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What the Papers Say, Nov. 15, 2013


1. Khalil Aminov et al. article headlined "Olympic gathering of shareholders" says that Sberbank head German Gref has suggested obliging state-run companies to hold annual shareholders' meetings in Sochi, so that facilities built for the 2014 Winter Olympics do not stand idle; pp 1, 12 (615 words).

2. St. Petersburg-based Anna Pushkarskaya article headlined "Main law is not new, but this is law" says that participants in an international conference held in the Constitutional Court to discuss whether Russia needs a new constitution have different views on changes to the Russian main law; pp 1-2 (770 words).

3. Natalya Korchenkova et al. article headlined "Astrakhan waits for instructions from pre-trial facility" says that Astrakhan Mayor Mikhail Stolyarov, who was detained on suspicion of receiving a major bribe, is to appoint the acting mayor because only he has such powers under the city charter; p 2 (564 words).

4. Viktor Khamrayev article headlined "Mikhail Prokhorov collects signatures again" says that the leader of the Civil Platform party, Mikhail Prokhorov, has started collecting signatures against a law authorizing the law-enforcement and security agencies to initiate criminal proceedings on tax crimes on their own; p 2 (402 words).

5. Yelena Kiseleva and Ivan Safronov article headlined "Oleg Ostapenko quickly adapts to space" says that the new head of the Federal Space Agency (Roskosmos), Oleg Ostapenko, has asked Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin to give up purchases of telecommunications satellites abroad. As a result of the move, the European group company EADS may lose part of Russian contracts; p 2 (781 words).

6. Alexei Sokovnin article headlined "Not enough jury for trial" says the jury in the trial on the murder of Anna Politkovskaya, an anti-Kremlin journalist who was shot dead in October 2006, has been dismissed since five jurors refused to continue to take part in the hearing; p 4 (600 words).

7. Sergei Goryashko et al. article headlined "Public TV carried away by advertisement" says that the Public TV, which is facing financial problems, is considering changes to its regulations, which will make it possible for the television channel to earn on advertisement; p 5 (596 words).

8. Vadim Visloguzov article headlined "Displeased sent in Alexei Kudrin's way" says that President Vladimir Putin has made it clear for entrepreneurs that his initiative to authorize the law-enforcement and security agencies to initiate criminal proceedings on tax crimes on their own will be surely passed. He was speaking at a meeting of the supervisory council of the Strategic Initiatives Agency; p 6 (651 words).

9. Pyotr Netreba article headlined "Rospatent rises in price" says that a federal service for intellectual property will be established in Russia on the basis of the Rospatent federal body to protect copyright; p 6 (441 words).

10. Maria Yefimova article headlined "Russia endowed with 'great weight' in Egypt" says that Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu have held a meeting in the 2+2 format with their Egyptian counterparts. Cairo wants to improve relations with Moscow, but admits that Russia will not substitute the U.S., the article says; p 7 (547 words).

11. Pavel Tarasenko piece headlined "Geneva-2 switched to winter time" says that the Geneva-2 international conference on Syria could be held on Dec. 12; p 7 (233 words).

12. Kirill Belyaninov and Yelena Chernenko article headlined "Congress turns around Russian helicopters" says that the U.S. Defense Department has refused to buy Mi-17 helicopters from Russia for the Afghan army's needs. The U.S. Congress secured this, having said that Russia continues supplying arms to Syria; p 7 (618 words).

13. Yury Barsukov and Oleg Gavrish article headlined "Gazprom examines buyers" looks at the results of the Nov. 14 Russian-Ukrainian gas talks in Moscow; p 11 (471 words).

Nezavisimaya Gazeta

1. Alexandra Samarina article headlined "Heroes of Seven Bankers' Cabal to be returned to history" says that a joint council for public examination of textbooks and academic books will be established today under the aegis of the Russian Book Union; pp 1-2 (1,006 words).

2. Ivan Rodin article headlined "Election results to be permitted to be corrected" says that the government has approved a bill strengthening guarantees of people's electoral rights. Under the bill, people can dispute election results in court, but only at polling stations where they cast their votes; pp 1, 3 (662 words).

3. Tatyana Ivzhenko article headlined "Kiev drastically changes tone" says that after the recent secret meeting between the Russian and Ukrainian presidents, Kiev has changed the tone of its statements, having questioned the need for integration with the EU. The article also features Russian experts' comments on the Russian-Ukrainian gas row and prospects for a new gas war; pp 1, 7 (1,176 words).

4. Editorial headlined "'Objective' ratings of authorities remain doubtful" says that the approval ratings of the Russian ruling authorities are said to be "objectively" high, but they regularly make a poor showing at elections. The reason is that the ruling authorities are enjoying confidence from the passive majority, which is difficult to mobilize for elections; p 2 (506 words).

5. Vladimir Mukhin article published in the regular Carte Blanche column headlined "Shoigu and Lavrov make friends with Egypt" says that the Russian-Egyptian meeting in the 2+2 format at the level of the defense and foreign ministers has been described as a breakthrough, turning a new page in bilateral relations, especially given that the U.S. has suspended aid to this country; p 3 (789 words).

6. Yekaterina Trifonova article headlined "Mikhail Prokhorov waiting for substitute" says that the Civil Platform party is to decide by the end of the year on the mandatory rotation of its leadership. If it happens, Mikhail Prokhorov will become an ordinary party member; p 3 (963 words).

7. Alexei Gorbachev article headlined "Law-enforcers oust human rights activists in commission for control over pre-trial detention centers" previews the election of the head of the Moscow Public Supervisory Commission for control over jails; p 3 (513 words).

8. Yury Simonyan article headlined "Russian delegation not invited to festivities in Tbilisi" says that a Russian delegation will not be present at the inauguration ceremony of the new Georgian president on Nov. 17 due to a lack of diplomatic relations between the two countries; p 7 (642 words).

9. Yevgenia Novikova article headlined "Cairo buys Russian arms" features a Russian military expert's comment on military cooperation between Russia and Egypt, which is planning to buy Russian air defense systems and military aircraft; p 8 (612 words).


1. Maxim Tovkaylo et al. article headlined "President of taxes" says that Putin will not call back a bill authorizing the law-enforcement and security agencies to initiate criminal proceedings on tax crimes on their own; pp 1, 4 (602 words).

2. Editorial headlined "Revision of promises" says that Putin's pre-election promise to increase salaries to those working in education sector has been fulfilled, but now mass checks and revisions are being held; pp 1, 6 (377 words).

3. Lilia Biryukova and Maxim Glikin article headlined "Opposition comes to love administration" says that at a meeting between members of the presidential administration and regional deputy heads for domestic policy, the leaders of the parliamentary opposition parties have thanked the Kremlin for comfortable work and criticized the regional authorities for missing liberal signals from the Kremlin; p 3 (668 words).

4. Alexei Nikolsky article headlined "MiGs to return to Egypt" says that Russia and Egypt are considering signing contracts worth over $2 billion on Russian arms supplies; p 3 (361 words).

5. Maria Zheleznova article headlined "Chairman Navalny" says that the People's Alliance party, which will hold a founding congress on Nov. 17, plans to elect opposition leader Alexei Navalny as its chairman; p 3 (461 words).

6. Mikhail Serov and Yelena Khudyakova article headlined "You can not pay" says that Gazprom is considering granting Ukraine yet another delay in payment for gas supplied in August and October. Moreover, it has reduced Ukraine's gas debts by almost $800 million; p 4 (659 words).

7. Andrei Babitsky article headlined "Good news: Tolokonnikova in country of Federal Penitentiary Service" says that the convicted Pussy Riot punk band member Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, whose whereabouts have not been known for almost a month, has been found in tuberculosis hospital in Krasnoyarsk; p (460 words).

8. Editorial headlined "Miller's instructions" criticizes the Russian gas giant Gazprom's initiative to introduce advanced payments for housing utilities services and says that this will be a strong psychological attack on the population, which may be fraught with protests; p 6 (351 words).

9. Mikhail Minakov article headlined "Philosophy of freedom: Taiga union" tries to explain why modernization is impossible in Russia and other post-Soviet states; p 6 (676 words).

10. Alexander Kynev article headlined "Political technology: parties against parties" comments on a bill increasing the minimal amount of members in a political party from 500 to 5,000 people, to be considered by the State Duma shortly. Political parties that have less than 5,000 members will be disbanded; p 7 (720 words).

11. Margarita Papchenkova and Maxim Tovkaylo article headlined "Gazprom suggests treating Russians equally to Ukraine" says that experts are sceptical about the introduction of advanced payments for housing utilities services suggested by the Russian gas giant Gazprom. The move is fraught with social explosion, they say; p 11 (482 words).


1. Anna Kaledina interview with Georgy Luntovsky, first deputy head of the Central Bank, headlined "'There is no doubt about need for restrictions on cash payments'", who speaks about the plans to restrict cash payments in Russia, among other things; pp 1, 5 (2,163 words).

2. Sergei Podosenov article headlined "They suggest imprisoning for year for desecration of anthem" says that the A Just Russia party has drafted amendments to the Criminal Code, introducing prison terms for desecration of the national anthem; pp 1, 3 (385 words).

3. Anastasia Kashevarova article headlined "Europe: with gas or not" says that the results of the Russian-Ukrainian gas talks in Moscow on Nov. 14 are alarming as Ukraine's stance may call in question Russian gas supplies to Europe through the territory of Ukraine; pp 1-2 (601 words).

4. Vladimir Zykov article headlined "Fine for violating law on personal data to be increased 70-fold" says that the Russian media watchdog Roskomnadzor has suggested increasing fines for leaking personal data from 10,000 rubles ($303) to 700,000 rubles; pp 1, 4 (448 words).

5. Natalya Bashlykova article headlined "Sobyanin in no hurry to appoint ombudsman from Civil Platform" says that Moscow mayor Sergei Sobyanin is not in hurry to appoint the leader of the Moscow branch of the Civil Platform party, Mikhail Vyshegorodtsev, as the businessmen's rights ombudsman. This was Sobyanin's pre-election promise; p 2 (612 words).

6. Yegor Sozayev-Guryev article headlined "Regions' investment attractiveness to be assessed through ratings" gives an account of Putin's meeting with members of the supervisory council of the Strategic Initiatives Agency dedicated to measures to be taken to improve Russia's investment climate; p 2 (648 words).

7. Yelena Malay and Dmitry Runkevich article headlined "Communist party does not want to learn from Kremlin" says that the Communist Party has not yet submitted to the presidential administration a list of party members who will undergo special training for personnel reserve for government service to be organized in late January-early February 2014; p 3 (609 words).

8. Ivan Cheberko article headlined "Satellite-borne equipment included in Glonass embezzlement case" says that new searches and withdrawals of documents have been held at the office of the Russian Space Systems as part of the probe into large-scale embezzlement of money allocated for a state program to develop the Glonass navigation system; p 6 (575 words).

9. Dmitry Yevstifeyev article headlined "Wife of Kaliningrad mayor hides plot of land in Kurshskaya Kosa [national park]" says that the Kaliningrad region prosecutor's office has warned Kaliningrad Mayor Alexander Yaroshuk over the fact that his wife has not mentioned a plot of land in the Kurshskaya Kosa national park in her property declaration. Prosecutors want the city's council of deputies to take measures against Yaroshuk up to his dismissal; p 6 (750 words).

10. Daria Tsoy and Tatyana Baykova article headlined "Heir to British Crown becomes pensioner" says that Prince Charles has celebrated his 65th birthday and retired; p 7 (408 words).

11. Yanina Sokolovskaya interview with independent Ukrainian lawmaker Serhy Mishchenko, headlined "'Viktor Yanikovych perfects option of wrecking agreement with EU'", who speaks about prospects for Ukraine's integration with the EU; p 7 (452 words).

12. Maxim Sokolov article headlined "Law about defense of geographic map" comments on a bill introducing criminal punishment for calls to disintegrate Russia, drafted by the United Russia party; p 8 (734 words).

Rossiiskaya Gazeta

1. Vladislav Kulikov article headlined "Serve term quiet" says that the Justice Ministry has drafted a bill regulating the use of force by warders; pp 1, 7 (569 words).

2. Valery Vyzhutovich article headlined "Declarations about leaving" stands up for the state control over officials' incomes and expenditures; p 3 (712 words).

3. Tatyana Zamakhina article headlined "Law without repairs" looks at an international forum in Moscow, at which changes to the Russian constitution were discussed among other things; p 5 (621 words).

4. Yevgeny Shestakov and Yury Gavrilov article headlined "Cairo to return to ranks" focuses on the Russian-Egyptian talks in the 2+2 format in Cairo; p 8 (929 words).

5. Pavel Dulman article headlined "They ready to wait two weeks" says that the Ukrainian parliament will once again consider bills necessary for Ukraine's integration with the EU on Nov. 19. The European Parliament has extended its Ukraine mission until Nov. 28; p 8 (456 words).

6. Interview with Colonel General Mikhail Vozhakin, headlined "Army dodging and distortions", speaking about problems facing the Armed Forces; p 11 (2,638 words).

Moskovsky Komsomolets

1. Mikhail Rostovsky interview with former Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin, headlined "Russia on the needle", speaking about the Russian economy and prospects for an economic crisis in the country despite high global oil prices; pp 1, 4 (3.131 words).

2. Georgy Kvantaliani article headlined "Artificial satellite of riots" tries to find out how people's gatherings turn into mass riots; pp 1, 6 (1,706 words).

3. Mikhail Rostovsky article headlined "Mayor? Welcome to prison" comments on the arrest of the Astrakhan mayor on suspicion of bribery, recalls the recent arrests of other mayors and says that mayoral posts in Putin's Russia have become the "most vulnerable to imprisonment"; pp 1-2 (705 words).

4. Lina Panchenko article headlined "Judge in Politkovskaya case gets mate" says that judge Pavel Melekhin, chairing the trial on the Novaya Gazeta journalist Anna Politkovskaya's murder case, has decided to dissolve the jury after five jurors refused to participate in the trial; pp 1, 3 (640 words).

5. Marina Ozerova article headlined "Who and how much times measures constitution?" says that talks about the "careful attitude" to the Russian constitution have recently become very popular, but these statements run counter to the reality as the State Duma has started considering presidential amendments to the main law, combining the Supreme Arbitration Court with the Supreme Court and authorizing the president to appoint prosecutors in federal districts; p 2 (503 words).

6. Igor Subbotin and Natalya Rozhkova article headlined "Polonsky's case in Cambodia becomes political" says that the Cambodian authorities will decide on the future of Russian businessman Sergei Polonsky, who is wanted in Russia over large-scale fraud; p 2 (618 words).

7. Stanislav Belkovsky article headlined "Active news deception" looks at the recent political initiatives put forward by Russian lawmakers and wonders why Russians so easily buy into these spins; p 3 (1,263 words).

RBC Daily

1. Inga Vorobyova report "'Certain practice of solving questions'" says that President Vladimir Putin has publicly made it clear to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev that if the latter "tells tales out of school" instead of discussing disagreements in the Kremlin, he will have to leave the government; pp 1, 3 (850 words).

2. Alina Yevstigneyeva interview with Deputy Labor and Social Protection Minister Andrei Pudov who speaks about the pension reform; p 3 (1,900 words).

Noviye Izvestia

1. Yekaterina Dyatlovskaya article headlined "Cult hello from past" ridicules Russian officials' attempts to promote patriotic education in the country; pp 1, 4 (1,150 words).

2. Konstantin Nikolayev report "Poland does not demand apology for attack on its embassy in Moscow" says that the Polish Foreign Ministry has expressed regret over an incident outside the Russian embassy in Warsaw on Nov. 11. At the same time, Poland does not demand an official apology for an attack on its embassy in Moscow on Nov. 13; p 2 (200 words).

Novaya Gazeta

1. Alexander Mineyev article headlined "'Justice for Sergei Magnitsky'" says that an interparliamentary group called "Justice for Sergei Magnitsky", consisting of lawmakers from 21 countries, who is trying to achieve the introduction of international sanctions against Russian officials who are involved in the Hermitage Capital lawyer's death, has been set up in Brussels; p 11 (465 words).

2. Alexander Likholetov article headlined "Paper wings of Russia" reports on the situation in the Russian aircraft building sector; pp 12-13 (2,421 words).

3. Yulia Latynina article headlined "Fight against green people" says that an lawmaker from the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR) has suggested banning circulation of U.S. dollars in Russia and looks at the possible aftermath of the move; p 6 (919 words).

4. Olga Bobrova article headlined "On what Astrakhan mayor failed?" tries to find out reasons behind the prosecution of Astrakhan Mayor Mikhail Stolyarov; p 8 (813 words).

5. Leonid Nikitinsky article headlined "You did not stand here" says that the planned merger of the Supreme Court and the Supreme Arbitration Court will go down in history as the most important stage in destroying the Russian statehood; p 7 (630 words).

6. Alexei Tarasov article headlined "Heathenism as means of management" looks at the causes and aftermath of recent heavy floods in Russia's Far East and what lesson the Russian authorities should learn from the disaster; p 9 (1,513 words).

7. Andrei Kolesnikov article headlined "First clip" looks at prospects of amending the Russian constitution; p 7 (626 words).

8. Vera Chelishcheva report "Anna Politkovskaya's case. Jury dismissed. Case to be heard again" says that the jury in the trial of slain journalist Anna Politkovskaya has been dismissed; p 8 (400 words).

Komsomolskaya Pravda

1. Alexei Ovchinnikov report "Russian weapons return to Egypt" looks at the visit to Egypt of Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to discuss arms supplies to the country. A Russian naval base may also be set up off the African coast, article says; p 3 (500 words).

2. Yevgeny Antonov report "How governors become feudal lords" looks at a round table discussion "Corruption in Russia: Fight against shadow" held at the office of the newspaper; p 8 (700 words).

3. Alexander Grishin report "Pipe to lead to Kiev. And let Europe freeze?" looks at the Russian-Ukrainian gas row and says that Ukraine is not telling the truth when it says that there is no threat to deliveries of Russian gas to Europe; p 9 (800 words).


1. Alexander Protsenko report "Stolypin's call of minister Topilin" looks at the problems of single-industry towns in Russia and says that Labour and Social Protection Minister Maxim Topilin has suggested that unemployed residents of these towns should move to the Far East; pp 1, 3 (1,400 words).

2. Oleg Yuryev report "Police captain Poligraf Poligrafych" says that Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev has said that all high-ranking officers of the ministry will have to take lie detector tests when applying for a job or when being promoted; p 1 (500 words).

3. Sergei Frolov report "Not sacred and not cow" says that according to Kremlin sources, Putin in his annual address to the Federal Assembly will speak about the Constitution and possible amendments to it. Article features Russian experts' comments; p 2 (700 words).

4. Pavel Orlov report "Hand over dollars, citizens!" says that an LDPR deputy of the State Duma has suggested that the population should be banned from buying dollars and having bank deposits in dollars; p 2 (700 words).

5. Pavel Orlov report "Scientific approach to fight against terrorism" says that British professor Louise Richardson has delivered a lecture at Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) on the problem of terrorism; p 4 (850 words).

Krasnaya Zvezda weekly

1. Sergei Medvedev report "In 2+2 format" looks at the visit of Russian foreign and defense ministers to Egypt. Author refers to the visit as strategic and says that military and military-technical cooperation as well as the fight against terrorism have been discussed at the meeting; p 3 (400 words).

2. Viktor Ruchkin report "Syria: Kurds have their own position" says that representatives of Russia, the U.S. and the UN will hold on Nov. 25 a meeting on the organization of the international conference on Syria Geneva-2; p 3 (800 words).

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