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Forgiving Betrayal (Prostit Izmenu): Yelena Gremina?€™s interactive piece about love, infidelity and revenge. Teatr.doc on Maly Kazyonny Pereulok, White Hall. Thursday, 8 p.m. Teatr.doc

Thursday The 12th

NEW 24 Plus: Mikhail Ugarov and Maksym Kurochkin’s new play about sex, love and freedom. Teatr.doc on Maly Kazyonny. 8 p.m.

NEW A Ridiculous Man (Smeshnoi Chelovek): Fyodor Malyshev?€™s one-man musical show, based on Dostoevsky?€™s short story “The Dream of a Ridiculous Man,” features live performance by the Besy band. Fomenko Workshop Theater. 9 p.m.

All About Cinderella (Vsyo o Zolushke): Oleg Glushkov stages a musical based on the famous folk tale. Composer Raimonds Pauls. Moscow Musical Theater. 7 p.m.

Fatal Attraction (Rokovoye Vlecheniye): Vera Vasilyeva stars as a former Hollywood star in Andrei Zhitinkin?€™s new play. Satire Theater. 7 p.m.

Forgiving Betrayal (Prostit Izmenu): Yelena Gremina?€™s interactive piece about love, infidelity and revenge. Teatr.doc on Maly Kazyonny Pereulok, White Hall. 8 p.m.

Gargantua and Pantagruel: In his staging, based on Francois Rabelais?€™ comic folk epic, Konstantin Bogomolov explores the nature of the human body?€™s functions. Theater of Nations. 7 p.m.

MT PICK Idiots: Kirill Serebrennikov?€™s staging on the themes of Lars von Trier?€™s film of the same name. Gogol Center. 8 p.m.

King?€™s Games (Korolevskiye Igry): an adaptation of ?€?The 1,000 Days of Anne Boleyn,?€? dealing with the short, ill-fated marriage of Henry VIII and the feisty Boleyn. Lenkom Theater. 7 p.m.

ENGLISH FRENCH Rhinoceros (Nosorog): Ivan Popovski directs Eugene Ionesco?€™s play about the people of a town turning into animals. English and French subtitles available. Fomenko Workshop Theater New Stage. 7 p.m.

Roman Comedy (Rimskaya Komediya): Pavel Khomsky stages Leonid Zorin?€™s historical play about an oppressive emperor and his mostly compliant subjects. Mossoviet Theater. 7 p.m.

MT PICK Scorched (Pozhary): Quebec-based playwright/director Wajdi Mouawad stages his own play about love, hatred and reconciliation. Et Cetera Theater. 7 p.m.

NEW The Carnival: Antonio Giarola stages a new circus show. Nikulin Circus Na Tsvetnom Bulvare. 7 p.m.

The Importance of Being Earnest (Kak Vazhno Byt Seryoznym): Igor Yatsko stages Oscar Wilde?€™s comedy about two young men who try winning their ladies by pretending to be named Ernest. School of Dramatic Art. 7 p.m.

Two for the Seesaw (Dvoye na Kachelyakh): William Gibson?€™s love story about an iconoclastic young man and a would-be dancer in beatnik America. Galina Volchek renews her 1962 staging with Chulpan Khamatova in the lead. Sovremennik Theater production. Yauza Palace. 7 p.m.

Two Little Ladies Northward (Dve Damochki v Storonu Severa): Nadezhda Arakcheyeva stages Pierre Notte?€™s 2008 comedy ?€?Deux Petites Dames vers le Nord?€? about two elderly sisters who decide to find their father?€™s grave. Pushkin Theater affiliate. 7 p.m.

NEW Unbearably Long Embrace (Nevynosimo Dolgiye Obyatiya): Ivan Vyrypayev stages his new metaphysical play about four people in search of true life. Praktika. 8 p.m.

Friday The 13th

MT PICK A Midsummer Night?€™s Dream (Son v Letnyuyu Noch): Ivan Popovski stages Shakespeare?€™s comedy of love and magic in a wood near Athens. Fomenko Workshop Theater New Stage. 7 p.m.

All About Cinderella (see Thurs. listing). Moscow Musical Theater. 7 p.m.

Come On In (Zakhodite-Zakhodite): Yury Butorin?€™s adaptation of Meir Shalev?€™s novel ?€?As a Few Days,?€? also called ?€?The Four Meals?€? and ?€?The Loves of Judith.?€? Fomenko Workshop Theater. 7 p.m.

NEW Count Nulin (Graf Nulin): Igor Lesov?€™s stage version of Pushkin?€™s comic verse tale of Russian country life. School of Dramatic Art. 8 p.m.

Demons (Besy): Yury Lyubimov?€™s staging of Dostoevsky?€™s novel about 19th-century revolutionaries. Music by Igor Stravinsky and Vladimir Martynov. Vakhtangov Theater. 7 p.m.

Demons (Besy): Yury Lyubimov?€™s staging of Dostoevsky?€™s novel about 19th-century revolutionaries. Music by Igor Stravinsky and Vladimir Martynov. Vakhtangov Theater. 7 p.m.

NEW Fuel (Toplivo): Maxim Fomin?€™s one-man show, based on an interview with scientist and businessman David Young. St. Petersburg Pop-up Theater production. Teatr.doc on Maly Kazyonny. 8 p.m.

MT PICK Idiots (see Thurs. listing). Gogol Center. 8 p.m.

MT PICK Konstantin Raikin: An Evening With Dostoevsky (Konstantin Raikin: Vecher s Dostoyevskim): Director Valery Fokin and composer Alexander Bakshi create a stage version of Fyodor Dostoevsky?€™s existentialist novel ?€?Notes From Underground?€? especially for Raikin. Satirikon Theater. 7 p.m.

Peer Gynt: Mark Zakharov?€™s staging on the themes of Henrik Ibsen?€™s verse drama. Choreography by Oleg Glushkov. Lenkom Theater. 7 p.m.

Quit to Quit (Kvit na Kvit): Yury Ioffe stages a comedy based on Alexei Budishchev?€™s early 20th-century novel ?€?Conscience Awakened.?€? Mayakovsky Theater small stage. 7 p.m.

MT PICK Repress and Excite (Podavlyat i Vozbuzhdat): Alexander Kalyagin directs Maksym Kurochkin?€™s play, an eccentric mix of boulevard melodrama, backstage intrigues and social satire. Et Cetera Theater. 7 p.m.

Russian Jam (Russkoye Varenye): Iosif Raikhelgauz directs Lyudmila Ulitskaya?€™s play on the themes of Chekhov. Contemporary Play School production. Theater Club Na Tishinke. 7 p.m.

Tartuffe: Pavel Safonov?€™s staging of Moliere?€™s play stars Viktor Sukhorukov. Theater Na Maloi Bronnoi. 7 p.m.

NEW The Carnival: Antonio Giarola stages a new circus show. Nikulin Circus Na Tsvetnom Bulvare. 7 p.m.

The Final Ones (Posledniye): Maxim Gorky?€™s family drama as staged by Nikita Kobelev. Mayakovsky Theater. 7 p.m.

NEW The Northern Odyssey (Severnaya Odisseya): Yekaterina Granitova stages an ?€?Eastern?€? about an adventurous expedition during the Perestroika years. Music by Pyotr Nalich. National Youth Theater. 7 p.m.

Two Little Ladies Northward (see Thurs. listing). Pushkin Theater affiliate. 7 p.m.

NEW Unbearably Long Embrace (see Thurs. listing). Praktika. 8 p.m.

Uncle Vanya (Dyadya Vanya): Andrei Konchalovsky?€™s staging of Anton Chekhov?€™s play. Mossoviet Theater. 7 p.m.

Unforgettable Meetings (Nezabyvayemiye Znakomstva): Sergei Nadtochiyev?€™s staging based on one-act plays by Nina Sadur and Edward Albee. Satire Theater Cherdak stage. 7 p.m.

Saturday The 14th

NEW A Ridiculous Man (see Thurs. listing). Fomenko Workshop Theater. 8 p.m.

All About Cinderella (see Thurs. listing). Moscow Musical Theater. 7 p.m.

NEW All Shades of Blue (Vse Ottenki Golubogo): Konstantin Raikin stages Vladimir Zaitsev?€™s play about a young man whose parents struggle with the news that he is gay. Satirikon Theater. 7 p.m.

Brothers (Bratya): Alexei Mizgiryov stages Mikhail Durnenkov?€™s version of Luchino Visconti?€™s ?€?Rocco and His Brothers.?€? Gogol Center. 8 p.m.

NEW Count Nulin (see Fri. listing). School of Dramatic Art. 8 p.m.

MT PICK Flight (Beg): Yury Butusov?€™s avant-garde production of Mikhail Bulgakov?€™s novel. Vakhtangov Theater. 7 p.m.

NEW Fuel (see Fri. listing). Teatr.doc on Maly Kazyonny. 8 p.m.

London Triangle (Londonsky Treugolnik): Alexander Uglov?€™s play based on diaries and letters of Russian writer and thinker Alexander Herzen, his lifelong friend, the poet and historian Nikolai Ogarev and their mutual love Natalia Tuchkova. Contemporary Play School production. Theater Club Na Tishinke. 7 p.m.

Maestro: Yury Ioffe?€™s adaptation of Karel Capek?€™s unfinished novel ?€?Life and Work of the Composer Foltyn?€? — the fictional biography of a composer who perceives himself as a genius and is obsessed with the idea of becoming a great artist. Mayakovsky Theater Stage Na Sretenke. 6 p.m.

Nine (Devyat): Sergei Vinogradov stages a version of Mikhail Romm?€™s 1962 film ?€?Nine Days of One Year.?€? Gogol Center small stage. 8:30 p.m.

NEW The Carnival: Antonio Giarola stages a new circus show. Nikulin Circus Na Tsvetnom Bulvare. 2:30 and 6 p.m.

The Fruits of Enlightenment (Plody Prosveshcheniya): Mindaugas Karbauskis?€™ version of Leo Tolstoy?€™s play about peasants outwitting their masters. Mayakovsky Theater. 6 p.m.

The Heart Is No Stone (Serdtse Ne Kamen): Grigory Dityatkovsky directs Alexander Ostrovsky?€™s comedy about the sufferings of a young wife and an old husband. Et Cetera Theater. 7 p.m.

MT PICK The Inspector General (Revizor): Sergei Zemlyansky?€™s movement version of Gogol?€™s play about a traveling innocent who wreaks havoc in a provincial town when he is mistaken for a government official. Yermolova Theater. 7 p.m.

The Jester Balakirev (Shut Balakirev): Grigory Gorin?€™s tragicomedy based on the real story of nobleman Sergei Frolov. Lenkom Theater. 7 p.m.

The Lady of the Camellias (Dama s Kameliyami): A movement staging of Alexandre Dumas?€™ novel about the hopeless love of a dying courtesan. Directed and choreographed by Sergei Zemlyansky. Pushkin Theater. 7 p.m.

The Lourcine Street Case (Koshmar na Ulitse Lourcine): a vaudeville based on Eugene Labiche?€™s light comedy. Satire Theater. 7 p.m.

The Theater of Kozma Prutkov (Teatr Kozmy Prutkova): Alexei Levinsky?€™s staging of texts by Kozma Prutkov ?€” the collective pen name of four writers - A.K. Tolstoy and his three Zhemchuzhnikov cousins. Yermolova Theater new stage. 8 p.m.

Three Sisters (Tri Sestry): Andrei Konchalovsky?€™s production of Chekhov?€™s story about three sisters who live with the faint hope of escaping the deadly atmosphere of their provincial town. Mossoviet Theater. 7 p.m.

NEW Unbearably Long Embrace (see Thurs. listing). Praktika. 8 p.m.

Sunday The 15th

Alice and The State (Alisa i Gosudarstvo): Sasha Denisova?€™s play on social themes directed by Alexei Zherebtsov. Meyerhold Center and Liquid Theater joint production. Meyerhold Center. 7 p.m.

All About Cinderella (see Thurs. listing). Moscow Musical Theater. 2 p.m.

NEW All Shades of Blue (see Sat. listing). Satirikon Theater. 7 p.m.

Berlusputin: Varvara Faer adapts Dario Fo?€™s play ?€?L?€™Anomalo Bicefalo?€? in which half of Silvio Berlusconi?€™s brain is seemingly transplanted into Vladimir Putin?€™s head. Stars Yevdokia Germanova and Sergei Yepishev. Teatr.doc on Maly Kazyonny. 8 p.m.

Brothers (see Sat. listing). Gogol Center. 8 p.m.

ENGLISH FRENCH Heartbreak House (Dom, Gde Razbivayutsya Serdtsa): Yevgeny Kamenkovich?€™s staging of George Bernard Shaw?€™s ?€?fantasy in the Russian manner.?€? English and French subtitles available. Fomenko Workshop Theater New Stage. 7 p.m.

Nine (see Sat. listing). Gogol Center small stage. 8:30 p.m.

Ruslan and Lyudmila: Mikhail Krylov stages Pushkin?€™s verse tale. Fomenko Workshop Theater New Stage small hall. 2 p.m.

NEW The Carnival: Antonio Giarola stages a new circus show. Nikulin Circus Na Tsvetnom Bulvare. 2:30 and 6 p.m.

The Cherry Orchard (Vishnyovy Sad): Anton Chekhov?€™s play about a family being overtaken by social and historical change. Directed by Mark Zakharov. Lenkom Theater. 7 p.m.

The Comedy of Errors (Komediya Oshibok) Robert Sturua stages Shakespeare?€™s early comedy about twins that were accidentally separated at birth. Music by Gia Kancheli. Et Cetera Theater. 7 p.m.

MT PICK The Demon. The View From Above (Demon. Vid Sverkhu): Dmitry Krymov?€™s innovative production inspired by Mikhail Lermontov?€™s poem. School of Dramatic Art. 7 p.m.

The Last Aztec (Posledny Atstek): After a car accident a young American woman (Tatyana Vedeneyeva) must take care of an old Jew (Albert Filozov). Iosif Raikhelgauz?€™s staging based on a play by Viktor Shenderovich. Contemporary Play School production. Theater Club Na Tishinke. 7 p.m.

The Mother Cat (Mama-Kot): a family musical based on Luis Sepulveda?€™s story about a cat who taught a baby seagull to fly. Mayakovsky Theater. Noon and 4 p.m.

NEW The Musketeers. Saga. Part One (Mushketyory. Saga. Chast Pervaya): Konstantin Bogomolov?€™s mystic interpretation of the famed Alexandre Dumas saga. Chekhov Moscow Art Theater. 7 p.m.

NEW The Musketeers. Saga. Part One (Mushketyory. Saga. Chast Pervaya): Konstantin Bogomolov?€™s mystic interpretation of the famed Alexandre Dumas saga. Chekhov Moscow Art Theater. 7 p.m.

MT PICK The Price (Tsena): Arthur Miller?€™s heart-wrenching drama about two brothers and the price they must pay for the choices they have made in life. Directed by Leonid Kheifets. Mayakovsky Theater Stage Na Sretenke. 6 p.m.

NEW Unbearably Long Embrace (see Thurs. listing). Praktika. 8 p.m.

Woe From Wit (Gore Ot Uma): Rimas Tuminas?€™ unorthodox staging of the classic Griboyedov comedy. Sovremennik Theater production. Yauza Palace. 7 p.m.

Monday The 16th

19.14: Alexander Molochnikov stages a cabaret that tells the stories of French and German soldiers in World War I. Chekhov Moscow Art Theater small stage. 7 p.m.

Enemies, A Love Story (Vragi: Istoriya Lyubvi): An adaptation of Isaac Bashevis Singer?€™s novel, set in New York in 1949, about a Holocaust survivor who finds himself involved with two wives and a fiancee. Sovremennik Theater production. Yauza Palace. 7 p.m.

No. 13D: Vladimir Mashkov?€™s staging of Ray Cooney?€™s popular comedy. Chekhov Moscow Art Theater. 7 p.m.

One Hour 18 (Chas 18): An Updated version of Yelena Gremina?€™s documentary play about the death in prison of attorney Sergei Magnitsky. Teatr.doc on Maly Kazyonny. 8 p.m.

Pelleas and Melisande: Vladimir Ageyev stages Maurice Maeterlinck?€™s symbolist masterpiece about love, jealousy and death. Vakhtangov Theater small stage. 7:30 p.m.

Promise at Dawn (Obeshchaniye na Rassvete): Yevgeny Pisarev?€™s adaptation of Romain Gary?€™s autobiographical novel. Pushkin Theater affiliate. 7 p.m.

Rumors (Slukhi): Yelena Safonova, Olga Volkova, Vladimir Steklov and Andrei Ilyin in Neil Simon?€™s comedy directed by Vadim Dubrovitsky. La Theater production. Mayakovsky Theater. 7 p.m.

The Breath of Life (Dykhaniye Zhizni): In David Hare?€™s play two women spend an evening discussing the man who was the lover of one and the husband of the other. Directed by Yelena Nevezhina. Chekhov Moscow Art Theater Novaya Stage. 7 p.m.

The Egyptian Stamp (Yegipetskaya Marka): a staging based on Osip Mandelstam?€™s story of the same name set in St. Petersburg in 1917. Fomenko Workshop Theater. 7 p.m.

NEW The Man From the Restaurant (Chelovek iz Restorana): Yegor Peregudov?€™s stage adaptation of Ivan Shmelyov?€™s 1911 story of a simple waiter and pious father (Konstantin Raikin) to whom son and daughter return after disastrous adventures. Satirikon Theater. 7 p.m.

Triptych: Pyotr Fomenko?€™s three-part staging of Pushkin?€™s ?€?Count Nulin,?€? ?€?The Stone Guest,?€? and ?€?A Scene From ‘Faust?€™ by Goethe.?€? Fomenko Workshop Theater New Stage small hall. 7 p.m.

NEW Unbearably Long Embrace (see Thurs. listing). Praktika. 8 p.m.

Viy: Vasily Sigarev stages his play on the themes of Gogol?€™s mystical folk story. Tabakov Theater. 7 p.m.

MT PICK Who?€™s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (Kto Boitsya Virdzhinii Vulf?): Kama Ginkas stages a bracing version of Edward Albee?€™s play about the adversarial relationship that somehow keeps a middle-aged couple?€™s marriage together. Theater Yunogo Zritelya. 7 p.m.

Tuesday The 17th

ENGLISH FRENCH GERMAN A Russian on a Rendezvous (Russky Chelovek na Rendezvous): a romantic musical staging based on Ivan Turgenev?€™s story ?€?Torrents of Spring.?€? French, German and English subtitles available. Fomenko Workshop Theater New Stage. 7 p.m.

A Streetcar Named Desire (Tramvai ?€?Zhelaniye?€?): Tennessee Williams as staged by Roman Feodori stars Marina Zudina, Irina Pegova and Mikhail Porechenkov. Chekhov Moscow Art Theater. 7 p.m.

Boris Godunov: Alexander Pushkin?€™s verse play as staged by Peter Stein. Et Cetera Theater. 7 p.m.

Dream Orchestra. Brass (Orkestr Mechty. Med): Oleg Menshikov?€™s Brass Orchestra in a theatrical concert. Yermolova Theater. 7 p.m.

Enemies, A Love Story (see Mon. listing). Yauza Palace. 7 p.m.

Fairies (Fei): Ronan Cheneau?€™s play about contemporary society as staged by David Bobee. Gogol Center small stage. 8:30 p.m.

Krechinsky?€™s Wedding (Svadba Krechinskogo): Viesturs Meiksans?€™ staging of Alexander Sukhovo-Kobylin?€™s satire. Mossoviet Theater. 7 p.m.

Lies for Salvation (Lozh vo Spaseniye): Gleb Panfilov?€™s staging on the themes of Spanish poet and playwright Alejandro Casona. Lenkom Theater. 7 p.m.

Promise at Dawn (see Mon. listing). Pushkin Theater affiliate. 7 p.m.

Shaga: Marguerite Duras?€™ tragicomedy observes a man and two women sorting out their relationships. Chekhov Moscow Art Theater Novaya Stage. 7 p.m.

Summer Wasps Bite Us Even in November (Letniye Osy Kusayut Nas Dazhe v Noyabre): Ivan Vyrypayev?€™s one-act comedy directed by Sigrid Strom Reibo. Fomenko Workshop Theater. 7 p.m.

The Cherry Orchard (Vishnyovy Sad): Igor Yatsko?€™s new interpretation of Chekhov?€™s play. School of Dramatic Art. 7 p.m.

The Duel: Chekhov?€™s story about people in a hot southern town who while away their time by engaging in verbal contests. Chekhov Moscow Art Theater small stage. 7 p.m.

NEW The Man From the Restaurant (see Mon. listing). Satirikon Theater. 7 p.m.

The Marriage (Zhenitba): Filipp Grigoryan?€™s eccentric staging on the themes of Gogol?€™s play about a man who does not want to marry. Theater of Nations. 7 p.m.

The Public Eye (Lyubov Glazami Syshchika): Sergei Artsibashev directs Peter Shaffer?€™s comedy about a pompous accountant, his free-spirited wife and an eccentric private eye. The show includes ballet scenes staged by Vyacheslav Gordeyev. Mayakovsky Theater. 7 p.m.

The Suitcase Packers (Na Chemodanakh): Hanoch Levin?€™s comedy with eight funerals as staged by Alexander Koruchekov. Mayakovsky Theater Stage Na Sretenke. 7 p.m.

Wednesday The 18th

NEW A Brief History of Russian Dissent (Kratkaya Istoriya Russkogo Inakomysliya): Yelena Gremina?€™s staging based on documents from the 17th to the 21st century. Teatr.doc on Maly Kazyonny. 8 p.m.

NEW A Ridiculous Man (see Thurs. listing). Fomenko Workshop Theater. 9 p.m.

August. Osage County (Avgust. Grafstvo Oseidzh): Mindaugas Karbauskis stages Tracy Letts?€™ family drama. Mayakovsky Theater. 7 p.m.

Boris Godunov (see Tues. listing). Et Cetera Theater. 7 p.m.

MT PICK Boris Godunov: Konstantin Bogomolov?€™s staging of Pushkin?€™s tragedy about Russia?€™s Time of Troubles. Lenkom Theater. 7 p.m.

MT PICK ENGLISH Dead Souls (Myortviye Dushi): Kirill Serebrennikov stages a comedy on the themes of Gogol?€™s novel with an all-male cast. Music by Alexander Manotskov. With English subtitles. Gogol Center. 8 p.m.

Dream Orchestra. Brass (see Tues. listing). Yermolova Theater. 7 p.m.

Fairies (see Tues. listing). Gogol Center small stage. 8:30 p.m.

MT PICK Killer Joe: Javor Gardev?€™s staging of Tracy Letts?€™ black comedy about a highly dysfunctional family and a corrupt policeman who enters their midst. Theater of Nations small stage. 8 p.m.

Madonna With a Flower (Madonna s Tsvetkom): Alexander Marin?€™s stage version of Maria Glushko?€™s autobiographical novel about war. Tabakov Theater. 7 p.m.

Medea: Kama Ginkas fuses texts by Seneca, Jean Anouilh and Joseph Brodsky in his interpretation of the Greek myth about the woman whose love for her husband turns to violent hatred when he betrays her. Theater Yunogo Zritelya. 7 p.m.

My Dear Mathilde (Moya Dorogaya Matilda): Israel Horovitz?€™s family tale ?€?My Old Lady,?€? set in a Paris apartment. Directed by Vladimir Petrov. Chekhov Moscow Art Theater small stage. 7 p.m.

FESTIVAL CROATIAN NET: Hamlet: Zagreb Youth Theater production on the themes of Shakespeare directed by Oliver Frljic. In Croatian with Russian subtitles. Meyerhold Center. 7 p.m.

FESTIVAL SPANISH NET: Much Ado About Nothing (Mnogo Shuma iz Nichego): David Espinosa?€™s performance on a reduced scale is a critique of spectacular, expensive yet void theatrical projects. In Spanish with Russian subtitles. Limited seating. STD Boyar Chambers. 7 and 9 p.m.

Pelleas and Melisande (see Mon. listing). Vakhtangov Theater small stage. 7:30 p.m.

Promise at Dawn (see Mon. listing). Pushkin Theater affiliate. 7 p.m.

The Cherry Orchard (see Tues. listing). School of Dramatic Art. 7 p.m.

The Cherry Orchard (Vishnyovy Sad): Chekhov?€™s play featuring movie star Renata Litvinova as Ranevskaya. Chekhov Moscow Art Theater. 7 p.m.

The Swedish Matchstick (Shvedskaya Spichka): Nikita Grinshpun?€™s lively staging based on Chekhov?€™s short stories features young actors. Theater of Nations. 7 p.m.

MT PICK We Play Schiller (Igrayem Shillera): a fine version of Schiller?€™s tragedy ?€?Mary Stuart?€? about the deadly confrontation between the feisty Queen of Scots and her cousin, Elizabeth I, queen of England. Stars Marina Neyolova and Chulpan Khamatova. Sovremennik Theater production. Yauza Palace. 7 p.m.

and Beyond…

NEW A Brief History of Russian Dissent (see Wed. listing). Teatr.doc on Maly Kazyonny. Nov. 19, 8 p.m.

An Enemy of the People (Vrag Naroda): Sasha Denisova?€™s version of Henrik Ibsen?€™s play staged by Nikita Kobelev. Mayakovsky Theater. Nov. 19, 7 p.m.

MT PICK ENGLISH Dead Souls (see Wed. listing). Gogol Center. Nov. 19, 8 p.m.

Fairies (see Tues. listing). Gogol Center small stage. Nov. 19, 8:30 p.m.

Lady Macbeth of Our District (Ledi Makbet Nashego Uyezda): Kama Ginkas?€™ stage version of a classic story by Nikolai Leskov is a withering portrait of lives on a slippery slope leading to sin and death. Theater Yunogo Zritelya. Nov. 19, 7 p.m.

FESTIVAL CROATIAN NET: Hamlet (see Wed. listing). Meyerhold Center. Nov. 19, 7 p.m.

FESTIVAL SPANISH NET: Much Ado About Nothing (see Wed. listing). STD Boyar Chambers. Nov. 19, 20, 21 and 22 at 7 and 9 p.m.

MT PICK The Demon. The View From Above (see Sun. listing). School of Dramatic Art. Nov. 19 and 20, 7 p.m.

The Drunks (Pyaniye): Viktor Ryzhakov directs Ivan Vyrypayev?€™s comedy. Chekhov Moscow Art Theater small stage. Nov. 19, 7 p.m.

The Gamblers (Igroki): Oleg Menshikov?€™s rendition of Gogol?€™s comedy about card sharks cheating a cardsharp. Yermolova Theater. Nov. 19, 7 p.m.

The Madwoman of Chaillot (Bezumnaya iz Chaillot): Nikolai Druchek?€™s updated version of Pyotr Fomenko?€™s staging of Jean Giraudoux?€™s play about an old woman no one takes seriously. Fomenko Workshop Theater New Stage. Nov. 19, 7 p.m.

The Swedish Matchstick (see Wed. listing). Theater of Nations. Nov. 19, 7 p.m.

NEW The Tempest. Variations (Burya. Variatsii): Alexander Marin?€™s staging on the themes of Shakespeare?€™s play. Tabakov Theater. Nov. 19, 7 p.m.

Walpurgis Night (Valpurgiyeva Noch): Mark Zakharov?€™s staging on the themes of Venedikt Yerofeyev. Lenkom Theater. Nov. 19, 7 p.m.

Two for the Seesaw (see Thurs. listing). Yauza Palace. Nov. 20, 7 p.m.

Theater Addresses

Amadeus Musical Theater
Reservations 925-846-3377

ARTO Theater
6/1 Sretensky Bulvar, Bldg. 2. M. Turgenevskaya. 495-624-5990

Aquamarine Circus
7 Ulitsa Melnikova. M. Proletarskaya. 495-792-3072,

Bolshoi Theater
1 Teatralnaya Ploshchad. M. Teatralnaya. 495-455-5555

Bulgakov House
10 Bolshaya Sadovaya. M. Mayakovskaya. 495-970-0619

Bulgakov Theater
10 Bolshaya Sadovaya Ul. through the arch, Apt. 50. M. Mayakovskaya. 495-775-9461,

Chekhov Moscow Art Theater
3 Kamergersky Pereulok. M. Teatralnaya. 495-646-3646, 692-6748

Chekhov International Theater Festival

Circus Na Prospekte Vernadskogo
7 Prospekt Vernadskogo. M. Universitet. 495-930-0272/0300,

Commonwealth of Taganka Actors
76/21 Zemlyanoi Val, Taganskaya Ploshchad. M. Taganskaya (circle line). 495-915-1148

Contemporary Play School
29/14 Neglinnaya Ulitsa. M. Tsvetnoi Bulvar. 694-0738

Co-Working Svobodnoye Plavaniye
28A Varshavskoye Shosse. M. Nagatinskaya. 499-426-0626,

DK Imeni Alexandra Petlyury
28/2 Ulitsa Petrovka, Bldg. 1, entrance by way of Petrovsky Pereulok. M. Chekhovskaya.

DK Imeni Zuyeva
18 Lesnaya Ulitsa. M. Belorusskaya. 499-973-3461

Dom Aktyora
35 Ulitsa Arbat. M. Arbatskaya. 499-248-1805,

Dom Muzyki Theater Hall
52 Kosmodamianskaya Naberezhnaya, Bldg. 8. M. Paveletskaya. 495-730-1011,

Drugoi Theater
at DK Imeni Zuyeva. 18 Lesnaya Ulitsa. M. Belorusskaya. 499-973-2141, 4095-777-9181,

Dzhigarkhanyan Theater
17 Lomonosovsky Prospekt. M. Universitet. 495-930-70

Et Cetera Theater
2 Frolov Pereulok, Turgenevskaya Ploshchad. M. Turgenevskaya, Chistiye Prudy. 495-781-7811

10 Bolshaya Sadovaya Ulitsa. M. Mayakovskaya. 8-968-404-0505,

Fomenko Workshop Theater
30/32 Kutuzovsky Prospekt. M. Kutuzovskaya. 499-249-1921/1740

Fomenko Workshop Theater New Stage
29 Naberezhnaya Tarasa Shevchenko. M. Kutuzovskaya. 499-249-1921/1740

Gogol Theater
8A Ulitsa Kazakova. M. Kurskaya. 499-262-9214, 499-261-5528, (website currently being reconstructed)

The Golden Mask Theater Festival

Gubernsky Theater
121 Volgogradsky Prospekt. M. Kuzminki. 495-378-6575,

Helikon Opera on Arbat
11 Novy Arbat, Bldg. 2. M. Arbatskaya. 495-695-6584, 690-6592,

Hermitage Theater
3 Karetny Ryad, Hermitage Garden. M. Pushkinskaya. 495-650-6742

Kuzminki House of Arts
121 Volgogradsky Prospekt. M. Kuzminki. 495-378-6575,

Lenkom Theater
6 Malaya Dmitrovka. M. Pushkinskaya. 495-699-9668/0708

Maly Theater
1/6 Teatralnaya Ploshchad. M. Teatralnaya. 495-624-4046

Maly Theater Affiliate
69 Ulitsa Bolshaya Ordynka. M. Dobryninskaya. 499-237-3181,

3 Teatralny Proyezd. M. Okhtny Ryad, Teatralnaya. 495-625-6836,

Mayakovsky Theater
19 Bolshaya Nikitskaya Ulitsa. M. Pushkinskaya, Arbatskaya. 495-290-4658/6241

Mayakovsky Theater Affiliate
21 Pushkaryov Pereulok. M. Sukharevskaya. 495-290-4658/6241

28 Komsomolsky Prospekt. M. Frunzenskaya. 499-248-6688,

Meyerhold Center
23 Novoslobodskaya Ulitsa. M. Mendeleyevskaya. 495-363-1048

Moskva Ballet
16 Novoryazanskaya Ulitsa. M. Komsomolskaya. 495-607-0129,

Mossoviet Theater
16 Bolshaya Sadovaya Ulitsa. M. Mayakovskaya. 495-699-2035

Moscow Musical Theater
27 Novozavodskaya Ulitsa. M. Bagrationovskaya. 495-797-6300

National Show of Russia

National Youth Theater
2 Teatralnaya Ploshchad. M. Teatralnaya. 495-692-0069/1879

Natalya Sats Children's Musical Theater
5 Prospekt Vernadskogo. M. Universitet. 495-930-5177,

NET Festival (New European Theater)
10 Strastnoi Bulvar, office 46. M. Chekhovskaya. Tickets 965-224-2466,,

Nikulin Circus Na Tsvetnom Bulvare
13 Tsvetnoi Bulvar. M. Tsvetnoi Bulvar. 495-625-8970,

Novaya Opera
3 Karetny Ryad. M. Mayakovskaya, Chekhovskaya. 495-694-0868

Okolo, the Theater Near the Stanislavsky House
9a Voznesensky Pereulok. M. Pushkinskaya. 495-690-2557

Operetta Theater
6/2 Bolshaya Dmitrovka. M. Chekhovskaya. 495-925-5050,

Pavel Slobodkin Center
48 Ulitsa Arbat. M. Smolenskaya. 499-241-6226/6588,

Platforma at Winzavod Center
14th Syromyatnichesky Pereulok, Bldg. 6. M. Chkalovskaya, Kurskaya., 495-917-1799,,

Playwright and Director Center Na Begovoi
5 Begovaya Ulitsa. M. Begovaya, Dinamo. 495-945-3245,

Playwright and Director Center Na Sokole
71 Leningradsky Prospekt. M. Sokol. 499-390-6004,

3/4 Novaya Ploshchad, Entrance 9. M. Lubyanka. 495-730-5491, 544-5545,

30 Bolshoi Kozikhinsky Pereulok. M. Mayakovskaya. 495-544-5545,

Playwright and Director Center
35 Arbat. M. Arbatskaya, Smolenskaya. 499-795-9282, 495-945-3245

Project Otkrytaya Stsena
(Formerly the School of Dramatic Art) 20 Povarskaya Ulitsa. M. Arbatskaya, Barrikadnaya. 495-691-4443

Pushkin Theater
23 Tverskoi Bulvar. M. Pushkinskaya. 495-694-1289

Pushkin Theater Affiliate
3/25 Sytinsky Pereulok, Bldg. 5. M. Pushkinskaya. 495-650-1896

Rossiya Theater
2 Pushkinskaya Ploshchad. M. Pushkinskaya, Chekhovskaya, Tverskaya. 495-788-4646

Russian Song Folk Theater
14 Olimpiisky Prospekt. M. Prospekt Mira. 495-681-3410,

Russian Army Theater
2 Suvorov Square. M. Novoslobodskaya. 495-681-5120,

S.A.D. Theater
26 Prospekt Mira at the Aptekarsky Ogorod Garden. M. Prospekt Mira. 8-903-249-6740,

Satire Theater
2 Triumfalnaya Ploshchad. M. Mayakovskaya. 495-699-3642

Satirikon Theater
8 Sheremetyevskaya Ulitsa. M. Marina Roshcha. 495-689-7844

School of Dramatic Art
19 Ulitsa Sretenka. Metro Sukharevskaya. 495-632-9344

Sfera Theater
3 Karetny Ryad, in the Hermitage Garden. M. Chekhovskaya. 495-699-9645/27,

Sobytiye Theater
11A Seleznyovskaya Ulitsa, Bldg. 2. M. Novoslobodskaya. 499-408-6075,

Sovremennik Theater
19A Chistoprudny Bulvar. M. Chistiye Prudy. 621-6473

Summer Ballet Seasons

Stanislavsky Electrotheater
23 Tverskaya Ulitsa. M. Tverskaya. 495-699-7224,

Electrotheater Na Belorusskoi
27 Presnensky Val, Bldg. 7. M. Belorusskaya. 495-699-7224, 8 926-301-14-97,

Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Musical Theater
17 Bolshaya Dmitrovka. M. Tverskaya, Chekhovskaya. 495-723-7325

Stas Namin Theater
9 Krymsky Val, Bldg. 33, in the Gorky Park. M. Oktyabrskaya, Frunzenskaya, Shabolovskaya. 945-633-9924,

STD Boyar Chambers (Boyarskiye Palaty)
10 Strastnoi Bulvar. M. Chekhovskaya. Tickets 965-224-2466,,

Tabakov Theater
1A Ulitsa Chaplygina. M. Chistiye Prudy. 495-628-9685, reservations 495-628-779, 624-46472

Taganka Theater
76/21 Zemlyanoi Val. M. Taganskaya (circle line). 495-915-1217

Theater Millenium at TsDKZh

Theater na Perovskoi
75 Perovskaya Ulitsa. M. Novogireyevo. 8-916-789-3657,

Theater of Russian Song
14 Olimpiisky Prospekt. M. Prospekt Mira. 495-681-3410,

Teatrium na Serpukhovke
6 Pavlovskaya Ulitsa. Metro Serpukhovskaya. 499-237-1689

Teatr.doc on Maly Kazyonny
19 Maly Kazyonny Pereulok. M. Kurskaya. 8-919-765-8402,

Ten Theater
5 Oktyabrskaya Ulitsa. M. Dostoevskaya, Maryina Roshcha. 495-681-1516/3590,

Theater Center Na Strastnom
8A Strastnoi Bulvar. M. Chekhovskaya. 495-694-4681

Theater Club Na Tishinke
5/7 Sredny Tishinsky Pereulok. M. Belorusskaya. 499-340-6653,

Theater Kinoaktyora
33 Ul. Povarskaya. M. Arbatskaya, Barrikadnaya. 495-690-2811, 691-1461

Theater Luny
31 Malaya Ordynka. M. Dobryninskaya. 495-953-1317

Theater Na Maloi Bronnoi
4 Malaya Bronnaya. M. Tverskaya. 495-690-6731, reservations 495-728-6649

Theater Na Yugo-Zapade
125 Prospekt Vernadskogo, M. Yugo-Zapadnaya. 495-433-1191

Theater of Nations
3 Petrovsky Pereulok. M. Chekhovskaya, Pushkinskaya. 495-629-3739

Theater U Nikitskikh Vorot
Ulitsa Bolshaya Nikitskaya (at the corner of Bolshaya Nikitskaya and Nikitsky Bulvar). M. Arbatskaya, Pushkinskaya. 495- 695-8219

Theater Yunogo Zritelya
10 Mamonovsky Pereulok. M. Pushkinskaya. 495-699-4995/5360

TsDKZh Dom Kultury Zheleznodorozhnikov
4 Komsomolskaya Ploshchad. M. Komsomolskaya. 495-266-29-38.

Tsentralny Dom Literatorov 53 Bolshaya Nikitskaya Ulitsa. M. Barrikadnaya. 495-691-6316,

UVS Gallery
1/13 Ul. Pokrovka, entrance by way of Armyansky Pereulok. 495-621-2828,

Vakhtangov Theater
26 Arbat. M. Arbatskaya. 499-241-1679

Vladimir Nazarov Musical Theater
Michurinsky Prospekt, 1 Olimpiiskaya Derevnya. M. Yugo-Zapadnaya. 495-430-0410, 437-8626,

Vysotsky Center
3 Nizhny Tagansky Tupik. M. Taganskaya. 495-915-4558

Yelena Kamburova Theater of Music and Poetry
53/55 Bolshaya Pirogovskaya Ulitsa. M. Sportivnaya. 499 246-8175

Yermolova Theater
5/6 Tverskaya Ulitsa. M. Okhotny Ryad, Ploshchad Revolyutsii. 495-629-0594/4587

ZIL Cultural Center
4 Vostochnaya Ulitsa, Bldg. 1. M. Avtozavoskaya. 495-675-7872,

Zverev Center of Contemporary Art
29 Novoryazanskaya Ul., Bldg. 4. M. Baumanskaya. 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. 499-265-6166,

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