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Viy: Vasily Sigarev stages his play on the themes of Gogol?€™s mystical folk story. Tabakov Theater. Tabakov Theater

Thursday The 17th

An Enemy of the People (Vrag Naroda): Sasha Denisova's version of Henrik Ibsen's play staged by Nikita Kobelev. Mayakovsky Theater. 7 p.m.

NEW An Unnamed Star (Bezymyannaya Zvezda): Alexander Marin stages Mihail Swbastian's play about a mysterious woman (Anya Chipovskaya) who stops in a small town unexpectedly and brings fleeting love to a local school teacher (Pavel Tabakov). Tabakov Theater. 7 p.m.

Circles. Fictions (Krugi. Sochineniya): Joel Pommerat's latest play researches the devaluation of humanism in Europe from the Middle Ages to the present. Directed by Brigitte Jacques-Wajeman. Chekhov Moscow Art Theater Novaya Stage. 7 p.m.

NEW Crime and Punishment (Prestupleniye i Nakazaniye): Andrei Konchalovsky stages a musical based on Dostoevsky. Music by Eduard Artemyev, choreography by Yury Posokhov. Moscow Musical Theater. 7 p.m.

King's Games (Korolevskiye Igry): an adaptation of "The 1,000 Days of Anne Boleyn," dealing with the short, ill-fated marriage of Henry VIII and the feisty Boleyn. Lenkom Theater. 7 p.m.

MT PICK Liebe. Schiller: Yury Butusov's staging based on "The Robbers" with an all-female cast. Mayakovsky Theater Stage Na Sretenke. 7 p.m.

MT PICK Max Black, or,?  62 Ways of Supporting the Head With the Hand (Max Black, ili 62 Sposoba Podperet Golovu Rukoi): Heiner Goebbels' production, featuring a brilliant performance by Alexander Panteleyev, balances visual and aural technology and art, philosophical paradoxes and mathematical formulas, polyphony and pyrotechnics, while revealing the mechanisms and nature of the human thought process. Based on the notebooks of Paul Valery, Georg Christoph Lichtenberg, Ludwig Wittgenstein and Max Black. Stanislavsky Electrotheater. 8 p.m.

MT PICK Pushkin. Duel. Death. (Pushkin. Duel. Smert.): Kama Ginkas' powerful staging, based on the memoirs of Pushkin's contemporaries, is a brilliant examination of the way in which poets are misunderstood by those closest to them. Theater Yunogo Zritelya. 7 p.m.

The Drunks (Pyaniye): Viktor Ryzhakov directs Ivan Vyrypayev's comedy.?  Chekhov Moscow Art Theater small stage. 7 p.m.

NEW The Final Tryst in Venice (Posledneye Svidaniye v Venetsii): Dmitry Krymov's staging on the themes of Hemingway's novel "Across the River and Into the Trees" stars Alexander Fillipenko as Colonel Richard Cantwell. School of Dramatic Art. 7 p.m.

The Karamazovs (Karamazovy): Kirill Bogomolov's political satire based on Fyodor Dostoyevsky's "The Brothers Karamazov." Chekhov Moscow Art Theater. 7 p.m.

The Kitchen (Kukhnya): Konstantin Raikin stages Arnold Wesker's 1950s play set in the kitchen of an enormous West End restaurant. Satirikon Theater. 7 p.m.

NEW Volemir: Yevgeny Kamenkovich stages Fridrikh Gorenshtein's play about a man discovering his evil nature. Fomenko Workshop Theater New Stage small hall. 7 p.m.

Friday The 18th

24 Plus: Mikhail Ugarov and Maksym Kurochkin's play about sex, love and freedom. Teatr.doc on Maly Kazyony. 8 p.m.

MT PICK Chevengur: Yury Pogrebnicho's stage version of Andrei Platonov's anti-utopian novel. Okolo, the Theater Near the Stanislavsky House. 7 p.m.

NEW Crime and Punishment (Prestupleniye i Nakazaniye): Andrei Konchalovsky stages a musical based on Dostoevsky. Music by Eduard Artemyev, choreography by Yury Posokhov. Moscow Musical Theater. 7 p.m.

FESTIVAL Golden Mask: Jeweler's Jubilee?  (Yubilei Yuvelira): Oleg Tabakov stars in Konstantin Bogomolov's staging of Nichola McAuliffe's play "Maurice's Jubilee" about a man preparing for his 90th birthday and final weeks. Chekhov Moscow Art Theater. 7 p.m.

Kharms. Myr: Maxim Didenko's staging to texts by Oberiu poet Daniil Kharms. Gogol Center. 8 p.m.

Lies for Salvation?  (Lozh vo Spaseniye): Gleb Panfilov's staging on the themes of Spanish poet and playwright Alejandro Casona. Lenkom Theater. 7 p.m.

MT PICK London Show: Konstantin Raikin stages a comedy based on George Bernard Shaw's "Pygmalion." Satirikon Theater. 7 p.m.

Medea: Kama Ginkas fuses texts by Seneca, Jean Anouilh and Joseph Brodsky in his interpretation of the Greek myth about the woman whose love for her husband turns to violent hatred when he betrays her. Theater Yunogo Zritelya. 7 p.m.

Middle Age (Sredny Vozrast): Sergei Shchedrin stages Lyudmila Petrushevskaya's plays about midlife crisis — "Cinzano" with all-male cast and "Smirnova's Birthday Party" with all-female cast, that run simultaneously on two different stages. Meyerhold Center. 8 p.m.

NEW The Final Tryst in Venice (Posledneye Svidaniye v Venetsii): Dmitry Krymov's staging on the themes of Hemingway's novel "Across the River and Into the Trees" stars Alexander Fillipenko as Colonel Richard Cantwell. School of Dramatic Art. 7 p.m.

The Glass Menagerie (Steklyanny Zverinets): Tufan Imamutdinov stages Tennessee Williams' drama about a shy young woman overshadowed by her mother. Stars Marina Neyolova. Theater of Nations. 7 p.m.

NEW The Lucky Ones (Schastlivchiki): Constanze Dennig's play "Extasy Rave," set in 2034, observes old people passing an IQ test that determines whether they get or lose their permit to continue living. Staged by Oleg Menshikov. Yermolova Theater. 7 p.m.

The Pit (Yama): Yegor Druzhinin's movement staging on the themes of Alexander Kuprin's once-controversial novel (1909-15) about prostitution. Theater Na Maloi Bronnoi. 7 p.m.

Two Little Ladies Northward (Dve Damochki v Storonu Severa): Nadezhda Arakcheyeva stages Pierre Notte's 2008 comedy "Deux Petites Dames vers le Nord" about two elderly sisters who decide to find their father's grave. Pushkin Theater affiliate. 7 p.m.

Viy: Vasily Sigarev stages his play on the themes of Gogol's mystical folk story. Tabakov Theater. 7 p.m.

NEW Volemir: Yevgeny Kamenkovich stages Fridrikh Gorenshtein's play about a man discovering his evil nature. Fomenko Workshop Theater New Stage small hall. 7 p.m.

Saturday The 19th

150 Reasons Not to Defend the Homeland (150 Prichin ne Zashchishchat Rodinu): Yelena Gremina's staging about the fall of Constantinople in 1453.?  Teatr.doc on Maly Kazyonny. 8 p.m.

A Streetcar Named Desire (Tramvai "Zhelaniye"): Tennessee Williams as staged by Roman Feodori stars Marina Zudina, Irina Pegova and Mikhail Porechenkov. Chekhov Moscow Art Theater. 7 p.m.

NEW Coriolanus: Anna Potapova's staging of the Shakespeare drama. Taganka Theater. 7 p.m.

NEW Crime and Punishment (Prestupleniye i Nakazaniye): Andrei Konchalovsky stages a musical based on Dostoevsky. Music by Eduard Artemyev, choreography by Yury Posokhov. Moscow Musical Theater. 7 p.m.

NEW Don Giovanni: Viktor Shamirov stages Don Nigro's play about the notorious lover with Dmitry Pevtsov and Gosha Kutsenko in the leads. Yermolova Theater. 7 p.m.

Figaro: Kirill Serebrennikov's staging of Beaumarchais' comedy stars Yevgeny Mironov and Lia Akhedzhakova. Theater of Nations. 7 p.m.

FESTIVAL Golden Mask: The Phantom of the Opera (Prizrak Opery): the Russian version of Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical. MDM. 2 and 7 p.m.

Jeppe of the Hill (Jeppe s Gory): Yegor Peregudov's adaptation of Ludvig Holberg's 1722 comedy. Tabakov Theater. 7 p.m.

Kharms. Myr: Maxim Didenko's staging to texts by Oberiu poet Daniil Kharms. Gogol Center. 8 p.m.

Lies for Salvation?  (Lozh vo Spaseniye): Gleb Panfilov's staging on the themes of Spanish poet and playwright Alejandro Casona. Lenkom Theater. 7 p.m.

Middle Age (Sredny Vozrast): Sergei Shchedrin stages Lyudmila Petrushevskaya's plays about midlife crisis — "Cinzano" with all-male cast and "Smirnova's Birthday Party" with all-female cast, that run simultaneously on two different stages. Meyerhold Center. 8 p.m.

MT PICK Repress and Excite (Podavlyat i Vozbuzhdat): Alexander Kalyagin directs Maksym Kurochkin's play, an eccentric mix of boulevard melodrama, backstage intrigues and social satire. Et Cetera Theater. 7 p.m.

NEW The Dog in the Manger (Sobaka na Sene): Pavel Safonov stages Lope de Vega's comedy dealing with love, jealousy and envy. The haughty countess Diana rejects her many aristocratic suitors and falls in love instead with her handsome young secretary, Teodoro, who is the lover of her maid. Satire Theater. 7 p.m.

NEW The Final Tryst in Venice (Posledneye Svidaniye v Venetsii): Dmitry Krymov's staging on the themes of Hemingway's novel "Across the River and Into the Trees" stars Alexander Fillipenko as Colonel Richard Cantwell. School of Dramatic Art. 7 p.m.

The Fruits of Enlightenment (Plody Prosveshcheniya): Mindaugas Karbauskis' version of Leo Tolstoy's play about peasants outwitting their masters. Mayakovsky Theater. 6 p.m.

NEW The House That Swift Built (Dom, Kotory Postroil Swift): Yevgeny Pisarev stages Grigory Gorin's play about Jonathan Swift. Pushkin Theater. 7 p.m.

MT PICK The Man From the Restaurant (Chelovek iz Restorana): Yegor Peregudov's stage adaptation of Ivan Shmelyov's 1911 story of a simple waiter and pious father (Konstantin Raikin) to whom son and daughter return after disastrous adventures. Satirikon Theater. 7 p.m.

The Theater of Kozma Prutkov (Teatr Kozmy Prutkova): Alexei Levinsky's staging of texts by Kozma Prutkov — the collective pen name of four writers — A.K. Tolstoy and his three Zhemchuzhnikov cousins. Yermolova Theater new stage. 8 p.m.

Two Little Ladies Northward (Dve Damochki v Storonu Severa): Nadezhda Arakcheyeva stages Pierre Notte's 2008 comedy "Deux Petites Dames vers le Nord" about two elderly sisters who decide to find their father's grave. Pushkin Theater affiliate. 7 p.m.

ENGLISH FRENCH GERMAN War and Peace. The Beginning of the Novel (Voina i Mir. Nachalo Romana): Pyotr Fomenko's dramatization of sections of Leo Tolstoy's novel. English, German and French subtitles available. Fomenko Workshop Theater New Stage. 7 p.m.

Sunday The 20th

MT PICK A Midsummer Night's Dream (Son v Letnyuyu Noch): Ivan Popovski stages Shakespeare's comedy of love and magic in a wood near Athens. Fomenko Workshop Theater New Stage. 7 p.m.

Adam and Eve/Shaping: Olesya Nevmerzhitskaya's staging of Neil LaBute's "The Shape of Things," about an art student who "sculpts" her boyfriend's life. Yermolova Theater new stage. 8 p.m.

MT PICK Boris Godunov: Konstantin Bogomolov's staging of Pushkin's tragedy about Russia's Time of Troubles. Lenkom Theater. 7 p.m.

Enemies, A Love Story (Vragi: Istoriya Lyubvi): An adaptation of Isaac Bashevis Singer's novel, set in New York in 1949, about a Holocaust survivor who finds himself involved with two wives and a fiancee. Sovremennik Theater production. Yauza Palace. 7 p.m.

Faust: Goethe's classic drama as staged by Yury Lyubimov. Taganka Theater. 7 p.m.

FESTIVAL Golden Mask: Beckett. Plays: Dmitry Volkostrelov stages Samuel Beckett's late plays for the St. Petersburg Theater Yunykh Zritelei. ZIL Cultural Ceneter. 7 p.m.

FESTIVAL Golden Mask: The Phantom of the Opera (Prizrak Opery): the Russian version of Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical. MDM. 2 and 7 p.m.

FESTIVAL Golden Mask: The Suicide (Samoubiitsa): Nikolai Erdman's classic comedy about a man who is almost convinced to kill himself as a sign of support for others' causes. Studio of Theatrical Art. 7 p.m.

Nine (Devyat): Sergei Vinogradov stages a version of Mikhail Romm's 1962 film "Nine Days of One Year." Gogol Center small stage. 7 p.m.

The Bass (Kontrabas): Konstantin Khabensky stars in Gleb Cherepanov's staging of Patrick Suskind's tragifarce.?  Chekhov Moscow Art Theater. 7 p.m.

The Biggest Little Drama (Samaya Bolshaya Malenkaya Drama): In this adaptation of a Chekhov story, a provincial actor and a prompter talk about theater. Stars Vladimir Andreyev and Valentin Gaft. Yermolova Theater. 7 p.m.

MT PICK The Golovlyov Family (Gospoda Golovlyovy): Kirill Serebrennikov stages Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin's bitterly satirical novel about a cruel, backward family in the Russian provinces. Stars Yevgeny Mironov. Chekhov Moscow Art Theater small stage. 7 p.m.

NEW The House That Swift Built (Dom, Kotory Postroil Swift): Yevgeny Pisarev stages Grigory Gorin's play about Jonathan Swift. Pushkin Theater. 7 p.m.

MT PICK The Lady With the Lapdog (Dama s Sobachkoi): This exquisite work by Kama Ginkas dramatizes Chekhov's classic story of love found and lost. Theater Yunogo Zritelya. 7 p.m.

NEW The Locks of Epiphany (Epifanskiye Shlyuzy): Marina Brusnikina's adaptation of Andrei Platonov's 1927 story about Bertrand Perry, a lovelorn engineer from Newcastle, whom Peter the Great employs to build a canal between the Don and Oka rivers.?  Tabakov Theater. 7 p.m.

MT PICK The Man From the Restaurant (Chelovek iz Restorana): Yegor Peregudov's stage adaptation of Ivan Shmelyov's 1911 story of a simple waiter and pious father (Konstantin Raikin) to whom son and daughter return after disastrous adventures. Satirikon Theater. 7 p.m.

NEW The School for Wives (Shkola Zhyon): Mikhail Krylov's interpretation of Moliere's comedy about a middle-aged man who battles a young rival for the attentions of his pretty ward. Fomenko Workshop Theater Old Stage. 7 p.m.

Zhanna: Ilya Rotenberg directs Yaroslava Pulinovich's play that focuses on a successful, contemporary woman. Stars Ingeborga Dapkunaite. Theater of Nations. 7 p.m.

Monday The 21st

ENGLISH FRENCH GERMAN A Russian on a Rendezvous?  (Russky Chelovek na Rendezvous): a romantic musical staging based on Ivan Turgenev's story "Torrents of Spring." French, German and English subtitles available. Fomenko Workshop Theater New Stage. 7 p.m.

All Shades of Blue (Vse Ottenki Golubogo): Konstantin Raikin stages Vladimir Zaitsev's play about a young man whose parents struggle with the news that he is gay. Satirikon Theater. 7 p.m.

MT PICK Boris Godunov: Konstantin Bogomolov's staging of Pushkin's tragedy about Russia's Time of Troubles. Lenkom Theater. 7 p.m.

NEW Crime and Punishment (Prestupleniye i Nakazaniye): Andrei Konchalovsky stages a musical based on Dostoevsky. Music by Eduard Artemyev, choreography by Yury Posokhov. Moscow Musical Theater. 7 p.m.

Enemies, A Love Story (Vragi: Istoriya Lyubvi): An adaptation of Isaac Bashevis Singer's novel, set in New York in 1949, about a Holocaust survivor who finds himself involved with two wives and a fiancee. Sovremennik Theater production. Yauza Palace. 7 p.m.

FESTIVAL Golden Mask: Beckett. Plays: Dmitry Volkostrelov stages Samuel Beckett's late plays for the St. Petersburg Theater Yunykh Zritelei. ZIL Cultural Ceneter. 7 p.m.

No. 13D: Vladimir Mashkov's staging of Ray Cooney's popular comedy. Chekhov Moscow Art Theater. 7 p.m.

True Stories of Women, Men and Gods (Podlinniye Istorii Zhenshchin, Muzhchin i Bogov): Writer-director Yelena Gremina reimagines five ancient Greek myths. Teatr.doc on Maly Kazyonny. 8 p.m.

Zhanna: Ilya Rotenberg directs Yaroslava Pulinovich's play that focuses on a successful, contemporary woman. Stars Ingeborga Dapkunaite. Theater of Nations. 7 p.m.

Tuesday The 22nd

NEW A Brief History of Russian Dissent (Kratkaya Istoriya Russkogo Inakomysliya): Yelena Gremina's staging based on documents from the 17th to the 21st century. Teatr.doc on Maly Kazyonny. 8 p.m.

Brothers (Bratya): Alexei Mizgiryov stages Mikhail Durnenkov's version of Luchino Visconti's "Rocco and His Brothers." Gogol Center. 8 p.m.

NEW Crime and Punishment (Prestupleniye i Nakazaniye): Andrei Konchalovsky stages a musical based on Dostoevsky. Music by Eduard Artemyev, choreography by Yury Posokhov. Moscow Musical Theater. 7 p.m.

FESTIVAL Golden Mask: A Streetcar Named Desire (Tramvai "Zhelaniye"): Andreas Merz-Raykov's staging of Tennessee Williams for the Chekhov Drama Theater (Serov). Theater Luny. 7 p.m.

FESTIVAL Golden Mask: Human Use of Human Beings (Chelovecheskoye Ispolzovaniye Chelovecheskikh Sushchestv): An exercise in the so-called "most general language" by Romeo Castellucci. Joint production of Societas Raffaello Sanzio (Italy), Kunstenfestivaldesarts (Belgium) and the Stanislavsky Electrotheater. Stanislavsky Electrotheater. 8 p.m.

MT PICK Konstantin Raikin: An Evening With Dostoevsky (Konstantin Raikin: Vecher s Dostoyevskim): Director Valery Fokin and composer Alexander Bakshi create a stage version of Fyodor Dostoevsky's existentialist novel "Notes From Underground" especially for Raikin. Satirikon Theater. 7 p.m.

Nine (Devyat): Sergei Vinogradov stages a version of Mikhail Romm's 1962 film "Nine Days of One Year." Gogol Center small stage. 8:30 p.m.

Padmini: This musical show, based on an early Indian epic poem about the beautiful queen of Chittor, features traditional Indian music and dance. School of Dramatic Art. 7 p.m.

MT PICK The Gentleman: Yevgeny Kamenkovich stages Alexander Sumbatov-Yuzhin's play about an ambitious, vain young man making his way in the world. Sovremennik Theater production. Yauza Palace. 7 p.m.

The Lioness of Aquitaine (Akvitanskaya Lvitsa): Gleb Panfilov stages James Goldman's screenplay, "The Lion in Winter," about the gamesmanship between Henry II of England (Dmitry Pevtsov) and his wife Eleanor of Aquitaine (Inna Churikova). Lenkom Theater. 7 p.m.

The Musketeers. Saga. Part One (Mushketyory. Saga. Chast Pervaya): Konstantin Bogomolov's absurdist staging on the themes of Alexandre Dumas saga. Chekhov Moscow Art Theater. 7 p.m.

The Suitcase Packers (Na Chemodanakh): Hanoch Levin's comedy with eight funerals as staged by Alexander Koruchekov. Mayakovsky Theater Stage Na Sretenke. 7 p.m.

MT PICK ENGLISH FRENCH GERMAN Three Sisters (Tri Sestry): Pyotr Fomenko's tragic rendition of Anton Chekhov's classic play. English, German and French subtitles available. Fomenko Workshop Theater New Stage. 7 p.m.

Vassa: Vyacheslav Tyshchuk stages Maxim Gorky's play about the forces destroying a traditional Russian family. Theater Na Maloi Bronnoi. 7 p.m.

Zhanna: Ilya Rotenberg directs Yaroslava Pulinovich's play that focuses on a successful, contemporary woman. Stars Ingeborga Dapkunaite. Theater of Nations. 7 p.m.

Wednesday The 23rd

Berlusputin: Varvara Faer adapts Dario Fo's play "L'Anomalo Bicefalo" in which half of Silvio Berlusconi's brain is seemingly transplanted into Vladimir Putin's head. Stars Yevdokia Germanova and Sergei Yepishev. Teatr.doc on Maly Kazyonny. 8 p.m.

NEW Crime and Punishment (Prestupleniye i Nakazaniye): Andrei Konchalovsky stages a musical based on Dostoevsky. Music by Eduard Artemyev, choreography by Yury Posokhov. Moscow Musical Theater. 7 p.m.

Gargantua and Pantagruel: In his staging, based on Francois Rabelais' comic folk epic, Konstantin Bogomolov explores the nature of the human body's functions. Theater of Nations. 7 p.m.

FESTIVAL Golden Mask: Human Use of Human Beings (Chelovecheskoye Ispolzovaniye Chelovecheskikh Sushchestv): An exercise in the so-called "most general language" by Romeo Castellucci. Joint production of Societas Raffaello Sanzio (Italy), Kunstenfestivaldesarts (Belgium) and the Stanislavsky Electrotheater. Stanislavsky Electrotheater. 8 p.m.

MT PICK King Lear (Korol Lir): Konstantin Raikin stars in Shakespeare's tragedy directed by Yury Butusov. Satirikon Theater. 7 p.m.

Maestro: Yury Ioffe's adaptation of Karel Capek's unfinished novel "Life and Work of the Composer Foltyn" — the fictional biography of a composer who perceives himself as a genius and is obsessed with the idea of becoming a great artist. Mayakovsky Theater Stage Na Sretenke. 7 p.m.

MT PICK Scorched (Pozhary): Quebec-based playwright/director Wajdi Mouawad stages his own play about love, hatred and reconciliation. Et Cetera Theater. 7 p.m.

MT PICK The Black Monk (Chyorny Monakh): Kama Ginkas' brilliant staging of Chekhov's short story about a strange, ethereal figure who convinces a man that he is a genius. Theater Yunogo Zritelya. 7 p.m.

The Cherry Orchard (Vishnyovy Sad): Chekhov's play featuring movie star Renata Litvinova as Ranevskaya. Chekhov Moscow Art Theater. 7 p.m.

The Cherry Orchard (Vishnyovy Sad): Igor Yatsko's interpretation of Chekhov's play. School of Dramatic Art. 7 p.m.

NEW The Krauze Family (Semeika Krauze): Alexander Korovkin's family comedy as staged by Alexander Mokhov.?  Pushkin Theater. 7 p.m.

Without Fear (Bez Strakha): Vladislav Nastavshev stages Lyuba Strizhak's play on the themes of Rainer Werner Fassbinder's 1973 film "Fear Eats the Soul." Gogol Center. 8 p.m.

ENGLISH FRENCH GERMAN Wolves and Sheep (Volki i Ovtsy): Pyotr Fomenko's production of Ostrovsky's comedy about cheats and scoundrels. English, German and French subtitles available. Fomenko Workshop Theater New Stage. 7 p.m.

and Beyond…

21st-Century Golden Magic: International Festival of Illusion Art. Crocus City Hall. March 24, 25 and 26 at 7 p.m.

NEW Crime and Punishment (Prestupleniye i Nakazaniye): Andrei Konchalovsky stages a musical based on Dostoevsky. Music by Eduard Artemyev, choreography by Yury Posokhov. Moscow Musical Theater. March 24 to 27 and 29 to 31 at 7 p.m.

FESTIVAL Golden Mask: Human Use of Human Beings (Chelovecheskoye Ispolzovaniye Chelovecheskikh Sushchestv): An exercise in the so-called "most general language" by Romeo Castellucci. Joint production of Societas Raffaello Sanzio (Italy), Kunstenfestivaldesarts (Belgium) and the Stanislavsky Electrotheater. Stanislavsky Electrotheater. March 24, 8 p.m.

ENGLISH Olympia: Olga Mukhina's family saga follows changes in Russia from the 1970s to the present. Staged by Yevgeny Tsyganov. English subtitles available. Fomenko Workshop Theater New Stage. March 24, 7 p.m.

The Cherry Orchard (Vishnyovy Sad): Igor Yatsko's interpretation of Chekhov's play. School of Dramatic Art. March 24, 7 p.m.

MT PICK The Gronholm Method (Metod Gryonkholma): Jordi Galceran's play about job applicants forced to undergo strange tests to win a position. Directed by Javor Gardev. Theater of Nations. March 24 and 25, 7 p.m.

The Lioness of Aquitaine (Akvitanskaya Lvitsa): Gleb Panfilov stages James Goldman's screenplay, "The Lion in Winter," about the gamesmanship between Henry II of England (Dmitry Pevtsov) and his wife Eleanor of Aquitaine (Inna Churikova). Lenkom Theater. March 24, 7 p.m.

MT PICK The Russian Novel?  (Russky Roman): Marius Ivaskevicius' play about great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy includes variations on the theme of his novel "Anna Karenina." Directed by Mindaugas Karbauskis, scenography by Sergei Barkhin. Mayakovsky Theater. March 24, 7 p.m.

The Taming (Ukroshcheniye): Yakov Lomkin's adaptation of Shakespeare's comedy "The Taming of the Shrew." Satirikon Theater. March 24, 7 p.m.

Zoika's Apartment (Zoikina Kvartira): Kirill Serebrennikov directs Mikhail Bulgakov's play about a wild crew of petty thieves, crooks and shysters in the 1920s NEP era in Moscow. Chekhov Moscow Art Theater. March 24, 7 p.m.

NEW Don Giovanni: Viktor Shamirov stages Don Nigro's play about the notorious lover with Dmitry Pevtsov and Gosha Kutsenko in the leads. Yermolova Theater. March 25, 7 p.m.

Fairies (Fei): Ronan Cheneau's play about contemporary society as staged by David Bobee. Gogol Center small stage. March 25 and 26, 8:30 p.m.

NEW I Was at Home Waiting... (Ya Byla v Dome i Zhdala...): Anatoly Shulyev stages Jean-Luc Lagarce's play "J'??tais dans Ma Maison et J'attendais que la Pluie Vienne" about five women waiting for happiness, men or at least rain. Mayakovsky Theater small stage. March 25 at 7 p.m., March 26 at 6 p.m.

NEW Rabbit Hole (Krolichya Nora): Sergei Golomazov stages David Lindsay-Abaire's Pulitzer Prize-winning play about the ways family members survive a major loss with Yulia Peresild in the lead. Theater Na Maloi Bronnoi. March 25, 7 p.m.

The Girl and the Revolutionary (Devushka i Revolyutsioner): Igor Simonov's play centers on a romantic encounter of Stalin and his future wife Nadezhda Alliluyeva. Vladimir Ageyev's staging. Praktika. March 25, 8 p.m.

NEW The Dog in the Manger (Sobaka na Sene): Pavel Safonov stages Lope de Vega's comedy dealing with love, jealousy and envy. The haughty countess Diana rejects her many aristocratic suitors and falls in love instead with her handsome young secretary, Teodoro, who is the lover of her maid. Satire Theater. March 27, 7 p.m.

MT PICK The Man From the Restaurant (Chelovek iz Restorana): Yegor Peregudov's stage adaptation of Ivan Shmelyov's 1911 story of a simple waiter and pious father (Konstantin Raikin) to whom son and daughter return after disastrous adventures. Satirikon Theater. March 28 and 29, 7 p.m.

Theater Addresses

Amadeus Musical Theater
Reservations 925-846-3377

ARTO Theater
6/1 Sretensky Bulvar, Bldg. 2. M. Turgenevskaya. 495-624-5990

Aquamarine Circus
7 Ulitsa Melnikova. M. Proletarskaya. 495-792-3072,

Bolshoi Theater
1 Teatralnaya Ploshchad. M. Teatralnaya. 495-455-5555

Bulgakov House
10 Bolshaya Sadovaya. M. Mayakovskaya. 495-970-0619

Bulgakov Theater
10 Bolshaya Sadovaya Ul. through the arch, Apt. 50. M. Mayakovskaya. 495-775-9461,

Chekhov Moscow Art Theater
3 Kamergersky Pereulok. M. Teatralnaya. 495-646-3646, 692-6748

Chekhov International Theater Festival

Circus Na Prospekte Vernadskogo
7 Prospekt Vernadskogo. M. Universitet. 495-930-0272/0300,

Commonwealth of Taganka Actors
76/21 Zemlyanoi Val, Taganskaya Ploshchad. M. Taganskaya (circle line). 495-915-1148

Contemporary Play School
29/14 Neglinnaya Ulitsa. M. Tsvetnoi Bulvar. 694-0738

Co-Working Svobodnoye Plavaniye
28A Varshavskoye Shosse. M. Nagatinskaya. 499-426-0626,

DK Imeni Alexandra Petlyury
28/2 Ulitsa Petrovka, Bldg. 1, entrance by way of Petrovsky Pereulok. M. Chekhovskaya.

DK Imeni Zuyeva
18 Lesnaya Ulitsa. M. Belorusskaya. 499-973-3461

Dom Aktyora
35 Ulitsa Arbat. M. Arbatskaya. 499-248-1805,

Dom Muzyki Theater Hall
52 Kosmodamianskaya Naberezhnaya, Bldg. 8. M. Paveletskaya. 495-730-1011,

Drugoi Theater
at DK Imeni Zuyeva. 18 Lesnaya Ulitsa. M. Belorusskaya. 499-973-2141, 4095-777-9181,

Dzhigarkhanyan Theater
17 Lomonosovsky Prospekt. M. Universitet. 495-930-70

Et Cetera Theater
2 Frolov Pereulok, Turgenevskaya Ploshchad. M. Turgenevskaya, Chistiye Prudy. 495-781-7811

10 Bolshaya Sadovaya Ulitsa. M. Mayakovskaya. 8-968-404-0505,

Fomenko Workshop Theater
30/32 Kutuzovsky Prospekt. M. Kutuzovskaya. 499-249-1921/1740

Fomenko Workshop Theater New Stage
29 Naberezhnaya Tarasa Shevchenko. M. Kutuzovskaya. 499-249-1921/1740

Gogol Theater
8A Ulitsa Kazakova. M. Kurskaya. 499-262-9214, 499-261-5528, (website currently being reconstructed)

The Golden Mask Theater Festival

Gubernsky Theater
121 Volgogradsky Prospekt. M. Kuzminki. 495-378-6575,

Helikon Opera on Arbat
11 Novy Arbat, Bldg. 2. M. Arbatskaya. 495-695-6584, 690-6592,

Hermitage Theater
11 Ulitsa Novy Arbat. M. Arbatskaya. 905-541-6416, 495-650-2076,

Kuzminki House of Arts
121 Volgogradsky Prospekt. M. Kuzminki. 495-378-6575,

Lenkom Theater
6 Malaya Dmitrovka. M. Pushkinskaya. 495-699-9668/0708

Maly Theater
1/6 Teatralnaya Ploshchad. M. Teatralnaya. 495-624-4046

Maly Theater Affiliate
69 Ulitsa Bolshaya Ordynka. M. Dobryninskaya. 499-237-3181,

3 Teatralny Proyezd. M. Okhtny Ryad, Teatralnaya. 495-625-6836,

Mayakovsky Theater
19 Bolshaya Nikitskaya Ulitsa. M. Pushkinskaya, Arbatskaya. 495-290-4658/6241

Mayakovsky Theater Affiliate
21 Pushkaryov Pereulok. M. Sukharevskaya. 495-290-4658/6241

28 Komsomolsky Prospekt. M. Frunzenskaya. 499-248-6688,

MET (Moscow English Theater)

Meyerhold Center
23 Novoslobodskaya Ulitsa. M. Mendeleyevskaya. 495-363-1048

MIDAS (Moscow Interactive Drama Art Studio)

Moskva Ballet
16 Novoryazanskaya Ulitsa. M. Komsomolskaya. 495-607-0129,

Mossoviet Theater
16 Bolshaya Sadovaya Ulitsa. M. Mayakovskaya. 495-699-2035

Moscow Musical Theater
27 Novozavodskaya Ulitsa. M. Bagrationovskaya. 495-797-6300

National Show of Russia

National Youth Theater
2 Teatralnaya Ploshchad. M. Teatralnaya. 495-692-0069/1879

Natalya Sats Children's Musical Theater
5 Prospekt Vernadskogo. M. Universitet. 495-930-5177,

NET Festival (New European Theater)
10 Strastnoi Bulvar, office 46. M. Chekhovskaya. Tickets 965-224-2466,,

Nikulin Circus Na Tsvetnom Bulvare
13 Tsvetnoi Bulvar. M. Tsvetnoi Bulvar. 495-625-8970,

Novaya Opera
3 Karetny Ryad. M. Mayakovskaya, Chekhovskaya. 495-694-0868

Okolo, the Theater Near the Stanislavsky House
9a Voznesensky Pereulok. M. Pushkinskaya. 495-690-2557

Operetta Theater
6/2 Bolshaya Dmitrovka. M. Chekhovskaya. 495-925-5050,

Pavel Slobodkin Center
48 Ulitsa Arbat. M. Smolenskaya. 499-241-6226/6588,

Platforma at Winzavod Center
14th Syromyatnichesky Pereulok, Bldg. 6. M. Chkalovskaya, Kurskaya., 495-917-1799,,

Playwright and Director Center Na Begovoi
5 Begovaya Ulitsa. M. Begovaya, Dinamo. 495-945-3245,

Playwright and Director Center Na Sokole
71 Leningradsky Prospekt. M. Sokol. 499-390-6004,

3/4 Novaya Ploshchad, Entrance 9. M. Lubyanka. 495-730-5491, 544-5545,

30 Bolshoi Kozikhinsky Pereulok. M. Mayakovskaya. 495-544-5545,

Playwright and Director Center
35 Arbat. M. Arbatskaya, Smolenskaya. 499-795-9282, 495-945-3245

Project Otkrytaya Stsena
(Formerly the School of Dramatic Art) 20 Povarskaya Ulitsa. M. Arbatskaya, Barrikadnaya. 495-691-4443

Pushkin Theater
23 Tverskoi Bulvar. M. Pushkinskaya. 495-694-1289

Pushkin Theater Affiliate
3/25 Sytinsky Pereulok, Bldg. 5. M. Pushkinskaya. 495-650-1896

Rossiya Theater
2 Pushkinskaya Ploshchad. M. Pushkinskaya, Chekhovskaya, Tverskaya. 495-788-4646

Russian Song Folk Theater
14 Olimpiisky Prospekt. M. Prospekt Mira. 495-681-3410,

Russian Army Theater
2 Suvorov Square. M. Novoslobodskaya. 495-681-5120,

S.A.D. Theater
26 Prospekt Mira at the Aptekarsky Ogorod Garden. M. Prospekt Mira. 8-903-249-6740,

Satire Theater
2 Triumfalnaya Ploshchad. M. Mayakovskaya. 495-699-3642

Satirikon Theater
8 Sheremetyevskaya Ulitsa. M. Marina Roshcha. 495-689-7844

School of Dramatic Art
19 Ulitsa Sretenka. Metro Sukharevskaya. 495-632-9344

Sfera Theater
3 Karetny Ryad, in the Hermitage Garden. M. Chekhovskaya. 495-699-9645/27,

Sobytiye Theater
11A Seleznyovskaya Ulitsa, Bldg. 2. M. Novoslobodskaya. 499-408-6075,

Sovremennik Theater
19A Chistoprudny Bulvar. M. Chistiye Prudy. 621-6473

Summer Ballet Seasons

Stanislavsky Electrotheater
23 Tverskaya Ulitsa. M. Tverskaya. 495-699-7224,

Electrotheater Na Belorusskoi
27 Presnensky Val, Bldg. 7. M. Belorusskaya. 495-699-7224, 8 926-301-14-97,

Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Musical Theater
17 Bolshaya Dmitrovka. M. Tverskaya, Chekhovskaya. 495-723-7325

Stas Namin Theater
9 Krymsky Val, Bldg. 33, in the Gorky Park. M. Oktyabrskaya, Frunzenskaya, Shabolovskaya. 945-633-9924,

STD Boyar Chambers (Boyarskiye Palaty)
10 Strastnoi Bulvar. M. Chekhovskaya. Tickets 8-916-767-1619,

Tabakov Theater
1A Ulitsa Chaplygina. M. Chistiye Prudy. 495-628-9685, reservations 495-628-779, 624-46472

Taganka Theater
76/21 Zemlyanoi Val. M. Taganskaya (circle line). 495-915-1217

Theater Millenium at TsDKZh

Theater na Perovskoi
75 Perovskaya Ulitsa. M. Novogireyevo. 8-916-789-3657,

Theater of Russian Song
14 Olimpiisky Prospekt. M. Prospekt Mira. 495-681-3410,

Teatrium na Serpukhovke
6 Pavlovskaya Ulitsa. Metro Serpukhovskaya. 499-237-1689

Teatr.doc on Maly Kazyonny
19 Maly Kazyonny Pereulok. M. Kurskaya. 8-919-765-8402,

Ten Theater
5 Oktyabrskaya Ulitsa. M. Dostoevskaya, Maryina Roshcha. 495-681-1516/3590,

Theater Center Na Strastnom
8A Strastnoi Bulvar. M. Chekhovskaya. 495-694-4681

Theater Club Na Tishinke
5/7 Sredny Tishinsky Pereulok. M. Belorusskaya. 499-340-6653,

Theater Kinoaktyora
33 Ul. Povarskaya. M. Arbatskaya, Barrikadnaya. 495-690-2811, 691-1461

Theater Luny
31 Malaya Ordynka. M. Dobryninskaya. 495-953-1317

Theater Na Maloi Bronnoi
4 Malaya Bronnaya. M. Tverskaya. 495-690-6731, reservations 495-728-6649

Theater Na Yugo-Zapade
125 Prospekt Vernadskogo, M. Yugo-Zapadnaya. 495-433-1191

Theater of Nations
3 Petrovsky Pereulok. M. Chekhovskaya, Pushkinskaya. 495-629-3739

Theater U Nikitskikh Vorot
Ulitsa Bolshaya Nikitskaya (at the corner of Bolshaya Nikitskaya and Nikitsky Bulvar). M. Arbatskaya, Pushkinskaya. 495- 695-8219

Theater Yunogo Zritelya
10 Mamonovsky Pereulok. M. Pushkinskaya. 495-699-4995/5360

TsDKZh Dom Kultury Zheleznodorozhnikov
4 Komsomolskaya Ploshchad. M. Komsomolskaya. 495-266-29-38.

Tsentralny Dom Literatorov 53 Bolshaya Nikitskaya Ulitsa. M. Barrikadnaya. 495-691-6316,

UVS Gallery
1/13 Ul. Pokrovka, entrance by way of Armyansky Pereulok. 495-621-2828,

Vakhtangov Theater
26 Arbat. M. Arbatskaya. 499-241-1679

Vladimir Nazarov Musical Theater
Michurinsky Prospekt, 1 Olimpiiskaya Derevnya. M. Yugo-Zapadnaya. 495-430-0410, 437-8626,

Vysotsky Center
3 Nizhny Tagansky Tupik. M. Taganskaya. 495-915-4558

Yelena Kamburova Theater of Music and Poetry
53/55 Bolshaya Pirogovskaya Ulitsa. M. Sportivnaya. 499 246-8175

Yermolova Theater
5/6 Tverskaya Ulitsa. M. Okhotny Ryad, Ploshchad Revolyutsii. 495-629-0594/4587

ZIL Cultural Center
4 Vostochnaya Ulitsa, Bldg. 1. M. Avtozavoskaya. 495-675-7872,

Zverev Center of Contemporary Art
29 Novoryazanskaya Ul., Bldg. 4. M. Baumanskaya. 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. 499-265-6166,

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