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What the Papers Say, Apr. 19, 2013


1. Vladislav Novy article headlined "Arkady Dvorkovich deals with postal collapse" says that Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich has demanded that the Russian Post should ensure regular international postal traffic within three days, while the Russian Post hopes to eliminate the postal collapse at Moscow airports within seven days; pp 1-12 (636 words).
2. Kirill Melnikov and Olga Mordyushenko article headlined "Rosneft developing Gazprom's areas" says that Rosneft keeps strengthening its positions in gas business. It has employed former Gazprom's top manager Vlada Rusakova to deal with this; pp 1, 9 (1,061 words).
3. Ivan Safronov et al. report headlined "NATO to learn from U.S.S.R." says that NATO representatives have asked Moscow to share information about the withdrawal of Russian troops from Afghanistan back in 1989; pp 1-7 (621 words).
4. Dmitry Marakulin et al. report headlined "Runaway banker hides in forest skirts" says that former owner of the VEFK bank Alexander Gitelson, who was on the international wanted list for fraud with budget funds, has been arrested in Austria and will be extradited to Russia; pp 1-3 (685 words).
5. Natalya Bashlykova and Alexander Asadchy article headlined "Smolensk branch happens to United Russia" says that today the leader of the United Russia party, Dmitry Medvedev, is to meet United Russia's delegation from the Smolensk region to discuss the region's problems ahead of the autumn election to the regional legislative assembly. The region may become the biggest troublemaker for the party as a number of members have recently left United Russia's regional branch and blamed the governor for the collapse of the party and the region; p 2 (709 words).
6. Andrei Kolesnikov article headlined "Vladimir Putin gives go-ahead for foreign passport" gives an ironic account of President Putin's meeting with the head of the Federal Migration Service Konstantin Romodanovsk; p 2 (687 words).
7. Viktor Khamrayev and Maxim Ivanov article headlined "Foreign accounts do not fit Criminal Code" says that while the presidential administration is getting ready for checking officials' income declarations, the State Duma is expected to pass a bill banning officials from having foreign accounts; p 2 (678 words).
8. Yulia Rybina article headlined "Dagestan switches to non-people election" says that Dagestan's parliament has taken advantage of a new law to change the procedure for the election of the region's head. The head of the republic will now be elected by the local parliament from candidates to be put forward by parliamentary political parties and then the Russian president; p 2 (563 words).
9. Maxim Ivanov article headlined "'Phone in' stretches till third term" says that President Putin's live phone-in show is scheduled for 25 April; p 2 (476 words).
10. Vyacheslav Kozlov article headlined "Prisons to be built on mortgage conditions" says that the Federal Prisons Service dismisses human rights activists' proposals on the reform of the penal system and plans to involve business in building prisons; p 3 (560 words).
11. Alexei Sokovnin articles headlined "Jury invited to Anna Politkovskaya case" said the criminal case of the murder of the Novaya Gazeta journalist has been referred to the Russian Prosecutor General's Office for the confirmation of the indictment and subsequent transfer to a court for trial; p 3 (800 words).
12. Yury Senatorov and Grigory Tumanov article headlined "Navalny brothers identified as subscription agents" says that the Investigative Committee has initiated another criminal case on fraud charges against opposition activist Alexei Navalny; p 4 (672 words).
13. Vladislav Trifonov article headlined "Viktor Vekselberg not given floor" says that law enforcers conducted a large-scale search in the office of the Skolkovo science park foundation in line with the criminal case over the embezzlement of budget funds launched against former head of the fund's finance department Kirill Lugovtsov; p 4 (754 words).
14. Dmitry Butrin article headlined "Central banks call for dealing with real estate" looks at the Rethinking Macro Policy II conference held in Washington; p 6 (719 words).
15. Pavel Tarasenko article headlined "U.S. not bidding farewell to arms" says that U.S. President Barack Obama has suffered a major defeat as the U.S. Senate has blocked his plan to toughen control over arms sales; p 7 (552 words).
16. Sergei Strokan article headlined "Leader's missile denied launch" looks at the reasons behind Pyongyang's decision to give up its tough rhetoric and bring up the possibility of talks, ponders over their prospects; p 7 (704 words).
17. Mikhail Serov and Anna Solodovnikova article headlined "Russian investors to be granted access to Lebanese soils" says that Lebanon has allowed Rosneft, LUKoil and Novatek to take part in the tender for the development of the country's offshore deposits; p 11 (700 words).

Nezavisimaya Gazeta

1. Anastasia Bashkatova article headlined "Elvira Nabiullina promises to influence GDP" says that new Central Bank head Elvira Nabiullina advocated the need for expansionary actions in order to ensure 3 or 4 percent of GDP growth; pp 1,4 (1,116 words).
2. Vladislav Mukhin article headlined "Vladimir Shamanov ready for rapid response" says that a new kind of branch of the armed forces, rapid reaction forces, is to be set up; pp 1,2 (536 words).
3. Alexandra Samarina and Pyotr Tverdov article headlined "Patriotism — unvarnished and with no curses" says that the issue of patriotism is becoming a bargaining chip in political games amid growing public concerns over frequent clashes on ethnic grounds; pp 1,3 (1,228 words).
4. Ivan Rodin article headlined "Where from money for sheriffs should be taken" says that the State Duma is drafting a bill envisaging the setting up of municipal police; pp 1,3 (740 words).
5. Vladislav Maltsev article headlined "Deputies dividing believers into categories" says that a working group to study the activities of nontraditional religious organizations is to be set up at the State Duma; pp 1,2 (661 words).
6. Tatyana Ivzhenko article headlined "New Ukrainian nationalists — Russians" says that a new public movement bringing together Russian-speaking Ukrainian nationalists is being formed in Ukraine; pp 1,7 (953 words).
7. Viktor Litovkin article headlined "Military getting rid of their towns easily" says that the Defense Ministry is trying hard to hand over the military towns it does not need anymore to municipalities as soon as possible; p 2 (633 words).
8. Editorial headlined "About freedom of expression and freedom of interpretation" says that State Duma deputy speaker and United Russia member Sergei Zheleznyak has slammed the decision to grant a national theatre award to the "A Midsummer Night's Dream" opera staged by a British director; p 2 (490 words).
9. Alexei Mukhin article headlined "Carte blanche. Liberal sheep and imaginary wolves" speculates why the public demand for political liberalism is not met in Russia; p 3 (761 words).
10. Valentina Lapayeva article headlined "Gudkov's case: Legal analysis" says that stripping Gennady Gudkov of his seat at the State Duma has exposed a number of legal problems; p 5 (2,736 words).
11. Anton Khodasevich article headlined "Mirror for Lukashenko" says that a Belarussian court has recognized a photo album about life in Belarus to be extremist; p 7 (704 words).
12. Svetlana Gamova article headlined "Chisinau blames Moscow for everything again" looks at a scandal involving Moldovan President Nicolae Timofti and several well-known politicians; p 7 (595 words).
13. Darya Tsiryulik article headlined "Bashar Assad threatens colonialists with Bin Laden" says that Syrian President Bashar Assad has accused the West of attempting to colonize Syria and warned the U.S. against assisting the rebels referring to the threat of Al-Qai'dah; p 8 (616 words).
14. Rome-based writer and observer Giovanni Bensi article headlined "Italy in search of president" looks at the political situation in Italy; p 8 (656 words).
15. Artur Blinov article headlined "Americans do not want to disarm" the U.S. Senate has voted against the proposal to toughen control over arms circulation; p 8 (603 words).
16. Vladimir Skosyrev article headlined "DPRK puts forward conditions for dialogue with U.S." says that Pyongyang has signalled that talks may resume after the U.S. and South Korea cease military drills and the UN cancels sanctions; p 8 (505 words).


1. Dmitry Kazmin article headlined "Rich does not mean crook and thief" says that one of the richest Russian officials, First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov, has criticized the anti-corruption ardor and warned it may result in honest people leaving the public service; pp 1, 4 (796 words).
2. Editorial headlined "Small story" says that there is demand for small museums in Russia; pp 1, 6 (399 words).
3. Yekaterina Kuznetsova article headlined "Beyond barriers: on verge of nervous breakdown" says that judging by the recent chaotic moves and inadequate reactions the Russian political elite is on the verge of a nervous breakdown; pp 6-7 (1,435 words).
4. Alexei Nikolsk article headlined "Thing of week: Pressure pan" says that despite an enormous growth in special services' opportunities and powers it is still impossible to prevent all terrorist attacks; p (308 words).
5. Liliya Biryukova article headlined "Party-membership card instead of seat" says that the All-Russia People's Front has joined those demanding that Education Minister Dmitry Livanov be dismissed; p (555 words).
6. Oleg Salmanov et al. article headlined "In search of innovations" looks at a large-scale search and withdrawal of documents at the office of the Skolkovo science park foundation; p (534 words).
7. Editorial headlined "Telling on pipes" says that a recent government's decree has empowered staff of utilities companies to draw an act and demand increased water and electricity payment if thei learn that unregistered residents are living in the apartment; p 6 (344 words).
8. Anastasia Kornya and Alexei Nikolsk article headlined "ECHR [European Court of Human Rights] to check controlled buy" says that former activist of United Russia Taisa Osipova has complained to the ECHR of persecution out of political reasons and unfair trial based on forged results of heroine controlled buy; p 2 (433 words).
9. Maria Zheleznova and Anastasia Kornya article headlined "Navalny's fifth case" looks at yet another case launched against Alexei Navalny and says that the authorities seem to have achieved their goal of discrediting Navalny as conservative people have begun perceiving him as a troublemaker; p 3 (450 words).

Rossiiskaya Gazeta

1. Tatyana Shadrina article headlined "Postal poisoning" looks at the reasons behind the failure of the Russian postal service to cope with the avalanche of parcels from foreign internet shops; pp 1, 6 (800 words).
2. Yulia Krivoshapko article headlined "Two in one" says that the government is considering merging the Federal Anti-Monopoly Service with the Federal Tariffs Service; p 3 (500 words).
3. Valery Vyzhutovich article headlined "Indictable word" comments on the proposal to set up the higher information court; p 3 (700 words).
4. Vladislav Vorobyev article headlined "Obama loses battle against arms" says that Barack Obama has suffered the biggest defeat in his political career as the U.S. Senate has voted against the amendments toughening control over arms circulation; p 7 (400 words).
5. Natalya Kozlova article headlined "Brotherly case" looks at yet another criminal case about Alexei Navalny; p 7 (500 words).
6. Yevgeny Shestakov article headlined "America suffers chemical attack?" wonders if the Texas chemical plant blast is linked to the terrorist attack at the Boston marathon; p 8 (600 words).
7. Yekaterina Zabrodina article headlined "Either black or white" looks at the latest developments in the probe into the blasts at the Boston marathon; p 8 (400 words).
8. Oleg Kiryanov article headlined "Market relations" says that Pyongyang seems to be ready for talks despite the obviously unacceptable conditions it has put forward; p 8 (600 words).
9. Vladimir Bogdanov interview with secretary general of the CSTO Nikolai Bordyuzha headlined "Peacemakers attacking from sky" where he speaks about the prospects of the aircraft base in Kant; p 14 (1,300 words).


1. Anna Akhmadeva articles headlined "Arkad and Boris Rottenberg setting up media holding company" says the company will embrace largest part of tycoons Alexander Mamut's and Vladimir Potanin's assets; pp 1, 3 (800 words).
2. Andrei Gridasov article headlined "Vekselberg to be questioned within framework of Skolkovo foundation case" says the tycoon will try to stave off the threat of corruption charges from the science park foundation; pp 1, 4 (900 words).
3. Yury Matsarsk article entitled "Boston killer is still among us" gives the floor to Russians living in Boston who share their memories of the explosions and aftermath; p 7 (900 words).
4. Konstanin Volkov and Igor Yavlyansk article headlined "Texas caught fire by accident" ponders about possible reasons behind the fire at a fertilizer plant in Texas; p 7 (400 words).
5. Boris Mezhuyev article headlined "Premier and liberal party" looks at possible reasons why Prime Minister Dmitr Medvedev refuses to sack Education Minister Dmitry Livanov despite growing demands to do so; p 9 (800 words).

Moskovsky Komsomolets

1. Natalya Rozhkova interview with the chairman of the Kirov court where Navalny's case is heard, Konstantin Zaytsev, headlined "'Navalny may come down in history like Peter the Great', Kirov judge Zaytsev says" where he speaks about the trial; pp 1, 4 (1,419 words).
2. Andrei Yashlavsk and Natalya Vedeneieva article headlined "Texas blast happens few days before anniversary of death of Branch Davidians members: terrorist attack or accident" looks at the chemical plant blast in Texas and features experts' comments; pp 1, 3 (916 words).
3. Konstantin Smirnov article headlined "Forbes 2013: Alisher Usmanov becomes 18 times richer over nine years" looks at the Forbes' list of Russia's richest people amid deteriorating economic situation; pp 1, 2 (1,086 words).
4. Stanislav Belkovsky article headlined "Russia plus West is love" mocks alarmist forecasts about the deterioration of Russian-U.S. relations after the exchange of black lists as the elite which keeps its monei in the West and plans to live in the West will never fight against it; p 3 (1,170 words).
5. Ilya Baranikas article headlined "Terrorist attack in Boston: trail has been picked up" looks at the probe into the Boston blasts; p 3 (705 words).
6. Natalya Vedeneyeva article headlined "Development of Roskosmos" looks at the staff reshuffle at the Federal Space Agency; p 6 (1,892 words).

Novaya Gazeta

1. Yelena Masyuk article headlined "Natalya Magnitskaya: I would like to see Serezha's torturers on Magnitsky list" is an interview with the mother of Sergei Magnitsky, a lawyer who had died in prison in disputed circumstances; pp 6-7 (2,200 words).

Krasnaya Zvezda

1. Alexander Tikhonov article headlined "Airborne troops: Sudden check" says a sudden check of combat readiness had taken place in an airborne regiment in Pskov on 17 April; p 3 (200 words).


1. Pavel Orlov article headlined "Earth shuddered" features an opinion by Russian chemist Valery Sinditsk saying the explosion at a U.S. fertilizer plant is not an act of terror; p 1 (400 words).

Apr. 19, 2013/BBC Monitoring/©BBC

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