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What the Papers Say, Nov. 7, 2013


1. Andrei Kolesnikov article headlined "All-Russian people's fund" says that President Vladimir Putin has chaired a meeting on the use of money from the National Welfare Fund. None of the participants in the meeting opposed the move; pp 1, 6 (888 words).

2. Maxim Ivanov article headlined "'Against all' [option] sent down to municipal level" says that the Fund for the Development of Civil Society has concluded that the restoration of the "against all" option in ballot papers will worsen the quality of "popular representation". Sociologists from the independent pollster Levada Center found that citizens would most likely back independent candidates from single-seat constituencies rather than party nominees; p 1 (624 words).

3. Sergei Goryashko article headlined "Additional money to be given to public television to survive" says that the budgetary financing of public television may be increased from 1.5 billion rubles ($47 million) to 1.8 billion rubles. The channel is facing a difficult financial situation; p 2 (415 words).

4. Unattributed article headlined "Whose seat is dear to you?" features comments by politicians and public activists who share their views on elections by party lists and single-seat constituencies; p 2 (439 words).

5. St. Petersburg-based Anna Pushkarskaya article headlined "Constitutional Court acts as judge in its own case" says that the Constitutional Court has held hearings on whether rulings by the European Court of Human Rights should be executed if they run counter to the Russian court's position; p 3 (850 words).

6. Irina Nagornykh article headlined "United Russia cleans itself from fraudsters and bribe-takers" says that the presidium of the United Russia party's central auditing commission has approved its draft regulations, which, among other things, vest the commission with the right to monitor United Russia members' mental and ethical impression. The commission has already withdrawn United Russia membership from 24 people; p 3 (429 words).

7. Andrei Kolesnikov article headlined "Vladimir Zhirinovsky pulled up for wire" gives an account of President Putin's meeting with the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, Vladimir Zhirinovsky; p 3 (612 words).

8. Grigory Tumanov and Olga Churakova article headlined "Arctic Sunrise reaches Hamburg" says that the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea has held its first meeting on the lawsuit filed by the Netherlands against Russia over the case of the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise, whose crew is being kept in custody in Murmansk; p 7 (554 words).

9. Kirill Belyaninov article headlined "Syria suspected of attempted dressing up" says that the Syrian authorities have submitted a detailed plan to the UN for transporting chemical weapons abroad and asked to refrain from destroying 12 chemical plants, whose output will be used for pharmacology. The U.S. believes that the Syrian government is trying to preserve its chemical weapons; p 8 (517 words).

10. Sergei Strokan article headlined "Geneva-2 lost in time" says that the holding of the Geneva-2 international conference on Syria, which was set for November, has been postponed for an indefinite term; p 8 (532 words).

11. Dmitry Marakulin et al. report headlined "Cases waiting for Alexander Gitelson in Russia" says Austria, according to the paper, has allowed the extradition of banker Alexander Gitelson to Russia, against whom a number of cases has been launched; p 5 (600 words).

Nezavisimaya Gazeta

1. Mikhail Sergeiev article headlined "Treasury close to empty -first time during Putin's tenure" says salaries may decrease by up to 5 percent in real terms in 2014; pp 1, 4 (750 words).

2. Viktor Litovkin article headlined "Sergei Shoigu assigns Arctic [region] to Russia" says that Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu has held a meeting on the development of the Arctic region, which has recently become one of the priorities in Russia's domestic policy. Meanwhile, the air base on Kotelny Island has begun to function; pp 1, 2 (625 words).

3. Yekaterina Trifonova article headlined "They are already ready to amend Constitution" says that President Putin will meet today specialists from higher education institutions to discuss possible amendments to the constitution. A group of experts has been set up to work on a new document, the article says; pp 1, 3 (593 words).

4. Gleb Postnov article headlined "Tatarstan communists apologize to Lenin" says that the Communists in the Republic of Tatarstan have held a festive procession to mark the 96th anniversary of the October revolution of 1917 despite the local authorities' ban; pp 1, 5 (503 words).

5. Anton Khodasevich article headlined "Lukashenko does not give back Baumgertner" says that Belarus has confirmed that it has received an official request from the Russian Prosecutor General's Office for the extradition of Uralkaly CEO Vladislav Baumgertner and is now considering it; pp 1, 6 (644 words).

6. Editorial headlined "Obama does not follow Kennedy's example" says that after the attempted U.S. invasion of Cuba in 1961, then-President John Kennedy claimed responsibility for the incident and took decisive measures to improve the situation. Following the worldwide surveillance scandal, incumbent U.S. President Barack Obama has not patterned himself on Kennedy; p 2 (531 words).

7. Alexei Gorbachev article headlined "Valery Zorkin plans to establish 'limit of pliability'" says that experts have different views on whether rulings by the European Court of Human Rights should be executed in Russia if the Constitutional Court disagrees with them; p 3 (644 words).

8. Ivan Rodin article headlined "To take loan for victory in elections" says that the government is planning to approve amendments to the law about political parties, which envisage increasing their financial transparency. Experts think that the move is playing into the hands of United Russia; p 3 (845 words).

9. Vladimir Mukhin article headlined "Drug control service to appear in army" says that a service to control the possible use of drugs by servicemen has been established in the Armed Forces. It will begin to function on Dec. 1 ; p 5 (619 words).

10. Tatyana Ivzhenko article headlined "Ukraine asks WTO to influence Russia" says that Ukraine has asked the WTO to protect its confectionery sector from unjustified complaints by Russia; p 6 (999 words).


1. Olga Kuvshinova article headlined "Russia prepares for 10 thin years" says that the Economic Development Ministry has corrected its forecast for Russia's socioeconomic development until 2030. The worst-case scenario has become the basic one, the article says; p 1 (886 words).

2. Liliya Biryukova article headlined "Business to Putin" says that a group of Russian businessmen has asked Putin to reconsider granting law enforcement and security agencies the right to initiate criminal proceedings on tax crimes on their own; pp 1-2 (770 words).

3. Editorial headlined "Police phenomenon" comments on research made in Russia, Kazakhstan, Bulgaria and Latvia that studied the outcomes of the 2009-11 police reforms in these countries, which envisaged increasing policemen's salaries among other measures; p 1 (409 words).

4. Anastasia Kornya article headlined "Ombudsman stands up for Tolokonnikova" says that Russian human rights ombudsman Vladimir Lukin has agreed to back a complaint filed with the Supreme Court by the defense lawyers of the convicted Pussy Riot punk band member Nadezhda Tolokonnikova to challenge the verdict passed by a Moscow district court; p 3 (479 words).

5. Ella Paneyakh et al. article headlined "Extra Jus: They understand only numerals" says that when delivering a report to the Federation Council on Oct. 30, Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev said that the police reform had not yielded the expected results. This has made many experts think that a counter-reform is looming; p 7 (756 words).

6. Maxim Glikin and Liliya Biryukova article headlined "'Against all' [option] not to promote voter turnout" says that the Fund for the Development of Civil Society has criticized the idea to restore the "against all" option in ballot papers at all kinds of elections except for presidential ones; p 2 (496 words).


1. Pavel Kochegarov article headlined "Post in Rosavtodor estimated at 10 million rubles ($313 thousand)" says that officials from the Federal Road Agency (Rosavtodor) will be checked following the detention of a group of fraudsters in Moscow who tried to sell a high-ranking post in the agency; pp 1, 4 (561 words).

2. Yelizaveta Mayetnaya and German Petelin article headlined "Lieutenant to answer for death of conscripts" gives an update on the probe into the deaths of two soldiers at the Ashuluk range in the Astrakhan region in August caused by an explosion of ammunition; pp 1, 4 (841 words).

3. Anastasiya Kashevarova and Svetlana Subbotina article headlined "Fight against corruption to become less public" says that the presidential administration has instructed the law-enforcement and security agencies to stop hyping high-profile corruption cases; pp 1, 2 (770 words).

4. Sergei Podosenov and Petr Kozlov article headlined "Restoration of 'against all' option makes sense at local elections" says that the Fund for the Development of Civil Society thinks that the restoration of the "against all" option in ballot papers will not help increase the voter turnout and reduce people's displeasure with the imperfect electoral system, but at the regional level, the option may be of use as it can become a kind of an indicator of the situation in certain region; p 2 (858 words).

5. Alena Sivkova article headlined "Former head of Rosleskhoz gets into fraud case" says that the former head of the Federal Forestry Agency (Rosleskhoz) and the former head of Mosleskhoz, the regional branch of the agency, have been suspected of being involved in a timber fraud case in the Moscow region; p 3 (646 words).

6. Natalya Bashlykova article headlined "Mikhail Prokhorov accuses law enforcement and security agencies of seizing power" says that the leader of the Civil Platform party, Mikhail Prokhorov, has accused the law enforcement and security agencies of privatizing power in regions where governors have weak positions; p 3 (706 words).

7. Mikhail Vignansky interview with Georgian presidential aide for foreign policy Vano Machavariani headlined "'Georgia will manage to find points of contact with Russia'", who speaks about Georgia's policy on Russia; p 7 (634 words).

8. Historian Stanislav Khatuntsev article headlined "Doomed twice" contemplates U.S.-Saudi Arabia relations; p 8 (886 words).

9. Vadim Shtepa article headlined "'Single and indivisible' in Bolshevik way" ridicules the Communists for adopting the slogan "Single and indivisible Russia" as their new ideology; p 8 (824 words).

Rossiiskaya Gazeta

1. Tatyana Zamakhina article headlined "Special policy" says that a public opinion poll conducted by the Levada Center has shown that 46 percent of 1,600 respondents back President Putin's policy. Moreover, 55 percent of young people approve of Putin's policy; p 2 (364 words).

2. Yury Gavrilov article headlined "Patrol called to ice" says that the Defense Ministry plans to establish a formation of ice-class ships to patrol the Arctic region; p 2 (444 words).

3. Tatyana Zamakhina article headlined "Commandment 'do not divide'" says that the Communists want to introduce punishment for calls to disintegrate Russia; p 3 (451 words).

4. Tatyana Shadrina article headlined "Leaking not worth effort" says that the Roskomnadzor media watchdog has suggested increasing 70-fold fines for leaking personal data; p 5 (528 words).

5. Natalya Kozlova article headlined "Serdyukov to remain witness" says that former Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov will most likely remain a witness in the Oboronservis case; p 7 (506 words).

6. Yevgeny Shestakov article headlined "They gather and argue" says that prospects for holding the Geneva-2 international conference on Syria are vague as Russia and the U.S. cannot come to terms on the make-up of it; p 8 (614 words).

7. Natalia Yachmennikova article headlined "Torch flies to space" says that Russian cosmonauts will bring the Olympic torch to the International Space Station as part of the relay ahead of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi; p 13 (690 words).

Moskovsky Komsomolets

1. Alexander Khinshtein article headlined "Who takes General Morozov for dinner..." says that investigators from the Main Interior Directorate have magnificently celebrated the 50th anniversary of their service. The celebration was in fact financed by defendants in a high-profile criminal case over kickbacks in concluding state contracts; pp 1, 4 (3,972 words).

2. Irina Finyakina article headlined "Who is scarier than homophobe?" comments on the Dutch foreign minister's statement that the Netherlands will give political asylum to sexual minorities persecuted in Russia; pp 1, 3 (523 words).

3. Marina Ozerova article headlined "Spies being looked for in Russian media" says that the State Duma committee for information policy, IT and communications has recommended rejecting a bill introducing a list of media outlets that are financed from abroad (the so-called foreign agents); p 2 (538 words).

4. Ignat Kalinin article headlined "Defense Ministry increases Temp" focuses on a meeting on the development of the Arctic region chaired by Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu; p 2 (566 words).

5. Mikhail Zubov article headlined "Nationalists acquire ideological enemy" says that the Justice Ministry has registered Russia's first anti-nationalist party Russia For All; p 2 (383 words).

6. Stanislav Belkovskiy article headlined "Murder in Navalny street" defends opposition activist Alexei Navalny who was criticized by nationalists for missing the Nov. 4 rally Russian March and by liberals for calling on his supporters to take part in the event; p 3 (1,230 words).

Noviye Izvestia

1. Yekaterina Dyatlovskaya interview with Ella Pamfilova, the chairwoman of the Civil Dignity movement, headlined "'We have full freedom to act'", speaking about the distribution of presidential grants among noncommercial organizations; pp 1-2 (825 words).

2. Anna Alexeyeva article headlined "Insisted on their rights" says that participants of a meeting held to discuss whose rulings, by the Constitutional Court or the European Court of Human Rights, are more important have unanimously recognized the Russian court's priority over the ECHR; pp 1, 5 (657 words).

3. Sergei Putilov article headlined "Strike at status" says that the Russian government is considering a bill restricting luxury public purchases by state corporations and agencies; pp 1, 3 (582 words).

4. Vera Moslakova article headlined "Demonstrative use" says that State Duma lawmaker from United Russia Vyacheslav Lysakov has asked the Prosecutor-General's Office and the Federal Antimonopoly Service to explain why the Prosecutor-General's Office buys premium-class Audi worth 70 million rubles ($2.2 million); p 2 (432 words).

5. Vardan Ogandzhanyan article headlined "Human rights activists launch attack" says that a committee for counteracting xenophobia has been established in Moscow to fight against the rise of nationalist sentiments in Russian society; p 2 (426 words).

6. Arina Raxina article headlined "Watchful waiting" features experts' comments on an idea to give the Investigative Committee the right to investigate tax crimes; p 3 (700 words).

7. Olga Goncharova article headlined "Greenpeace supporters detained after action dated to coincide with beginning of Arctic Sunrise tribunal" says that seven Greenpeace activists have sailed a boat in Moskva River in front of the Kremlin unfurling banners calling on the authorities to release the activists who tried to board an oil rig in the Pechora Sea in September. Four of them were detained; p 5 (346 words).

Trud (weekly)

1. Alexander Protsenko article headlined "Pieces of Skolkovo" features expert comments on the corruption scandals involving Skolkovo innovation fund; p 5 (700 words).

Krasnaya Zvezda

1. Viktor Ruchkin article headlined "Geneva-2 postponed" says that the holding of the Geneva-2 international conference on peaceful settlement of the Syrian crisis, which was set for November, has been postponed for an indefinite term since Russia and U.S. still disagree on the issue; p 3 (350 words).


1. Alexander Prokhanov article headlined "Kiev Mother of Lord cries" looks at the association agreement that Ukraine might sign with the EU and says the Russian authorities should learn their lesson from this; p 1 (300 words).

2. Oleg Yegorov article headlined "Day of National Unity in Lyublino" looks at the Russian March nationalist rally that was held in Moscow on Nov. 4 ; p 8 (1,100 words).

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