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Putin Fires Regional Governor Gaizer Citing 'Loss of Confidence'

Russian President Putin in a meeting with governor of the republic of Komi Kremlin Press Service

Russian President Vladimir Putin has fired the  governor of the northwest Russian republic of Komi, citing "loss of confidence" in the disgraced official who has been arrested on charges of fraud, a Kremlin spokesman said Wednesday.

The Russian president has signed a decree dismissing Vyacheslav Gaizer, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Wednesday, Russian media reported.

Gaizer will be replaced by a former chief of Olympstroy State Corporation, Sergei Gaplikov, Meduza news portal reported.

Olympstroy develops and builds Olympic venues, including a mountain resort developed for last year's Olympic Winter Games in Sochi.

Gaizer was arrested earlier this month and charged with fraud and organizing a criminal group aimed at embezzling state assets.

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