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What the Papers Say, Oct. 31, 2013


1. Yekaterina Gerashchenko and Margarita Fedorova article headlined "CEO found for Don-Stroi Invest" says that former federal official Sergei Kotlyarenko's company will manage one of Russia's largest business-class developer Don-Stroi Invest controlled by the bank VTB; pp 1, 12 (526 words).

2. Kirill Melnikov article headlined "SeverEnergia becomes increasingly expensive" says that Gazpromneft and the independent gas manufacturer Novatek want to overbid the Russian oil company Rosneft and buy a 49 percent stake in SeverEnergia from the Italian companies Enel and Eni; pp 1, 9 (675 words).

3. Vadim Visloguzov et al. article headlined "Pension Fund wins collection" says that the government has given up the idea to hand over powers to manage insurance payments from the pension fund to the Federal Tax Service; pp 1, 6 (764 words).

4. Pavel Bulavin article headlined "Arkady Rotenberg takes up textbooks" says that businessman Arkady Rotenberg may shortly become a co-owner of Russia's largest publishing group formed by Prosveshchenie, the leading textbook publisher, and Olma Media Group, specializing in fiction and applied literature; pp 1, 12 (859 words).

5. Irina Nagornykh article headlined "Moscow joins Front" says that the All-Russia People's Front (ONF) is finishing the establishing of regional branches. The founding congress of the Moscow regional branch of the ONF will be held today; p 2 (436 words).

6. Natalya Gorodetskaya et al. article headlined "Alexander Kotenkov dismissed as presidential envoy" says that deputy head of the Russian main state legal directorate Artur Muravyev has replaced Alexander Kotenkov as presidential representative at the Federation Council; p 2 (691 words).

7. Maxim Ivanov and Sergei Goryashko article headlined "Vladimir Putin no longer pins hopes on corrupters' conscience" says that at a meeting of the presidential council for counteracting corruption, President Vladimir Putin said that the heads of state agencies and ministries should bear personal responsibility for corrupters getting jobs in the public sector and admitted that the liberalization of the Criminal Code in 2011, which introduced heavy fines instead of prison terms as punishment for bribery, has not been effective; p 2 (992 words).

8. Sergei Mashkin article headlined "They force helicopter to crash in desolate area" gives an update on the probe into the Oct. 29 crash of a Ka-52K military helicopter in Moscow; p 3 (577 words).

9. Yury Senatorov article headlined "Prosecutor's office does not find new technology in Skolkovo" says that the Prosecutor-General's Office has revealed the improper use of budget funds at the Skolkovo innovation fund; p 3 (588 words).

10. Gleb Cherkasov and Viktor Khamrayev interview with Alexander Chubaryan, co-chairman of the Russian Historical Society and director of the Russian Academy of Sciences' Historical Institute, headlined "'It is important not to politicize history and then everything will find a place in it'", who speaks about the work on standards for the single history book for Russian schools; p 4 (2,383 words).

11. Yelena Chernenko article headlined "Sergei Lavrov met with open visas" reports on Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov's visit to Greece; p 8 (632 words).

12. Kirill Belyaninov article headlined "Syria reveals formula of chemical weapons" says that according to the Syrian authorities' official information, about 1.3 tons of chemical weapons are stored in 23 facilities in the country. The U.S. thinks that the information provided is incomplete; p 8 (528 words).

13. Alexei Tarkhanov interview with French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault speaking on his visit to Russia today; p 8 (550 words).

Nezavisimaya Gazeta

1. Petr Tverdov and Alexandra Samarina article headlined "Putin's three signals to elite and society" draws three conclusions about the fight against corruption in Russia on the basis of President Putin's statements made at a meeting of the presidential council for counteracting corruption. The article also features experts' comments on the issue; p 1, 3 (1,011 words).

2. Yekaterina Trifonova article headlined "Khodorkovsky removed from history" says that the final concept of the single history book for Russian schools will be submitted to President Putin today for endorsement. The book says nothing about disgraced oligarchs Mikhail Khodorkovsky and late Boris Berezovsky; p 1, 3 (787 words).

3. Igor Naumov article headlined "Hydrocarbons do not save balance of payments" says that the economic situation in Russia is worsening and this has also become apparent in foreign trade, thus the year of Russia's membership of the WTO has not brought positive results; p 1, 4 (889 words).

4. Olga Loginova article headlined "Sochi says goodbye to migrants" says that raids on migrants have been held in Sochi, the host city of the 2014 Olympics, for two months to get rid of all illegal migrants by Nov. 1. Human rights activists have complained about law violations and instances of abuse of office registered during the raids; p 1, 5 (831 words).

5. Tatyana Ivzhenko article headlined "Kiev lacks money for advance payments" says that a Ukrainian delegation has arrived in Moscow for urgent gas talks. Kiev admits that Gazprom's complaints are justified, but says it lacks money to pay off gas debts; p 1, 6 (1,104 words).

6. Editorial headlined "Holy Laputa" comments on relationship between the state and the church in Russia; p 2 (487 words).

7. Yury Paniyev article headlined "Obama loses control over special services" says that U.S. Congress has held hearings on the U.S.-European surveillance scandal. Meanwhile, a number of Western media outlets accused Russia of giving spyware presents to participants in the G20 summit in St. Petersburg in early September; p 2 (716 words).

8. Alexei Mukhin article published in the Carte Blanche regular column headlined "Year of perfect service" praises Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu for the results of his first year in the post; p 3 (917 words).

9. Sergei Kulikov article headlined "Gazprom has its monopoly broken" says that Gazprom has lost gas export monopoly: from now on, other companies can sell Russian gas abroad; p 4 (679 words).


1. Margarita Papchenkova and Oleg Salmanov article headlined "Vekselberg's grants" says that the Prosecutor-General's Office has revealed that between 2010 and 2011, the Skolkovo innovation fund gave grants to companies affiliated with the president of the fund, Viktor Vekselberg; pp 1, 4 (694 words).

2. Editorial headlined "Great dictator" comments on President Putin's first place in the Forbes list of the world's most powerful people; pp 1, 6 (431 words).

3. Lilia Biryukova article headlined "Cherry front" looks at people who will enter the headquarters of the Moscow branch of the All-Russia People's Front; p 3 (358 words).

4. Maxim Tovkaylo and Maxim Glikin interview with presidential aide for economic issues Andrei Belousov, headlined "'Any system should go through reforms'", speaks about Russia's improved position in the Doing Business ranking and the domestic economic situation in general; pp 8-9 (2,696 words).

5. Maria Zheleznova article headlined "Free radicals" says that lawmaker Ilya Ponomarev, who suspended his membership of the A Just Russia party in March 2013, has decided to quit the party due to its "policy of compromise" and establish a deputy group in the State Duma, which will represent the non-systemic opposition; p 2 (458 words).

6. Mikhail Serov and Yelena Khodyakova article headlined "Liberty to export" says that the government has approved amendments to the law about gas exports, which enable the independent gas manufacturer Novatek and the Russian oil company Rosneft to export gas on their own, thus breaking up Gazprom's monopoly; p 12 (448 words).

7. Editorial headlined "Country of defendants" says that the Russian authorities and human rights activists interpret the notion "political prisoner" in different ways, that is why there are no political prisoners in Russia from the authorities' viewpoint and there are about 70 political prisoners, according to human rights activists; p 6 (342 words).

8. Maxim Glikin article headlined "Humanization loses credit" says that Putin has criticized the liberalization of the Criminal Code, initiated by then President Dmitry Medvedev in 2011; p 3(440 words).

9. Anastasia Kornya article headlined "Tax on harmful activity" says the tax service has imposed a tax on donations to the election monitor Golos; p 2 (400 words).


1. Dmitry Yevstifeyev article headlined "Prosecutor General's Office thinks that an additional 125 billion rubles could be stolen at Skolkovo" says that the Prosecutor General's Office has revealed large-scale fraud at the Skolkovo innovation fund and believes that 125 billion rubles ($3.9 billion) to be allocated from the federal budget for the fund's development in the near future could be also misused; pp 1, 3 (691 words).

2. Anastasia Kashevarova and Yelena Malay article headlined "Kotenkov expected to supervise ethnic relations" says that Alexander Kotenkov, former presidential representative at the Federation Council, will probably be made responsible for ethnic relations in Russia. He could become deputy regional development minister, a source close to the Kremlin said; pp 1-2 (460 words).

3. Dmitry Yevstifeyev article headlined "Fourth suspect joins Rosagroleasing case in the Lipetsk region" says that the probe into large-scale embezzlement of budget funds at the state-owned company Rosagroleasing in the Lipetsk region is coming to an end; pp 1, 4 (752 words).

4. Yelena Teslova article headlined "Authorities and public to check stances on amnesty once again" says that the amnesty project drafted by the presidential human rights council will be discussed by the Public Chamber on Nov. 1 ; p 2 (480 words).

5. Yegor Sozayev-Guryev article headlined "Liberalization of laws does not defeat corruption" says that Putin has criticized the mitigation of punishment for corrupters, introduced in 2011, as ineffective as regards the fight against corruption; p 2 (707 words).

6. Alexei Krivoruchek article headlined "Voentorg 'soaps' 1.5 billion rubles" says that the Chief Military Prosecutor's Office has carried out a check on the Voentorg military retailer and service provider, as a result of which an improper use of budget funds has been revealed; p 3 (349 words).

7. Alena Sivkova article headlined "Government displeased with work of public councils" says that the government is displeased with the performance of public councils under ministries as they fail to fulfill the tasks set for them. The article features an expert's comment on the issue; p 4 (1,242 words).

8. Pavel Kochegarov and Dmitry Yevstifeyev article headlined "First officials appear in Biryulyovo riots case" says that criminal proceedings may be initiated against employees of the Federal Migration Service's directorate for Moscow's Southern Administrative District that includes the Biryulyovo district where the killing of a local man by an Azerbaijani native sparked mass riots; p 5 (965 words).

9. Konstantin Volkov article headlined "Russia and Japan begin to issue visas in simplified way" says that a Russo-Japanese agreement easing the issuing of visas came into effect on Oct. 30 ; p 7 (432 words).

10. Political analyst Boris Mezhuyev article headlined "We are world champions!" says that the year 2013 has turned out very successful for Putin and Russia as an international player in general; p 9 (674 words).

Rossiiskaya Gazeta

1. Alena Uzbekova article headlined "Schengen engineering" says that new rules of issuing Schengen visas for Russian people came into effect on Oct. 18 ; pp 1, 6 (822 words).

2. Vladislav Kulikov article headlined "To beat or not to beat" says that the Justice Ministry plans to spell out rules of using physical force by jailers against prisoners; pp 1, 6 (635 words).

3. Vitaly Petrov article headlined "Lawmaker not heard" says that the Central Elections Commission has suggested canceling the so-called 'day of silence', when candidates standing in elections are banned from making any self-promoting statements in public on the eve of election day; p 2 (467 words).

4. Yury Snegirev article headlined "How they lost and found major" looks at the fate of a Russian pilot, whose plane was shot down during the 2008 war between Russia and Georgia, and who was taken hostage and later exchanged for Georgian hostages; p 1 (200).

5. Tamara Shkel article headlined "History line by line" says that the concept of the single history book for Russian schools has been finally drafted; p 2 (560 words).

6. Mikhail Falaleyev article headlined "Everyone is free" says that eight high-ranking Interior Ministry officers have been dismissed; p 3 (438 words).

7. Vladislav Vorobyev article headlined "Minister visits cradle" describes Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov's visit to Greece; p 8 (431 words).

Rossiiskaya Gazeta weekly

1. Yury Snegirev article headlined "Order for major" reports on how Rossiiskaya Gazeta helped a Russian pilot fight red tape and get a flat; the pilot was shot down during the 2008 war between Russia and Georgia, was taken hostage and later exchanged for Georgian hostages; p 22 (600 words)

Moskovsky Komsomolets

1. Ignat Kalinin article headlined "How to return billion to army?" looks at banishing fraud in the Armed Forces; pp 1-2 (646 words).

2. Marina Lemutkina article headlined "Great Russian Revolution" says that the future single history book for Russian schools describes the February Revolution in Russia in 1917 as the Great Russian Revolution, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin's repressions — as the Soviet version of modernization and abolishes the terms "Tartar Mongol yoke" and "Golden Horde yoke"; pp 1, 3 (585 words).

3. Pundit Alexander Minkin article headlined "You ruffle me" casts doubts on the real nature of fight against corruption in Russia given that most Russian people do not believe in it; pp 1-2 (1,164 words).

4. Leonid Berres article headlined "Prosecutor General's Office deals with innovations" says that the dismissal of the leadership and further prosecution are expected at the Skolkovo innovation fund following the Prosecutor General's Office's check on the fund that has revealed large-scale fraud there; p 2 (530 words).

5. Mikhail Zubov article headlined "Kolokoltsev gets 'failed' heritage" says that Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev has delivered a report to the State Duma. He tried to escape assessments of the police reform, but it was clear that the results of it were not good; p 3 (493 words).

6. Mikhail Zubov article headlined "Why Ilya Ponomarev quits A Just Russia?" features lawmaker Ilya Ponomarev's comment on his decision to quit the A Just Russia party; p 3 (502 words).

7. Unattributed article headlined "Beyond polar circle of life" says that an ethnic conflict is brewing up in the republic of Yakutia ; p 3 (766 words).

8. Dmitry Katorzhnov article headlined "Navalny compared to toadstool" says that the City Duma has rejected a bill on control over housing utilities tariffs drafted by opposition activist Alexei Navalny; p 7 (640 words).

Noviye Izvestia

1. Yulia Savina article headlined "Decorative role" says that regional authorities are virtually preventing the opposition from pushing through their legislative initiatives; pp 1-2 (1,428 words)

2. Anna Alexeieva article headlined "'Entire village may be found guilty'" says that the Federation Council has approved amendments to the law on counteracting terrorism, which permit to compensate damage caused by terrorists at the cost of the latter's relatives and family members. Human rights activists say that the law runs counter to the constitution; pp 1, 5 (615 words).

3. Yekaterina Dyatlovskaya article headlined "'People's deputy' not given seat" says that the City Duma has refused to register opposition activist Alexei Navalny-led initiative group to push through a bill on transparent housing utilities tariffs; p 2 (659 words).

4. Vera Moslakova article headlined "False alarm" details Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev's report delivered to the State Duma; p 3 (526 words).

5. Vardan Ogandzhanyan article headlined "'Dombrovsky is mere first fruit'" features experts' comments on reasons behind the deputy director of the Federal Service for State Registration (Rosoboronzakaz) Alexander Dombrovsky's dismissal; p 3 (366 words).

6. Margarita Alekhina interview with demographer Zhanna Zayonchkovskaya, headlined "'Central Asia migrants will be recalled, like Ukrainian ones'", who speaks about the migration campaign being held in Russia and its consequences ; p 5 (979 words).


1. Nikolay Konkov article headlined "Snowden syndrome" looks at the U.S.-EU spying scandal and speculates on its possible consequences; p 5 (700 words).


1. Yana Pryamilova article headlined "Excellent conditions and remarkable wages" says the Labor Ministry has announced that unemployed Russian citizens could find employment at the Olympic construction sites; p 21 (250 words).

RBK Daily

1. Alina Yevstigneyeva article headlined "Migrants with reference" says the Federal Migration Service has suggested migrants be employed in Russia only in the spheres where Russians do not want to work; p 1 (500 words).

3. Ivan Petrov article headlined "125 bln-worth threat" says the Prosecutor General's office has reported on the results of the checks at the Skolkovo fund and features expert's comments on the issue; p 2 (600 words).

2. Asya Sotnikova interview with Yekaterinburg mayor Yevgeny Roizman, speaking about his victory in the September mayoral election, migrants and problems he is facing as a new mayor of Yekaterinburg; p 5 (2,100 words).

Komsomolskaya Pravda

1. Alexander Milkus interview with criminal law expert Igor Sundiyev, who says recent mass anti-immigration riots in the Moscow suburb of West Biryulyovo on Oct. 14, sparked by the murder of an ethnic Russian man in the area, were provoked by 15 instigators; pp 1-10-11 (1,900 words).

2. Alexander Grishin article headlined "Navalny's fragrance on especially large scale" looks at new criminal charges brought against Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny and his brother Oleg as part of the so-called Yves Rocher case and says Navalny's supporters are already boycotting the company's products; p 4 (350 words).

3. Alexander Rogoza article headlined "Could helicopter crash on residential district?" features experts' comments on a recent combat helicopter's crash in southeastern Moscow; p 7 (710 words).

Komsomolskaya Pravda (weekly)

1. Alexander Grishin article headlined "What can we expect from Georgia without Saakashvili" looks at the prospects of Russian-Georgian relations after the presidential election in Georgia; p 2 (900 words).

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