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What the Papers Say Sept. 18, 2013


1. Yelizaveta Kuznetsova article headlined "VEB settles down in Sukhoi" says that the supervisory board of the bank VEB will discuss today the bank's financing of the Sukhoi Superjet-100 aircraft. The main point for discussion is how to prevent financial backing of the project from negatively affecting the bank, the article says; pp 1, 9 (704 words).

2. Dmitry Butrin et al. article headlined "State finishes accumulative season" says that investment of pension savings will be made a private matter; pp 1, 6 (987 words).

3. Natalia Skorlygina et al. article headlined "Energy sector to be lowered to zero" says that the Federal Tariff Service has estimated the aftermath of freezing natural monopolies' tariffs in 2014 and concluded that mechanisms of return on investment should be changed to implement the plan in the energy sector; pp 1, 11 (872 words).

4. Yekaterina Gerashchenko article headlined "Tester of sepulchral business" looks at the Federal Anti-monopoly Service's proposals to reform the Russian funeral market; pp 1, 12 (580 words).

5. Ivan Safronov article headlined "Sergei Shoigu orders to share" says that the Defense Ministry has determined the future of practically all defense enterprises and plants owned by the notorious Oboronservis holding company; p 2 (669 words).

6. Andrei Kolesnikov report headlined "Showdown in combine way" describes President Vladimir Putin's visit to the Krasnodar region; p 2 (972 words).

7. Alexander Voronov and Viktor Khamrayev article headlined "Sergei Sobyanin stays with all his own people" says that Mayor Sergei Sobyanin has not reshuffled the city government. Only Deputy Mayor Andrei Sharonov quit his post for a job at the Skolkovo business school; p 3 (752 words).

8. Sergei Goryashko article headlined "Corruption in defense industry is out of parliamentary control" says that Transparency International has rated Russia on par with Uganda and Tanzania among a high risk group for corruption in the defense sector; p 3 (460 words).

9. Alexei Chernyshev article headlined "Submarine lacks fire extinguishers" says that criminal proceedings on charges of abuse of office have been instituted over a fire aboard the Tomsk nuclear submarine undergoing repairs at the Zvezda plant in the Primorye region; p 4 (531 words).

10. Yulia Rybina et al. article headlined "Victim re-qualified as kidnapper" says that a high ranking Dagestani official, who is a brother of a late investigator whose murder is believed to be masterminded by Makhachkala mayor Said Amirov, has been arrested on suspicion of kidnapping; p 4 (540 words).

11. Sofia Samokhina article headlined "Reform in Russian Academy of Sciences to follow amended path" says that a bill on reforms in the Russian Academy of Sciences has been amended, but changes have not pleased scientists. Today, the State Duma is expected to pass the bill in the second and final reading; p 5 (628 words).

12. Viacheslav Kozlov et al. article headlined "European Court is in on Bolotnaya" says that the European Court of Human Rights has decided to consider on a priority basis complaints filed by seven participants in the so-called Bolotnaya case on the May 6 2012 riots on Bolotnaya square; p 5 (535 words).

13. Dmitry Butrin interview headlined "'Skolkovo school now is social project'" with former Deputy Mayor Andrei Sharonov, speaking about his work on the former post and plans for a new job at the Skolkovo business school; p 6 (520 words).

14. Olga Kuznetsova article headlined "Foreign ministers of Russia and France do not come to terms on Syria" says that the French foreign minister has visited Moscow to try to persuade the Russian authorities to back a UN Security Council resolution drafted by France, but he failed; p 7 (322 words).

15. Sergei Manastyrly et al. article headlined "Dniester region goes to fund" says that despite a big debt for Russian gas supplies, the Dniester region has set up a stabilization fund, which is filled up by money received from the sale of Russian gas to locals, among other things; p 7 (588 words).

16. Kirill Belianinov article headlined "Attack near Damascus diagnosed as chemical" says that UN experts have confirmed that the nerve agent sarin was used in Syria. The West is sure that Syrian pro-government force used sarin, while Russia has warned against "making hasty conclusions" and accused the West of "artificially heightening tension" around Syria; p 7 (582 words).

17. Sergei Strokan article headlined "Conversation from Syria's position" says that the plan to destroy Syrian chemical weapons announced by Russia and the U.S. in Geneva, has stimulated efforts to settle the Iranian nuclear problem; p 7 (650 words).

18. Sergei Strokan article headlined "'F' with minus" says that the latest global developments have turned Russia into the leading opponent to the U.S. in global affairs, having sidelined China. But this has only played into the latter's hands, who wants to upstage the U.S.; p 8 (883 words).

19. Sergei Strokan interview headlined "'China takes greatest advantage'" with Georgy Kunadze, leading researcher from the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences, speaking about Russia-U.S.-China relations; p 8 (583 words).

20. Alexander Gabuyev comment published in the regular opinion column headlined "Price of issue" contemplates Russia-U.S.-China relations; p 8 (457 words).

21. Sergei Strokan interviews head of the Moscow Carnegie Centre Dmitry Trenin, headlined "'Russia is the only state capable of opposing U.S.'", who explains why it is Russia, but not China, who acts as the main opponent to the U.S.; p 8 (599 words).

Nezavisimaya Gazeta

1. Alexei Gorbachev article headlined "Coordination council to be left without VIP" says that the opposition Coordination Council is due to be re-elected in October, but the election may not be held because a number of non-systemic opposition activists have refused to stay in the council; pp 1, 3 (622 words).

2. Alexandra Samarina article headlined "Politics from Chapay" says that the All-Russia People's Front has stepped up activity to attract new members from political parties, including the ruling United Russia party, the A Just Russia party and the Communist Party ; pp 1, 3 (849 words).

3. Igor Naumov article headlined "Deputy Prime Minister Rogozin's closed space" says that according to Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, the fact that the structure of the Federal Space Agency is not adjusted in accordance with the law on space activity, accounts for Russia's space failures; pp 1, 4 (869 words).

4. Svetlana Gavrilina article headlined "Barbra Streisand made of Poltavchenko" says that a false report on the death of St. Petersburg governor Georgy Poltavchenko has been posted on the Wikipedia website for several hours. A check into the issue is under way; pp 1, 6 (536 words).

5. Tatiana Ivzhenko article headlined "Crimea recalls 'Russian threat' once again" says that Polish human rights activists defending Crimean Tatars from pro-Russian organizations will hold a news conference today in Simferopol, which may end up in a scandal; pp 1, 7 (1,041 words).

6. Editorial headlined "On brink of 'war'" contemplates Russian-German trade relations; p 2 (469 words).

7. Ivan Rodin article headlined "Filter passions" says that having been displeased with the Sept. 8 election results, the A Just Russia party has drafted a bill on rescheduling the single voting day from the first Sunday of September to the first Sunday of November. The opposition also wants the municipal filter to be abolished; p 3 (881 words).

8. Anastasia Bashkatova and Igor Naumov article headlined "Anti-piracy law prepared for new modernization" says that the Roskomnadzor media watchdog has described the anti-piracy law as effective, while the internet community is displeased with it. Meanwhile, the State Duma is preparing amendments to the law; p 4 (915 words).

9. Yevgenia Novikova article headlined "Russia appointed responsible for Syria" says that the West considers a UN chemical expert examination as confirmation of Damascus being guilty of the Aug. 21 chemical attack. Western media outlets have criticized Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov for disagreeing with this view; p 8 (771 words).

10. Yury Paniyev article headlined "Future of Geneva to be determined in New York" looks at the 68th session of the UN General Assembly, which opened in New York on Sept. 17; p 8 (711 words).

11. Lidia Orlova report "When our people are beaten up" says that Patriarch Alexei II has sent a letter to U.S. President Barack Obama calling on him to renounce a military invasion of Syria; p 1 of NG Religion supplement (1,300 words).


1. Maxim Tovkailo et al. article headlined "Government looks for money for president" says that a governmental commission for the budget is due to approve a draft federal budget for 2014 to 2016 today; pp 1, 4 (970 words).

2. Vladimir Shtanov and Yelena Khodiakova article headlined "Optimist Ghosn" says that the Renault and Nissan general director expects car sales in the BRICS member states, including Russia, to begin to grow in 2014; pp 1, 13 (514 words).

3. Editorial headlined "Migration poker" criticizes Russian businessmen's rights ombudsman Boris Titov's migration initiative and Russia's migration policy in general; pp 1, 6 (378 words).

4. Margarita Liutova article headlined "Customs gain interest in Lithuania" says that the Federal Customs Service has strengthened control over imports from Lithuania. A hidden political motive is being looked for in the move, but it is unclear why Russia would want to worsen relations with Lithuania, a Russian expert said; p 4 (551 words).

5. Alexei Nikolsky and Polina Khimshiashvili article headlined "Chemical attack from antiques" says that Russia and the U.S. have drawn different conclusions on the organizer of the Aug. 21 chemical attack in Damascus from a UN chemical expert examination; p 3 (514 words).

6. Irina Mokrousova article headlined "Saveliev to fly more" says that General Director of the Aeroflot air carrier, Vitaly Saveliev, has stayed in office for the next five years; p 10 (554 words).

7. Andrei Kolesnikov article headlined "Snowden in country of advice" comments on U.S. whistleblower Edward Snowden's life in Russia; p 7 (448 words).

8. Anton Oleinik article headlined "From tough power to smart power" praises Putin's efforts to prevent a military attack on Syria, describing it as strategically prudent and politically flexible; p 7 (845 words).

9. Viktor Glukhikh et al. article headlined "To save Russian space" contemplates reforms in the Russian space sector; p 6 (630 words).

10. Dmitry Kazmin article headlined "Ignatiev returns as director" says that former Central Bank Chairman Sergei Ignatiev has been put on a list of candidates for the bank's board of directors; p 15 (457 words).


1. Mikhail Rubin article headlined "Parties look for scapegoats" says that the ruling United Russia party, the A Just Russia party and the Communist Party will hold meetings in October to sum up the results of the single voting day on Sept. 8. Personnel reshuffles in the parties are quite probable, the article says; pp 1-2 (940 words).

2. Petr Kozlov and Natalia Bashlykova article headlined "ONF asks to check purchases by Russian Academy of Medical Sciences" says that the All-Russia People's Front, which supervises public purchases to prevent corruption as of Sept. 1, has asked the Prosecutor General's Office to check a tender held by the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Burdenko Institute of Neurosurgery; pp 1-2 (528 words).

3. Liudmila Podobedova article headlined "Oil underdeliveries to Belarus to give $1.1 billion to budget" says that the Energy Ministry has approved a quarterly schedule of oil pumping through main pipelines. In October to December, 3.1 million tonnes of oil will be delivered to Belarus, which is 2.65 million tonnes less than Minsk requested; pp 1, 4 (600 words).

4. Natalia Bashykova article headlined "Organizer of flight with white cranes to become senator" says that the head of the regional executive committee of the United Russia party, Alexander Yermakov, will represent Yamal-Nenets autonomous district in the Federation Council; p 2 (569 words).

5. Svetlana Subbotina et al. article headlined "Yelena Mizulina demands checking instances of trade in children" says that State Duma lawmaker Yelena Mizulina has asked Education Minister Dmitry Livanov and Prosecutor General Yury Chaika to check information spread by Reuters about U.S. adoptive parents' online groups in social networks, who exchange data about foster children, including those adopted in Russia; p 4 (694 words).

6. Liudmila Podobedova article headlined "Igor Sechin backs freezing of natural monopolies' tariffs" says that Rosneft head Igor Sechin has approved an idea to freeze natural monopolies' tariffs in 2014, but suggested including Transneft in the list of natural monopolies subject to the move; p 5 (539 words).

7. Konstantin Volkov article headlined "Those guilty of using sarin not revealed" says that a UN chemical expert examination has confirmed that the sarin nerve agent was used in Syria, but has not clarified who used it. The article features a Russian military expert's comment on the issue; p 7 (600 words).

8. Tatiana Baikova and Konstantin Volkov article headlined "Ankara does not believe in Assad's disarmament" says that Turkey has toughened its policy on Syria and features a Russian expert's comment on the reason behind this; p 7 (401 words).

9. Dmitry Drobnitsky article headlined "Mutiny or terrorist attack?" comments on the Sept. 16 shooting in Washington; p 9 (835 words).

10. Historian Stanislav Khatuntsev article headlined "Farewell to chemical arms" focuses on the pitfalls of Syria's chemical disarmament; p 9 (793 words).

Rossiiskaya Gazeta

1. Roman Markelov and Tatiana Shadrina article headlined "Mr No-one" says that personal data provided by people to receive state services must be encoded; pp 1-2 (612 words).

2. Taras Fomchenkov and Tatiana Shadrina article headlined "Author to get his deserts" says that the anti-piracy law may be applied to music and literature. Now, it regulates films and videos; pp 1, 3 (547 words).

3. Yury Gavrilov article headlined "Rockets reach brigades" says that Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu has held a meeting to find out how the program for the development of the armed forces during the next seven years is being implemented; p 5 (692 words).

4. Chairman of the Council for Foreign and Defense Policy Fedor Lukianov article headlined "Return of diplomacy" says that diplomatic cooperation between Russia and the U.S. to settle the Syrian crisis has marked an era of revival of global diplomacy; p 8 (732 words).

5. Vladislav Vorobiev article headlined "Special air meeting" focuses on the French foreign minister's visit to Russia; p 8 (439 words).

6. Natalia Yachmennikova interview headlined "Is there permanent residence on Mars?" with space designer Vladimir Bugrov, speaking about the exploration of Mars and the Russian space sector in general; p 13 (1,928 words).

Moskovsky Komsomolets

1. Ilia Baranikas article headlined "UN report as compliment to Obama" says that Russian experts have cast doubt on the appropriateness of conclusions made by UN experts who investigated the Aug. 21 chemical attack in Syria. The UN report makes it easier for U.S. President Barack Obama to convince Congress of authorizing a military operation against Syria if the Syrian authorities violate the terms of the Russian-U.S. agreements on Syrian chemical weapons, the article says; pp 1, 8 (650 words).

2. Anastasia Kuzina report "Drug addicts reproduce through multiplication" says that according to the government's website, 6 percent of Russians are drug addicts; pp 1-2 (400 words).

3. Natalia Rozhkova article headlined "Nemtsov also against crooks" says that co-chairman of the RPR-Parnas party Boris Nemtsov has been suspected of extremism. The matter concerns his statements at the Sept. 5 rally in Yaroslavl in support of the arrested former mayor Yevgeny Urlashov; p 2 (300 words).

4. Viktoria Prikhodko article headlined "Russian Orthodox Church sees extremists in Central Asia migrants" says that the Valdai club has held a meeting to discuss ethnic and religious relations; p 2 (400 words).

5. Natalia Vedeneyeva interview with the head of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladimir Fortov, headlined "Science to be 'opened' with two keys?", who speaks about pending reforms in the academy; p 3 (350 words).

6. Ivan Starikov article headlined "Reforms in Russian Academy of Sciences and changes" criticizes reforms in the Russian Academy of Sciences and calls on scientists to take drastic measures; p 3 (1,000 words).

7. Petr Kamyshin article headlined "Potash war under way" contemplates whom the Belarussian-Russian potash conflict is advantageous for; p 5 (650 words).

8. Yelena Berezina article headlined "Andrei Vorobiev presents compact cabinet of his government" looks at a new government in the Moscow region ; p 7 (700 words).

9. Igor Subbotin article headlined "Report lacks any facts" features Russian expert Dmitry Gladyshev's comment on a UN chemical expert examination on Syrian chemical weapons; p 8 (150 words).

10. Igor Subbotin interview with president of Middle East Institute Yevgeny Satanovsky headlined "This may result in strike on Syria" says that the UN report on Syria may result in a military operation against Syria; p 8 (250 words).

Novaya Gazeta

1. Andrei Kolesnikov article headlined "Why Navalny did not congratulate Sobyanin on his victory?" speculates on the reasons behind opposition leader Alexei Navalny's decision not to congratulate Mayor Sergei Sobyanin on his victory in the Sept. 8 mayoral election; p 3 (600 words).

2. Alexander Pumpiansky article headlined "Striking gas" analyses the latest developments in the Syrian conflict and the Russian-U.S. deal on Syria's chemical weapons; p 7 (800 words).

3. Nikolai Mironov article headlined "Non-system opposition comes out of shadow" says the Sept. 8 elections in Russia have shown that a competitive political system could be created in the country in future; p 10 (900 words).

4. Yelena Shafran article headlined "House with view of battle field" features a special report from an Israeli settlement on the Golan Heights, close to the Syrian border; p 14 (1,100 words).

Krasnaya Zvezda

1. Alexander Tikhonov article headlined "Zapad-2013: complete readiness" looks at the upcoming Russian-Belarussian military exercise Zapad-2013 (West 2013); p 1 (600 words).

2. Viktor Ruchkin article headlined "Chemical weapons used but by whom?" comments on the UN report on Syrian chemical attack and says it does not explain who used the chemical weapons on Aug. 21 ; p 5 (700 words).


1. Pavel Orlov article "Go, academicians!" looks at a rally staged on Sept. 17 in front of the State Duma against the Russian Academy of Sciences reform bill; p 1 (500 words).

Argumenty i Fakty

1. Georgy Zotov article headlined "Allah and Russia" comments on the current situation in Syria and says ordinary Syrian citizens see Allah and Russia as their main defenders; p 7 (800 words).

2. Vitaly Tseplyayev and Sergei Osipov article headlined "No war?" features experts' comments on whether there will be a strike against Syria or not; pp 2, 7 (450 words).

Komsomolskaya Pravda

1. Varvara Onishchenko article headlined "West yet again takes tight grip on Assad" says the U.S. and its allies believe that the UN's report on Syrian chemical attack has proved that the Syrian authorities were behind the Aug. 21 chemical attack; p 4 (400 words).

2. Maxim Grigoriev article headlined "Prokhorov: collapse of political project?" analyses the prospects of Russian tycoon Mikhail Prokhorov's political career; pp 1, 6 (650 words).

Noviye Izvestia

1. Margarita Alekhina article headlined "Coming out" says that Russian businessmen's rights ombudsman Boris Titov has suggested the mass legalization of migrants, but the idea will hardly be backed by the Russian authorities. The article also features experts' comments on the Russian migration policy; pp 1, 5 (1, 300 words).

2. Mikhail Nikiforenko interview with co-chairman of the RPR-Parnas party Boris Nemtsov, headlined "'Criminal case against opposition politician is sort of quality mark'", who speaks about an attempt to prosecute him for extremist statements; p 2 (700 words).

3. Konstantin Nikolayev article headlined "Guilty side not found" says that the UN chemical expert examination on Syria has led to more questions than answers; p 2 (400 words).

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