1. Yelena Chernenko article headlined "Good secret service done for Russia" says Russia has benefited from the U.S. surveillance scandal launched by former U.S. National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden as the Russian resolution on international information security has been supported by the UN; pp 1, 8 (678 words).
2. Yekaterina Belkina article headlined "Certificates to be levelled in accordance with deposits" says that savings certificates, the banking tools popular among Russians, may be reformed. The Finance Ministry wants to make them nominal; pp 1, 10 (717 words).
3. Yelizaveta Kuznetsova article headlined "Siberian sky being exchanged for European" says Russia is trying to get benefits from the EU due to the cancellation of the trans-Siberian royalties. Moscow wants Russian airline companies to get access to European markets; pp 1, 11 (554 words).
4. Sergei Sobolev article headlined "One can hang himself" outlines the new rules in accordance with which outdoor signboards are being installed in Moscow; pp 1, 9 (564 words).
5. Irina Alexanderova and Alexandra Vikulova article headlined "Nikita Belykh files pre-election suit" says Kirov region governor Nikita Belykh has sued the local Communist leader for moral damages. The Communists attribute the lawsuit to Belykh's plans to seek re-election in early 2014; p 2 (551 words).
6. Sofya Samokhina article headlined "Calls for disturbances to be equalled with suicide propaganda" says the State Duma is to consider a bill which will order to block websites where calls for mass disturbances are found; p 2 (563 words).
7. Natalya Gorodetskaya report "To legalize cheaper than to deport" says that international experts believe that the authorities should help immigrants adapt to the life in Russia; p 2 (850 words).
8. Maxim Ivanov article headlined "Integrity justifies means" says amendments to the Administrative Code have been submitted to the State Duma, in accordance with which any public actions which question the Russian territorial integrity will be considered a crime and will be punished by imprisonment; p 3 (701 words).
9. Vladislav Litovchenko article headlined "People's gathering prevented by detention" says the St. Petersburg police have detained three North Caucasus natives suspected of killing a local young man. The detention prevented mass disturbances planned by nationalists in the city; p 4 (555 words).
10. Maria Yefimova article headlined "Egypt suggests that Russia should return to U.S.S.R." says that an Egyptian delegation has visited Moscow. Cairo hopes that Russia will help the new military authorities of the country resist U.S. pressure; p 7 (500 words).
11. Sergei Strokan article headlined "Iranian atom reaches semi-final" says the talks on the Iranian nuclear program in Geneva have made it possible to prepare for a historical deal with Tehran. However, the deal is still hard to reach as the world community will have to acknowledge Iran's right to uranium enrichment; p 8 (662 words).
12. Viktor Loshak interview with Vietnamese President Truong Tan Sang who speaks on Russian-Vietnamese relations ahead of the Russian president's visit to Vietnam; p 8 (543 words).
13. Article by Yevgeny Satanovsky, president of the Middle East Institute, in the column headlined "Price of issue" attributes the French stance on the Iranian nuclear program to the county's close ties with Saudi Arabia and predicts a new nuclear arms race in the Middle East if Iran is allowed to continue its nuclear program; p 8 (471 words).
Nezavisimaya Gazeta
1. Alexandra Samarina article headlined "Others follow Navalny's example" says an increasing number of regional leaders are said to be asking the Kremlin to hold early regional elections as the economic situation in the country is deteriorating and political competition is growing; pp 1, 3 (940 words).
2. Igor Naumov article headlined "Sochi remains deeply in Olympic debt" says that tour operators have forecast that only 10 percent of Sochi Olympics guests will be foreign tourists due to difficulties with getting Russian visas, so prospects of turning the city into an international resort do not look too bright; pp 1, 4 (880 words).
3. Yekaterina Trifonova article headlined "Federal Penitentiary Service admits its guilt" says the Federal Penitentiary Service has drafted a list of its activities which are at the greatest corruption risk. It turned out that the entire work of the service is at corruption risk, so it needs a reform, article says; pp 1, 3 (570 words).
4. Vladimir Mukhin article headlined "Central Asian problematic foothold" says a Russian motor-rifle division is to be stationed on the Tajik-Afghan border as the NATO forces are leaving the country; pp 1-2 (507 words).
5. Tatyana Ivzhenko article headlined "Yanukovych prepares escape routes" says the Ukrainian authorities are bargaining both with Moscow and Brussels on the prospects of economic integration. They risk losing all their opportunities, article says; pp 1-2 (891 words).
6. Yevgenia Novikova article headlined "Lavrov praises America" says France has disrupted the signing of international agreements on the Iranian nuclear program; pp 1, 6 (711 words).
7. Editorial headlined "Handful of land from Lomonosov Ridge " analyses Russia's Arctic claims and notes that the country lacks proper equipment and technology to extract hydrocarbons in the region; p 2 (540 words).
8. Veniamin Popov report "Islam requires more attention" says that the Russian authorities should set up a "base of the domestic Muslim Islamic studies"; p 3 (600 words).
9. Darya Tsilyurik article headlined "Saudi Arabia forms 'Army of Islam' in Syria" says Saudi Arabia is spending millions on equipment and training of the Syrian opposition reportedly to create a counterbalance to al-Qaida forces gaining power in Syria. Experts note that it looks like an attempt to sell to the West the new image of the Syrian opposition; p 6 (675 words).
10. Viktoria Panfilova report "Russia, Kazakhstan to sign new agreement on friendship" says that Russian and Kazakh presidents will sign a new agreement on friendship in Yekaterinburg today; p 6 (600 words).
11. Yury Panyev report "UN to block oxygen to special services" looks at the draft resolution submitted to the UN General Assembly by Germany and Brazil that is aimed against spying; p 8 (500 words).
1. Lyudmila Podobedova article headlined "FAS and Energy Ministry support oil manufacturers in argument with deputies" comments on the State Duma's proposals regarding the state control over the oil products market, as the lawmakers want to recognize oil refineries as regional natural monopolies and limit the profitability of retail sale of petrol. Not only oil companies, but also the FAS (Federal Antimonopoly Service) and the Energy Ministry oppose the initiative; pp 1, 4 (681 words).
2. Yelena Teslova article headlined "Lobbying may get a law" says a law regulating lobbying may appear in Russia as one of the anticorruption measures; pp 1-2 (670 words).
3. Svetlana Subbotina article headlined "Prosecutor General's Office to give up plans to buy expensive cars" says that following a public outcry, the Prosecutor General's Office has revised its plans to buy luxurious Audi vehicles for 70 million rubles ($2.15 million); pp 1-2 (542 words).
4. Dmitry Yevstifeyev article headlined "Guests and participants in Olympics to be searched under cameras" details the instructions by Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev to examine guests and athletes at the Sochi Olympics; pp 1, 3 (525 words).
5. Anna Lyalyakina article headlined "Life News gets 'Golden Ray'" says television channel Life News has won a contest among satellite and internet broadcasters; p 1 (230 words).
6. Sergei Podosenov article headlined "Russians support arrest of Greenpeace activists" says a public opinion study carried out by the pollster Levada center has shown that most of the respondents support the arrest of Greenpeace activists who tried to get on board a Russian oil rig in the Pechora Sea in September; p 2 (501 words).
7. Alexei Krivoruchek article headlined "Tu-160 waiting for new engines and money" says the upgrading of Tu-160 strategic missile carrying aircraft will be delayed due to uncertainty of financing; pp 1, 3 (855 words).
8. Anastasia Kashevarova et al. report headlined "Michael McFaul to be invited to Kremlin" says U.S. ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul is said to have been invited to the Kremlin for a reception dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the establishment of the Russian-U.S. ties. The ambassador has denied rumors about his resignation; p 7 (1,411 words).
9. Maria Gorkovskaya article headlined "Nuclear talks with Iran put off by 10 days" says the talks on the Iranian nuclear problem have been postponed until Nov. 20 due to unexpectedly tough demands of the French delegation; p 8 (755 words).
10. Yanina Sokolovskaya report "Russian carrier aviation leaves NITKA training ground in Crimea" says that the training ground NITKA in Crimea, which Ukraine leased off to Russia, will now be used by China; p 8 (600 words).
1. Maxim Tovkaylo and Margarita Papchenkova article headlined "Privatisation under investigation" says the Investigative Committee is taking a great interest in privatization and is even going to question some privatization deals; pp 1, 5 (793 words).
2. Editorial headlined "Hundred years until order" says Russia is going to keep the obligatory military service despite the fact that professional armed forces have proved to be more effective in armed conflicts in the 21st century; pp 1, 6 (375 words).
3. Yury Nikhaychuk article headlined "Central Bank chooses Yurgens" says the Central Bank is ready to communicate with the single lobbyist for insurance companies headed by Igor Yurgens. Insurance companies have started consolidating; pp 1, 14 (650 words).
4. Another editorial headlined "Yanukovych's portal" says Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych is likely to agree with the EU on European integration in exchange for the release of Yulia Tymoshenko and her non-participation in the upcoming elections to secure his own victory; p 6 (324 words).
5. Yelena Khodyakova article headlined "Person of week: Alexei Miller" analyses the role of Gazprom in Russia's pressure on Ukraine over the latter's plans to sign a partnership agreement with the EU; p 7 (362 words).
6. Roman Shleynov article headlined "Fighter and businessman" reports on the `career and business of Alexander Zhukov, the father of the girlfriend of billionaire Roman Abramovich; p 20 (3,940 words).
7. Maria Zheleznova report "Police divide by three" says that the Interior Ministry needs a comprehensive reform with a subsequent disbandment, experts from Alexei Kudrin's committee have said; p 2 (700 words).
8. Lilia Biruykova report "Rating to be shown to Putin" says that Putin will take part in the meeting of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI) Supervisory Board on Nov. 14, where a rating of investment attractiveness of regions will be presented; p 2 (550 words).
Rossyskaya Gazeta
1. Yelena Kukol article headlined "Bank card of motherland" comments on the economic forecast of the Central Bank which has turned out to be less optimistic than the one made by the Economic Development Ministry; pp 1, 3 (659 words).
2. Kira Latukhina report "Anniversary in Kremlin" looks at the meeting of Putin and King Willem-Alexander in the Kremlin; p 2 (500 words).
3. Tatyana Zamakhina report "Oriental tour" says that Putin will visit Vietnam and South Korea this week; p 2 (600 words).
4. Yury Gavrilov report "Called up as soldiers, not to war" says that according to Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, conscripts will not be involved in combat operations as from 2020; p 2 (500 words).
5. Tatyana Zamakhina report "To prevent dissolution" says that United Russia has submitted a bill to the State Duma introducing a 20-year imprisonment for calls for the disintegration of the country; p 3 (300 words).
6. Unattributed interview with Vietnamese President Truong Tan Sang ahead of the Russian president's visit to Vietnam p 4 (1,846 words).
7. Anna Fedyakina article headlined "To seas and wars" says that the huge budget debt has not prevented the U.S. from investing $13 billion in the construction of a new-generation aircraft carrier; p 5 (616 words).
8. Vladislav Vorobyov article headlined "Sanctions in evening, uranium in morning" says Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has thanked U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry for his role in the Iranian nuclear talks; p 5 (699 words).
Moskovsky Komsomolets
1. Sergei Nuzhdov article headlined "Victims of property relations" reports on the property policy of the Defense Ministry when the property relations department was headed by ill-famed Yevgenia Vasilyeva, currently facing a trial; pp 1, 9 (950 words).
2. Article by Russian business ombudsman Boris Titov "Russia desperately needs migrants" looks at the problem of illegal migration in Russia; pp 1, 3 (1,000 words).
3. Natalya Rozhkova report "Navalnyy's party may be choked with rouble" says that the Kremlin intends to limit loans for elections; p 2 (650 words).
4. Natalya Rozhkova report "Dutch king pelted with tomato" says that an object which looked like a tomato has been thrown at King Willem-Alexander and his spouse, Queen Maxima, during their visit to Moscow; p 9 (500 words).
Novaya Gazeta
1. Andrei Kolesnikov article headlined "Presidential bodies directorate" criticises the authorities over raising salaries of ministers and deputies by 2.6 times up to 420,000 rubles a month; p 10 (489 words).
2. Yulia Polukhina interview with rights activist Lyudmila Alexeyeva speaking on the trial of opposition activists and comparing the current situation in Russia with Soviet times; pp 13-14 (2,112 words).
RBC daily
1. Stepan Opalev article "March in capital city" based on the results of a poll conducted by generally pro-Kremlin Russian Public Opinion Research center, VTsIOM, on supporters of the nationalist Russian march held on Nov. 4 and its opponents. The results of the poll show that 41 percent of residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg support the idea of holding an event like this. A graph showing the results of the poll is attached; p 2 (400 words).
2. Yulia Sinyayeva and Yevgeny Novikov article entitled " Love them small" says that the government has given a green light to small and medium-sized business — in five years' time one quarter of state companies' procurement should be made from small and medium-sized companies; pp 1, 3 (600 words).
Noviye Izvestia
1. Yekaterina Dyatlovskaya article headlined "To rise with the help of commercials" says the Federal Pension Fund has allocated 170 million rubles to boost its image among the Russians. Experts believe that no advertising campaign will change the negative attitude towards pensions reforms among the population and slam the improper use of pensioners' money; p 1 (400 words).
2. Gennady Petrov article "Off with the envoy?" comments on rumours circulating in the media recently to the effect that U.S. ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul may be on his way out, although he is doing his best to deny the reports. From day one McFaul was believed to be the worst candidate for the job as he had little diplomatic experience, the authors note; p 2 (500 words).
3. Alexander Korzun interview with President of Cyprus Nikos Anastassiadis entitled "We want to make up for the financial damage inflicted on Russians"; pp 1-2 (1,500 words).
Tvoy Den
1. Unattributed article headlined "It is a rumor just yet" comments on the rumor that U.S. envoy to Russia Michael McFaul may step down soon. Even if it is his own initiative, the paper says, it is U.S. President Barack Obama who should announce the envoy's resignation; p 2 (100 words).
Komsomolskaya Pravda
1. Irina Tveritinova article "Bribe-takers will be taken at their word" says the Murmansk Region justice department has published a dictionary of phrases that are from now on forbidden among officials. Most of them concern bribery; p 3 (200 words).
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