sobina article headlined "Victoria Nuland to save Eastern Partnership" says that U.S. Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland will visit Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine in coming days. The article features a Russian expert's comment on the issue; p 7 (582 words).

Rossiiskaya Gazeta

1. Vladimir Bogdanov interview with the head of the Federal Drug Control Service Viktor Ivanov, headlined "Struggle for non-drug addicts", speaking about court-ordered compulsory medical treatment of drug addicts as a measure to fight against drug addiction in Russia; pp 1, 6 (1,837 words).

2. Yury Politov article headlined "At social Front" focuses on the ONF forum in Moscow. The main topic for discussion is the implementation of Putin's decrees issued in May 2012 when he was elected the president? the article says; p 2 (531 words).

3. Mikhail Falaleyev article headlined "And what will Mr Kudrin say?" says that the re-elected public council at the Interior Ministry has held its first meeting; p 7 (566 words).

4. Natalya Kozlova article headlined "Navalny no longer lawyer" says that opposition activist Alexei Navalny has been deprived of the status of a lawyer; p 7 (434 words).

5. Yekaterina Zabrodina article headlined "They did not even translate it into Ukrainian" looks at the ongoing protests on Kiev's Independence Square known as the Maidan; p 8 (817 words).

6. Pavel Dulman article headlined "To show off roadmap" says that the EU has presented Ukraine with a new ultimatum. Meanwhile, a Ukrainian delegation has headed for Moscow to discuss a roadmap to improve bilateral trade and economic relations, the article adds; p 8 (931 words).

Rossiiskaya Gazeta (weekly)

1. Yelena Kukol interview with Economic Development Minister Alexei Ulyukayev, headlined "According to Ulyukayev's policy", speaking about deposit insurance, growth of pensions and state procurements; p 4 (1,172 words).

2. Lawyer Mikhail Barshchevsky interview with the first deputy head of the Federation Council committee for constitutional legislation, Alexei Alexanderov, headlined "Victims to be reckoned with", speaking about measures to be taken to fight against disdain for the law and law nihilism in Russia; p 8 (945 words).

3. Vladislav Vorobyev article headlined "Whose business is it?" says that the main problem facing Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych is not the ongoing anti-government protests in Kiev, but an increasing split in Ukrainian society; p 12 (418 words).

Moskovsky Komsomolets

1. Natalya Rozhkova article headlined "Godsend with disintegration of Russia" comments on Putin's backing of an idea to introduce responsibility for calls to disintegrate Russia; pp 1-2 (614 words).

2. Mikhail Rostovsky article headlined "State Duma deputies charged for work" comments on the fight between United Russia lawmakers Adam Delimkhanov and Alexei Zhuravlyov; pp 1, 3 (689 words).

3. Unattributed article headlined "Kadyrov prepares his own Alfa [special-purpose unit]" says that the genuine reason behind the fight between two United Russia lawmakers is the fact that a member of the Federal Security Service's special-purpose center has changed his job for an adviser to Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov, who is said to be planning to establish his own Alfa special-purpose unit; pp 1, 3 (1,132 words).

4. Igor Karmazin and Marina Perevozkina article headlined "Kiev residents feel siege" reports on the situation in Ukraine, where anti-government protests have been continuing; pp 1, 3 (776 words).

5. Viktoria Prikhodko article headlined "Putin agrees to wide amnesty" says that Putin has agreed to grant amnesty on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Constitution, but to the limited number of people; p 2 (417 words).

6. Marina Ozerova article headlined "In three Sosny" says that the State Duma commission for monitoring the validity of deputies' income declarations has not found grounds for a check on State Duma deputy speaker Sergei Neverov and the head of the State Duma economic policy committee Igor Rudensky, who have been suspected of having not declared all the property they own; p 2 (629 words).

7. Mikhail Zubov interview with former Central Electoral Commission member and member of the president's human rights council Igor Borisov, headlined "Will society play with boxes? With ballot boxes...", speaking about the role of noncommercial organizations in elections; p 4 (3, 112 words).

8. Lina Panchenko article headlined "Alexei Kudrin finds business in Interior Ministry" says that former Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin has become a member of the public council under the Interior Ministry; p 11 (431 words).

RBC Daily

1. Ivan Petrov report "Arrest without qualification" says that those involved in criminal cases relating to state purchases will no longer be able to avoid arrest citing their status of entrepreneurs. The Investigative Committee has drafted amendments to the Criminal Code in this connection; p 1 (500 words).

2. Alexander Litoy report "Unchecked Sosny" says that a State Duma commission has refused to check the income of Sergei Neverov, a senior member of the ruling United Russia party, following accusations put forward by opposition activist Alexei Navalny in relation to the deputy; p 2 (600 words).

3. Ivan Petrov report "Liberal's effect" says that former Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin has suggested that a body to protect business should be set up within the new public council under the Interior Ministry; p 2 (1,00 words).

4. Unattributed report "Putin agrees to amnesty proposals of Council for Civil Society Development and Human Rights Council" says that Putin has agreed to the suggestion of the human rights council that an amnesty is necessary in the country. However, this amnesty can apply only to people who have not committed serious crimes or crimes involving violence against the state's representatives, Putin said; p 2 (300 words).

5. Inga Vorobyeva report "Putin asks Belyaninov not to spoil climate" says that Putin has chaired a meeting of the presidential economic council, where the investment climate and customs issues have been discussed; p 3 (700 words).

Noviye Izvestia

1. Diana Yevdokimova report "'We supplemented our suit'" says that the former director of the television and radio company Khimki-SMI is trying to challenge her dismissal in court; pp 1, 5 (600 words).

2. Vardan Ogandzhanyan report "Selective compassion" says that the people under investigation in connection with the Bolotnaya case, the one against protesters who clashed with police on Moscow's Bolotnaya Square on May 6, 2012, are unlikely to be amnestied; p 2 500 words).

3. Vera Moslakova report "Place for fist fight" says that the State Duma commission on ethical issues has refused to discuss the fight between United Russia deputies, Adam Delimkhanov, the cousin of Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov, and Alexei Zhuravlyov, in the corridor of the State Duma on Dec. 3; p 2 (500 words).

4. Vardan Ogandzhanyan report "And judges there" says that the U.S. authorities are working on the expansion of the Magnitsky list. Judges engaged in Bolotnaya case trials may be included in the list; p 2 (500 words).

5. Yana Sergeyeva report "Before decisive battle" looks at protests in Ukraine and says that Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych's supporters have gone into the offensive against the opposition; p 2 (550 words).

Komsomolskaya Pravda

1. Andrei Ryabtsev report headlined on the front page "Kadyrov's cousin comes to State Duma with golden gun to settle showdown" and "Deputies put up scuffle at State Duma" on page three looks at the fight between two deputies from United Russia in the parliament building; pp 1, 3 (650 words).

2. Vladimir Vorsobin report "Revolution put off indefinitely" looks at the "aftertaste of the failed coup d'etat" in Ukraine; p 5 (500 words).

3. Sergei Vladimirov report "World's community has new leader" looks at the "success of Putin's international policy" and says that no doubt, the year 2013 in the world's politics has become the year of Vladimir Putin; p 6 (1,900 words).

4. Unattributed interview with Vladimir Kozhin, head of the presidential property department; pp 12-13 (1,900 words).


1. Alexander Prokhanov report "Forelocks crack in Ukraine" analyzes the situation in Ukraine and says that an "orange revolution is erupting in Kiev in its entirety"; p 1 (1,400 words).

2. Alexander Nagornyy report "Is there coup in Kiev?" looks at protests in Ukraine and says that "orange people" are getting crazy in Kiev again; pp 1-2 (2,100 words).

Krasnaya Zvezda

1. Vladimir Kozin report "Shifting blame" says that several U.S. online media outlets and a number of U.S. senators have blamed Russia for violating the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF); p 3 (1,700 words).

Komsomolskaya Pravda weekly

1. Sergei Polosatov report "Three ways from Euro-Maidan" looks at what the "peaceful" protest of Ukrainians may result in, and lists three options; p 2 (800 words).

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