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What the Papers Say Sept. 19, 2013


1. Yelena Chernenko and Ivan Safronov article headlined "Russian chemistry stronger than others" says that along with UN experts, servicemen from Russia, probably the U.S. and Europe will assist Syria in the safe transportation and destruction of chemical weapons; pp 1, 8 (605 words).

2. Dmitry Butrin et al. article headlined "Strict balance" looks at a draft federal budget for 2014 to 2016, approved by the governmental budget commission on Sept.18 ; pp 1, 6 (808 words).

3. Yelena Kiseleva article headlined "Development bank demands development" says that the state-run bank VEB needs to be re-capitalized due to a high probability of credit defaults; pp 1, 9 (827 words).

4. Yelena Kiseleva and Kirill Melnikov article headlined "Rostekh to help clear shelf from mines" says that the Rostekh state technology corporation's subsidiary is holding talks with the French company ECA Robotics on the joint production of remote-controlled anti-mine robots for the Russian Navy; pp 1, 11 (564 words).

5. Irina Nagornykh article headlined "United Russia to become electronic" says that the United Russia party has launched an online service for its members as part of its website to privately discuss internal party problems and get feedback. The party will hold a congress on Oct. 5 ; p 2 (580 words).

6. Irina Nagornykh interview with secretary of the United Russia's general council, Sergei Neverov, headlined "'Why should there be exorbitant percent everywhere?'", who speaks about the party's results at the Sept. 8 elections in Russia and a new online service launched by the party; p 2 (431 words).

7. Viktor Khamrayev article headlined "Sergei Ivanov also does not want to become president" reports on the meeting of participants in the international discussion club Valdai with head of the presidential administration Sergei Ivanov and his first deputy Vyacheslav Volodin ; p 2 (509 words).

8. Andrei Kolesnikov article headlined "There is Putin in powder flasks" reports on President Vladimir Putin's visit to the Kalashnikov arms plant in the Udmurt republic town of Izhevsk; p 2 (987 words).

9. Yulia Rybina article headlined "One female suicide bomber remains after militant" says that the leader of an armed group specializing in training female suicide bombers has been killed in Dagestan; p 4 (435 words).

10. Natalya Gorodetskaya article headlined "Nations want to self-identify in passports" says that a social study, which will be presented today at the Public Chamber, has shown that nationalism is on the rise in Russia and certain republics in Russia can already be called Islamic; p 5 (550 words).

11. Sofia Samokhina et al. article headlined "Science undergoes fundamental changes" says that the State Duma has passed a bill on reforms in the Russian Academy of Sciences. Scientists promised to combat the bill; p 5 (690 words).

12. Alexei Sokovnin article headlined "Prosecutor's office finds ambiguity in Ilya Farber's case" says that prosecution has appealed against the verdict passed on rural teacher Ilya Farber charged with bribery, who was sentenced to 7 years behind bars. The case is to be re-considered following the remarks of Vladimir Putin, who called the verdict "blatant" in one of his recent interviews; p 5 (500 words).

13. Tatiana Yedovina interview with President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy, headlined "'Main threat — collapse of eurozone — has not justified itself'", who speaks about the G20, the overcoming of a crisis by the EU and relations with Russia; p 6 (733 words).

14. Yelena Chernenko interview with Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov headlined "'Syrian president confirmed intention to implement all planned things'", speaks about talks with Syrian President Bashar Assad in Damascus and how Syria has taken the Russian-U.S. initiative on the Syrian chemical disarmament; p 8 (342 words).

15. Sergei Sidorenko et al. article headlined "Europe to help amid trade wars with Russia" says that the EU is ready to step in trade wars between Russia and former post-Soviet states; p 8 (537 words).

Nezavisimaya Gazeta

1. Anastasia Bashkatova and Mikhail Sergeiev article headlined "Year 2013 turns to be worst after 2008 crisis" says that the Russian authorities have admitted that the economy has been stagnating for over a year; p 1, 4 (1,106 words).

2. Yury Roks article headlined "Russian military goes deep into Georgia" says that the relocation of the border of Georgia's breakaway republic South Ossetia deeper in Georgia will be discussed today at a Russian-Georgian meeting in Prague; p 1, 6 (762 words).

3. Ivan Rodin article headlined "Consent amid resistance of sides" says that the State Duma has approved a bill on reforms in the Russian Academy of Sciences; p 1, 3 (730 words).

4. Tatiana Ivzhenko article headlined "Kiev goes westward" says that the Ukrainian government has approved a draft free-trade agreement with the EU and submitted it to the president for signing; p 1, 6 (1,148 words).

5. Alexandra Samarina article headlined "Parade of political technology" says that along with politicians, pro-governmental spin doctors have already joined the 2014 election campaign. Specialists say that an election race has never begun so early; p 1, 3 (1,126 words).

6. Darya Tsilyurik article headlined "Libya between court and judiciary" says that the Libyan authorities have refused to give away late Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi's son and the intelligence head to the International Criminal Court. They will be tried in Tripoli; p 1, 7 (673 words).

7. Unattributed interview with United Russia senior member Sergei Neverov, headlined "It is important to choose at right time", speaks about the Sept. 8 elections, the low voter turnout and ways to attract voters; p 2 (570 words).

8. Editorial headlined "Culture on capital scale" sums up the results of Sergei Kapkov's performance at the post of the head of the Moscow culture department; p 2 (559 words).

9. Yevgenia Novikova article headlined "John Kerry changes Russian proverbs" says that U.S. media outlets have continued criticizing Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov for his foreign policy on Syria. U.S. senators have called on the U.S.Treasury to introduce sanctions against Russian banks; p 2 (663 words).

10. Gleb Postnov comment published in the Carte Blanche regular column headlined "Usual way of fighting against corruption" contemplates the fight against corruption in the Republic of Tatarstan; p 3 (592 words).

11. Igor Naumov article headlined "Vladimir Putin checks gunsmiths" reports on Putin's visit to the Udmurt republic town of Izhevsk; p 4 (711 words).

12. Nikolai Kamensky article headlined "If U.S. is attacked, Japan to come to rescue" says that the Japanese prime minister has called for changing the constitution, as this will strengthen the army and will make it possible to fight on the U.S. side in any area in the world. The article features a Russian expert's comment on the issue; p 7 (456 words).


1. Tatiana Voronova article headlined "Courier theft" details large-scale credit fraud at three Moscow offices of Sberbank; p 1 (813 words).

2. Editorial headlined "Science of directions" criticizes a bill on reforms in the Russian Academy of Sciences, approved by the State Duma on Sept. 18; pp 1, 6 (396 words).

3. Polina Khimshiashvili and Anastasia Kornya article headlined "Putin for everyone" says that President Putin will take part in a meeting of the international discussion club Valdai, which is attended by the representatives of the non-systemic opposition for the first time; p 2 (454 words).

4. Tatiana Voronova and Dmitry Kazmin article headlined "Alexei Kudrin to deal with Berbank's strategy" says that former Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin may head the strategic planning committee at the supervisory board of the state-run bank Sberbank instead of Alexei Ulyukayev; p 14 (481 words).

5. Dmitry Kazmin et al. article headlined "Senators threaten state banks" says that four U.S. senators have asked the U.S. Treasury to introduce sanctions against Russian banks VTB, VEB and Gazprombank. The senators have accused the banks of backing the Syrian government; p 14 (420 words).


1. Ivan Cheberko article headlined "Bill on 'Era-Glonass' to be rewritten in Rogozin's favour" says that a bill on the state automated information system Era-Glonass will not be considered in the second reading until it is discussed with Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin; pp 1, 4 (594 words).

2. Vladimir Markin article headlined "If there is no investment potential... in tap" describes the tasks and functions of the Russian Investigative Committee in response to former Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin's placing the blame for the poor investment climate in Russia on the committee; pp 1, 3 (752 words).

3. Yelena Borisova article headlined "Opposition complains to United Russia about violations of intra-party norms" says that Volgograd Region deputy Andrei Popkov has asked the secretary of the United Russia general council, Sergei Neverov, to recognize the decision to nominate regional lawmaker Irina Guseva for Volgograd mayor, made at the United Russia party conference, as illegitimate; p 2 (534 words).

4. Political analyst Boris Mezhuyev article headlined "Academy of compromise" praises President Putin for finding a compromise on reforms in the Russian Academy of Sciences; p 6 (550 words).

5. Alexander Genis article headlined "Shooting gallery of absurd" tries to find out the reason behind the Sept. 16 shooting attack in Washington; p 6 (658 words).

6. Maxim Sokolov article headlined "Magnate's complaints" looks at lessons that the leader of the Civil Platform party, Mikhail Prokhorov, has learnt from opposition leader Alexei Navalny's success at the Moscow mayoral election on Sept. 8 ; p 6 (698 words).

7. Konstantin Volkov and Maria Gorkovskaya article headlined "Russian banks not afraid of U.S. threats" says that Russian banks, against which U.S. senators want sanctions to be imposed, have denied that they have been financing the Syrian authorities. Meanwhile, Russian experts have cast doubts that sanctions will be introduced; p 7 (411 words).

8. Mikhail Vignansky article headlined "South Ossetia accuses Georgia of border conflict" says that Georgia's breakaway republic South Ossetia has accused Georgia of organizing an act of provocation on the border near the Ditsi settlement, where the border is determined by the Russian border guards; p 7 (482 words).

Rossiiskaya Gazeta

1. Tamara Shkel article headlined "First in transparency" says that Finance Minister Anton Siluanov has delivered a report to the State Duma on the execution of the federal budget in 2012; p 2 (837 words).

2. Yury Gavrilov article headlined "To fly, shoot and watch" says that the Defense Ministry will set up its own film company to promote patriotism and interest in Russian history and army traditions among conscripts; p 3 (432 words).

3. Anna Fedyakina interview with the Egyptian foreign minister Nabil Fahmi, headlined "it is difficult to be an optimist", speaks about the state of affairs in the Middle East, Russia's position in the region and Russian-Egyptian relations; p 8 (1,680 words).

4. Vladislav Vorobyev article headlined "UN begins to act" looks at the 68th session of the UN General Assembly, which opened in New York on Sept. 17. The Syrian conflict tops the agenda of the session; p 8 (444 words).

Rossiiskaya Gazeta (weekly)

1. Yury Baturin article headlined "What to be held for success" looks into career milestones of the outgoing head of the Audit Chamber, Sergei Stepashin; p 8 (900 words).

Moskovsky Komsomolets

1. Mikhail Rostovsky article headlined "Feigning victim" criticizes State Duma international affairs committee Alexei Pushkov for trying to score propaganda points on the Sept. 16 shooting in Washington; pp 1-2 (633 words).

2. Viktoria Prikhodko article headlined "Putin's heroic jacket and Medvedev's pink laces" focuses on the Russian ruling duo's image and preferences for clothes; pp 1, 4 (1,047 words).

3. Konstantin Smirnov article headlined "Budget with holes" criticizes the Finance Minister for the 2014 to 2016 federal budget, which envisages drastic cuts in budget spending. The article also features a Russian economist's comment on the issue; pp 1-2 (2,109 words).

4. Olga Rakhimdzhanova article headlined "Scientists plan to take it out to squares" says that scientists are planning to stage rallies in protest against reforms in the Russian Academy of Sciences, approved by the State Duma on Sept. 18 ; p 2 (408 words).

5. Igor Subotin interview with a Moscow-based member of the Syrian National Council Mahmoud Al-Kamza headlined "'There are more terrible things happening in Syria than chemical attack'", speaks about prospects of a U.S. attack on Syria and the Aug. 21 chemical attack in Damascus; p 3 (538 words).

6. Matelevisiony Ganapolsky article headlined "Voyager in flight, we passed over" defends reforms in the Russian Academy of Sciences and hails the Voyager spacecraft success of NASA researchers; p 3 (1,372 words).

7. Natalya Rozhkova interview headlined "'General cleaning' in Public Chamber" with first deputy secretary of the Public Chamber Mikhail Ostrovsky, speaking about the performance of the agency and its future; p 4 (1,309 words).

Noviye Izvestia

1. Dmitry Zavyalov article headlined "Can Russia limit itself to two political parties?" features politicians' comments on an idea to introduce a bipartisan system in Russia, put forward by the leader of the Civil Platform party, Mikhail Prokhorov; p 2 (609 words).

2. Vera Moslakova article headlined "Academic hour" says that Russia's State Duma has adopted a bill on reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences in second and third readings; p 2 (600 words).

3. Mikhail Nikiforenko article headlined "Not by hook, than by budget" says that the Communist Party of the Russian Federation has decided to raise the issue of non-confidence to the government, mainly over a draft federal budget for 2014, in late September; p 2 (521 words).

4. Konstantin Nikolayev article headlined "Almost prevented attack" says that the UN Security Council is going to consider a draft resolution on Syria. Its wording will determine the future of this country, the article says; p 2 (450 words).

5. Olga Yegoshina article headlined "Willful people from culture" comments on the reaction to the media reports on the resignation of the head of the Moscow culture department, Sergei Kapkov, which turned to be false; p 4 (765 words).

RBC Daily

1. Yulia Yakovleva article headlined "Do not change game rules" says the non-parliamentary parties will present their proposals to State Duma Speaker Sergei Naryshkin today and features deputies' comments on the upcoming meeting; p 2 (750 words).


1. Alexander Nagorny and Nikolai Konkov article headlined "War retreated?" looks at the latest developments in the Syrian crisis and its prospects; pp 1, 3 (1,300 words).

2. Yekaterina Nenasheva article headlined "Fairytale about lost time" reports on the current situation in Sochi, the capital of the upcoming 2014 Winter Olympics; p 8 (1,700 words).

Krasnaya Zvezda

1. Alexander Gerasimov article headlined "Not to let them do chemical business" says the UN Security Council is expected to consider a draft resolution on Syria; pp 1, 3 (1,200 words).

Komsomolskaya Pravda

1. Sergei Semushkin article headlined "State Duma abolishes 'scientific harassment'" says the State Duma has finally adopted a bill on reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences; p 3 (500 words).

2. Alexander Grishin article headlined "Obama smells of chemicals very much" says Western diplomats are trying to do their best to make a strike against Syria possible; p 4 (600 words).

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